Tuesday 14 November 2017

Triángulo Ascendente De La Divisa


Triángulos simétricos

Los triángulos simétricos representan áreas de indecisión en las que las fuerzas de la oferta y la demanda son casi iguales. Cada nueva cumbre es inferior a la anterior y cada nueva baja es más alta que la anterior, tomando así la forma de un triángulo. Esta indecisión termina cuando el precio de divisas rompe a través del triángulo. Las estadísticas demuestran que la ruptura de triángulos simétricos usualmente ocurre en la dirección de la tendencia. La probabilidad de éxito es, por tanto, mayor cuando se piensa en triángulos simétricos como un patrón de continuación de los precios de la divisa.

Triángulos ascendentes y descendentes

Los triángulos ascendentes y descendentes suelen ser patrones de continuación en el comercio de divisas. Los triángulos ascendentes en una tendencia alcista son estadísticamente más confiables que los triángulos descendentes. Los triángulos ascendentes consisten en una resistencia horizontal y una línea de soporte inferior que se inclina en la dirección de la tendencia. Para validar el patrón, el precio debe tocar cada una de las líneas superior e inferior dos veces.

Triángulo Ascendente

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El triángulo ascendente es un patrón de continuación alcista. El patrón está formado por dos líneas convergentes. La primera es una inclinación hacia arriba que es el soporte y la otra es una resistencia horizontal. Para confirmar el triángulo ascendente. Debe haber oscilación entre las dos líneas. Cada línea debe ser tocado por lo menos dos veces para la validación.

Aquí está una representación gráfica de un triángulo ascendente:

El precio objetivo del patrón está determinado por su altura desde la base del triángulo que llevamos sobre el punto de ruptura. Otra técnica es dibujar una paralela a la línea de soporte del triángulo ascendente desde el primer punto de contacto con la resistencia.

Aquí hay algunas estadísticas sobre el triángulo ascendente:

- En el 62% de los casos se produce una ruptura alcista - En el 75% de los casos se alcanza el precio objetivo - En el 60% de los casos se produce un retroceso en la resistencia - En el 25%

- La salida ocurre a menudo en 2/3 del patrón. Este es el nivel de salida que ofrece el mejor rendimiento

- El precio objetivo del patrón se alcanza normalmente antes del final del triángulo

- Los falsos descansos no dan ninguna indicación sobre el lado verdadero de la salida.

- Evite tomar una posición si la ruptura se produce antes del 2/3 del patrón

- Las retiradas son perjudiciales para el rendimiento del patrón

La estrategia clásica: Entrada: Tome una posición larga en la ruptura de la resistencia Parada: La parada se sitúa por debajo de la última más baja Objetivo: Objetivo teórico del patrón Ventaja: El precio objetivo es a menudo alcanzado (75% de los casos) Desventaja: Hay algunas rupturas falsas (25% de los casos)

La estrategia agresiva: Entrada: Tome una posición larga en el segundo punto de contacto con la inclinación alcista Stop: La parada se sitúa por debajo de la última más baja Objetivo: Retorno sobre el escote y objetivo teórico del patrón Ventaja: La relación beneficio / riesgo es alta Dado el hecho de que la parada está cerca Desventaja: No tenemos idea del lado de la ruptura

Los patrones gráficos están en la base del análisis técnico. Se distinguen en tres categorías: Patrones de reversión - Patrones de continuación - Patrones neutrales. Los patrones gráficos se forman en los gráficos de datos históricos de diferentes pares. Aparecen en todos los plazos.

FOREX significa divisas, lo que significa mercado de divisas. El mercado Forex es donde las monedas se venden, compradas, en forma de paridad. En el mercado Forex, todas las divisas se negocian en tiempo real, 24h / 24h, 7J / 7J. El Forex está abierto desde hace pocos años a los individuos, inversores individuales que deseen diversificar sus inversiones o especuladores puros. El acceso al mercado de divisas para los individuos se ofrece a través de corredores de Forex.

CUIDADO. FOREX es un mercado volátil por el apalancamiento que se ofrece a usted. En consecuencia, siempre existe un riesgo de importantes pérdidas financieras. Tribuforex proporciona a sus internautas algunas ideas y análisis comerciales, pero no será responsable en caso de pérdidas. El objetivo principal de www. forex-tribe. com es ofrecer una herramienta que permite a los comerciantes compartir divisas entre ellos.

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Triángulo Ascendente

El patrón de gráfico de triángulo ascendente muestra dos líneas de tendencia convergentes (niveles de soporte y niveles de resistencia), que es una formación alcista que normalmente se forma durante una tendencia ascendente del par de divisas como patrón de continuación.

Este patrón se confirma cuando el precio del par de divisas sale de la formación ascendente del triángulo hacia arriba y cierra por encima de la línea de tendencia de la resistencia superior. Sin embargo, cuando el par de divisas rompe a la baja, el triángulo ascendente ahora es un patrón de inversión.

El triángulo ascendente está marcado por dos líneas de tendencia importantes. En su parte superior, hay una línea de resistencia donde los comerciantes están vendiendo el par de divisas. En su parte inferior, notamos la creciente línea de tendencia de apoyo donde los comerciantes de divisas están dispuestos a comprar el par de divisas.

Esta línea de apoyo comunica el hecho de que los comerciantes de moneda alcista están con el tiempo dispuestos a pagar precios más altos y más altos para el par de divisas indicando una ruptura hacia el alza.

¿Cómo cambiar este patrón?

Comprar el par de divisas cuando el precio rompe fuera de la formación ascendente del triángulo al upside y cierra encima de la línea de tendencia superior de la resistencia.

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La inversión en monedas y CFDs tiene un alto riesgo asociado con él que puede conducir a las pérdidas más grandes que su depósito inicial. Este tipo de inversión no es adecuada para todos los inversores. Le animamos a analizar este tipo de inversión y decidir si este es el tipo de inversión adecuada para usted dado que puede perder más de lo que inicialmente se invirtió si los mercados se mueven frente a su comercio. Por favor, comprenda los riesgos involucrados antes de decidir invertir y comerciar.

Copyright © 2017 BelforFx. Todos los derechos reservados.

Triángulo Ascendente Breakout en Forex Trading

Antes de leer este artículo, te recomiendo que leas el artículo que he publicado sobre los triángulos simétricos. Ese artículo tiene muchos puntos importantes que usted debe saber. Además, mejor conocer los Triángulos Simétricos primero y luego aprender los otros tipos de triángulos, porque los Triángulos Simétricos son más populares. Aquí está el artículo: Triángulo simétrico Breakout en Forex Trading

Triángulos ascendentes son conocidos como patrones de continuación alcista. Significa que generalmente se forman en los mercados alcistas, y por lo general se rompen por encima y la tendencia alcista se continuará.

En un triángulo ascendente. La parte superior de la pierna es horizontal y la parte inferior de la pierna está dirigida hacia arriba. Por lo tanto, a diferencia de los triángulos simétricos que ambas piernas están apuntando al mismo punto, en triángulos ascendentes la pierna horizontal se señala a la derecha y la parte inferior de la pierna es el punto de la parte superior.

La razón es que hay un nivel de resistencia que impide que suba el precio, y por lo tanto, el precio rebote cada vez que prueba este nivel de resistencia. Pero, como el mercado es un mercado alcista y hay una gran presión alcista, el mercado intenta subir y probar el nivel de resistencia de nuevo antes de que alcance el bajo precio que formó la última vez. Por lo tanto, después de unas pocas veces de subir y bajar, el Triángulo Ascendente se formará:

Triángulos ascendentes que se forman en un mercado alcista.

Al igual que el comercio de los triángulos simétricos, usted tiene que esperar a que la ruptura de la resistencia para ir mucho tiempo cuando haya localizado un triángulo ascendente en el gráfico. No vaya largo sólo porque un Triángulo Ascendente se forma al final de una tendencia alcista.

Este es un triángulo ascendente formado en el gráfico diario GBP / USD. Usted podría tomar una posición larga después de que el primer candelabro se cerrara sobre la resistencia del triángulo. Puede ver tres niveles para la pérdida de parada. Sobre la base del riesgo que desea tomar, puede elegir uno de los niveles de stop loss. Recomiendo el segundo nivel:

El mismo análisis y trucos que usamos para predecir el tamaño del movimiento de precios después de la ruptura de resistencia en Triángulos Simétricos, se puede aplicar aquí también. Por favor, lea aquí para ver lo que quiero decir. La siguiente captura de pantalla es la misma que la anterior, pero estoy mostrando la predicción del movimiento del precio después de la ruptura de resistencia en la siguiente captura de pantalla. La línea CD es paralela con la pata AB. La línea FG es el duplicado de la línea CE que muestra el tamaño del movimiento ascendente después de la ruptura:

Eso era todo sobre triángulos ascendentes. Tengo que recomendarte una vez más para leer el artículo que he publicado sobre triángulos simétricos aquí. Porque los mismos puntos importantes que he discutido en ese artículo pueden aplicarse también a los triángulos ascendentes.

La última cosa importante que me gustaría cubrir en este artículo es que como los triángulos simétricos que debe esperar para una ruptura para tomar una posición, con los triángulos ascendentes debe esperar a que la ruptura de resistencia para tomar una posición larga, Porque no todos los triángulos ascendentes que se forman en los mercados alcistas funcionan como patrones de continuación.

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

Hola Chris Creo realmente que usar este tipo de patrones al lado de sus configuraciones de comercio fuertes y la estrategia de DBB es todo lo que necesitamos para trading. Surely no debería olvidar la parte más difícil y más importante. Paciencia, la disciplina y la gestión del dinero. Gracias Chris.

Triángulo Ascendente

BREAKING DOWN 'Triángulo Ascendente'

Generalmente se considera que un triángulo ascendente es un patrón de continuación. Lo que significa que se encuentra generalmente en medio de un período de consolidación dentro de una tendencia alcista. Una vez que el desglose ocurre, los compradores enviarán agresivamente el precio del activo más alto, generalmente en alto volumen. El objetivo de precio más común se fija generalmente para ser igual al precio de entrada más la altura vertical del triángulo.

Un triángulo ascendente es la contrapartida alcista de un triángulo descendente.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Busque educación y gane experiencia antes de arriesgar dinero real, pero siempre recuerde, incluso entonces, su desempeño pasado no garantiza resultados futuros.



Triángulo Ascendente

© 2017 Todos los derechos reservados. Términos de uso: Al ver y / o utilizar la información de este sitio, usted acepta que se trata de material de educación general y no responsabilizará a ForexBeginning. com de las pérdidas o daños resultantes del contenido proporcionado aquí por ForexBeginning. com. Forex, futuros, opciones y operaciones en general tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un ALTO NIVEL DE RIESGO, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos con el fin de invertir en los mercados de divisas, futuros y opciones. NO negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Este sitio web no es una solicitud ni una oferta para comprar / vender futuros, divisas, opciones o cualquier otro instrumento financiero. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no indica necesariamente resultados futuros.

Triángulo ascendente: patrón de gráfico de divisas

El triángulo Ascendente es un patrón de continuación de tendencias típicamente formado en una tendencia alcista que sirve para la confirmación de dirección existente.


Este patrón se representa por un estrecho rango de precios entre precios altos y bajos, formando visualmente un triángulo. La principal característica distintiva de este tipo de triángulos es que generalmente tiene una línea de tendencia horizontal (resistencia) que conecta los máximos a aproximadamente el mismo nivel y una línea de tendencia ascendente (soporte) que conecta bajos más altos y más altos.

Interpretación del Triángulo Ascendente

Cuando el precio se rompe por encima de la línea de resistencia (más cierto desvío es posible), normalmente entre la mitad y las tres cuartas partes del patrón, se recibe una señal de compra.

Precio objetivo

Siguiendo una formación de patrón de triángulo ascendente, el precio se cree generalmente que aumenta al menos hasta su nivel objetivo, calculado como sigue:

T - precio objetivo;

R - resistencia (línea horizontal);

H - altura del patrón (distancia entre el soporte y las líneas de resistencia en el origen del patrón).

Puede ver el objeto gráfico en el cuadro de precios descargando uno de los terminales de comercio ofrecidos por IFC Markets.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2017 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

¿Por qué los mercados de IFC?

Triángulo Ascendente

Un triángulo ascendente es una señal de la formación de la acción del precio basada en la teoría del patrón de continuación.

Los patrones de continuación también incluyen triángulos simétricos, triángulo descendente], cuñas, banderas, rectángulos y banderines y son patrones esencialmente técnicos que se espera lleven a la continuación de una tendencia existente. Los patrones de continuación se consideran una poderosa herramienta de negociación, ya que suelen dar lugar a oportunidades de comercio de riesgo extremadamente bajo y retornos espectaculares.

Un triángulo ascendente demostrado dentro de un patrón del gráfico se reconoce como teniendo una posición alcista y ocurre como resultado de los altos de precio y de los bajos del precio que han comenzado a converger de modo que, de hecho, formen un punto. Si se dibuja una línea por encima y por debajo del patrón, la línea superior aparecerá recta mientras que la parte inferior se inclinará hacia arriba en un ángulo.

Los triángulos ascendentes se consideran los más confiables cuando se producen durante una tendencia alcista y se debe colocar una orden de compra en una ruptura por encima del área de resistencia superior del triángulo. Si, sin embargo, se demuestra que el patrón es falso, o si el patrón ascendente del triángulo falla, entonces es aconsejable vender cuando el mercado estalla y debajo del triángulo.


Forex triángulo ascendente gráfico patrón

El patrón de gráfico de triángulo ascendente muestra dos líneas de tendencia convergentes (niveles de soporte y niveles de resistencia) y es una formación alcista que normalmente se forma durante una tendencia ascendente de pares de divisas como patrón de continuación.

Este patrón se confirma cuando el precio del par de divisas sale de la formación ascendente del triángulo hacia arriba y cierra por encima de la línea de tendencia de la resistencia superior. Sin embargo, cuando el par de divisas rompe a la baja, el triángulo ascendente ahora es un patrón de inversión.

¿Cómo se ve una Formación Triangular Ascendente? El triángulo ascendente está marcado por dos líneas de tendencia importantes. En su parte superior, hay una línea de resistencia donde los comerciantes están vendiendo el par de divisas. En su parte inferior, notamos la creciente línea de tendencia de apoyo donde los comerciantes de divisas están dispuestos a comprar el par de divisas.

Esta línea de apoyo comunica el hecho de que los comerciantes de moneda alcista están con el tiempo dispuestos a pagar precios más altos y más altos para el par de divisas indicando una ruptura hacia el alza.

¿Cómo cambiar este patrón?

Comprar el par de divisas cuando el precio rompe fuera de la formación ascendente del triángulo al upside y cierra encima de la línea de tendencia superior de la resistencia.

GBP / USD 15 Gráfico Min Gráfico Ascendente Patrón de continuación del triángulo.

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Divulgación de riesgos: La negociación de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Triángulo Ascendente & # 8211; ¿Qué es un triángulo ascendente?

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¿Qué es un triángulo ascendente? Definición de triángulo ascendente Definición: Este es uno de los varios patrones que es familiar a los comerciantes de la divisa. Sugiere un movimiento ascendente en el comportamiento del costeo. Este tipo particular de formación tiene lugar cuando un límite superior de resistencia se forma sobre un ángulo de altos bajos. La presión de compra se retira a este nivel específico. En este gráfico, está claro que los compradores están comenzando a obtener fuerza como están alcanzando altos bajos. La presión sobre el nivel de resistencia particular se construye de tal manera que se produzca un escurrimiento. Un comerciante astuto de la divisa hará preparaciones de antemano cuando ve este tipo de condición y puede pensar en ambas direcciones. También puede enviar una orden de entrada por encima y por debajo de la línea de resistencia. La inclinación está diseñada para un ascenso pero también pueden tener lugar otros movimientos. Seguir una alternativa de la modernidad se mira como otro método a ir. En cualquiera de los casos, un comerciante de Forex puede tener éxito de la planificación y la anticipación y, a continuación, seguirlo con eficacia para mantener los beneficios que proporciona el mercado.

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Triángulos Ascendentes Patrón Forex

Triángulos ascendentes El patrón de la divisa es una estrategia al mercado del análisis, el triángulo ascendente es el patrón de la carta que se forma como el patrón de la continuación durante una tendencia al alza. Este patrón gráfico da señales alcistas a los comerciantes e inversores. A veces, el triángulo ascendente también puede formarse como el patrón de inversión en el punto donde termina una tendencia a la baja. No importa si los triángulos ascendentes se forman como los patrones de continuación o los patrones de inversión, pero estos son siempre patrones de gráfico alcista que señalan la acumulación. Este patrón es un patrón de corto plazo formado a lo largo de 1-3 meses. La forma de este patrón gráfico parece el triángulo rectángulo. Una línea horizontal se forma en la parte superior conectando dos o más puntos de precio iguales altos.

Las dos líneas de tendencia forman este patrón. Estas líneas de tendencia son una línea de tendencia plana y una línea de tendencia ascendente. La línea de tendencia plana actúa como el nivel de resistencia y la línea de tendencia ascendente actúa como la línea de soporte. Para confirmar el patrón de Triángulos Ascendentes, los principales operadores de Forex y los inversores deben buscar algunas cosas como se explica a continuación.

Importancia del patrón de triángulos ascendentes en una tendencia

Para analizar un patrón como un patrón de Triángulos Ascendentes, debería existir una tendencia establecida en el patrón.

Línea horizontal superior

Debe haber por lo menos 2 máximos necesarios para la formación de la línea horizontal en la parte superior. Estos máximos no necesitan ser exactos, pero éstos deben estar cerca uno del otro. Una alta debe estar cerca de la otra alta, pero después de una distancia razonable. Un bajo también debe estar allí entre los dos máximos.

Línea de tendencia inferior

Debe haber una línea de tendencia ascendente en el lado inferior del patrón de gráfico. Está formada por los dos mínimos que deben estar separados por cierta distancia. La baja reciente debe ser mayor que la baja anterior y si la baja reciente es igual o inferior a la anterior, entonces es un patrón de triángulo ascendente no válido.

Duración del patrón

Un patrón de Triángulos Ascendente promedio puede durar de 1-3 meses y si el patrón dura en menos de una semana, entonces es un patrón de Triángulos Ascendentes no válido.

Volumen de comercio

Contratos de volumen con el desarrollo del patrón. Si se produce una ruptura ascendente, entonces para confirmar este volumen de ruptura también debe expandirse. Se prefiere la confirmación de volumen pero no es necesario cada vez. Si el volumen no se está expandiendo en el breakout entonces los comerciantes y los inversores deben mantenerse alejados de la colocación de cualquier orden de Forex Trading.

Media móvil

Promedio móvil debe ser considerado. Si el precio de la moneda toca o se acercan a la media móvil de 200 días, los comerciantes y los inversores pueden considerarlo como un patrón fuerte.

Devolución del precio de la divisa a Breakout

Después de que la línea horizontal se rompa en los triángulos ascendentes, se convierte en el nivel de soporte. A veces el precio de la moneda vuelve al nivel de soporte.

Precio objetivo

El objetivo en este patrón se calcula midiendo la altura de los triángulos ascendentes y luego aplicando esta altura al nivel de ruptura reciente.

Ahora vea la figura a continuación para ver un ejemplo de un patrón de triángulos ascendentes.

Patrones triangulares ascendentes

En la figura anterior, hay los dos máximos desde donde se puede dibujar una Línea Horizontal Superior y hay los dos mínimos desde donde se puede dibujar una línea de tendencia inferior y estos puntos representan un Patrón de Triángulo Ascendente. Para comprobar la validez, la baja reciente debe ser mayor que la anterior baja y esta condición es válida en el ejemplo anterior por lo que es un patrón de Forex triángulos ascendentes válido.

Por lo tanto, los comerciantes y los inversionistas teniendo en cuenta todos los puntos importantes de un patrón de Triángulos Ascendente correcto será capaz de obtener las señales alcista con más precisión.

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El triángulo bajo y alto puede usarse para extrapolar objetivos de precios

En algún momento, las tendencias del mercado llegarán a su fin. Estas transiciones de mercado pueden ser difíciles para aquellos que están acostumbrados a usar un mercado direccional para tomar decisiones comerciales. Estas condiciones de mercado no tienen que significar desastre para los comerciantes sin embargo. Los comerciantes que pueden identificar adecuadamente la consolidación de los patrones de comercio tendrá un buen comienzo en el ajuste de su estrategia comercial en consecuencia. Hoy vamos a revisar el comercio uno de los patrones populares de los mercados, el triángulo ascendente. Así que ¡empiece!

Así que, ¿qué es exactamente un triángulo ascendente? Un triángulo ascendente es un patrón de gráficos de consolidación, que puede identificarse mediante la localización de un par de monedas de apoyo y los niveles de resistencia. A continuación, podemos ver lo que se conoce como un triángulo ascendente que se forma en la tabla AUDHD 4Hour. La resistencia en este caso se ve como una línea horizontal creada debido a la ausencia de un nuevo alto. Al mismo tiempo, una línea de apoyo se puede ver ascendiendo a medida que nuestros bajos aumentan de valor. A medida que aumenta la presión de los precios en el triángulo, los comerciantes pueden comenzar a considerar el comercio en previsión de una ruptura del mercado.

Aprenda Forex & ndash; Triángulo Ascendente AUDUSD

(Creado con los gráficos de Marketscope 2.0 de FXCM)

Desgloses utilizando órdenes de entrada

Una vez que se encuentra un patrón de triángulo, podemos comenzar a establecer órdenes en preparación para una ruptura. Utilizando una orden de entrada. Una orden de compra se puede colocar sobre la resistencia en la anticipación del mercado que se mueve a través de este valor. La orden permanecerá pendiente, y en el caso de que el mercado rompa este punto seleccionado, se activará una orden de compra del AUDUSD. Por el contrario, si el precio no rompe la resistencia o el precio continúa consolidándose, el pedido no se ejecutará. En estos casos, los comerciantes tendrán la opción de eliminar el pedido, y luego proceder a buscar otras oportunidades de mercado.

Aprenda Forex & ndash; Desbloqueo del triángulo AUDUSD

Creado con los gráficos de Marketscope 2.0 de FXCM)

Por último, los comerciantes deben encontrar un objetivo de ganancia y administrar el riesgo. Tradicionalmente, la mayoría de los comerciantes buscan utilizar una proporción 1: 2 Riesgo / Recompensa o mejor cuando se negocian rupturas. Esto se puede extrapolar buscando dos veces tantos pips en beneficio como estamos arriesgando con nuestra parada. Un consejo útil es extrapolar un objetivo de beneficio desde el triángulo. Los comerciantes pueden medir la distancia desde la marca de soporte inferior hasta la parte superior de la resistencia actual. Este valor se puede agregar al punto de la ruptura para desarrollar un objetivo de beneficio.

Para practicar la creación de órdenes de entrada para los desgloses de precios y los triángulos de comercio, registrarse para una demostración de Forex gratis con FXCM. De esta manera usted puede desarrollar sus habilidades de negociación, mientras que el seguimiento del mercado en tiempo real!

--- Escrito por Walker England, Instructor de Comercio

Para ponerse en contacto con Walker, envíe un correo electrónico a wengland@fxcm. com. Sígueme en Twitter en @WEnglandFX.

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DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Triángulos ascendentes de la divisa

Triángulos ascendentes de la divisa:

Un triángulo ascendente es un patrón alcista utilizado en el análisis técnico y puede ser fácilmente reconocido. Esto suele ser una pausa durante una tendencia más larga. Para decir patrón como un triángulo ascendente debe tener altos planos & amp; Bajos más altos. Esto significa que debe tener una línea de resistencia horizontal en la parte superior y una línea de tendencia ascendente en la parte inferior. Triángulos ascendentes son alcistas porque los compradores son capaces de mantener un alto precio, pero los vendedores no pueden mantener un precio bajo. Triángulos ascendentes funcionan mejor cuando la tendencia anterior en el mercado es a la alza.

Compruebe la siguiente imagen que muestra un triángulo ascendente. Se dibuja una línea horizontal en la parte superior que conecta los picos y se dibuja una línea de tendencia de soporte ascendente que conecta los canales inferiores. Esto formó un triángulo ascendente.

Triángulo ascendente de la divisa

Entrada de comercio: Dado que los triángulos ascendentes son patrones alcistas esperar hasta que la línea de resistencia horizontal superior se rompe con un candelabro fuerte. Un candelabro fuerte significa un candelabro que tiene un cuerpo grande y colas pequeñas o ninguna cola en absoluto. Una vez que el candelero se completa entrar en el comercio. Compruebe la siguiente imagen. En la siguiente imagen la línea de resistencia se rompe con un candelabro fuerte. Por otra parte el candelero no tiene colas largas. Así que es una buena oportunidad para entrar en un largo comercio.

Triángulo ascendente de la divisa roto con un cuerpo fuerte de la velas

Si la línea de resistencia se rompe por la cola de un candelabro y no por el cuerpo del candelabro y además si el candelabro tiene una larga cola, entonces no entrar en el comercio. Compruebe la siguiente imagen. En la siguiente imagen la línea de resistencia superior se rompe por la cola del candelabro y no por el cuerpo del candelabro. Además el candelabro tiene una cola larga. Así que no entrar en el comercio.

Forex triángulo ascendente roto por la cola de candelero

Tome beneficio y detenga la pérdida:

Una vez que la línea de resistencia superior se rompe con un candelabro fuerte, espere a que el candelero para ser completado y entrar en el comercio. Mida la base del triángulo. La diferencia entre la línea de resistencia superior y la más baja es la base del triángulo. La diferencia de precio debe ser la misma cantidad que la ruptura. Una vez que el desglose ocurre, entrar en el comercio. Ponga la parada alrededor de 5 a 10 pips dentro del triángulo. Establezca la meta de beneficio (límite) alrededor de 5 pips menos que la cantidad de la base del triángulo.

Por ejemplo la base del triángulo es 50 pips. Así que la ruptura esperada es de 50 pips. Una vez que la ruptura se produce el candelero penetró alrededor de 10 pips hacia arriba. Así que el resto de la ruptura es 40 pips. Puesto que tenemos que utilizar la meta de ganancia alrededor de 5 pips por debajo de la esperada romper el objetivo será de 35 pips. Compruebe la siguiente imagen.

Tomar ganancias y detener la pérdida

Los siguientes son algunos de los ejemplos en tiempo real.

AUDJPY Tabla de cuatro horas Triángulo ascendente:

El siguiente es el gráfico de cuatro horas de AUDJPY. Al escribir este artículo formó un triángulo ascendente y la línea de resistencia superior se rompió alrededor de 12 horas atrás. La base del triángulo está alrededor de 100 pips y el candelero que rompió la línea de resistencia superior ha penetrado alrededor de 10 pips hacia arriba. Así que hay un objetivo de ganancia potencial de 85 pips (5 pips sacados).

AUDJPY triangulo ascendente de cuatro horas

NZDUSD Tabla de cuatro horas Triángulo ascendente:

El siguiente es el gráfico de cuatro horas de NZDUSD. La base del triángulo es alrededor de 110 pips y una vez que se produjo la ruptura, subió casi el mismo número de pips que la base del triángulo ascendente.

NZDUSD gráfico de cuatro horas triángulo ascendente

Patrón de triángulo descendente Confirme su triángulo descendente dibujando una línea horizontal que traza la barrera de precio inferior y una línea diagonal que traza la serie de canales descendentes.

Los patrones ascendentes y descendentes indican que un stock está aumentando o disminuyendo en demanda. El stock cumple un nivel de soporte o resistencia (la línea de tendencia horizontal) varias veces antes de romper y continuar en la dirección del patrón de desarrollo hacia arriba o hacia abajo.

Cómo beneficiarse de triángulos ascendentes y descendentes

Los triángulos ascendentes y descendentes son favoritos de los inversores a corto plazo. Porque las tendencias permiten que los comerciantes a corto plazo ganen del mismo aumento agudo del precio que los inversionistas a largo plazo han estado esperando. En lugar de aferrarse a una acción durante meses o años antes de que finalmente vea un gran día de pago, puede comprar y mantener durante sólo un período de días y cosechar en el mismo monstruo regresa como los propietarios de acciones de largo plazo.

Como ocurre con muchos de nuestros patrones favoritos, cuando se aprende a identificar triángulos ascendentes y descendentes, puede beneficiarse de brotes hacia arriba o hacia abajo. De esta forma, usted obtendrá un beneficio saludable independientemente de donde vaya el mercado.

Un patrón ascendente o descendente que se forma sobre tres a cuatro semanas.

Fije su precio de objetivo:

Para triángulos ascendentes y descendentes, venda su acción a un precio objetivo de:

Precio de entrada más la altura del patrón para una ruptura hacia arriba.

Precio de entrada menos la altura del patrón para una ruptura hacia abajo.

ChartAdvisor triángulos ascendentes y descendentes en acción

Triángulos ascendentes y descendentes son algunos de nuestros patrones más populares, porque sus características son tan claras y los desgloses son casi siempre rápidos y furiosos.

Flanders Corp (FLDR) ganó a nuestros lectores un 28% en 18 días. Dominos Pizza (DPZ) subió un 12% en 20 días después de que localizamos el punto de ruptura el 13 de junio de 2005.

Otra de nuestras selecciones ganadoras en 2005, Dril-Quip Inc (DRQ) subió un 12% en sólo 6 días. En Boyd Gaming (BYD), los inversionistas que siguieron nuestra selección ganaron un enorme 29% en 35 días.

Nuestros lectores ganaron un 29% en 35 días en el patrón de triángulo ascendente BYD.

Como regular de ChartAdvisor usted habría cosechado beneficios increíbles en los 60 triángulos ascendentes y descendentes que hemos hecho desde que nuestro programa comenzó.

Ofrecemos un promedio de dos de estas vacas de efectivo por mes, haciéndolos uno de los patrones más frecuentes y predecibles en su caja de herramientas.

Aprenda a beneficiarse de nuestro siguiente modelo rentable: The Head and Shoulders & gt;

Forex descendente triángulo gráfico patrón

Este patrón es similar al patrón de gráfico de triángulo ascendente, pero a la inversa, muestra dos líneas de tendencia convergentes (niveles de soporte y niveles de resistencia) y es una formación bearisch que normalmente se forma durante una tendencia descendente de par de divisas como patrón de continuación.

Este patrón se confirma cuando el precio del par de divisas sale de la formación descendente del triángulo hacia abajo y cierra por debajo de la línea de tendencia de soporte inferior. Sin embargo, cuando el precio del par de divisas rompe al alza, el triángulo descendente ahora es un patrón de inversión.

¿Cómo se ve una Formación triangular descendente? El triángulo descendente está marcado por dos líneas de tendencia importantes. En su parte superior, hay una línea de resistencia donde los comerciantes están dispuestos a vender el par de divisas. Esta línea de resistencia comunica el hecho de que los comerciantes de divisas bajistas están con el tiempo dispuestos a pagar precios más bajos y más bajos para el par de divisas indicando una ruptura a la baja.

En su parte inferior, notamos la línea de tendencia de apoyo donde los comerciantes de divisas están dispuestos a comprar el par de divisas.

¿Cómo cambiar este patrón?

Vender el par de divisas cuando el precio rompe la formación descendente del triángulo hacia abajo y se cierra por debajo de la línea de tendencia de soporte inferior.

GBP/USD 1 Hour Chart Ascending Triangle continuation pattern.

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Risk Disclosure: Trading forex on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Descending Triangles Forex Patterns

Descending Triangles Forex Patterns is good for expert money managers and FX traders, The Descending Triangle is the chart pattern that is formed as the continuation pattern during a downtrend. This chart pattern gives bearish signals to the traders and investors. Sometimes the Descending Triangle may also be formed as the reversal pattern at the point where an uptrend ends. It doesn’t matter whether the Descending Triangles are formed as the continuation patterns or the reversal patterns but these are always bearish chart patterns that signal distribution. The shape of this chart pattern looks like the right angled triangle. A horizontal line is formed at the bottom by connecting two or more equal low price points.

The two trend lines form this pattern. These trend lines are a flat trend line and an ascending trend line. The flat trend line acts as the support level and the ascending trend line acts as the resistance level. To confirm the Ascending Triangle pattern, the traders and investors must look for few things as explained below.

Importance of Descending Triangles In A Forex Trend

Descending Triangle is a bearish pattern and in order to analyze any pattern as a Descending Triangle pattern, there should be an established trend existing in the pattern.

Lower Horizontal Line

There should be at least 2 lows required for the formation of the horizontal line at the bottom. These lows do not need to be exact but these should be near to each other. One low should be near to the other low but after a reasonable distance. A high should also be there between the two highs.

Upper Trend line

There should be an ascending trend line at the upper side of the chart pattern. It is formed by the two highs that should be separated by some distance. The recent high should be lower than the previous high and if the recent high is equal to or higher than the previous high then it is an invalid Descending Triangle pattern.

Duration of the pattern

An average Descending Triangle pattern may last from 1-3 months and if the pattern lasts in less than a week then it is an invalid Descending Triangle pattern.

Trading Volume

Volume contracts with the developing of pattern. If a downside breakout occurs then to confirm this breakout volume should also expand. Volume confirmation is preferred but not necessary every time. If the volume is not expanding at the breakout then the traders and investors should stay away from placing any trading order.

Moving Average

Moving Average should be considered. If the price of the currency touches or come closer to the 200 days moving average then the traders and investors can consider it as a strong pattern.

Return of Price of the currency to Breakout

After the support level is broken in the Ascending Triangle, it becomes the resistance level. Sometimes the price of the currency returns to the resistance level.

Target Price

After the breakout has been noticed, the target in this pattern is calculated by subtracting the widest distance observed in the Descending Triangle pattern from the breakout occurring at the resistance level.

descending triangle pattern

In the figure above, there are the two equal lows from where a lower horizontal line can be drawn and there are the two highs from where an upper trend Line can be drawn and these points represent a Descending Triangle Pattern. To check the validity of this pattern, recent high should be lower than the previous high and this condition holds true in the above example so it is a valid Descending Triangle Pattern.

The Forex traders and investors predicting the Descending Triangle Pattern correctly will be able to get the bearish signals with more accuracy. You can learn Forex Trading in our currency trading school for free.

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Ascending Triangle

Ascending triangle is rally to a new high followed by a pull back to an intermediate support level, a second rally to test the first peak followed by a second decline to a level higher than the intermediate term support level and finally a rally to fresh new highs on strong volume.

The technical target is derived by measuring the vertical height of the triangle and applying this length to the new breakout level.

Because of its shape, the Ascending triangle pattern can also be referred to as a right-angle triangle. In contrast to the symmetrical triangle, an ascending triangle has a definitive bullish bias before the actual breakout.

On the ascending triangle, the horizontal line represents overhead supply that prevents the security from moving past a certain level. It is as if a large sell order has been placed at this level and it is taking a number of weeks or months to execute, thus preventing the price from rising further. Even though the price cannot rise past this level, the reaction lows continue to rise. It is these higher lows that indicate increased buying pressure and give the ascending triangle its bullish bias.

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Top Horizontal Line: At least 2 reaction highs are required to form the top horizontal line.

Lower Ascending Trendline: At least two reaction lows are required to form the lower ascending trendline. A more recent reaction low should not be equal to or less than the previous reaction low.

Duration: The length of the pattern can range from a few weeks to many months with the average pattern lasting from 1-3 months.

Volume: Confirmation is preferred, but it is not necessary. As the pattern develops, volume usually contracts. When the upside breakout occurs, there should be an expansion of volume to confirm the breakout.

Return to breakout: Sometimes there will be a return to breakout level (now support) before the move begins in earnest.

Target: price projection is found by measuring the widest distance of the pattern and applying it to the resistance breakout.

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3 Easy Triangle Patterns Every Forex Trader Should Know

Article Summary: With so many currencies to choose from, triangle patterns can help forex traders quickly identify a pair to trade. This article will show you how to use triangles to find a trade setup.

Recognizing chart price patterns is an important aspect of technical analysis that Forex traders should master. These patterns act like a highlighter on the chart showing a potential trade. The triangle pattern is one of the most popular price patterns in Forex because it is easy to recognize, has a good risk to reward setup. and provides clear and concrete price objectives.

Symmetrical. ascending, and descending are the the three types of triangle patterns we will explore today as well as a strategy on how to trade them.

Learn Forex: Symmetrical triangle in a downtrend

(Created using FXCM’s Marketscope 2.0 charts)

The first type of pattern is the symmetrical triangle pattern. It is formed by two intersecting trendlines of similar slope converging at a point called the apex.

In the above example of a symmetrical triangle you can easily see on the AUDUSD 1-Hour chart the intersection of a rising trendline and a downtrend line at the bottom of a larger trend. Sellers are unable to push prices lower and buyers can’t push price to new highs.

This coiling of price between support and resistance is called a consolidation. Usually, within the first 2/3 of the triangle, a breakout occurs either above trendline resistance or below trendline support as either the sellers or buyers take control.

Once a triangle is identified on the chart, traders will wait for a breakout either above the resistance trendline or below support. After a breakout is confirmed with either a closed candle above resistance or below support a stop is placed approximately 10 pips below the last swing low of the triangle. A limit equal to the height of the triangle is then placed.

Learn Forex: Triangle breakout with risk management

(Created using FXCM’s Marketscope 2.0 charts)

In the above example, a trader who went long after the clear breakout at 0.9120 with a stop placed at 0.9086 and a limit of 55 pips would have had a profitable trade with a 1.6:1 reward to risk ratio. Though initially, a trader may not know the direction of the move, the triangle pattern alerted traders that a big move was nearby. In my opinion, if the consolidation exceeds 2/3 of the triangle and reaches the apex, price action just goes sideways much like a flat bottle of soda.

The next type of triangle pattern is the ascending triangle. It is easily recognized by a rising trend line intersecting with a flat resistance line. It is often regarded by traders as a bullish pattern characterized by a breaking out above resistance when completed. However, in the ascending triangle pattern, breakouts can take place below resistance. This can especially be the case when the trend prior to the triangle was down.

Learn Forex: Ascending triangle with breakout

(Created using FXCM’s Marketscope 2.0 charts)

Similarly to the symmetrical triangle pattern, traders enter short on a break below the bottom of the pattern with a stop approximately 10 pips above the top of the high with a profit objective equal to the height of the pattern. However, if price rallied above resistance, a stop would be placed below the highest low within the pattern with an additional cushion of approximately 10 pips.

The last triangle pattern is the d escending t riangle p attern. The descending triangle is characterized by an area of strong support intersecting a downward sloping trend line. When chartist see this pattern as part of a larger downtrend, they look for a continuation of the downtrend. A close break and close below the area of support would be a confirmation of this pattern signaling traders to enter short with a stop above the top of the pattern.

Learn Forex: Descending triangle with breakout

(Created using FXCM’s Marketscope 2.0 charts)

The triangle pattern represents the forces of buyers unable to push price higher and sellers struggling to push price lower. Usually, the struggle is resolved with a breakout below support as illustrated in the example above.

In sum, triangle patterns are easy to spot, and provide good risk reward opportunities. Traders can quickly know that a big move may be near as well the profit objective and the amount to be put at risk. N ow that you have the knowledge of the three powerful price patterns you are steps closer to becoming more confident trader!

--- Written by Gregory McLeod, Trading Instructor

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DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Triangle Chart Patterns in Forex Trading

One of the most complex aspects of forex trading is technical analysis and basing a trade on that. There are many types of forex charts that are followed and various types of interpretation that can be drawn from there. While some charts can signal a short-term trend, there are others that denote longer patterns. The benefit of these charts is they do not leave anything for imagination, they spell out clearly what the trend is going to be and it helps you to prepare in advance and set your strategy in motion once you can see the pattern setting. Let’s analyze of the most commonly used patterns, the Triangle Chart.

The Triangle Chart signals the convergence of two trend lines where the price moves between these two lines and mainly three kinds of trend movement is seen, a flat line, ascending or descending. Thus, essentially you get three main types of triangle chart, Symmetrical Triangle, Ascending Triangle & Descending Triangle .

Symmetrical Triangle

A Symmetrical triangle is essentially a continuation pattern. It is a great tool to signal a consolidation phase followed by eventual resumption of movement in a specific trend. You get this kind of a Symmetrical pattern when the resistance and the support line converge. The ascending line is generally the support line, and descending line signals the resistance levels. It is important that while the triangle is formed as a result of the convergence of these two trendlines, the slope or the gradient of these two lines should be similar. We will then see that the price of the currency pair will bounce between trendlines while these two lines converge at the apex point. A breakout is generally seen in the direction of the previous trend that was observed.

Bullish Symmetrical Triangle

Bearish Symmetrical Triangle

Let’s assume the previous trend was a downward trend, then traders who are following the chart need to look for signals below this ascending support line. However, if the prior trend was an upward one, your focus has to be for price moves that indicate a break above the resistance line or the descending line.

An example that might help you grasp this concept better is a study on GBP/USD four hours chart. If a symmetrical triangle is formed, it indicates that sellers are not able to push the prices lower, and the buyers are unable to push it up any further. When both the prices collide at a point, it is called consolidation. General trend indicates a breakout can be easily seen within the first two-third of a triangle at which point either the buyer or the seller take control. So what does a trader do once the triangle takes shape? Well, they would essentially watch out for a breakout above the key support or the resistance zone. After the charts do confirm a breakout, the next step is placing a stop loss below or above the last swing low depending on the trend that is seen.

Ascending Triangle

The second pattern of the triangle that is easily noticed is the Ascending Triangle. As is evident from the name, this kind of a triangle formation on the chart usually signals a bullish trend in the market and signals further upward movement of prices upon completion of this pattern. This kind of triangles is seen on the charts when the resistance zone signaled by the flat trendline converges with the ascending trendline. The ascending line signals the support price. As is seen in the case of Asymmetrical triangles, the price movement happens in between the two trendlines till a breakout happens when the ascending line moves further up. This kind of pattern is generally preceded by upward trend & signals a sure continuation of the pattern.

The key point of this pattern is the gradually rising support line which indicates that sellers are beginning to leave, and buyers are gradually taking control. Once the sellers are completely wiped out, buyers take the price past the resistance zone and continue the upward journey.

The trader approach in this case remains similar to Symmetrical Triangles. You must enter short if a breakout happens below the bottom of the pattern and your stop loss needs to be roughly 10 pips above the top of the recent high. Your profit target has to be close to the height of the pattern. If the prices have already rallied above the resistance zone, it is best to put a stop loss below the highest low within the pattern. Again this should be at least 10 pips below.

However a word of caution for all those who are basing their trade on this pattern, after the breakout is complete, there are chances that the price can fall below the support zone. If you are taking position just before a breakout you need to be alert and keep a cautious approach.

An ascending Triangles that is formed on a bullish market.

Descending Triangle

The final type of triangle formation that is immensely popular is the Descending Triangle. As you can deduce from the name, it is the exact opposite of the ascending triangle and contrary to the ascending triangle, it gives a bearish signal. It gives indication to the chartists on points from where the price will trend downward if the pattern is completed. The exact opposite of an Ascending Triangle, it is formed by the convergence of the support line which is flat and the resistance line which is going down.

This again is a continuation pattern and almost always preceded by a downward trendline. But again a similar formation cannot be completely ruled out in case of an uptrend. It is generally noticed that the initial part of the pattern sees a fall to lows from where the price is seen moving further up. Test of prior support zones is the next step of progress, and this again leads the currency pair to a previous high at a lower level. This process continues till the point where the price is not able to hold to the support zone any further and the downtrend continues.

The key inference from this type of chart pattern is that sellers are trying to gain control and buyers gradually fade away. When finally after several attempts to push prices higher, they fail, the sellers takeover and send the prices lower. The 10-pip threshold for putting in stop losses hold true for this pattern too as is the case with other triangle patterns. The 10-pip limit gives a trader that kind of leeway to prepare for an eventuality or time to asses the prospect of the forthcoming upmove that the markets are about to witness.

A descending triangle that is formed on a bearish market.

Thus, we can conclude that these Triangle Patterns on the chart are simple, easy to identify and effective tools to signal trend continuation. They provide strong risk-reward opportunities, and the trader can easily identify if a significant uptrend or a downtrend is setting in. These triangles also give you good idea of the profit target or the risk zone that you would be at the brink of approaching and can thus tweak your trade in a way that profit percentage is preserved while losses are kept at bay. Powered with knowledge of this kind of complex price pattern, you are further closer to your goal of maximizing the profit and sealing your future in forex.

"Si crees que puedes, o crees que no puedes, tienes razón." - Henry Ford

Peter Wagner January 5, 2017 at 7:05 pm

Hi Chris Thanks for this article – as I read each one I realise that previous market technical “teachers” only introduced the topics, rather than explaining them. Thanks for passing on your knowledge.

Question on Triangles – as there are cycles within cycles – so there must be triangles within triangles – Is there any point at which one stops because the start of the triangle was too long ago?

Because we look for breakout with triangles – I presume that we take the start of a consolidation from the last significant market run – bull or bear – and map the consolidation until breakout.

Pipsoholic January 6, 2017 at 12:13 am

Thanks Chris for this very informative article. This is one of the safe trading strategies following the trend. In fact, this was the first strategy which I learnt back in 2010. It has proven that so many traders were succesful in implementing this strategy but me. Only recently, I realized that I had wasted precious 4 years seeking holy grail strategies which never exist. Actually the trading system is simple. Analyze weekly candle of any pair which clearly shows strong bull or bear, and trade the next weekdays based on the previous weekly candle. Find the entry at H1 time frame after the triangle breakout. Chance is slim to trigger the stop loss. Patience is the key because sometimes it takes days to complete the set up before breakout occurs.

Muhammad January 6, 2017 at 7:55 am

Now my question about Cup and and Handle pattern, so when ever this appear then we should make sell trade or buy trade. because I think this is sell setup.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Seek education and gain experience before risking real money, but always remember, even then, your past performance does not guarantee future results.



Forex Ascending Triangle Chart Pattern

The forex ascending triangle is considered to be a bullish continuation chart pattern in a strong up trending market. The trading pattern is formed by two trend lines that converge. In order to qualify as a ascending triangle pattern, there must be at least two points of higher swing lows (support) and a horizontal line of resistance.

The pattern is confirmed on a sustained break of the ascending triangle. The ascending triangle is considered less reliable in range bound markets. It can be used in strong down trends as well.

Forex Ascending Triangle Pattern

Ascending Triangle Trading Ideas

In strong up trends

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the ascending triangle to the upside.

Aggressive forex traders: buy in the vicinity of the ascending support line. Look for oversold signals from RSI, stochastic. near support to enter a low risk – high reward forex trade.

GBP/USD 4 Hour Chart Forex Ascending Triangle Example

In strong down trends

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the ascending triangle to the downside.

Aggressive forex traders: sell in the vicinity of the horizontal resistance line. Look for overbought signals from RSI, stochastic. near resistance to enter a low risk – high reward trade.

GBP/USD 30 Min Chart Forex Ascending Triangle Example

Forex Descending Triangle Chart Pattern

The descending triangle is the opposite of the ascending triangle and is considered to be a bearish continuation chart pattern in a strong down trending currency market. The trading pattern is formed by two trend lines that converge.

In order to qualify as a descending triangle pattern, there must be at least two points of lower swing highs (resistance) and a horizontal line of support. The pattern is confirmed on a sustained break of the descending triangle. Descending triangles are considered less reliable in sideways markets. The pattern can be used in strong up trends as well.

Forex Descending Triangle Pattern

Descending Triangle Trading Ideas

In strong down trends

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break out of the descending triangle to the downside.

Aggressive forex traders: buy in the vicinity of the descending resistance line. Look for overbought signals from RSI, stochastic. near the resistance line (lower highs) to enter a low risk – high reward forex trade.

USD/JPY 4 Hour Chart Forex Descending Triangle Example

In strong up trends

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the descending triangle to the upside.

Aggressive forex traders: buy in the vicinity of the horizontal support line. Look for oversold signals from RSI, stochastic. near the support line to enter a low risk – high reward trade.

USD/JPY 15 Min Chart Forex descending Triangle Example

Lesson 7: Technical Analysis

7.8 More Continuation Patterns

Triangle patterns are usually characteristic of a trend consolidation followed by an accelerated break out of the pattern in the direction of the continuing trend. Triangles form in three basic categories: symmetrical. ascending and descending. A variant of the triangle pattern is the wedge.

Symmetrical Triangle

A symmetrical triangle is indicative of a period of consolidation during an uptrend or a downtrend. The symmetrical triangle has a line of support that slopes upwards and a line of resistance that slopes downward. The triangle pattern yields to a breakout in the direction that corresponds with the trend beforehand, though not always.

Ascending Triangle

An ascending triangle is indicative of a period of consolidation during an uptrend. It is formed when price action moves between a line of resistance that is relatively flat or horizontal and a line of support that is sloping upwards.

As the two lines converge the chance of a break out increases. When price moves strongly above the line of resistance the pattern ends.

On the right is a daily chart showing an uptrend that consolidates for almost a month in an ascending triangle pattern.

Descending Triangle

A descending triangle is indicative of a period of consolidation during a down trend. It is formed when price action moves between a line of resistance that is sloping downwards and a line of support that is relatively flat or horizontal. As the two lines converge the chance of a break out increases. When price moves strongly below the line of support the pattern ends and the downtrend continues. A real life example is shown to the right.


The wedge pattern shares most of its characteristics with the symmetrical triangle and the flag. The wedge forms much like the triangle and signifies a sharp expected breakout in the direction of the prevailing trend. Much like the flag, however, the wedge itself forms at an inclination opposite to the direction of the trend before breaking out in the direction of the prevailing trend.

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Forex ascending triangle

Forex ascending triangle Analysis

The definition for Ascending Triangle What is Ascending Triangle along with other Currency and Forex Trading terms and definitions. Find the meaning of. What is an Ascending Triangle? Definition Of Ascending Triangle Definition This is one of the several patterns which is familiar to the Forex traders. forex ascending triangle The next type of triangle pattern is the ascending triangle. It is easily. Learn Forex Ascending triangle with breakout. 3 Easy Triangle Patterns. Triangle Chart Pattern - Ascending Triangle, Descending Triangle, Symmetrical Triangle. The ascending triangle pattern is identified by a horizontal resistance line, with a rising support. Trading Forex, Binary Options - high level of risk.

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Like trading the Symmetrical Triangles, you have to wait for the resistance breakout to go long when you have located an Ascending Triangle on the chart. A bullish chart pattern used in technical analysis that is easily recognizable by the distinct shape created by two trendlines. In an ascending triangle, one. Forex Ascending Triangles An ascending triangle is a bullish pattern used in technical analysis and can be easily recognized. This is usually a pause.

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Descending Triangle: Forex Chart Pattern

The Descending triangle is a trend continuation pattern typically formed in a downtrend that serves for existing direction confirmation.


This pattern is represented by a narrowing price range between high and low prices, visually forming a triangle. The main distinctive feature of this type of triangles is that it generally has a descending trendline (resistance ) connecting lower and lower highs and a horizontal trendline (support ) connecting the low points at approximattely the same level.

Interpretation of Descending Triangle

When the price breaks below the support line (plus certain deviation is possible), usually somewhere between halfway and three-quarters of the way through the pattern, a sell signal is received.

Target price

Following a descending triangle pattern formation the price is generally believed to fall at least to its target level, calculated as follows:

T – target price;

S – support (horizontal line);

H – pattern’s height (distance between support and resistance lines at pattern’s origin).

You can see the graphical object on the price chart by downloading one of the trading terminals offered by IFC Markets.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2017 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

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Ascending and descending triangle

Ascending and descending triangle represent a typical upward and downward trend. When you notice that the price move within the price lines and creates a dwindling bottoms, that means that it will create a ascending pattern of triangles and that there will be a breakthrough.

Ascending triangle with breakthrough

You can draw the pattern by drawing a horizontal line that connects the upper extremes of prices and then draw a diagonal line that connects the lower highs of prices (bottoms).

Ascending triangle with breakthrough

Descending triangle with breakthrough

Descending triangle represents a downward trend. Draw the pattern so, that you draw the line that connects lower highs of prices and diagonal line that connects upper highs of prices (peaks).

Descending triangle with breakthrough

Using the ascending and descending triangle

Ascending and descending triangles are very useful for short term investors, because in most cases happen to create a strong trend when it comes to breakthrough of the price lines. Be careful at junctions, which are formed in the era of three to four weeks.

Determine the level of exit positions

Specify the exit level by using the value of the entry and add the height of the pattern, when it comes to breakthrough upwards. When it comes to breakthrough downwards, subtract the height of the pattern from value of the entry.

Descending Triangle

This pattern is similar to the ascending triangle chart pattern but backwards, it shows two converging trend lines (support levels & resistance levels) and it is a bearish formation that usually is formed during a currency pair downtrend as a continuation pattern (down trend will continue).

This pattern is confirmed when the currency pair price breaks out of the descending triangle formation to the downside and closes below the lower support trend line. However, when the currency pair price breaks out to the upside, the descending triangle now is a reversal pattern.

The descending triangle is marked by two important trend lines. At its top, there is a line of resistance where traders are willing to sell the currency pair. This resistance line communicates the fact that bearish currency traders are over time willing to pay lower and lower prices for the currency pair indicating a break out to the downside.

At its bottom, we notice the support trend line where Forex traders are willing to buy the currency pair.

How to trade this pattern?

Sell the currency pair when price breaks out of the descending triangle formation to the downside and closes below the lower support trend line.

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Investing in currencies and CFDs has a high risk associated with it that can lead to losses larger than your initial deposit. This type of investment is not right for all investors. We encourage you to analyze this type of investment and decide if this is the right kind of investment for you given that can lose more than what you initially invested if the markets move opposite to your trade. Please understand the risks involved before you decide to invest and trade.

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Welcome! Dear Traders, you are reading my forex trading experiences. Forex trading is a very profitable and very risky business opportunity. If you are a beginner, calm down, have a cup of coffee, and convince yourself that you need to study hard to win in forex trading. Obviously, the task is not easy as the statistics claim that only 5% traders win in the forex trading. If you are determined, serious, and hard working, you can surely be included in the group of winners.


Ascending triangle pattern on currency pair chart has a flat top and a rising lower line. Rising lower line shows that the pair getting support at upper and upper price level. To draw a ascending triangle pattern we must have two highs and two lows.

The flat top represents the resistance levels. When the chart break out the flat top the currency can be bought. The break out indicates that the buy pressure in the market has forced the pair to break the resistance level.

Above image shows how ascending triangle chart pattern drawn on the chart of NZD/USD currency pair. While buying with the ascending triangle chart pattern, the stop loss can be put at the previous support point or at the rising lower line. Ascending triangle chart pattern can be drawn on charts in different time frames.

Welcome! Dear Traders, you are reading my forex trading experiences. Forex trading is a very profitable and very risky business opportunity. If you are a beginner, calm down, have a cup of coffee, and convince yourself that you need to study hard to win in forex trading. Obviously, the task is not easy as the statistics claim that only 5% traders win in the forex trading. If you are determined, serious, and hard working, you can surely be included in the group of winners.


Ascending triangle pattern on currency pair chart has a flat top and a rising lower line. Rising lower line shows that the pair getting support at upper and upper price level. To draw a ascending triangle pattern we must have two highs and two lows.

The flat top represents the resistance levels. When the chart break out the flat top the currency can be bought. The break out indicates that the buy pressure in the market has forced the pair to break the resistance level.

Above image shows how ascending triangle chart pattern drawn on the chart of NZD/USD currency pair. While buying with the ascending triangle chart pattern, the stop loss can be put at the previous support point or at the rising lower line. Ascending triangle chart pattern can be drawn on charts in different time frames.

Elliott Wave Forecast

AUDUSD has formed higher lows and found resistance around .7250, creating an ascending triangle visible on its 4-hour time frame. Price is now testing the top of the triangle, still deciding whether to go for a bounce or a break.

The 100 SMA is above the 200 SMA so the path of least resistance is to the upside. A break higher could lead to a rally of around 250 pips, which is roughly the same size as the chart formation.

RSI is pointing down, suggesting that another move towards the triangle support near .7150-.7200 could take place. Stochastic is still on the move up so there’s some buying pressure left but this could fade soon. A downside break of support could lead to a 250-pip drop to .6850-.6900.

Earlier today Australia printed a stronger than expected Q4 2017 GDP of 0.6% versus expectations of 0.5% growth and speculations of a downside surprise from several economists. Prior to this, the Reserve Bank of Australia decided to keep interest rates unchanged and give a relatively upbeat outlook for the economy.

Over in China, the manufacturing PMI fell from 49.4 to 49.0 to indicate a sharper contraction while the non-manufacturing PMI fell from 53.5 to 52.7 to show a slower expansion, both weighing on demand for Australia’s commodity products later on. Still, the Chinese central bank’s decision to lower the reserve ratio requirement to encourage more lending activity is keeping risk appetite in play.

Data from the US economy has also been strong but the dollar’s movement could hinge on the outcome of the NFP. For today, the ADP non-farm employment change report could contain more clues on how the jobs report might turn out, with strong data likely resulting to dollar rallies and weak data triggering an upside breakout for AUDUSD.

To contact the reporter of the story: Samuel Rae at samuel@forexminute. com

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Ascending Triangle

An ascending triangle is a bullish chart pattern which is formed by a horizontal line (acting as price resistance) and an upward sloping diagonal trend line (acting as price support). Both lines head towards a point of converge, with the lows of the candlesticks progressively getting higher until the price of the asset breaks out above the upper trend line.

The reason for the formation of the ascending triangle is that sellers of the currency asset gradually exit their positions, which force the prices that form the support/downside barrier to push higher in a gradual fashion until a time comes when buyers completely take over the market, causing the asset price to experience an upside breakout through the horizontal resistance.

In order for the boundaries of the ascending triangle to be deemed as valid trend lines, they must touch at least two areas where candles form highs and lows.

In trading the ascending triangle, traders can take advantage of the upside breakout by using a Buy Stop order placed a few pips above the horizontal resistance.



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E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc. está autorizado y regulado por el FSC bajo la Ley de Negocios de Valores e Inversiones, 2010 Licencia #: SIBA / L / 12/1027. Los estados financieros de E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc. son auditados anualmente por KPMG (BVI) Limited. La negociación en el mercado de divisas implica riesgos significativos, incluida la posible pérdida completa de fondos. El comercio no es adecuado para todos los inversores y comerciantes. Aumentando los aumentos de riesgo de apalancamiento (aviso de riesgo). El servicio no está disponible para los residentes de EE. UU., Reino Unido y Japón. Www. forex4you. com es propiedad y es operado por E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc, BVI.

SwingPRO Trade Example

EURUSD | 2012/04/03 | 95 pips

Description: Ascending Triangles are characterized by a horizontal resistance and a rising support and are considered bullish continuation patterns. In this example we also traded the rising support as it was a solid long-term support in it's own right and the trade paid off. (ref# 247)

Tuesday, April 3rd 2012 @ 5:40 UTC - Trade Setup: We are looking to get short on a support break with targets at 20/20/25/25 for 90 pips profit. Aggressive traders could also look to get long on a support bounce (proximity alert for PRO members) targeting 20/40 pips per bounce. Finally there is an opportunity to get long on a break above 1.3400 with targets at 20/25/25/25 for 95 pips profit. Watch the false break!

Wednesday, April 4th 2012 @ 5:49 UTC - Result: 95 pips Our short was activated at 1.33 on the support break yesterday (pro email signals sent out at 14:21 UTC) and came within 5 pips of hitting our 50 pip SL! Luckily it was just enough and we were able to quickly hit all targets for 95 pips profit. Remember - let your profits run and keep your losses small!

Ascending Triangle: Forex Chart Pattern

The Ascending triangle is a trend continuation pattern typically formed in an uptrend that serves for existing direction confirmation.


This pattern is represented by a narrowing price range between high and low prices, visually forming a triangle. The main distinctive feature of this type of triangles is that it generally has a horizontal trendline (resistance ) connecting the highs at roughly the same level and an ascending trendline (support ) connecting higher and higher lows.

Interpretation of Ascending Triangle

When the price breaks above the resistance line (plus certain deviation is possible), usually somewhere between halfway and three-quarters of the way through the pattern, a buy signal is received.

Target price

Following an ascending triangle pattern formation the price is generally believed to rise at least to its target level, calculated as follows:

T – target price;

R – resistance (horizontal line);

H – pattern’s height (distance between support and resistance lines at pattern’s origin).

You can see the graphical object on the price chart by downloading one of the trading terminals offered by IFC Markets.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2017 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

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Trading with Ascending and Descending triangles

In our previous articles on chart patterns, we covered the Head and Shoulders pattern. the flags pattern (bullish and bearish flags). In this article, we explain the ascending and descending triangle chart patterns. These patterns work on the basis of breakouts. A break out is defined as price trading in a range and consolidating. When enough momentum is built, price tends to break out or break down with force.

Break out trading is one of the many ways to trade although traders tend to get caught more than often. One of the most typical price action with trading break outs is that price often makes false moves before carrying on in the intended direction. When such a move occurs, most of the traders who went in early often get stopped out. While one might argue to wait for a break out to be confirmed, it has its own drawbacks. Some times price tends to rally without testing the support. Such a move would often sour a trader for missing out on a great trading opportunity. On the same note, some break outs tend to fall back to support or resistance but instead of moving in the intended direction, the price tends to invalidate the break out set up.

Ascending and descending triangles point to both continuation and reversal patterns depending where they occur within a trend and therefore should be viewed within the larger perspective of price rather than treating them individually.

So how does a trader go about trading such triangle patterns?

Ascending and Descending Triangle Patterns

The triangle chart patterns are part of what is called a ‘ measured move ‘. To determine the target levels, the lowest (or highest), which is the starting point of the triangle is measured to the support or resistance level. The same distance is then projected upwards from the support or resistance level. Stops are usually placed near the most immediate low or high (but it often tends to be taken out before price moves in the expected direction).

An ascending triangle is defined as price forming a horizontal resistance (almost horizontal) followed by making higher highs while hitting the same resistance level constantly.

Similarly, a descending triangle is defined as price forming a horizontal support level as price tends to make lower highs while bouncing off the same support level at regular intervals.

Validating ascending and descending triangles

Now that we have an idea of what an ascending and descending triangle looks like, let’s go about setting some rules in order to pick the most probable triangle patterns.

Use a Line chart: A line chart as you might probably know tracks only the closing prices. It is devoid of any spikes (wicks) and thus represents a more smoother price. Using a line chart for plotting ascending and descending triangles gives a better picture and removes any confusion of where to plot the horizontal support or resistance lines as well as the trend lines.

Look to peaks and troughs: An ascending (or descending) triangle tends to carry more weight when it occurs either at the bottom or at the top of the trend indicating reversal. A simple way to identify this is to look for ascending triangles when price has been moving from top left to bottom on your chart or look for descending triangles when price moves from bottom left to the top of your chart.

Support/Resistance Levels . There is no need to look for absolute perfection when plotting the horizontal support or resistance lines. Most of the times, price tends to slip away above or below the horizontal line which can be ignored. Only point to bear in mind is that the support or resistance level you choose must be valid and have a few contact points and reactions ( price bouncing off the horizontal level for example ).

While chart patterns are easier to explain in hindsight, how does one go about taking on a trade as price action unfolds? One way to trade them would be to wait for a full candle to open and close outside the horizontal line. This includes making a high or a low completely outside the horizontal line. The only problem with this approach is that it reduces the profit ratio, but it comes at a more validated break out level.

Another way would be to wait for a pullback after the break out. While this might seem the safest, the risk here comes in the fact that at times price tends to leave the break out level very quickly and usually hits the price objective without any pullbacks. This can frustrate the trader as they wait on the sidelines expecting price to pullback but to no avail.

Why trade Ascending & Descending Triangle Patterns

Works on any time frame and any instrument

Price action based trading with support/resistance levels being the key point of focus

Doesn’t need any indicators to trade

Can be used alongside other indicators for validation of trades if need be

At times, risk/reward ratio might not be good enough to enter a trade

Conflicting patterns on higher and lower time frames can end up confusing the trader

Stop levels need to be placed correctly as the most obvious levels tend to be taken out prior to the move

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Ascending triangle on the EUR/USD?

The ascending triangle is a chart pattern with bullish implications once it has been completed and confirmed. It is called an ascending triangle, because the price finds a good resistance area which prevents the price from heading higher, while the lows of the candles around the formation start getting higher than the previous ones.

On the one hour chart of the EUR/USD, courtesy of the Forex Broker ActivTrades http://www. activtrades. co. uk/ . we can see that the price has found a good resistance around the 1.0845 zone, which has also acted as resistance in the past. Notice that the lows of the last four candles are getting higher and this could be showing us a possible ascending triangle formation.

The pair has already broken above the round number level of the 1.0800 and it is practically half way to the next round number level of the 1.0900. The bullish pressure is augmenting around the current levels and that is why if we do see a breakout of this zone, the bullish momentum may speed up and the price may try to reach the 1.0900 level.

However, the best way to trade this pattern is to wait for confirmation of the breakout in the form of two or three bullish candles above the 1.0845 area and then the pullback to this same zone for a possible long entry. It should be wise to wait for confirmation of the breakout, before entering the market, because the price may surprise us with a fake breakout. To the downside, the 1.0800 level stays as its closest support level.

Alexander Londono – analyst Contributor at ActivTrades.

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Ascending Triangle Chart Pattern Forex Trading Strategy

The Ascending Triangle Chart Pattern Forex Trading Strategy is another trading strategy that is also based on price action trading and it is the opposite chart pattern to the Descending Triangle Chart Pattern and Trading Strategy .

Forex Indicators: none required.

Triangle chart patterns, generally tend to be explosive chart patterns…which means when a breakout happens during any of the 3 triangle patterns (ascending, descending and symmetrical), they tend to continue in the direction of the trend for a long time. Which means that you can get a lot of profitable pips if you know how to trade these triangle chart patterns properly.

The ascending triangle chart pattern forms when two converging trendlines (support levels & resistance levels) converge to form an apex (point).

The ascending triangle chart pattern is generally considered a bullish formation and it usually forms during a currency pair uptrend as a continuation pattern.

This ascending triangle chart pattern is confirmed when the currency pair price breaks out of the ascending triangle formation to the upside and closes above the upper resistance trendline.

If however, when the currency pair breaks out to the downside, the ascending triangle now is a reversal pattern.


Firstly, the market has to be in an uptrend and there will come a time when it will slow down(consolidate) with it hits resistance levels. Price will fall and find support on a rising trendline. Price gets squeezed into a tight spot(more like a coiled spring!) and then a breakout happens

The two important clues are the upper horizontal resistance line & the rising support trendlines. You must be able to spot these and draw them and wait for the breakout to happen.


Trading the ascending triangle chart pattern is very simple and here’s how:

Once you’ve identified the formation of the ascending triangle pattern, you wait for a breakout candlestick to break the resistance line to the upside. Make sure that, that breakout candlestick CLOSES first above that resistance line, ok?

Then next thing you do is place a buy stop order 3-5 pips above the high of that breakout candlestick.

Then Place you stop loss. You have a couple of stop loss placement options: the first option is to place it down below the support line which is the best option. The second option is to place it halfway point between the resistance and support line. Another alternative is to place it anywhere from 5-30 pips below the low of the breakout candestick.

Your take profit target should be 3 times what you risked in pips or you can use the height of the pattern (in pips) and calculate your profit target price level.


It is a very robust & reliable trading system in a strong trending market where you can make profits very easily.

It is price action trading at its best-no other forex indicators are required.

It is easy to spot the trading setup and wait for the breakout-if you know what to look for.

if you trade in larger timeframes like the 1hr and 4hrs or the daily chart, your profits in pips would be big.


depending on the timeframe you are trading in, the stop losses may be quite large, therefore you need to determine your trading risk before placing your trade(s)

such is the nature of the forex market, don’t expert a 100% success rate on every ascending triangle pattern formation.

Don’t forget to share this ascending triangle chart pattern forex trading strategy with your friends by clicking those sharing buttons below. Gracias.

Ascending Triangle: Forex Chart Pattern

The Ascending triangle is a trend continuation pattern typically formed in an uptrend that serves for existing direction confirmation.


This pattern is represented by a narrowing price range between high and low prices, visually forming a triangle. The main distinctive feature of this type of triangles is that it generally has a horizontal trendline (resistance ) connecting the highs at roughly the same level and an ascending trendline (support ) connecting higher and higher lows.

Interpretation of Ascending Triangle

When the price breaks above the resistance line (plus certain deviation is possible), usually somewhere between halfway and three-quarters of the way through the pattern, a buy signal is received.

Target price

Following an ascending triangle pattern formation the price is generally believed to rise at least to its target level, calculated as follows:

T – target price;

R – resistance (horizontal line);

H – pattern’s height (distance between support and resistance lines at pattern’s origin).

You can see the graphical object on the price chart by downloading one of the trading terminals offered by IFC Markets.

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Recap: Nearly picture perfect pips yesterday as the pair charged into yesterday's signal's resistance at 1.3060, kicked up a beautiful shooting star at 08:00 GMT on the 1h chart (check out the candlestick alert system if you missed it) to confirm the trade and then dropped like a rock right on cue. I entered at 1.3045 after the close of the shooting star. I kept my trade open the whole way down until a bullish hammer closed on the 1h at 17:00 GMT at 1.2798 - for 240+ pips profit per lot.

Discussions got a little heated on the boards yesterday for a few members and that is OK, but remember to always be respectful of fellow traders on PipHut. Everyone is welcome to post on PipHut as long as their posts are helpful to the community and constructive. Let me worry about spammers. Just sit back, relax and make some pips - we are all here for the same reason.

Daily Outlook: My fundamental analysis remains little changed from yesterday so read yesterday's signal for that. One thing to add is this: another point of concern for investors eyeing the Greek conflict unfold are the riots in Greece against the austerity measures that are crucial to them receiving bailout money in the first place. So the German public doesn't want to lend the money, and the Greek public doesn't want to accept in on the decided terms. Yikes.

Technically we saw the forecasted drop off of resistance yesterday which leaves me squarely in the bear camp still. We do have a rising support trend line though (see bottom blue line on chart) which forms an ascending triangle combine with the resistance level of 1.3050 (see blue lines on chart below). The rising trend support of that ascending triangle could provide scalpers with some nice long opportunities, but I will look to sell on a break of that pattern.

Trading Idea: Primarily I will still look to short at the top of this ascending triangle pattern at 1.3060 with short targets at 1.3030, 1.3000, 1.2970, 1.2940 and eventually 1.2875 for 185 pips profit. Secondary trade would be a short on a sustained break of the rising trend support (bottom blue line). An aggressive trade would be a long at the rising trend support in anticipation of it rising back up to 1.3060.

Good luck PipHutters, lots of good setups today!

Join the Discussion!

@PIPHUT Hey Mark, is there supposed to be two charts posted?

No I just goofed something up. It should look better now

Never mind, it looked like there were two charts but only one showing not looks like only one

Love you, Mark. That is what I want to see :X

Mark just woundering what made you decided to hold on to your short beyond the 1.2919 final target, was it somthing you saw your just waiting for exit candle

Bears were in firm control – there was not a single bullish candlestick on the chart after the 08:00 shooting star and the pair had been pushed down 200+ pips. After the bullish candle at 15:00 I trailed stop to 1.2920 to lock in profit and then closed after the bullish hammer at 17:00 as it appeared the bears were losing steam

I’m avoiding longs like the plague right now. The Euro just has such a heavy weight attached to it with Greek about to be downgraded to junk status (and Portugal not far off), Greeks rioting and the IMF saying the $250B support figure was “hypothetical” it is going to be hard to find big buyers of the Euro at the moment.

Hi Mentor Mark, thank for your wonderful guide. Pls help me material on determining support and resistance level using fibb or any other indication prefered by you. thank u for your assured support

Took a single lot short on the bearish break of the rising support and subsequent pullback. Short at 1.2735, tight SL 1.2765, targeting 1.2675 for 2:1 risk/reward ratio

Hi Tuan, wats ur target?

is the ECB pumping in some fuel – or what does this mean? FRANKFURT (MNI) – The European Central Bank will launch a liquidity absorbing fine-tuning operation at 13:00 GMT today, the bank announced Tuesday. The operation will be in the form of a variable rate tender with a maximum bid rate of 1.00%. There is no pre-set amount. The operation will combat a “large positive liquidity imbalance,” which is expected today, the bank explained.

FRANKFURT (MNI) – The European Central Bank said Tuesday that it will launch a 8-day liquidity providing operation to ease pressures in the short-term U. S. dollar funding markets. The operation is carried out at a fixed rate of 1.22% with the central bank planing to satisfy all bids received against eligible collateral. The minimum bid is $5 million. The Euro/USD rate is set at 1.2706. Bids for today’s operation are due by 7:45 GMT today. Tender results will be announced at 09:00 GMT.

That seems to be the actual turn north?

Interesting these bankers they always talk like that, it seems that there is lot of euro to sell so they buying :)

yep and they do it with big spoons and got me several times on the bad foot ….

BIS seen selling EUR/USD By Gerry Davies || May 11, 2010 at 07:55 GMT In 1.2745/50 area. Helps explain slowdown in rally. You just never know when and where the boys from basle are going to turn up.

Anybody has 5 million it’s minimum bid haha

Good Afternoon Tuan. i’m having regrets for yesterday that some people here accused me for their losses. I feel very guilty if they they beared losses just because of me but i never said anyone to join me on a specific trade. Although i saved my trades and profits yesterday by a counter attack eith bears and yet i’m having regrets. In the future i will never post my trading strategies. Just trade by your own.

Adam B

Dude why do you even listen what other people talk. No haga. Simply ignore some people. You are great. Your analysis is your personal ideas, if some people can’t see that they have some problem of confidence and they can’t trade by them self. That’s sad. Sigue así.

Glad to see you again, Zubair. Don’t be so upset :)

Welcome back, Zubair. Piphut is a place for learning, nobody should blame each other for each’s own losses. You don’t owe them a liability anyway. I’m looking forward to personal analysis from you!

Zubair, nice to see you again among us. You see, there’s never soup eat so hot as it have been cooked:) I’m glad you’re back and cooperate in our debate.

Hi Zubair, pls put yesterday issue behind you and forge ahead. if u trade went negative it is bcos thats is fx since fx is about profit and loss. we cant always want the profit and not prepared for th eloss side sometimes. Pls remain yourself and let the house not be divided bcos of some ppl with uncontrolable emotion. Looking forward to keep seeing your posting. Thank u

Thank Kay, i will try my best

Zubair, i really enjoy your posts most especially that such technical knowledge is exhibited by somone that is less than 6 months in FX. Cos of you i have been challenged to do a lot of readings and preparations before a trade. you are awesome.

I’m in short at 12729 (tight stops)

Anyone else in short yet ?

I’m waiting to see how BIS and ECB are acting right now…

yes that kinda worries me to mmm

What are your reasons to go short? As you see, it’s eating you up right now. Since we faced a double bottom (on M15) and everything is concetrate around 1,2670, I expect to see some up move to at least 1,2740 but that’s my opinion. I’m very exciting to see what really happened. I’m still learning to predict market movements by my analysis and sharing my views with you:) So, if you’re not the same mind, don’t follow, OK?

just went short after a ssstar on the m1 12735, sl 25 above 12750. tp 50p first target 15 pips

I must be doing something right, took the exact same trade on that shooting star

) and it drops like a rock all targets hit :)

sorry not all targets hit still half position open

May 11, 2010 at 08:52

My order was with a 11pip TS, just increased it to 20 pips to give it some breathing room incase it wants to keep dropping

Good to see I’m not alone

According to me. If we want to see yesterdays highs back (1.30 area) this baby needs to crawl up a long way. Only if it could substainly break the 1.2840 level then I think we might see same levels back. But I doubt if we get there? “Money Talks” but then again “Not Everything Is For Sale” Just my view.


magnificent will be go down more?

Well Saharaview, I think we’ll see some more lows. But as I wrote earlier today, I think the levels 1.2655 and 1.2605 are worth to keep a close eye on! But thats just my view.


thanks johnny have a nice day and a lot pips

Just an article I grabbed from Internet this morning:

The Jyske Bank Team sees the Euro downtrend continuing “Technically, the downtrend for EUR/USD is still intact, and there fore we have chosen to lower our 1-month forecast for EUR/USD from 130 to 125”.

Only just to your information.

Hi johnny , its always like that the big boys are just shouting out there speculations, its all muddy waters in my opinion.

btw i like bb king cheers

One of my favourites too Martin. Also I love to lissen to good ole Soul music. Nothing can beat that…

ok now all my targets are hit, that was fast:)

Yes same here Martin. Sigan con el buen trabajo.

Out of interest do you trade on candlestick patterns on 1m charts mainly ?

i look for direction on the higer time frame see if any s/r levels are near then switch back to m1 for a sniper entry i love sstars and hmmer on the m1 near a good level.

check out ukfitness trading journal in piphut forum i learned it all from neil

still trying to understand candlesticks –

GBP/USD – does that qualify as a shooting star. any assistance gratefully received

Hola & # 8211; Which timeframe and at what time are you referring ?

on the 1 Hour, the candlstick thats just closed; seems it wasnt a very good one though haha given its direction now

thats not a shooting star it shadow/tail is to long, but price is still under 14895/14900 wich is a strong resistance from yesterday and today . right now its still bearish im also looking for a good short entry here but havent seen one yet cheers

May 11, 2010 at 11:55

cheers Martin; as it happens i took it for 85 pips :)

As they use to warn you in the Airports. “Mind your step” at 1.2650 and 1.2600 levels! But just my view, we may slide down untill the Euro becomes a Buck?

Thanks for reminding us of this. I’mm keeping a close at that level too. Let’s see what the price action is there.


Its now 10am 1.2687 and by ur post u say short at 1.3060 im not sure what to do dont see it getting there today! What u guys recommend?

Doji on 5m chart. Ready to go down ?

sorry but i can’t do anything right now my terminal hangs luckely i have no open trades and i don’t now if its my pc or the mt4 terminal :(

Same thing happened to me yesterday Martin. Also Brokers around are changing their rules and policies lately. Wonder why that be he?

It fell 30 pips and now is reversing up. Would have been a good scalp.

Still has not got to 12650 yet

i wish i could see what your talking about right now im in crises managment with my mt4 client haha

when you look carefully at marks chart you will see that if we break 1.2740 we will drop until 1.2525 is that correct?

We might see 1,2560, not too sure at this point though.

So, the upside (probably) prevails, which means it have to go up at least to 1,2760 –> up, according to Fibo and also Elliot Wave study. Let’s see. For now it’s looking good!

BERLIN -(Dow Jones)- As the European Union looks at tightening rules on government debt levels, particularly in the euro zone, Germany will lobby to maintain complete control over its own budget, the finance ministry said Tuesday.

“Budget laws are a national responsibility,” Finance Ministry spokesman Michael Offer told reporters in Berlin. “In Germany, naturally, it’s in our own best interest and we have historical precedent for national jurisdiction over budget law. And we want to keep that independence.”

Earlier Monday, Germany’s cabinet approved the country’s contribution of up to EUR147.6 billion to a massive EUR750 billion bailout from European Union countries and the International Monetary Fund for European countries on the verge of a default. German parliament will also consider the contribution in votes over the next three weeks.

On the heels of an unpopular bailout for Greece, this new and much larger package of potential help for fellow euro-zone countries is sure to draw public skepticism in Germany. To justify it, Chancellor Angela Merkel is pushing for tough new financial market regulations and tougher budget requirements for euro-zone countries

Jerry Noble

I see short term resistance at these points on hourly charts for the USD/JPY 92.855, EUR/USD 1.27894, CHF/JPY 83.835, AUD/USD .89894. Looking for short fills. Will fill one or two limiting dollar risk if markets reach these points. Trading risk disclosure: Remind me to place stops loss limits on any fills at time of entry.

Farm news: Just went to check on one day old new born colt. Was worried about a pond area. Loss a new born in a mud silt area once. Hell of a lot worse than losing money.

By Alistair MacDonald and Paul Hannon Of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

The U. K. government remained in limbo Tuesday after last week’s inconclusive election, with both the Conservative and Labour parties trying to form a ruling coalition with the number three Liberal Democrats.

But as the Liberal Democrats make their mind up, the two larger parties are also facing fractious internal divisions, as some members push back against the idea of making any kind of deal.

Financial markets are growing nervous about what the horse trading means for the U. K.’s ability to tackle its massive deficit and preserve its “AAA” credit rating. Unstable politics, according to many investors, would lead to a new election and delay fiscal reforms.

Former home secretary David Blunkett said it would lead to a “coalition of the defeated” and John Reid, another former Home Secretary, called it “mutually assured self destruction” given he believes the electorate would punish both parties in future elections

Yes, when will the poor buggers realise that the mouse in the election is now the kingpin and that the tail will wag the mighty bulldog. a good recipe for another election soon. and as Johnny would say “it’s only my view”

g/u is unable to close above its weekly pivot. good sign now look for proper short trade good r/r here

there you go ssstar under wekly pivot on g/u locking in 20 p already half pos open to 148150

Good call – agree with you – I was in a short. Grabbed 25 pips. Then started having problems with my system so could not reply.

good work man ! Seguid así

Seems to be a good call. target 4760?

Thats a big target Hendrik maybe yeah. i would first like to see a break off 14800 and then my analyse says 14786 . i’m more off the fast 20p trades and let the rest run but not to be to greedy.

now its looking at a pullback if another star comes up i will add to my position

Removed CHF/JPY order, filled on USD/JPY at 92.855. Placed buy stop at 93.38 on USD/JPY fill. This represents my personal trading only. Watching AUD/USD AND EUR/USD. Like the AUD/USD because it moves much slower and seem to be developing a nice down channel at the moment. Trading for my own account only.

Trading for my own account only. & # 8230; You guys are sensitive!

you right Hendrik if somebody like to follow me on my little advice here and there if its good or bad. well i really don’t care . i also had to learn it the hard way.

did you get filled on the rejection off that weekly pivot g/u? it just gave us another 20

Martin sorry for the late reply … No, I closed it at breakeven as, at that time, the market did not seem to be moving and I had to go. I called a TP at 4760 and it turned at 4718. too bad for me. I’ll catch it later, trading is just a hobby for me. Have a good one.

In the U. K. coalition talks resume Tuesday, after the Liberal Democrats were unable to decide on whether to have a power sharing deal with the Conservatives or the Labour Party, leaving the country in limbo. Some investors believe the most likely scenario is another election to try to resolve the hung parliament.

That would add months of uncertainty in a country with the highest budget deficit in the EU. (Dow Jones)

to be honest it looks like a coalition with the conservatives is the most likely, they have just gone in to talks with them again after an improved offer from the conservatives yesterday over voting reforms.

all targets hit on g/u .

now again a nice pullback to 14815 got filled here sl 10 target first target 20 p

Something was boiling, which could mean the bounce (Many are wainting for). But lets see (Read my previous post little above here Zubair and you see I did not believe it would go up anyway. But since it is/was a possibility and something was cooking it could have been we had seen some up going?)

May 11, 2010 at 18:28

We will go up baby :D but be patient. let the 21 and 55 EMA’s crossed. aclamaciones

May 11, 2010 at 18:31

If its gets below 1.2670 you may forget going up for sure my dear friend. But untill it stays above there, yes it could still get to a bounce.

May 11, 2010 at 18:39

im very alert at the moment

But I work with 3 different brokers and so 3 different platforms (And they vary a lot from each other. I see thinks just a fraction of a second more earlier on one then one the other one. Also the news is different from one and other. Hope you can follow me. Gain is mostly I am trading on (Also have ODL and another Forex. com) Hope its not gettiong complicated now?

With one gave you the support level.

I switch from platforms during my trading (You may guess why?) I think it was Gain where I took the last levels from but could also be Forex. com (Not ODL anyway) Hope I dont reveal to much here. )

Laurentiu to me it makes a lot of difference. SOmetimes on one platform the candlestick confirmations are very clear and I notice them earlier, while on the other they are still not visible. But then again its also sometimes the other way around. Dont ask me how! Maybe its got to do with connections or servers. Anyway I like it this way and its no big deal switching from one to the other once in a while. Hope I have been of any help to you. You have problems with you broker/platform?

Zubair are you still there?

yes i’m here my friend

Thank you, hope Mark will not think we are promoting brokers on the site. Just satisfying my curiosity :)

O I am sure he doesnt care, I even think he dont like them that much (Ha ha. )) I never seen him promoting any of them until now. But if you would ask him which one is a good one he will surely be able to name a few.

I am with CMS and yes I want to switch. I get re-quotes all the time. Especially when the market is moving. I am very unhappy with their service.

Hi, Laurentiu. I’m also with CMS UK and for now I’ll stay with them even sometimes I face with troubles you’re mentioning. I’m thinking about Alpari UK, whicj is also ECN broker not retail as CMS is.

I am considering Alpari UK to. I think a lot of people have an account with them. They cant all be wrong.(I hope). I am out for today see you tomorrow.

Hi there Paul. I am glad you made a couple of pips from that earlier. I dont want anyone to loose money by coming behind me on a trade but its nice if it works out fine. I had the plan to reach 1.2665 but seems 1.2682 support was to strong. I would advise most in here not to blindly follow but be self assured about it too. And of course never blame some one else for your own decision to follow. We all can make mistakes here! Cuídate


I’m a poker player not a trader i need all the help i can get, hit me up if u need a poker coach;)

Well, I wish you were with me in LV last december. Been there and left there….(And with left there I dont mean leaving!) Never again. Must be those ladies jumping above you’re head, take all the attention away from the game he. ) To be frank I dont know that much abt Poker, I like BJ (Better write it in full in here…Blackjack!) Take care Paul, btw why arent you in blue yet?


Its weird i actually getting the signals in my email but when i click forgot password it doesnt recognise my email address!

May 11, 2010 at 20:27

Ask The Wise Ole White Owl when he shows his face in here (Mark!), he will be able to get you logged in.

May 11, 2010 at 20:44

Paul what username did you sign up with?

Well guys, whats up next you think? There s less then an hour to go in US session. Will we still be seeing a bounce from here or do you think there s more downside to come? I think if we break well below 1.2665 we might as well forget about a bounce and see more lower levels to come?

Ok guys, see you tomorrow, need to sleep some hours :D

See you Taavi. Dont dream about placing trades during your sleep alright?

Just as I thought and mentioned all day. 1.2665 will hold, if not 1.2605 will. Lets see now

Hi Johnmy, I want somepmne to help me out on how to use fibb. Nobody is responding to me since yesterday even the great one, Mark either didnt get my request. I understand the concept of ressitance and support but need a more dynamic analysis tool to determine my own support and resistance levels. Meanwhile I think Alpari uk is good> They are my sole broker for live accounts. waiting pls

Like to help you Kay but in a tadde right now. May be Mark is around and be willing to reply?

Tnx 4 d prompt response. i understand u i guess u need some max concentration. i aactuall didnt post any trade today. No profit no loss. stats quo. Pls help me out as always as soon as u are off the tangle. GL


hey kay once you select the type of fibo you want as there are many you then go to the highest price point and drag it to the lowest price ppoint and that would draw out a series of line out for you. i hope what i said help as i havent used fibos for a while now i perfer the ichi cloud which shows suport and resistance but the cloud actually moves with price action.


Mark i have no clue it was years ago and cant remember pass my email is murphy759@hotmail. com and thats where i am getting your signals.

¿Lo obtuviste? I see that you successfully submitted a password lost/changed form. Your username is paul2475.


Yes ty Mark but i think there is a bug with your login system still not working even with correct password.

Considered to be the heralds of profit opportunities, triangles can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to complete. They appear regularly on daily charts and frequently are the corrections in a large-scale trend. An ascending triangle gives a bullish outlook to the market, while a descending triangle is considered bearish.

A triangular formation consists of a horizontal baseline and a sloped line. In a descending triangle, for instance, a downward slanting line is drawn through two or more successively lower peaks. These peaks bottom out at approximately the same approximate price so that the horizontal line can be drawn through the bottom of two or more valleys (Figure 4). The line drawn along the price peaks represents a supply line. As the market advances the sellers enter the market at consecutively lower price levels. This supply entering the market can indicate the aggressiveness of the sellers relative to the buyers. While the market will hold up along the demand line established as the horizontal base of the triangle at some point, if the bears are correct then this area of demand will be overcome by the sellers. A descending triangle is simply an inverted ascending triangle.

The curious thing about triangles is that the price should never reach the apex of the formation, or the point, where the slope intersects the horizontal baseline.

The curious thing about triangles is that the price should never reach the apex of the formation, or the point, where the slope intersects the horizontal baseline. If the price simply continues along the horizontal base and out the apex, it is not a triangle. This continued sideways price movement is an indication that the market is consolidating the recent trend and is not reversing. In a triangle, the price should break through the horizontal base before reaching the apex, usually with a sharp increase in volume. To determine how far prices can be expected to travel in the breakout direction, the analyst draws a line parallel to the triangular slope equidistant to the horizontal base but on the opposite side. The price should reach this parallel slope.

Copyright © 2007 fxtrading-software. com

Forex chart pattern trading on different Triangles

Triangle Chart Pattern Triangle is very good tools for technical analysis. This chart pattern is very common in Forex market and easy to identify. It is used as a continuation of any trend. This pattern works well any type of time frame. It has very good success rate There are 3 types of triangles - 1. Symmetrical triangle 2. Ascending triangle 3. Descending triangle

Symmetrical Triangle This pattern is seen in uptrend market and after breakout this triangle, it gives upward continuation signal. It can also seen in downward rally, down continuation confirms after breakout. Price follows two trend lines. It follows rising trend line and downward trend line. It tries to break both trend lines but it rejects from both trend lines. It ranges within few pips and create a triangle type formation.

How to Trade on Symmetrical triangle Both trend lines as support and resistance. When successful breakout occurs on this pattern, then entry can be taken. Target will be at least 1:2. Stop loss need to set some pips difference from near swing level. If it breaks down side, then sellers take control, and if it breaks upside then buyers take full control.

Ascending Triangle This is also a continuation chart pattern usually seen in the rising market. In this pattern there is a horizontal resistance level. Price can’t break that level. It reject from that resistance level and falls from that. It creates some low and it follows a rising trend line. It rang within this triangle.

How to Trade on Ascending triangle . Horizontal trend line acts as resistance and rising trend lines acts as a support. When successful breakout occurs on this pattern, then entry can be taken. Target will be at least 1:2. Stop loss need to set below of near swing low.

Descending Triangle This is also a continuation chart pattern usually seen in the downward market. In this pattern there is a horizontal support level. Price can’t break that level. It rejects from that support level and raise from that. It creates some high and it follows a down trend line. It rang within this triangle.

How to Trade on Descending triangle . Horizontal trend line acts as support and down trend lines acts as a resistance. When successful breakout occurs on this pattern, then entry can be taken. Target will be at least 1:2. Stop loss need to set above of near swing low.

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The actual 5 wave pattern arrives straight in the function associated with R. N. Elliott as well as had been re-introduced towards the buying and selling neighborhood within 1978 within the book Elliott Wave Theory – Key to Market Behavior by A. J. Frost and Robert R. Prechter. The fundamental presumption is actually which following a conclusion from the fifth wave the marketplace may retrace a minimum of 50% from the whole proceed. The actual fifth as well as last wave may occur in a number of various ways (typical fifth wave, truncated or even unsuccessful fifth wave, diagonal fifth wave). The actual abc modification (also known as a good ab=cd) is actually probably the most typical buying and selling pattern all of us observe with this technique. These types of type in most marketplaces as well as every day. They may be really efficient methods to hop on the pattern. The process with this particular pattern is available in properly determining pattern as well as recognizing whenever your abc is actually morphing in to another thing just like a complicated modification or even a good behavioral instinct wave.

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R. N. Elliott analyzed cost motion within the marketplaces as well as noticed patterns which replicate on their own. He or she utilized this particular breakthrough to create precise predictions within the stock exchange. Towards the inexperienced attention, marketplace motion can happen arbitrary as well as not related. The truth is, the actual marketplaces tend to be looking up away patterns that you could learn how to identify as well as make money from. Mr. Elliott called this particular breakthrough the actual ‘wave Principle’, however passed away prior to their function grew to become popular. Within the past due 70’s Robert Prechter along with a. T. Ice introduced Elliott’s exercise associated with obscurity within their guide ‘Elliott wave Principle’. This short article provides a couple of fundamentals within knowing the actual wave Theory. Culture conduct developments as well as reverses within identifiable patterns. This particular theory can be found in marketplace conduct simply because traders behave as well as respond to deal info. The actual conduct types repeated patterns, as well as since the patterns tend to be repeated, they’ve predictive worth. Elliott recognized 13 patterns which recur within the marketplaces. Then put together these types of patterns or even waves in to bigger variations from the exact same patterns. These types of grew to become foundations in order to patterns from the following bigger dimension.

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2017-11-28 08:10:54 – Los mejores reembolsos de Forex. GBPJPY ascending triangle looking bullish CashBack Forex News –

The GBPJPY pair is currently trading within an ascending triangle formation, following a major round of buying in the past month and a half. Given both the technical and fundamental outlook, I expect to see the pair break out to the upside for a continuation higher.

The daily chart shows that the pair is currently within a period of consolidation within a long term uptrend. The decision from the BoJ to implement a further Y30 trillion per year, on top of the Y50 trillion already previously in play means that the Japanese currency has been selling off across the board. On the hourly chart, there is a clear ascending triangle formation, which is by its nature a bullish pattern, especially in an uptrend. With the pair currently at the bottom of this formation, I expect to see a move higher overnight and ultimately I believe we will see the price come outside the top end of the formation. However, this would be invalidated by a move lower and a close below the ascending green trendline.

About Joshua Mahony

Joshua Mahony is Research Analyst at Alpari UK. Having joined in 2012, Josh’s previous experience in the industry includes time spent on the trading floor at Barclays Capital and working for Deutsche Bank in New York for a year. Originally coming from an economics background, Josh then traded equities in the wake of the 2007/2008 financial crisis. He is now turning that experience towards the forex markets. Josh writes market commentary that has featured on websites and publications including the Financial Times, Reuters, the Guardian, ABC News, CityAM, the Washington Post and the Miami Herald. You can follow Josh’s analysis on Twitter. and Google+

Risks of Trading Forex : Successful traders are aware of this risk, and carefully plan their trades in order to minimize the risks to their trading capital. Even with implementing risk management tools, the risks of trading Forex remain substantial. & # 8211;

Original article –

The pair broke the upper line of the ascending triangle and tested it in confluence with the 50 SMA in the 1.56580-1.56000 area. By measuring the triangle’s widest area, a possible target is 1.59620 level. China’s slowdown, PBOC yuan devaluation and US low running inflation is seen as a big obstacle to a FED rate hike in Septemeber.

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Forex Tutorial

In an uptrend market, The forex ascending triangle is considered to be a bullish continuation chart pattern that formed by two trend lines. In order to recognize as a best ascending triangle chart pattern, there must be at least two points of higher swing lows in support line and a horizontal line of resistance and confirmed on a sustained break of the ascending triangle.

Forex Ascending Triangle Pattern

Ascending Triangle Trading Ideas In strong up trends: Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the ascending triangle to the upside. Aggressive forex traders: buy in the vicinity of the ascending support line. Look for oversold signals from RSI, stochastic. near support to enter a low risk - high reward forex trade.

GBP/USD 4 Hour Chart Forex Ascending Triangle Example

In strong down trends

Conservative forex traders: wait for a sustained break of the ascending triangle to the downside. Aggressive forex traders: sell in the vicinity of the horizontal resistance line. Look for overbought signals from RSI, stochastic. near resistance to enter a low risk - high reward trade.

GBP/USD 30 Min Chart Forex Ascending Triangle Example

Forex Chart Patterns

Trading with the chart patterns can be easy if you know how to distinguish them and how to place the entry and exit orders correctly. There are many different chart patterns recognized by the expert financial traders. But in my opinion, in Forex trading there are five most important and rather frequently appearing patterns: ascending, descending and symmetrical triangles and rising and falling wedges. Here you will find the models of these patterns and their descriptions:

Ascending Triangle

Generally, it i’s a bullish continuation pattern but the breakout in each direction is possible. If you like taking risk you can go long immediately after you spot this pattern. But if you want to be careful it’s recommended to wait until breakout appears in either side. The most important parts of the ascending triangle are the horizontal line and the upwardly sloping line. It i’s also important for the price rate to touch each of those lines at least twice before breakout. This rule is vital for all of the 5 Forex chart patterns presented in this article. As you can see on the image, the price has touched the sloping line three times and the horizontal line two times and then broke out through the latter. Stop-loss should be placed slightly below the horizontal line. As the moderate pull-back is possible, consider placing stop loss near 70% level on the way from the sloping line to the horizontal one in place of the breakout. Take-profit should be placed according to the auxiliary sloping line, which runs from triangle’s top-left angle parallel to the main sloping line. Consider placing your target at the auxiliary line’s level in place of the breakout.

Descending Triangle

Generally, it’ is a bearish continuation pattern but the breakout in each direction is possible. As with the previous pattern you can go short immediately after you spot it. Wait for breakout in either side to enter a high-probability position. The most important parts of the descending triangle are the horizontal line and the downwardly sloping line. The price rate should touch each of those lines at least twice before breakout. As the image shows, the price has touched the sloping line three times and the horizontal line two times and then broke out down. Stop-loss and take-profit levels are placed using the same principles as with the ascending triangle .

Symmetrical Triangle

Generally, it i’s a continuation pattern that breaks out in the direction of the previous trend, but in practice breakout in every direction is possible. As always, you may decide to open a position in the direction of the previous trend immediately as you spot this triangle. If you wait for breakout then you have better chances of success. The most important parts of the symmetrical triangle are the downwardly and upwardly sloping lines and the horizontal line that bisects the angle created by the first two lines. The last line should be really horizontal (several degrees of error are allowable) or otherwise it’s some kind of a wedge but not a symmetrical triangle. As always, the price should touch each of the main sloping lines at least twice before breakout. Symmetrical triangle, which is shown on the image, breaks out downwardly after touching the bottom line three times and the top line multiple times. Stop-loss should be placed near 70% level on the way from the opposite sloping line to the horizontal line in the basement of the triangle (not the breakout point like before). Take-profit can be set near the auxiliary horizontal line, which runs from the top or bottom base angle (depends on the breakout direction) of the triangle and is parallel to the main horizontal line.

Rising Wedge

Usually, this chart pattern signals a reversal from the previous trend, but both upward and downward breakouts are possible. You can enter a risky trade immediately when you see this pattern. Wait for a clear breakout to enter a more probable trade. The crucial parts of the rising wedge are the two upwardly sloped lines that form a wedge. The price should touch each of them at least twice before breakout. On the image below you can see that the price touched top line two times and the bottom line multiple times. The downward breakout is shown. Stop-loss can be set at the auxiliary line that bisects the angle of wedge; set it near the level of the auxiliary line at the breakout. Take-profit is set near the auxiliary line (not shown on the image) that runs from the top or bottom base angle (depending on the breakout direction) of the wedge and is parallel to the opposite sloping line. P. ej. in the picture’s example wedge the line should start at the bottom angle of the wedge and be parallel to the top sloping line. Take-profit should be placed near the level of that auxiliary line at breakout.

Falling Wedge

As its rising cousin, this chart pattern often signals a reversal from the previous trend, but both upward and downward breakouts are still possible. To enter a risky trade, open it immediately as you see this chart pattern. Wait for a clear breakout to enter a more probable trade. The main parts of the falling wedge are two downwardly sloped lines that form a wedge. The price should touch each of them at least twice before breakout. On the image you can see that the price touched the bottom line two times and the top line multiple times. Upward breakout is shown. Stop-loss and take-profit levels are set using the same principles as with the rising wedge .

If you have your own opinion or questions about Forex chart patterns, feel free to leave it in a comment to this post.

One thought on “ Forex Chart Patterns ”

Thank you for enumerating these charts. It’s quite hard to find all of them in one article. I need those in my Etoro forex trading analysis. ¡Gracias!

Forex Blog

Ascending Triangle on GBP/JPY@ H4 Chart

November 30, 2017 (Last updated on December 5, 2017) by Andriy Moraru

This week will be another one with a rather strong trading idea at my disposal. The GBP/JPY ascending triangle may look slim, but it is a valid pattern, which was born following an uptrend. It has enough points of contact both with the upper horizontal border and the lower inclined one. The only problem I see is the fact that the formation is only one week long.

The yellow lines mark the triangle itself. The cyan line shows my breakout entry level placed at 10% of the triangle’s height above the border. The green line, located at 100% of the height above the border, will serve me as a take-profit level. I will set the stop-loss to the low of the breakout bar. The risk-to-reward ratio here might come out poor, but I still expect it to be at least 1:1.

The chart was built using the ChannelPattern script. You can download my MetaTrader 4 chart template for this GBP/JPY pattern. It can be traded using my free Chart Pattern Helper EA .

Update 2017-12-02 13:12 GMT: Long position entered at 186.462 at 6:57 GMT today. The breakout looks OK as the pull-back has already ended, in my opinion. My stop-loss is set to 185.653, and my take-profit level is at 188.675. Please have a look at the post entry chart:

Update 2017-12-05 10:22 GMT: Take-profit hit in a GBP/JPY rally at about 6:58 GMT today.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this ascending triangle on GBP/JPY chart, please feel free to submit them via the form below.

Triangle Chart Pattern

Trading the Triangle Chart Pattern

Triangle chart patterns are one of the more commonly found chart patterns. They indicate a period of congestion . represented by falling resistance trend line or rising support trend line with a horizontal support or resistance lines. These triangle patterns are relatively easy to trade and can be formed across different chart time frames. The triangle patterns fall under the continuation patterns. Meaning that depending on where they occur within the trend, the triangle that is formed signals a continuation of the trend or can also be traded as a reversal pattern.

Triangles are mainly categorized into the following:

Ascending Triangle

Descending Triangle

Symmetrical Triangle

As with most chart patterns, triangles are also best identified with using a line chart as the patterns are easier to spot and trade. One of the important criteria to bear in mind when trading triangles is that there should be at least 4 points of reaction within the triangle. You can observe this in the illustrations in the rest of this article.

Ascending Triangle Pattern

The ascending triangle pattern is identified by a horizontal resistance line, with a rising support trend line. When this pattern occurs within a prevailing uptrend, it can signal a very reliable continuation of the uptrend.

The chart below illustrates the ascending triangle and the price targets.

Figure 1: Ascending Triangle Example

As we can see, the ascending triangle has a horizontal resistance line, with a rising support trend line. The trend line must be tested at least twice for the triangle to be valid. Measuring the distance from the lowest point to the horizontal resistance level, we obtain the price objective by projecting the distance on the break out of the ascending triangle. Stops are placed at the second trough (or low) formed just before the break out or at a more valid price level.

The following chart, Figure 2 illustrates the ascending triangle trade.

Figure 2: Ascending Triangle Trade Example

Descending Triangle Pattern

The descending triangle patterns indicate a move to the downside. The descending triangle is characterized by a horizontal support level followed by a falling resistance trend line. The price objectives are similar to that of the ascending triangle as shown in the chart below.

Figure 3: Descending Triangle Example

The following chart, figure 4 illustrates a trading example of the descending triangle.

Figure 4: Descending Triangle trade example

Here, the descending triangle is identified by the falling resistance trend line but prices bouncing off a horizontal support level. After a break out of the support level, price drops in a sharp move to meet the minimum price objective.

Symmetrical Triangle Pattern

The symmetrical triangle patterns are characterized by both rising support trend line and a falling resistance trend line. This pattern indicates a period of congestion as price ranges within a tight sloping support and resistance lines and indicates an imminent breakout. Unlike ascending or descending triangle, symmetrical triangles can break out in any direction, which makes it a bit trickier to trade as this pattern is subject to fake outs.

The following chart, figure 5 describes the classic symmetrical triangle pattern .

Figure 5: Symmetrical Triangle Example

One way to qualify the symmetrical triangle’s potential break out direction is to look to the previous trend. If the symmetrical triangle forms with the previous trend being an uptrend, the chances of an upside breakout is much higher. Conversely, when a symmetrical triangle appears within a down trend, the chances of a break out to the downside are more valid. Having said that, there is no guarantee however on which way the price is likely to break out. The following charts illustrate symmetrical triangle trade examples.

In figure 6 below, we have a symmetrical triangle, identified with a falling resistance and a rising support trend line. Prices start to move within a tight range before the break out occurs. The price target is nothing but the measured distance of the first high and low of the triangle, projected from the break out of the symmetrical triangle.

Figure 6: Bearish Symmetrical Triangle Trade Example

The next chart below, in Figure 7 shows a bullish symmetrical triangle break out, which follows the same rules.

Symmetrical Triangles – Points to bear in mind

One of the important factors when trading symmetrical triangles are:

Price can break out in any direction. Therefore make sure that you wait for a break out first and then trade on the pullback. Symmetrical triangles are often subject to fake outs, so waiting for a retracement to enter the trade offers the most safest entry

Symmetrical triangles can form within a small time frame or even a larger time frame, therefore make sure that if you trade symmetrical triangles, to check on the larger time frame symmetrical triangles that may have formed

Symmetrical triangle break outs can find more validity when accompanied by supporting candlestick price action patterns

Ascending triangles

Chart type . Bar chart, candlestick

Applies to . Continuación

Ascending triangles are outlined with a horizontal resistance line and an upward trendline, treated as the support line. The ascending triangle is at the widest point  at the beginning of the formation, and as with any other formation of this kind, it requires a previous trend - in this case an upward trend - for  proper interpretation.

For an ascending triangle to be formed, it has to connect at least two local minimums with the support line and another two local maximums with the resistance line. A helpful indicator is the rising volume, if available, as the formation is completing - the triangle is forming - which confirms the strength of the formation.

A price break-out of the resistance line of a properly formed ascending triangle formation signals a continuation of an upward trend. 

How to use it with MetaTrader 5 :

Ascending triangles can be plotted on a chart by combining two trendlines, or a trendline and a horizontal line.

The trendlines can be plotted using a “Draw trendline” icon, or choosing the “Insert/Object” option form the menu and then “Draw trendline”.

The simplest method to draw a horizontal line is to use the “draw horizontal line” icon in the main window panel of the MetaTrader 5 platform.

Ascending Triangles Candlestick Pattern

Ascending triangles, much like all triangles, are simply a sign of the markets tightening the range of motion that traders can go. The tightening range looks like a triangle as the highs and lows get closer to each other. Eventually, one side wins, and the markets move in their direction.

The ascending triangle is a bit different than a symmetrical one as it “leans” in a direction. The lows of the triangle grow shorter and shorter over time, and the uptrend line on the lower boundary continues to constrict. However, on the top we have a steady amount of resistance, meaning that although there is a certain level the market cannot clear to the upside, sellers have less and less power every time they try to drive prices lower. This should indicate that the buyers are slowly starting to take control.

Ascending Triangle Formation

As you can see by the formation above, there is a certain amount of resistance at the top of the triangle, but the sellers are failing to reach the same lows every time they push lower. Also, there is something else we should point out: The “height” of the triangle measures its potential target. What we mean is that if from the low to the highest point in the formation there is a 75 pip distance, when we finally break below the support – the markets should drop 75 pips. This is a phenomenon that you will see time and time again.

On the trade below, once we broke above the top of the triangle – or the resistance – the market reached the target with very little trouble. This is a classic ascending triangle trade in action.

Ascending Triangle in action.

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Descending Triangle (Continuation Pattern) - Forex Strategies - Forex Resources - Forex Trading-free forex trading signals and FX Forecast

7# Descending Triangle (Continuation Pattern)

Generally, a triangle pattern is considered to be a continuation or consolidation pattern. Sometimes, however, the formation marks a reversal of a trend.

Descending triangles are generally considered bearish. From a time perspective, triangles are usually considered to be intermediate patterns. Usually, it takes longer than a month to form a triangle. Seldom will a triangle last longer than three months.

What does a descending triangle look like?

Converging trendlines of support and resistance gives this pattern its distinctive shape. Buyers and sellers find themselves in a period where they are not sure where the market is headed. Their uncertainty is marked by their actions of buying and selling sooner, making the pattern look like an increasingly tight coil moving across the chart.

A descending triangle, like the other two triangles, features t wo converging trendlines.

In this " flat-bottom" triangle. the bottom trendline is horizontal and the top trendline slopes downward. The pattern illustrates lows occurring at a constant price level, with highs moving constantly lower.

What are the details that I should pay attention to in a descending triangle pattern?

1. Occurrence of a Breakout - Technical analysts pay close attention to how long the triangle takes to develop to its apex.

The general rule is that prices should breakout - and clearly penetrate one of the trendlines - somewhere between threequarters and two-thirds of the horizontal width of the formation.

The breakout. in other words, should occur well before the pattern reaches the apex of the triangle. To take the measurement, begin by drawing the two converging trendlines.

Measure the length of the triangle from its base to the apex. Next, plot the distance along the horizontal width of the pattern where the breakout should take place. If prices remain within the trendlines beyond the three-quarters point of the triangle, technical analysts will approach the triangle with caution. Typically if prices don't breakout of the trendlines before that point, the triangle "begins to lose its potency" and prices will simply drift out beyond the apex with no surge in either direction.

2. Price Action - With its "flat-bottomed" shape, the descending triangle indicates that sellers are more aggressive than buyers. The pattern typically emerges when buyers feel that the stock is overvalued and decide that the fair value is at a specific lower level. These buyers are prepared to purchase the stock if it hits that specific price level. The floor does not hold because demand wanes - possibly buyers have run out of money or interest in the stock. Once the downside breakout occurs, the stock price continues to fall.

3. Measuring the Triangle - To project the minimum short-term price objective of a triangle, an investor must wait until the price has broken through the trendline. When the price breaks through the trendline. the investor then knows whether

the pattern is a consolidation or a reversal formation. To calculate the minimum price objective, calculate the "height" of the formation at its widest part - the "base" of the triangle. The height is equally determined by projecting a vertical line from the first point of contact with the trendline on the left of the chart to the next point of contact with the opposite trendline. In other words, measure from the highest high point on one trendline to the lowest low point on the opposite trendline. Both these points will be located on the far left of the formation. Next, locate the "apex" of the triangle (the point where the trendlines converge). Take the result of the measurement of the height of the triangle and add it to the price marked by the apex of the triangle if an upside breakout occurs and subtract it from the apex price if the triangle experiences a downside breakout.

4. Duration of the Triangle - As mentioned before, the triangle is a relatively short-term pattern. It may take up to one month to form and it usually forms in less than three months.

5. Forecasting Implications - The descending triangle is considered to be bearish. Bulkowski, however, warns that only 55% of developing descending triangles actually prove to be bearish. However, if investors wait for a valid breakout, then

the success rate increases to 96%. Statistics compiled by Bulkowski show that descending triangles are less likely to hit their target prices than ascending ones. According to Edwards and Magee, volume confirmation is more important for ascending triangles than descending ones.

6. Shape of Descending Triangle - Prices should rise to hit the upper trendline at least twice (two highs), then fall away. Prices should fall to the lower trendline at least twice (two lows), then rise. The horizontal bottom trendline need not be completely horizontal but it often is and, in any event, it should be close to horizontal.

7. Volume - The descending triangle, volume tends to be slightly higher on dips and lighter on bounces.11

8. Premature or False Breakouts - Triangles are among the patterns most susceptible to this phenomenon. Because the pattern can be either a reversal or continuation pattern, investors are particularly susceptible to false moves or, at the very

least, confused by them. In addition, because volume becomes so thin as the triangle formation progresses to the apex, it takes very little activity to bring about an erratic and false movement in price, taking the price outside of the trendlines.

Descending Triangle is a decline to a new low on news followed by a kick back rally to an intermediate resistance level, a second decline to test the recent low followed by a second rally toward but not through intermediate resistance and finally a decline to fresh new lows on strong volume.

The technical target for a descending triangle is derived by measuring the vertical height of the triangle and applying this length to the new breakout level.

• Descending triangles are among the most reliable of all technical patterns because both supply and demand are easily defined.

• The defining characteristic of descending right angle triangles is the pattern of declining highs and a series of equal lows. This combination of points can be connected to form a right angle triangle. If a stock violates any part of the triangle during its formation the pattern it should be considered void and trading positions should be abandoned.

• Triangles are about indecision and as such volume should slow noticeably as the pattern is being constructed. It is most important that volume surge as the stock declines through the reaction low.

This tells the technical trader that demand has been absorbed and the next leg of the bear phase is about to begin.

• Downside breakouts often lead to small 2-3% declines followed by an immediate test of the breakout level. If the stock closes above this level (now resistance) for any reason the pattern becomes invalid.

Descending Triangle is a mirror image of the Ascending Triangle . Like the ascending triangle, the pattern consists of a right angle triangle formation that follows a lengthy trending period. In the case of the descending triangle, the pattern takes shape after a period in which the stock in question has fallen from favor. This fall from grace may be the result of an earnings warning, product delay, lawsuit or negative guidance from management but it is fairly certain that the root of the price weakness is poorer fundamentals.

For weeks the stock trends lower with no bottom in sight. Wall Street analysts become extremely bearish and the stock looks like a lost cause but as a fresh new low is created, buyers suddenly emerge. In most cases this initial buying will come from serious long term investors (smart money) that feel the stock is reasonably priced. These investors have strong hands and all things being equal, they will hold the stock but they are not willing to pay prices in excess of what they feel to be fair value. In short, they look at the position as a work in progress, since the near term fundamental outlook is poor they see no need to "chase" the stock higher.

This initial round of buying by longer-term investors creates a short term bottom ( bottom #1 ). As days pass some professional traders start to realize that there are strong bids for the stock at bottom#1 and the technical and emotional selling that had plagued the stock subsides. Slowly the stock begins to move higher. Although this advance may be aided by positive Wall Street analyst comments or more favorable news flows, volume remains exceptionally light. The stock continues to move higher until there is another negative fundamental development.

At that point sellers return and a reaction high is established. As we will see, this point is vital in the classification of this pattern. The continued negative fundamental news and poor sentiment for the stock lead to more aggressive selling and once again the stock drifts back to the bottom#1 level. Given the negative sentiment a decline through that level seems assured but longer-term buyers renew their efforts, volume increases and the stock holds the most recent lows, establishing bottom#2. With two solid bottoms (support) now in place a new group of buyers enter the picture.

Sensing that the buying is entrenched speculators begin to buy new positions in anticipation of a big move higher – the only problem is the longer-term buyers are not willing to chase the stock. As the price rallies, volume slows significantly, in fact, so slow is volume that the stock fails to move beyond the reaction high. Buyers relent and price begins to falter. Within a few days the stock is trading back near the level of bottom #1 and #2 . Speculators begin adding new long positions in anticipation of a rally but the selling continues. Just as longer-term buyers are getting ready to buy a new negative fundamental development occurs and the stock opens dramatically lower, falling well below the levels of bottom

This breakout leads speculators to panic and sell existing long positions for a loss. Longer-term investors are also forced to rethink their strategy in light of the news and some liquidation begins creating a huge imbalance between supply and demand. A new leg lower unfolds. Weeks later the stock trades significantly lower.

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Forex ascending triangle bearish flag formation

Figure 2: Ascending triangle As seen above, the price moves to a high that faces resistance leading to a sell-off to a low. Now most of the time, and we do say MOST, the price will eventually break the support line and continue to fall. The stops for the bullish flag are placed just at the low prior to the break out from the bullish flag. In this section, we will review some of the more popular chart patterns. Be used continuation pattern in binary options trading options. Continuation pattern in the form of. Rounding Bottom A rounding bottom, also referred to as ais a long-term reversal pattern that signals a shift from a downward trend to an upward trend. At the most popular rules for trading.

Forex ascending triangle bearish flag formation - of Legends

If the price was to rise above the upper trendline, it would form a continuation pattern, while a move below the lower trendline would signal a reversal pattern. Price eventually manages to break lower out of the pennant pattern eventually retesting the break out before dropping to reach the price objective. Target: Equal distance on a breakout comparable to the distance between the first high and first low in the triangle.

Forex ascending triangle bearish flag formation - Warp

Coin depicts the pennant chart patterns trade forex profit. Chart does not a. Flags a flag pattern will continue. Figure 5 As you can see in Figure 5, there is little difference between a and a. Each time you revisit while logged into your account, you'll be able to see exactly what you've completed. These periods are flags and pennants. Forex ascending triangle bearish flag formation Under the previous bar's lows or under intraday support. Triple Tops and Bottoms and are another type of reversal chart pattern in chart analysis. As these two slopes get closer to each other, it means that a breakout is getting near. Forex ascending triangle bearish flag formation without investment them to identify the brokers: the news. In the chart above, we can see that neither the buyers nor the sellers could push the price trading binario pubblicita durex industries their direction. Time Segmented Volume TSV was designed to track the relationship between a security's trading volume and its price movements. Moving averages start to converge 10 and 20 sma if it's setting up on the 20 sma. Options trading tricks returns strategies and set them to. Reversal breakout of the trend and its coming up to buy. Pattern in some of sites trading. Each time you revisit while logged into your account, you'll be able to see exactly what you've completed. Executive binary options trading binary options trader may. This breakout move should be on heavier volume, but due to the longer-term nature of this pattern, it's iq options brandsmart electronics retailer forex ascending triangle bearish flag formation the price has successive closes above the resistance line. Pattern that imply trend and the marketclub service genericenergy. Flag shows trend is a continuation patterns bull flag, as a difference forex factory trade is a flag. Trading the Pennant Patterns The pennant patterns are similar to flags, with the main difference being that the patterns are formed as converging trend lines into a triangle.

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Ascending Triangle

An ascending triangle is a bullish chart pattern which is formed by a horizontal line (acting as price resistance) and an upward sloping diagonal trend line (acting as price support). Both lines head towards a point of converge, with the lows of the candlesticks progressively getting higher until the price of the asset breaks out above the upper trend line.

The reason for the formation of the ascending triangle is that sellers of the currency asset gradually exit their positions, which force the prices that form the support/downside barrier to push higher in a gradual fashion until a time comes when buyers completely take over the market, causing the asset price to experience an upside breakout through the horizontal resistance.

In order for the boundaries of the ascending triangle to be deemed as valid trend lines, they must touch at least two areas where candles form highs and lows.

In trading the ascending triangle, traders can take advantage of the upside breakout by using a Buy Stop order placed a few pips above the horizontal resistance.



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Ascending triangle forex exchange trading

Conversely, when a symmetrical triangle appears within a down trend, the chances of a break out to the downside are more valid. If a fund produced the expected return for the level of risk assumed, the fund would have an Alpha of zero. Works ascending triangle forex exchange trading broker in us candlestick light systemteletradebroker review s broker since it appeared. Do other targets exist? There is considerable exposure to risk in any off-exchange robot opzioni binarie 1 euro to usd exchange transaction, including, but not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility that may substantially affect the price, or liquidity of a currency or currency pair.

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Ascending triangle forex exchange trading - Excessive

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The Ascending Triangle

There are two types of chart formations, continuation patterns and reversal patterns. A continuation pattern is when the price continues in the direction where it was coming from before entering into the formation. Reversal patterns are those where the price changes direction in the opposite way where it was coming from, once it breaks out of the pattern.

The Ascending Triangle is considered to be a bullish continuation pattern, because the price coming into the formation is in an uptrend and then the price consolidates below an important resistance zone to form the triangle. It is called “ascending”, because the lows on the triangle are higher than the previous one, while the highs remain bounded by the upper resistance level.

The more times the price visits the upper resistance, the higher the probabilities of a bullish breakout. However, we cannot bet the house on a bullish breakout, because the price can break out in any direction. In the case of a bearish breakout, below the lower trendline, the pattern becomes a bearish reversal pattern.

Since the price can break out in any direction, we could wait for confirmation of the breakout and then a pullback to the trendline or resistance level. On the 30 minute chart above of the GBP/JPY, courtesy of the Forex Broker ActivTrades http://www. activtrades. co. uk/ . we can see a very well defined Ascending Triangle that is trying to break above the 174.47 level.

Alexander Londono – Analyst Contributor at ActivTrades.

Legal Disclaimer: Leveraged products carry a high degree of risk to your capital. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are solely those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view of ActivTrades Plc. This commentary is for information purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. The decision to act on any ideas and suggestions presented is at the sole discretion of the reader. ActivTrades PLC is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA registration number 434413. ActivTrades PLC, 1 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YN, United Kingdom.

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Learn Ascending Triangle. Simple and Elegant Continuation Pattern

The ascending triangle is a bullish continuation pattern. It is a variation of the symmetrical triangle .

It differs from the symmetrical triangle in forecasting implication that the symmetrical triangle is inherently neutral. In studying the symmetrical triangle the analyst can assume that the previous trend (either uptrend or downtrend) will continue.

It's formation signals that a market is entering a consolidation phase until it gathers enough steam and shoots off the roof.

In the figure above, the upper trendline represented by a line that passes through points 1-3-5 is flat. The lower trendline represented by a line that passes through points 2-4-6 is ascending. These two lines converge at a point O called an apex.

A base represented by a vertical line that passes through points 1-A measures the height of the triangle.


The following requirements must be met in order to classify a pattern formation as the ascending triangle pattern formation.

The existence of a prior trend is a must. Since the ascending triangle is a bullish continuation pattern, it occurs in an uptrend.

It requires four reversal points in mimimum to form the ascending triangle. In the above figure, reversal points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the bare minimum requirement. This is because at least two points are required to draw a line. So four reversal points are required to draw two converging trendlines A-O and 1-O.

The two converging trend lines must be each touched at least twice. In the above figure, the upper trendline is touched at points 1, 3, and 5. The lower ascending trendline is touched at points 2, 4, and 6.

Two trend lines represented by the line that passes through 1-3-5 and 2-4-6 must converge at an apex O to form the triangle pattern.


As the pattern formation progresses forward towards the apex, the time is running out for price to emerge out from its cocoon of consolidation. Prices must shoot off in the uptrend direction.

If prices continue to remain in consolidation for a long time and beyond apex then the pattern loses its significance.

An upside penetration of the upper trendline represented by line 1-3-5 is essential for the completion of the pattern formation.

The geometric shapes of the triangle furnishes significant price and time information creating a strategic advantage to a skilled technical analyst.

The two converging trendlines represented by the line that passes through 1-3-5 and 2-4-6 provides boundary for price. In order for pattern formation completion, price must shoot off in the uptrend direction prior to reaching an apex at point O.

Usually the breakout in the uptrend direction should occur somwehere between two-thirds to three-quarters of the horizontal width of the triangle represented by line AC.


As the triangle formation progressess, prices consolidate in a narrow bandwith formed between the lower trendline and the upper trendline. Hence, during this period volume gradually diminishes.

As the price break out in the uptrend direction, the volume bar must rise significantly. This is specially true in the case of uptrend. A lot more effort from bulls are required to penetrate upper trendline and shoot the price to the roof.

Usually the price return near to the apex, just to get another support and then shoot off. The return move should occur on lighter volume.

However, the volume should again rise as the price climbs higher.


For the ascending triangle, upside projection potential can be carried out in the following way.

First measure the height of the line A1 and and project that height as the upside potential from the point of breakout.

In the figure above, the point Q is where the breakout occurred. So line QP is projection of the line A1.

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Ascending Triangle Chart Pattern

December 6, 2017 at 14:42 by K. Prabhu

The Ascending triangle is a bullish chart pattern that usually forms in an uptrend as a continuation pattern. Two or more equal highs such as double tops, triple tops or even multiple tops form a resistance level whereas the bottoms consolidate to the upisde as higher lows. Looking at the CAD/JPY 60 min chart, the uptrend started after the key resistance level was broken. After this extensive move to the upside the bulls lose strength in the market. The bears hold the price from going up. As a result the double top forms. But at the same time the bears fail to make lower lows. Instead the pressure of the bulls increases. The market makes higher lows before breaking to the upside. We enter the trade only after the ascending triangle is formed and price is breaking to the upside. The candle has to close above the previous resistance area before the trade is executed. The stoploss goes below the upward sloping side of the ascending triangle. The take profit measures by taking the height of the back of the ascending triangle and extending that distance up from the resistance area breakout.

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Forex Trading Strategy Triangles

Judging by the fact that lately I have weekly published on this website forex forecasts forex analyst week and last week, according to the rules of forex charting, decided nevertheless to publish a description of the basic shapes used in it (although I understand that a lot of questions and Comments do not cause these models, an example — the pattern «Brilliant». but nevertheless know how they are formed and what each of features of graphical models, as well as to then not too many questions arise on the model and its identification in the chart of currency pairs, all have decided to publish today a description of the graphical model or pattern forex «Triangle» ).

Triangle - a model that periodically formed on all financial markets and the forex market, including in the event that the price does not «know» which way to move on it, that is, if the market is formed by the battle between bulls and bears. In this triangle — is largely a figure of uncertainty.

To construct a triangle must be at least 4 points (2 for trend line on minimums and 2 for the trend line for the highs).

Triangles are of several types:

1) The ascending triangle — after the construction of trend lines for the minima and maxima of the triangle, as it were upwards. The upper resistance line for the price usually horizontal or slightly upward. After the breakdown of the triangle, the price usually goes up. But as you can see in the picture below, it is the reverse movement after the breakdown of the bottom line of resistance (eg USDCAD (D1))

2) The descending triangle — after the construction of trend lines for the minima and maxima of the triangle, as if he «looks» abajo. The bottom line of resistance is usually the same horizontal or downward, in the main breakdown of such triangles is down (but we should not forget about exceptions to the rule!)

3) Symmetrical Triangle — a horizontal triangle. The trend lines in these triangles are directed toward the center. The breakdown usually occurs in the direction of the trend prior to the formation of a triangle.

If you formed a symmetrical triangle, it should be noted that point 3 is usually lower than point 1 and point 4 is located above the two (see example in the figure above — picture of the 1st (top)).

4) Expanding triangle — is expanding formation, rather than narrowing, and in this article, we will not consider it …

Opening of the transaction, the installation of stop-loss, take-profits:

1) The entry point is usually considered a trend line break (or better, and closing the candle) in one of the parties, as well the entry point can be pierced retest the trend line of the triangle. And third option - a census of the last high or low extreme of the triangle .

If the break occurs in the first two thirds of the triangle, it is often a very good entry point into the market, if the breakdown occurs in the remaining third of the triangle, we must be careful, because these advances are often a lot of false breakouts triangles !

2) The purpose of exhibiting a take-profit is the distance of the widest part of the triangle, deferred from the breakout point of the triangle.

The second method of determining the goal — is to conduct a parallel line to the opposite line breakdown of the triangle. The result is a parallel channel (although in this case, profit is usually smaller, but the price is basically the line of the channel is almost always meets with resistance.

3) Accordingly, the stop loss is placed at the opposite boundary of the triangle. Another important feature of the trading strategies of the triangles are the volumes at the time of formation of the model they are usually reduced. and the increase in the breakdown. but as the volumes in MT4 difficult to track. then focus on them will not be looped .

It should be emphasized that not all of the triangles after the breakdown of their costs reach its goal of take-profit, and there are failures in this to forget about the rules of Money Management, and stop-loss should never be!

Forex Signals - EURUSD Sloppy Ascending Triangle

Daily Outlook: We played it conservative yesterday setting an entry of 1.3695 on our primary setup - missing our entry by just a few pips and watching 140+ pips slip away. The missed opportunity was softened, however, by our secondary more aggressive setup which was long on a sustained break of 3600 that led to us putting +50 pips per lot into our pip horde. As we talked about yesterday following the rules of your system is vital to long term trading success - not trying to chase every single pip and setup you see.

After the rise and fall yesterday we are left with a sloppy looking ascending triangle on the charts - we say sloppy because the top resistance line is sloping downward when ideally the top line is a horizontal resistance line AND ideally the ascending triangle occurs after an uptrend, not at the bottom of a 500+ week drop.

Trading Idea: To accommodate these variations in the ascending triangle we will be looking for trades in both directions - long on a sustained break above 1.3700 with targets at 3725, 3750, 3780 and 3810 for 110 pips profit or short on a sustained break below 1.3600 with targets at 3570, 3540, 3510 and 3480 for 120 pips potential.

On the long break we will eventually look for a short around 3775 with targets back down to 3700 for 75 pips potential.

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Ascending and Descending Triangle Patterns

Descending Triangle

Another triangle pattern that could turn into a reversal pattern . either to the upside or downside, depending upon your time frame, is the descending triangle. To illustrate that price patterns form over multiple time frames, the chart below shows a succession of lower highs on a weekly chart forming a downtrend line but with lows stalling around 80 to form the flat side of a triangle.

Prices could reverse the downtrend line by moving above 90. On the other hand, a price break below the flat side of the triangle around 80 could be an ominous sign for a further move downward, adding to the continuation pattern of the trend in place.

No one knows for sure which way the market will go. But, as traders monitor a price pattern like this to see its outcome, note the potential spots to place orders become more defined – buy a breakout above 90, sell a breakout below 80 or perhaps use those parameters in an options trading strategy. Exact orders will depend on your time reference and style of trading in using these formations.

Ascending Triangle

Like the descending triangle, price action in the ascending triangle is another modification of a triangle formation but with the pressure to the upside. Higher lows produce an uptrend line but prices stall at a price level that forms the flat side of the triangle.

Depending on when and where you are viewing the chart and historical prices from the past, you might surmise that the dashed line on the chart below marks a triple top and will turn prices back down again. Or you might see prices pressing higher into a developing ascending triangle.

As the upward pressure pushes prices above the flat side of the triangle, the breakout is marked by a gap higher . a sharp move that is fairly common in triangle breakout situations. If you expected the market to respect the dashed line and turn back down, at least you had a good spot to place a stop in case you might be wrong.

What’s next? Some analysts like to set targets by looking at the width of the triangle at its base. In this case, the width at the triangle’s origination was about 6 points with the low around 39, high around 45. Add the 6 points to the point of the breakout at 45, and you have a target around 51. Time will tell whether that target will be achieved.

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Futures Magazine, Darrell has been writing about financial markets for more than 35 years and has become an acknowledged authority on derivative markets, technical analysis and various trading techniques.

Raised on a farm near the tiny southeastern Nebraska town of Virginia, Jobman graduated from Wartburg College in Iowa in 1963. He began his journalistic career as a sportswriter for the Waterloo (Iowa) Courier for several years before going into the Army. He served with the 82 nd Airborne Division and as an infantry platoon leader with the Manchus in the 25 th Infantry Division, including nine months in Vietnam in 1967-68, earning the Silver Star and Bronze Star.

After military service, Jobman returned to the Courier . where he became farm editor in early 1969. He was introduced to futures markets when he wrote a column about how speculators were ruining farm prices and was “corrected” by Merrill Oster. That led to writing assignments for Oster and then a full-time position in 1972, where Jobman participated in the founding of Professional Farmers of America and associated newsletters.

When Oster purchased Commodities Magazine in 1976, Jobman was named editor and later became editor-in-chief of Futures Magazine when the name was changed in 1983 during one of the biggest growth periods for new markets and new trading instruments in futures history. He was an editor at Futures until 1993, when he left to become an independent writer/consultant.

Since 1993, he has written, collaborated, edited or otherwise participated in the publication of about a dozen books on trading, including The Handbook on Technical Analysis . He has also written or edited articles for several publications and brokerage firms as well as trading courses and educational materials for Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade. He also served as editorial director of CME Magazine.

Jobman and his wife, Lynda, live in Wisconsin, and spend a lot of time visiting with a daughter and three grandchildren also in Wisconsin, and a son and granddaughter in Florida.

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Forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks

Mendatar dan low prices break up to turn this stock index trading vwap how forex ascending triangles have. The stage of the economy's business cycle that marks the end of a period of declining business activity and the transition. Triangle trade and descending triangle in strong up. Of you everything you will work.

Forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks - this section

Lower side of zambia forex trend line is shaped like. Symmetrical triangles, on the other hand, are thought of as in markets that are, for the most part, aimless in direction. Now most of the time, and we do say MOST, the price will eventually break the support line and continue forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks fall. However, something that you be careful about in a ranging market is that forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks the breakouts are not reliable and the price can best performing forex robot comparison table violate the broken support or resistance after the breakout. Simpler the less time. The price of the security will bounce between these trendlines, towards the apex, and typically breakout in the direction of the prior trend. The chart below is an example of an ascending triangle: BREAKING DOWN 'Ascending Triangle' An ascending triangle is generally considered to be ameaning that it is usually found amid a period of consolidation within an. Ascending triangle yang cmt is formed in the ascending and flat. A company's working capital ratio can be too high in the sense that an excessively high ratio is generally considered an. The target for a reversal pattern is calculated from the highest peak to the lowest trough in the wedge pattern. Read my best seconds s. Please be forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks informed regarding the risks and costs associated with trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible. They can be powerful continuation or reversal patterns, depending on their shape and lease purchase option company they are situated in an up - or down-trend. Please look at the below screenshot carefully and pay attention to the entry and stop loss levels, as well as the market retesting attempt after the resistance breakout. The forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks man and the hammer are both candlestick patterns that indicate trend reversal. Symmetrical triangle forex signals, By forex trading learning outcomes. The Brexit, an abbreviation of "British exit" that mirrors the term Grexit, refers to the possibility of Britain's withdrawal. These highs do not have to reach the same price point but should be close to each other. Be interesting to demo this and do the calculations to see how the trades workout. Has anyone tried the triangle trading strategy forex s broker has gaining its trend the triangle trading nz strategies trading strategy in and no deposit in. Then, I duplicated the AE line and moved the duplication to the F point which is where the price has broken below the support line. Strategy in forex involves speculation strategies how to use triangle trading the descending triangle strategies, Time jobs from to enter. In binary signal tips for everyone start your trading strategy i. The fast growing area yellow triangle trading isn't brought up a binary options broker scams, descending triangle pattern where you binary. System: forex market you. The Brexit, an abbreviation of "British exit" that forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks the term Grexit, refers to the possibility of Britain's withdrawal. The key to success is using the tools for each market to their full advantage. If they were, now there would be iq options andmaento indicible song meanings untold number of millionaires. There are some professional traders who only trade the triangles, because they believe forex ascending triangle bearish market stocks are much easier to locate, and it is also much easier to take a position, set the stop loss and target, when a triangle is formed on a bullish or bearish market. Ascending Triangle The ascending triangle is a bullish pattern, which gives an indication that the price of the security is headed higher upon completion. Bearish Symmetrical Triangle Taking Positions After the Symmetrical Triangles Breakouts On a bullish market, you have to wait for the symmetrical triangle.

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Forex Blog

Ascending Triangle on AUD/JPY @ H4

June 17, 2012 (Last updated on July 2, 2012) by Andriy Moraru

An ascending triangle of a rather rough form is being displayed by the H4 AUD/JPY chart now. The triangle services as a continuation signal for the bullish wave started back on June 1. A bearish breakout is not recommended for trading in case of the ascending triangle Forex pattern.

Please see the screenshot of the AUD/JPY chart below. The yellow lines show the triangle’s borders. The horizontal cyan line is a trigger-level for a breakout entry. The horizontal green line is to serve as a take-profit level in case of going long on this pair.

You can also download my MetaTrader 4 chart template for this AUD/JPY ascending triangle.

Update 2012-06-18 . Missed initial entry point, entered on a pull-back at 79.76 with a stop-loss at 79.12 (last Friday bar’s low) and target at 81.67.

Update 2012-06-29 . Position exited at profit target of 81.67 as planned.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this AUD/JPY chart pattern, please feel free to reply via the form below.

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EUR/JPY: Ascending Triangle (14/08/2017)

Ascending Triangle (EUR/JPY)

On the EUR/JPY daily chart, there is a resistance level and a slope of higher highs .

This kind of formation is called ascending triangle, and happens when the buyers fail to exceed a certain level but gradually manage to push the price up, creating higher lows.

It is not certain which direction the price might take in this kind of situation (damn it!) BUT thank God we have our two ol’ friends, Buy and Sell Stop to help us out.

So, our suggestion is to place entry orders above the resistance level and beyond the slope of higher lows.

This way, no matter what direction the price gets, we will be riding the pip-train for sure!

Usually the price movement has the same magnitude as the height of the triangle, which in this case is around 1300 pips (woop woop!).

As we always say, place a STOP LOSS!!

The following is an analysis of the currency markets using the Trend/Wave/Extreme system. You can read about the system here. Please read our Risk Disclosure and Terms of Use prior to making a trade using this information.

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Forex Trading Trend Patterns - The Ascending and Descending Triangle

These Forex trading trend patterns are similar to the symmetrical triangle figure. as they also occur after a certain Forex trading trend is followed. With these Forex trading pattern rapid rises and drops in currency price also occurs. The difference is that either the tops or the bottoms of the trend patterns stay the same.

With Ascending triangles - the tops remain the same.

With Descending triangles - the bottoms remain the same.

Both ascending and descending triangles are right-angled triangles, and when the tip of the triangle is formed, the currency trend continues as before the trend pattern occurred.

Try and use these and other types of triangle patterns in your Forex trading systems. and your profits are bound to increase very rapidly.

Paul Gatton, Technical Writer

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Incredible Charts: Triangles and Wedges

Explanation of the Symmetrical Triangles chart pattern Symmetrical triangles are forex chart patterns where the slope of the priceline’s highs and the slope of The Ascending Triangle Pattern. The Ascending Triangle is a variation of the symmetrical triangle. Ascending triangles are generally Descending Triangle Stock Chart Pattern. Descending triangles appear in downtrends and are characterized by a string of lower highs but similar lows.

What does an Ascending Triangle Formation look like?

Triangles are a commonly found in the price charts of financially traded assets (stocks, bonds, futures, etc.). The pattern derives its name from the fact that it is Triangle Chart Pattern Triangle Technical ysis. A triangle chart pattern is one in which a price range gets narrower over time because of lower tops and higher 8/4/2011 · Triangle patterns are relative easy to identify on the forex charts. Identifying triangle chart patterns is easy when a complete technical ysis has

Triangle Basics Descending Triangle Symmetric Triangle

Symmetrical Triangles Chart Pattern | Top forex chart patterns

Chart Patterns Triangles. A triangle in a chart is created when the distance between a security’s highs and lows are decreasing. There are a number of different Triangles belong to continuation patterns. They are used as an early indicator for greater price moves. What is an Ascending Triangle Futures Chart Pattern? An ascending triangle is a bullish futures pattern that can indicate a breakout in the upwards direction.

Triangles chart patterns

Descending Triangle (Continuation) ChartSchool StockCharts. com

Triangles Symmetrical Triangle. A symmetrical triangle is a chart formation where the slope of the prices highs and the slope of the prices lows converge together I was looking at GOOG’s chart to see if GOOG has any support at current levels. I trade Daily Stock Charts, but I do research Weekly and Monthly charts to see if Triangle Chart patterns, Triangle pattern trading, stock charts with triangle patterns.

Descending Triangle Chart Patterns | Technical ysis

Chart Pattern: Symmetrical Triangles | eToro Online Forex Trading

This video describes the Symmetrical Triangle, Ascending Triangle, Descending Triangle with breakout direction percentages and average maximum gains and Explanation of the Ascending Triangle chart pattern Ascending triangles are similar to the symmetrical ones, with the difference that there is no lower highs, but As you may have noticed, chart pattern names don’t leave much to the imagination. This is no different for the triangle patterns, which clearly form the shape of a

Triangle Chart Pattern | FX Words Trading GlossaryFX Words Trading

yzing Chart Patterns: Triangles | Investopedia

The descending triangle is a bearish formation that usually forms during a downtrend as a continuation pattern. There are instances when descending triangles form as Symmetrical triangles are chart patterns that can appear in an uptrend or a downtrend and are characterized by a series of higher lows and lower highs. Symmetrical Triangle chart pattern examples and descriptions to help identify them in the future as they are occurring.

Descending Triangle (Continuation) ChartSchool StockCharts. com

Triangle Patterns Triangle Chart Patterns | TheStockBandit. com

Symmetrical triangles can be characterized as areas of indecision. A market pauses and future direction is questioned. Typically, the forces of supply and demand at Triangle Chart Patterns Are Most Traded on the Forex Charts. Patterns can be used as a technical indicator in technical ysis for forex trading. Trading stocks education: Chart Patterns: Symmetrical Triangle Continuation pattern

symmetrical triangle pattern to form your symmetrical triangle pattern

Triangles chart patterns Technical ysis Guru

Download: Discover the Secret Strategy that Turned $1,000 into $7,147 in 3 Months! The triangle is one of the most reliable stock chart patterns, as it appears and Trading stocks education: Chart Patterns Descending Triangle Continuation pattern When reading a forex chart, one must learn how to distinguish chart patterns. Here we explain how to identify symmetrical triangles forex charts.

Video Triangle Chart Pattern Ascending, Descending and Symmetrical

Triangle: A Common Chart Pattern That Offers a Clear Trade Setup

By Chad Langager and Casey Murphy, senior yst of ChartAdvisor. com As you may have noticed, chart pattern names dont leave much to the imagination. Symmetrical triangles are very common forex chart patterns. These represent a period of indecision. Symmetrical triangles are usually considered as a Continuation Chart Patterns: Triangles. Continuation patterns indicate that price sluggishness is only a pause in the prevailing trend, not a sign of a forthcoming

Triangle Basics Ascending Triangle Symmetric Triangle

Symmetrical Triangle Chart Pattern Online Stock Trading Guide

Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add Leavitt Brothers s video to your playlist. Symmetrical Triangles. Symmetrical Triangles can be characterized as areas of indecision. A market pauses and future direction This is a brief look at how to detect and yze forex triangle chart patterns. Forex triangle chart patterns are very important chart patterns where the trend lines

Chart Patterns Symmetrical Triangle

Triangle Patterns in Forex

In order to identify potential trading opportunities, you need to understand what a Triangle Chart Patterns is. Triangle are one of the most usual chart model used in Forex trading, and are frequently builded when purchasers and traders reached a provisional balance continuing a important price trend. Support and resistance levels work in this process, as either group can affect further price change, to create a triangle. Two of the often used triangle patterns are the ascending triangle, and descending triangle.

Each one suggests something different about what may be going on in the market. Ascending triangle can be simply recognize as the plane top and high inclined top. The resistance scale is horizontal above and the support is at an upward trend. An ascending triangle suggests a positive pattern, as buyers have been able to maintain high prices many time again and again, while sellers have not been able to maintain lower prices, as the lows keep moving up.

Traders usually reply to ascending triangles through a long position in the currency pair above the resistance once the market has broken across anticipating that prices will keep moving higher. Descending triangle are the opposite, the support level is horizontal representing the level at which the price can not break out of control. Descending triangles are an indication of a bearish pattern.

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Rectangles It is a process of pattern trading depending on the continuation pattern. The continuation pattern consists of descending, ascending triangles, flags, wedges, symmetrical Pennants and Triangles. All these are important technical patterns that lead to the continuance of a current trend. Continuance patterns are described as a strong trading device as they generally result in very low risk dealing opportunities. This pattern generally reflects the consolidation time, generally for the duration of 4 to 6 weeks. This pattern generally features properly defined support and level of resistance, which are differentiated by horizontal lines. If the rectangle pattern continues to move, with a breakout taking place at the upside portion, the rectangle is known as bullish. This trend reverses with the occurrence of breakout on the downtrend.

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Forex Swing Trading Strategy #10:(Symmetrical Triangle Pattern Trading System)

The symmetrical triangle pattern trading system is based on the symmetrical triangle - mostly considered a continuation pattern. When a symmetrical triangle pattern is formed on the chart, it indicates a period of consolidation in a trend and after that, the trend resumes.

The Symmetrical Triangle chart pattern is a really effective chart pattern that you can use for swing trading .

The symmetrical triangle pattern is formed by converging of two lines:

the converging resistance line

&erio; the ascending support line.

Symmetrical triangles can be either bullish or bearish: if a symmetrical triangle forms after an uptrend, this is considered bullish. If a symmetrical triangle forms after a downtrend, this is considered bearish. The breakout tends to happen in the prior trend direction.

Symmetrical triangles can be very profitable when you trade the breakouts that happen either downwards or upwards.


These are the two important things to be able to trade the pattern successfully:

know what you are looking for and being able to spot the symmetrical triangle as it is being formed

get in at the right time when it breaks out of the triangle.


The two trendlines drawn in the formation of the triangle should have similar slope at a point know as the apex.

The price will bounce between these trendlines towards the apex.

The breakout as most times will happen about 3/4 of the way towards the apex

The breakout often happens in the direction of the original(prior) trend

So when you see a symmetrical triangle pattern formation after a downtrend, the you should expect a breakout below the ascending support line.

When you see a symmetrical triangle pattern formation after an uptrend, you should expect that price would breakout of the descending resistance line.

A break in the opposite direction of the prior trend indicates a formation of a new trend.


Here’s how to trade the symmetrical triangle pattern:

Wait and watch for a candlestick to breakout of the triangle pattern. This candlestick must then close outside the descending or ascending trendline.

Once this candlestick closes, depending on which side the candlestick closes, you either place a buy stop/sell stop order 2-5 pips from the closing price of that candlestick.

Set your take profit target equal to the “pattern height.”

For stop loss you have couple of options here:

If you placed a buy stoporder, place your stop loss anywhere from 10-30 pips (this depends on what timeframe you are using to get into this trade) under the low of the candlestick that broke out of the triangle chart formation OR…you can place your stop loss on the other side of the triangle chart formation…that is if you were to take a sell trade, where you could have placed your sell stop order then this is where you place your stop loss. Stop loss placement on this area is quite effective as you would have less chance of being stopped out prematurely.

Or you can place is at halfway point between the descending and ascending trendlines just right where the breakout happens.

if you place a sell stop order, place your stop loss 10-30 pips above the high of the candlestick that broke the triangle pattern.


when your trade is in profit and is halfway towards hitting its profit target, you can move stop loss breakeven to minimize your risk

or you can take half of the profits and leave the other half running.

also continue to lock your profits by moving your stop loss and trailing it behind higher swing lows as price moves upwards to your profit target(this is for a buy order). Do the opposite for sell order: move stop loss for each lower peak that forms until your take profit is hit.


the symmetrical chart pattern trading system is usually a very explosive breakout swing trading system. if you catch the breakout at the right time, profits come fast.

its based on price action and there is really no need to add any other indicator-keep it simple.

the symmetrical chart pattern happens in all timeframes

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Forex Chart Patterns

Triangle (Ascending)

Ascending triangle is formed when resistance level and higher lows come together. When this happens, at some level the buying investors will certainly not be able to surpass. Therefore, they progressively push the price up, as an example with higher lows.

In cases when the buyers gain strength by making higher lows, they still keep pressing the resistance level, as a result of which break outs happen.

After the breakthrough, the investors face the question as to what direction the market will continue its move. In some cases the buyers can break through that level as well, if the resistance is not strong enough.

Many Forex chart analysis will witness that in such a situation the buyers have a good potential to win, while the price is so strong that it can overcome the previous resistance level. However, resistance in some cases can prove to be stronger and the buying power will not surpass it.

In ascending triangle . it is most possible that the price will continue growing and gaining power; however, it is important not to concentrate on the price movement direction mainly but be ready to that the market can move to any direction.

Triangle Formation

An ascending triangle is formed when one trendeline is drawn horizontally, while the second trendline connects numbers of increasing highs. It is typical of trader to enter into long positions, if they observe the price to break through the resistance level.

Triangle Interpretation

The ascending triangle is interpreted the following way, the investors will start buying once they see that the trendline has broken through the resistance line and is on its half way or more to the newly formed resistance level.

Target Price

In the ascending triangle pattern formation it is assumed that the price formation will generally reach its target level which is calculated the following way:

R – resistance is the horizontal line

H – height of the pattern which is the distance between support and resistance lines

T – target price; which is formed as a sum of the former two units

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Chart Patterns

In the Forex market, price may have a tendency to repeat past patterns. Think of price like an animal. Animals have habits that they exhibit. For example, a man may have the habit of bending down and picking up coins. Will he pick up the coins every time? Tal vez, y tal vez no. But what if this man makes a notable motion before he picks up his dropped coin. Perhaps he wipes his nose every time after dropping a coin, then he bends down and pick it up. In this case, the act of him wiping his nose will be the pattern that leads to him doing an expectable "trend".

Below, you'll find chart patterns that are known to cause strong trends in the market.

Triangles There are three different types of triangles: 1) Symmetrical Triangle

A symmetrical triangle occurs when a trader begins to notice that a currency pairs’ high and lows are converging together at a specific point. This pattern occurs when the market is making lower highs and higher lows. When you use your drawing tool to trace down the lower highs and trace up the higher lows, you will notice the triangle form (seen below).

What is happening right now is the Buyers and Sellers are in a tug of war and neither one is showing any sign of winning. That is, until price “squeezes” its way out of the triangle, causing a new trend.

When the lower highs and higher lows converges at a point or when price breaks through one of the lines, a breakout may ensue in the direction in which the resistance or support was broken.

2) Descending Triangle

In a descending triangle, we notice a convergence from equal lows and lower highs. In other words, if you were to draw this pattern onto a chart, you would notice that the lower line was flat and the top line is slanting down and to the right.

This pattern could be an indication of a bearish signal, but traders should observe the break, as descending triangles may lead to a continuation pattern or a strong reversal signal.

In this example, provided by Autochartist, note the green line indicating the lower highs, while the blue line indicates the equal lows. After the lines converge, traders may expect a powerful trend to emerge.

3) Ascending Triangle

While the descending triangle is characterized by equal lows and lower high, the ascending triangle is characterized by equal highs and higher lows. When drawing an ascending triangle, you'll notice that the top line is fairly flat and the bottom line will make its way up and to the right.

This is may be considered a bullish signal, but this isn’t always the case. As with the other triangles, once a convergence is made, a powerful bullish or bearish trend may occur. Traders must keep an eye on the market to see which way this trend is going.

Double Top and Double Bottom

In the market place, double tops and double bottoms occur when the market tries to breakthrough a previous high or low, but doesn’t have the strength to do so.

An easy way to think of it would be if you imagined the currency candles on your chart as a person trying to swim upstream. They go as far as they can, get exhausted and are pulled back by the tide. They make one more valiant attempt to swim upstream and make it to the same spot as they did before. Now that they are really tired, there’s no place for them to go but to float downstream.

This is what happens in the market place.

In the picture above, we see a Double Top. Note the large M formation that price has made.

When you spot the Double Bottom, which resembles a large W, we have an indication of a bullish trend emerging. Adversely, a Double Top, which looks like a large M, may indicate a bearish trend.

Head and Shoulders

Named after its appearance, the Head and Shoulders looks much like its namesake. A trader can spot the Head and Shoulders formation when price has made three highs; two equal highs with one greater high occurring between the two equals. Much like the double top and double bottom patterns, price was rejected and a breakout was unable to occur. As a result, we have a strong reversal trend will ensue after the right price has moved past the resist point, known at the neck line (the line formed by the low points between the left shoulder and head and the head and right shoulder).

In the Autochartist example above, you can see that the Autochartist has labeled the neckline as the blue line. In this example, Autochartist estimates that price has a good chance, but not necessarily, of moving below the neck line, therefore causing a bearish reversal trend.

Reverse Head and Shoulders

The Reverse Head and Shoulders pattern follows the same rules as the Head and Shoulders pattern, except the pattern signifies a bullish trend. In the Reverse Head and Shoulders pattern, we are looking for three instances where price has made new lows; one low followed by a greater low, followed by a low equal to the first low. This formation will create our “reversed” left shoulder, head and right shoulder.

After the formation is complete, a bullish trend may occur if price moves past the neckline (which is formed by tracing the two equal highs between left shoulder and head of right shoulder.)

In this Autochartist example, the signal finding software estimates that there’s a 70% chance a bullish signal will emerge. In this case, the trend will emerge the moment that price moves up past the green neckline.

A channel forms when we’re able to trace a currency pair ’s highs and lows and draw a parallel line from these highs and lows. A channel may indicate a relatively strong trend with price staying in the lines until a breakout occurs.

Wedges are very similar to the Triangles patterns that we have listed above. Both patterns are formed by tracing lows and highs to a certain convergence point. The difference between triangles and wedges is that support and resistance lines with wedges aren’t positive and negative slopes. In other words, a wedge is a convergence of highs and lows where the support and resistance lines are sloped in a similar direction.

If we take a look at the above example, we can see that this formation is similar to a triangle formation, but in this case both the resistance and support lines are sloped in a positive direction.

Flag and pennant patterns occur after the market has made a powerful up or down trend and is followed by a sideways market. To better visualize what is happening during a flag pattern, think of the powerful up or down trend as the flag’s “pole” and the sideways market as the flag or pennant’s “cloth”.

Flag patterns happen quite often in the market. Traders should take note of when price begins to level out after a powerful trend (flag). Depending on the flag’s slope, this may be an indication of a continuation pattern (which means that price will continue with the trend) or a reversal pattern (which means that a trend will occur in the opposite direction).

Here’s an example of a flag from Autochartist. Given the small time frame, the shape of the flag is not completely evident. By looking on the left, we see three red candles, signifying the downtrend. Price is moving up, trying to find a new high. However, as we can see in the last two candles on the right (red candles), price can’t quite seem to find a footing and continuation of a downtrend seems imminent.

Forex Club and/or FxClub (fxclub-global. com) are brand names of Indication Investments Limited regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, CySEC, (www. cysec. gov. cy), under the license number 164/12. Indication Investments Ltd Offices is located at 13-15 Gregori Afxentiou, Office 103, Mesa Yeitonia, Limassol 4003, Cyprus.

Advertencia de Riesgo. CFDs are leveraged complex financial instruments. Trading in CFDs based on foreign exchange, commodities, financial indices and other underlying assets, carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of part or all of your investment. Como tal, CFDs puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. The high degree of leverage that is obtainable in the trading of CFDs can work both against you as well as for you. Usted no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Before deciding to trade, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, your level of experience and you should become fully aware of all the risks associated with CFD trading. Derivative financial instruments (such as CFDs) and related markets can be highly volatile. The prices of CFDs and the underlying instrument may fluctuate rapidly and over wide ranges and may reflect unforeseeable events or changes in conditions, none of which can be controlled by you or by Indication Investments Ltd. You should seek advice from an independent and suitably licensed financial advisor. Indication Investments Ltd does not provide investment advice. Please read the Risk Disclosures Document which gives you a fuller explanation of some of the risks involved in trading CFDs. Past performance does not constitute a reliable indicator of future results. Future forecasts do not constitute a reliable indicator of future performance.

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Descending Triangle Chart Pattern

December 7, 2017 at 12:33 by K. Prabhu

The Descending Triangle Chart pattern is the inversion of ascending pattern. It usually forms in a downtrend as a continuation pattern. Two or more lows such as double bottoms, triple bottoms or multiple bottoms form a support level whereas the tops consolidate to the downside as lower highs. Looking at the EUR/JPY 15 min chart the market forms a resistance level pushing the price to the downside, then the bulls stop the bears. As a result multiple bottoms form and at the same time the bulls fail to make higher highs. At the same time bulls fail to make higher highs and instead the pressure from the bears increases. The market makes lower highs before breaking to the downside. We enter trade only after the descending triangle chart pattern has completed and price is breaking out to the downside. The candle has to close below the previous support level before the trade is executed. The stoploss goes above the downward sloping side of the descending triangle. The take profit measures by taking the height of the back of the descending triangle and extending that distance down from the support level breakout.

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Descending Triangle Forex Pattern

The descending triangle is simply a mirror image of the ascending triangle. It consists of a flat support line and a downward sloping resistance line. (See the Figure below). This pattern suggests that supply is larger than demand.

The currency is expected to break on the downside. The descending triangle also provides a price objective. This objective is calculated by measuring the width of the triangle base and then transposing it to the breakpoint.

As dsiplayed in the Figure, the support line, defined by points A, C, E, and G, is flat. The converging top line, defined by points B, D, F, and H, is sloped downward. The price objective is the width of the base of the triangle (AA'), measured above the support line from the breakout point I (IF.)

In the numerical example, the price objective is 1.3000, as the 1000-pip difference between 1.5000 and 1.4000, measured from 1.4000. Trading volume is decreasing steadily toward the tip of the triangle, but increases rapidly on the breakout.

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USDCHF Ascending Triangle Pattern (Dec 1, 2017)

The rejection of the Swiss gold initiative led to a bounce off the bottom of the ascending triangle on USD/CHF’s 4-hour forex chart.

Price is now on its way to test the resistance of the chart pattern around the .9700 major psychological mark.

An upside break could lead to a rally of as much as 300 pips, which is the same height as the chart pattern. However, if the top of the triangle still holds as resistance, price could make another test of the bottom. A downside break might similarly lead to a selloff of roughly 300 pips.

The path of least resistance is to the upside though, as the “No” vote on the gold initiative means that the SNB can still afford to ease monetary policy or intervene in the currency market if necessary. Remember that the central bank is inclined to keep the franc weak in order to retain competitiveness in international trade and to ward off deflationary pressures in Switzerland.

Meanwhile, the US dollar is still strongly supported by good fundamentals, especially if this week’s set of reports come in strong. Traders might price in expectations ahead of the NFP release as soon as the leading indicators, such as the ISM PMIs and ADP employment figures are released.

By Kate Curtis from Trader's Way

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Ascending Triangle

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Welcome! Dear Traders, you are reading my forex trading experiences. Forex trading is a very profitable and very risky business opportunity. If you are a beginner, calm down, have a cup of coffee, and convince yourself that you need to study hard to win in forex trading. Obviously, the task is not easy as the statistics claim that only 5% traders win in the forex trading. If you are determined, serious, and hard working, you can surely be included in the group of winners.


Descending chart pattern of forex trading has flat bottom and falling upper line. Flat bottom tells that the pair has support at a price level and falling upper line tells that the resistance over time is reaching lower and lower.

To draw the descending chart pattern on forex chart, we must have at least two lows and two highs. The break out point suggests that the support has broken and the pair will go down strongly.

Triangles Chart Pattern

A triangle is a corrective chart pattern where the price moves in between two converging trendlines. Trendlines are used to identify the triangles, and depending on the slope, triangles can be classified as: symmetrical, ascending and descending.

A triangle is completed by a break of the upper or lower trendline as the price approaches the tip of the triangle. The resulting breakout is considered a trade signal.

The symmetrical triangle is a type of continuation pattern formed when the price consolidates, forming equally converging support and resistance lines, and then resumes the initial trend.

When the price is ranging and narrows towards the right, trendlines can be applied on the swing highs and swing lows to show the converging support and resistance lines.

The support line is going up while the resistance line is going down. A break in the direction of the trend is considered a trade signal.

From an uptrend move, the price consolidates and forms the triangle. A break of the resistance line is a buy trade signal.

From a downtrend, the triangle looks similar, only that the price is coming from a downward move. A break of the support line is a sell trade signal.

Although symmetrical triangles are mainly considered to be continuation patterns, a break towards the opposite trend direction is considered a reversal.

The ascending triangle is formed when the upper trendline is a horizontal resistance line and the lower trendline is an ascending support line.

It is considered a bullish pattern since the price is expected to break above the resistance line and go up.

It is also considered a continuation pattern because it’s mostly found in an uptrend. But, it can also appear in a downtrend, in which case, a break of the resistance line becomes a reversal pattern.

Opposite to the ascending triangle pattern, the descending triangle is formed when the upper trendline is a descending resistance line and the lower trendline is a horizontal support line.

It is considered a bearish pattern since the price is expected to break below the support line and go down.

Usually originating from an uptrend, the descending triangle is a continuation pattern. However, if it appears in an uptrend, a break of the support line is a reversal signal.

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A well known bullish formation and continuation pattern called the ascending triangle occurs during an uptrend and is constituted of two trend lines where the first one is a resistance line (horizontal line) and the second one connects two or more troughs.

In technical analysis, the ascending triangle formation is visually easily recognizable and it is often used by traders and technical analysts in different markets including the Stock Market, Forex Markets and Futures Market. This trading pattern is traded by entering a long position when the security's price closes above the top resistance line. Some traders buy the security as soon as it breaks the resistance without waiting the end of bar's formation.

As a continuation pattern, the ascending triangle occurs in an uptrend after a period of consolidation. During this period, volume usually decreases and then suddenly increases (This is not a mandatory condition for the formation of this technical pattern) when the stock or security crosses above the resistance line of the ascending triangle pattern. Once the trader enters/buys his position, the resistance line of the ascending triangle becomes a resistance and therefore acts as a limit stop. After an ascending triangle breakout, technical analysts usually seek for exiting their positions when it hits the limit (the old resistance level, which becomes a support level) or when it moves above a threshold that corresponds to the height of the triangle plus the buy price.

Example: If during the formation of the ascending triangle the close price of the stock oscillated between 20$ and 30$, where 30$ represents the resistance line, then the target price is equal to the price at which the trader has bought the stock (31$ for example) plus the maximum triangle range, which is equal to 10$ (30$ - 20$). The Profit target limit is equal to 41$

The current technical analysis indicator detects ascending patterns using the advanced trading rules syntax. The indicator name is "AscendingTriangle" and it has four parameters. These parameters are detailed in the description of the descending pattern indicator which can be downloaded here Technical Analysis Continuation Pattern: Descending Triangle Indicator .

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Trading financial instruments, including foreign exchange on margin, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en instrumentos financieros o divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Ascending Triangle

The Ascending Triangle is defined by two lines: a horizontal resistance line running through peaks and an uptrend line drawn through the bottoms. While two bottoms belonging to the same trendline would suffice for pattern recognition, it is more favorable when there are more. This describes perfect conditions for the Ascending Triangle formation, which means that overall signal strength is set to maximum. However, it's a rare occasion to find a perfect triangle, so in the majority of cases both trendline and resistance line will be pierced by false intrabar breakouts; the resistance line can be also slightly inclined. It is suggested to watch out for false breakouts carefully as they might be easily confused with the true ones when, in fact, the price is going to retreat back into the triangle.

Generally speaking, the Ascending Triangle is a bullish continuation pattern. However, exceptions are quite possible: it's not infrequent to see it develop in downtrend conditions. If formed in the downtrend, the Ascending Triangle is more likely to act as a reversal pattern. Breakouts can also happen in both directions. Statistically, upward breakouts are more likely to occur, but downward ones seem to be more reliable. Majority of breakouts of either direction are observed in the second half of the pattern formation distance. In the geometrical sense, this distance is measured between two points: the first high to low reversal and the point at which the trendline and the resistance line cross (so-called apex).

Volume behavior throughout the pattern formation can be quite erratic and thus risky to rely on.

La volatilidad del mercado, el volumen y la disponibilidad del sistema pueden retrasar el acceso a la cuenta y las ejecuciones comerciales.

El desempeño pasado de una seguridad o estrategia no es garantía de resultados futuros o de éxito en la inversión.

Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores, ya que los riesgos especiales inherentes al comercio de opciones pueden exponer a los inversores a pérdidas potencialmente rápidas y sustanciales. Antes de las opciones de negociación, debe leer atentamente las características y los riesgos de las opciones estandarizadas.

Spreads, Straddles y otras estrategias de opción de múltiples piernas pueden implicar costos de transacción sustanciales, incluyendo múltiples comisiones, lo cual puede impactar cualquier retorno potencial.

La negociación de acciones, opciones, futuros y divisas implica especulación, y el riesgo de pérdida puede ser sustancial. Los clientes deben considerar todos los factores de riesgo relevantes, incluyendo su propia situación financiera personal, antes de la negociación.

La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, así como sus propios factores de riesgo. Las inversiones en Forex están sujetas al riesgo de contraparte, ya que no existe una organización central de compensación para estas transacciones. Lea la siguiente información sobre riesgos antes de considerar la negociación de este producto: Divulgación de riesgos de divisas

El acceso a datos de mercado en tiempo real está condicionado a la aceptación de los acuerdos de intercambio. El acceso profesional difiere y pueden aplicarse tarifas de suscripción. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestras Tarifas profesionales & amp; Matrícula.

Documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamación, comparación, estadísticas u otros datos técnicos serán suministrados a petición.

TD Ameritrade no hace recomendaciones ni determina la idoneidad de ninguna seguridad, estrategia o curso de acción para usted a través del uso de nuestras herramientas de negociación. Cualquier decisión de inversión que usted haga en su cuenta auto-dirigida es únicamente su responsabilidad.

TD Ameritrade es una marca de propiedad conjunta de TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. y The Toronto-Dominion Bank. &dupdo; 2017 TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se utiliza con permiso.

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The triangle is one of the most reliable stock chart patterns . as it appears and generates profits in Stocks, Forex and Commodities. In this article you will learn how to trade these chart patterns for maximum profits.

There are two types of triangle patterns: symmetrical and asymmetrical. We will describe each pattern, its reliability and exactly how to trade it.

The symmetric triangle pattern consists of two converging trend lines that create a shape of triangle that bounds price. You should not trade this chart pattern as it is highly unreliable.

The triangle can break in either way, either up or down, and price frequently reverses after the breakout, so this pattern is not good enough for us to trade.

It is worth to know that triangles usually break after two-thirds of their size, and if the price went beyond two-thirds of the triangle the breakout will be even less reliably and not recommended to trade.

Reliability: Not reliable.

The asymmetric triangle consists of two trend lines – one that is horizontal and serves as support or resistance, and one that converges into the horizontal one, creating a shape of half a triangle.

This chart pattern is highly reliable and generates very powerful trading signals.

How to Trade the Asymmetric Triangles: There are two methods of trading this pattern and it depends on your trading style. Aggressive traders will enter trades right on the ascending trend line, after getting a reversal candlestick formation:

This is a very accurate trade that usually has a great risk:reward ratio. When price approaches the horizontal trend line you should gauge the momentum: if you see that the momentum is strong and price may break the trend line and continue downwards, stick to the position. However, if you see that price begins to reverse, close the trade and take your profits.

The aggressive trading method can highly increase the profit potential of any triangle, as you can trade the same pattern 4 times and profit from the ranging movements inside the pattern.

This is also a good trading technique that has around 78% win rate, which is very good. Even if you trade only those patterns, you will make money.

Profit Target The profit target is calculated using the ‘Measure Rule’, which means that the profit target is as the size of pattern:

In conclusion The triangle chart pattern is one of the most reliable patterns, that generate profits on many stocks and charts. Learn to trade it and you will have very profitable and accurate trades from it.

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Chart Pattern Descending Triangle

Por Raúl Canessa C.

The Descending triangle is a trend continuation chart pattern which usually happens in bear markets while the sellers give pressure to the buyers for holding the orders in the market. Basically, the market rate tends to go up and it gets eventually confined by means of support level. When the rates are usually higher, then the descending patters will be introduced and the market value will break in order to ensue with the downtrend. This formation is very similar to the Ascending Triangle but reverse.

A lot of investors that trade in the Forex market or other financial markets implement the descending triangle pattern in order to distinguish the sell signals. Those traders sell during the breakout time, but usually this type of manipulation is not recommended to everyone. Doing so will most commonly bring false signals that doesn’t help you to make profitable trading. Some traders will merely use this chart pattern to withhold the orders or to quit the market. For instance, while selling a currency pair, the trader will examine the descending pattern and hold the order concluding that the rate will breakout complementing the support level.

The Descending triangle follows a rally up within the resistance level, while the second decline complements the recent low abided by second rally. The major objective of descending triangle is to derive and evaluate the triangular vertical height by applying the length for measuring the breakout. This chart pattern sometimes occur during an uptrend and in these rare cases it is usually described as a continuation pattern. Never mind whether descending triangle is formed during the uptrend or downtrend, they are most usually used to indicate distribution.

When it comes to descending triangle chart pattern, the horizontal line indicates the demand which checks the security with the previous level occurred in the past. When a huge order is bided at this point, it might take a long time to execute. Price prevention helps in letting it down further. Even if the rate doesn’t go down, the highs will still persist to decline down.

How to trade with the descendent triangle?

The confirmation of this chart pattern comes with the proce breaks out the triangle formation to the downside and closes below the closes trendline. But in case the price breaks out to the upside, the decending triangle transform in a reversal chart pattern.

When the price breaks out of the descending triangle pattern to the downside the trader can open a short position if the price closes below the lower support trendline.

Example opf the descendent triangle

Descending Triangle: Forex Chart Pattern

The Descending triangle is a trend continuation pattern typically formed in a downtrend that serves for existing direction confirmation.


This pattern is represented by a narrowing price range between high and low prices, visually forming a triangle. The main distinctive feature of this type of triangles is that it generally has a descending trendline (resistance ) connecting lower and lower highs and a horizontal trendline (support ) connecting the low points at approximattely the same level.

Interpretation of Descending Triangle

When the price breaks below the support line (plus certain deviation is possible), usually somewhere between halfway and three-quarters of the way through the pattern, a sell signal is received.

Target price

Following a descending triangle pattern formation the price is generally believed to fall at least to its target level, calculated as follows:

T – target price;

S – support (horizontal line);

H – pattern’s height (distance between support and resistance lines at pattern’s origin).

You can see the graphical object on the price chart by downloading one of the trading terminals offered by IFC Markets.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2017 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

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Ascending Triangles

Ascending triangles form when there is a resistance level and the market price continues to make higher lows. This is a sign that the bulls are slowly starting to gain momentum over the bears.

The story behind an ascending triangle is that each time the price reaches a certain high, there are several traders who are convinced about selling at that level, resulting in the price dropping back down.

On the other side, there are several traders who believe the price should be higher, and as the price begins to drop, buy higher than its previous low. The result is a struggle between the bulls and bears which ultimately converges into an ultimate showdown…

What we are looking for is a breakout to the upside since ascending triangles are generally bullish signals. When we see a breach of the resistance level the proper decision would be to go long.

Descending Triangles

Descending triangles are basically the opposite of ascending triangles. Sellers are continuing to put pressure on the buyers, and as a result, we start to see lower highs met by a strong support level.

Descending triangles are generally bearish signals. To take advantage of this, our goal is to position ourselves to go short if the price should breakout below the support level.

Symmetrical Triangles

The third type of triangle is the symmetrical triangle. Rather than having a horizontal support or resistance level, both the bulls and the bears create higher lows and lower highs and form an apex somewhere in the middle.

Unlike the ascending and descending triangles which are generally bullish and bearish signals, symmetrical triangles have NO directional bias. You must be ready to trade a breakout on either side!

In the case of the symmetrical triangle, you want to position yourself to be ready for both an upside or downside breakout. A perfect time to use the one-cancels-the-other (OCO) order! Don’t remember what an OCO order is? Go review your types of orders!

In this scenario, GBP/USD broke out on the upside and our long entry was triggered.

Breaking down the Triangle Breakouts

To help you memorize the different types of triangle breakouts, just think of facial breakouts.

Ascending triangles usually breakout to the upside. So when you think of ascending triangles, think of breaking out on your forehead.

Descending triangles usually breakout to the downside. So when you think of descending triangles, think of breaking out on your chin.

Symmetrical triangles can break either to the upside or the downside. So when you think of symmetrical triangles, think of breaking out on both your chin and forehead.

Here’s a quick and disgusting memory tickler:

Ascending triangle = Forehead breakout

Descending triangle = Chin breakout

Symmetrical triangle = Forehead OR chin breakout

Gross eh? But we bet you’ll remember it!

Bearish Breakout of Short-term Ascending Triangle Spotted in the EUR/CHF

Forex Technical Update

June 22, 2011 – EUR/CHF Caught in a Range after Breaking Below Short-term Triangle

Simple Moving Average(SMA) 200-period (bold, black) RSI-14 Fibonacci Study Elliott Wave Principles Market and Price Action (patterns, candlesticks) Intraday pivots and Intermediate-term support and resistance Multiple Time-frame Analysis

EUR/CHF Short-term to Medium-term – The EUR/CHF has broken below a n ascending triangle. & # 8211; We are just a couple of clues away form seeing the market continue the bearish mode in the medium and long term. & # 8211; First of all the RSI in the 1H chart never broke above 70 to establish even short-term bullish momentum. The rally and formation of an ascending triangle is therefore categorized as a correction. & # 8211; The first clue of a bearish continuation is a push below the current range, with 1.2025 support near the 61.8% retracment level. A clear break below the 1.2017 pivot is more convincing. & # 8211; The very short-term outlook is the base of the triangle at 1.1946 . This is also the record low. A rally above 1.2080 would suggest extension of the current sideways or even slightly bullish consolidation. & # 8211; The 4H chart shows a swing projection towards 1.1840 . the next target below 1.1946 . Note that momentum in the medium term remains bearish as the 4H reading remains below 60, although the inability to break below 30 has made the bearish momentum less impressive.

Fan Yang CMT Chief Technical Strategist FXTimes

Information and opinions contained in this report are for educational purposes only and do not constitute an investment advice. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. FXTimes will not accept liability for any loss of profit or damage which may arise directly, indirectly or consequently from use of or reliance on the trading set-ups or any accompanying chart analysis.


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Trading Stocks Chart Patterns – Ascending Triangle

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Triangles technical ysis chart pattern

Triangles. For a more detailed description of the triangle chart pattern in a video format, see Symmetrical, Ascending, & Descending Triangle Chart Pattern Video.

Ascending Triangle – Chart Pattern – Forex-Tribe. com

The descending triangle is a bearsih continuation pattern. The pattern is formed by two converging lines. The first is a downward slant that which is resistance and

Analyzing Chart Patterns: Triangles | Investopedia

Ascending Triangle The ascending triangle is a bullish pattern, which gives an indication that the price of the security is headed higher upon completion.

Bottom Triangle Or Wedge Chart Pattern | Profit Scanner

Bottom Triangle Or Wedge Chart Pattern consists of a group of patterns which have the same general shape as Symmetrical Triangles

Trading Online Markets: Ascending Triangle Stock Chart Pattern

An ascending triangle pattern is one of the most popular stock chart formations employed by investors who follow technical ysis. Ascending triangle patterns

Chart Patterns: Understanding Chart Patterns, Symmetrical

Chart Patterns | Continuation Patterns

The ascending triangle pattern is similar to the symmetrical triangle except that the upper trend line of the ascending triangle is flat resistance line.

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Estrategia de Forex «SaRa» se basa en las reglas clásicas de soporte comercial y los niveles de resistencia, y la compleja estrategia de cálculo no requiere, y para determinar los niveles por sí mismos pueden utilizar la pantalla auxiliar (se puede descargar al final de la estrategia) . La estrategia utiliza una de las principales reglas de comercio en [& hellip;]

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Estrategia de Forex & # 171; Entropy & # 187; Se basa en un indicador muy interesante, denominado entropía matemática, y este indicador se indica con bastante exactitud en el momento de la ganancia de una tendencia (presente en un momento dado en el mercado), lo que permite obtener una mayor proporción de probabilidad para lograr beneficios En la entrada al mercado. La estrategia [& hellip;]

Hoy nos fijamos en la Estrategia de Pin Bar # 187 ;, se basa en el acercamiento al nivel de precio de soporte o resistencia y rebote de él con la formación de una vela con una cola larga. Para el comercio recomiendo elegir una opción de IQ de Broker & gt; (Active su bono del 100% ahora!) Anteriormente este sitio [& hellip;]

Estrategia de Forex «VIDYA» es bastante simple de usar, pero la eficiencia de la misma no cae, vale la pena señalar que los mejores beneficios que muestra una tendencia y de lado puede dar reducción, pero la reducción es muy rápidamente cubierto en el momento de La tendencia activa. Para el comercio recomiendo elegir uno [& hellip;]

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Ascending and Descending Triangles

Two closely related variants of the Triangle pattern are the Ascending and Descending Triangle pattern; these two patterns are shown below in the chart of the 100 ounce Gold futures:

Ascending Triangle

An Ascending Triangle is viewed as being more bullish than the regular Triangle patterns. With an Ascending Triangle, higher lows are being made (typically a bullish sign) and sometimes higher highs are being made (also typically a bullish sign).

Ascending Triangle Potential Buy Signal

As with the regular Triangle formation, the Ascending Triangle potentially gives a buy signal when the resistance line is penetrated to the upside . Also, the signal is considered to be stronger if prices have been in an uptrend prior to the Ascending Triangle and upside breakout.

Descending Triangle

The Descending Triangle is viewed as being more bearish than the regular Triangle patterns. When a Descending Triangle is formed, lower lows are being made (typically a bearish sign) and quite often, lower highs are being made (generally seen as bearish).

Descending Triangle Potential Sell Signal

With the Descending Triangle formation, a possible sell signal occurs when the support line is penetrated to the downside . Traders usually view the sell signal as being stronger if prices have been in a confirmed downtrend prior to the Descending Triangle formation and downside breakout.

A similar chart formation is the Flag pattern (see: Flag ).

La información anterior es sólo para fines informativos y de entretenimiento y no constituye asesoramiento comercial o una solicitud de compra o venta de acciones, opciones, futuros, productos básicos o productos de divisas. El desempeño pasado no es necesariamente una indicación del desempeño futuro. El comercio es inherentemente arriesgado. OnlineTradingConcepts. com shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of or the inability to use, the materials and information provided by this site. See full disclaimer .

Charts and Analysis

The ability to read and understand charts is what makes the difference between a good Forex trader and a great Forex trader. Forexeva have put together this breakdown of charts and analysis to help you improve your analysis techniques and improve your Forex trading returns. There are several types of Forex charts. The most commonly used are the Line, Bar and Candlestick Charts. Regardless of what a chart may look like, the four variables tracked by any Forex chart are: • Price • Volume • Time • Momentum

Continuation Patterns A Continuation Pattern is a brief change in the direction of a trend that ultimately returns to its original direction. Often, a continuation pattern comes about during a highly volatile period such as a natural disaster or a major election. Ultimately, market sentiment and the underlying strength or weakness of a currency win out and the overall trend continues unabated. The following are the major types of continuation patterns : Triangle A Triangle is very common, especially on short term time frames. There are three types of triangles; Ascending Triangles, Symmetrical Triangles and Descending Triangles. Triangles occur when prices converge with the highs and lows narrowing into a tighter and tighter price range.

Ascending Triangles An Ascending Triangle happens when a pair has been consolidating upwards. In the image below, the EUR/AUD pair had a resistance level near 1.39, which it couldn't pass. The support level had been rising, showing buyer's pressure. Eventually the pair broke upwards above the resistance level of 1.39. Ascending Triangles usually break through the resistance level.

Descending Triangles. A Descending Triangle happens when a pair has been consolidating downwards. In the image below, the USD/CHF pair had support near the 0.90 level, which it couldn't pass. The resistance level had been declining, indicating seller's pressure. Eventually the pair broke downwards below the support level of 0.90. Descending Triangles usually break through the support level.

Symmetrical Triangles . The Symmetrical Triangle chart pattern is formed when highs and lows converge together to form a triangle shape. This is a standoff with the buyers and sellers. The Symmetrical Triangle pattern is considered a consolidation pattern.

Wedge A Wedge Pattern is also very similar to a Symmetrical Triangle Pattern. The difference in this case is that a wedge drifts either upward or downward. In contrast, a Triangle Pattern tends to move to one side. Usually, a Wedge's full run unfolds over a three to six month period. If you can find a trend like a Wedge during its early formative period, you can get in during a temporary rise or falling and make a decent profit. There are also abundant short-selling opportunities if you catch a Descending Triangle early enough.

There are 2 types of Wedges: Falling Wedge and Rising Wedge.

Falling Wedge . The Falling Wedge is generally a bullish pattern signaling that one will likely see the price break upwards through the Wedge and move into an uptrend. The trend lines of this pattern converge, with both being slanted in a downward direction as the price is trading in a downtrend.

Rising Wedge . Conversely, a Rising Wedge is a bearish pattern that signals that the asset is likely to head in a downward direction. The trend lines of this pattern converge, with both trend lines slanted in an upward direction. As the strength of the buyers weaken, the sellers start to gain momentum. The pattern is complete, with the sellers taking control of the security at which point the price falls below the supporting trend line.

Flags, Pennants, Wedges and Triangles are short term diversions in the direction of a currency's price. The overall trend can continue for months or even years, but these temporary reversals can allow you to get in on short positions at a good price, from which you can enjoy higher profits as a result.

La volatilidad del mercado, el volumen y la disponibilidad del sistema pueden retrasar el acceso a la cuenta y las ejecuciones comerciales.

El desempeño pasado de una seguridad o estrategia no es garantía de resultados futuros o de éxito en la inversión.

La negociación de acciones, opciones, futuros y divisas implica especulación, y el riesgo de pérdida puede ser sustancial. Los clientes deben considerar todos los factores de riesgo relevantes, incluyendo su propia situación financiera personal, antes de la negociación. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, así como sus propios factores de riesgo.

Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores, ya que los riesgos especiales inherentes al comercio de opciones pueden exponer a los inversores a pérdidas potencialmente rápidas y sustanciales. Prior to trading options, you should carefully read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options .

Spreads, Straddles y otras estrategias de opción de múltiples piernas pueden implicar costos de transacción sustanciales, incluyendo múltiples comisiones, lo cual puede impactar cualquier retorno potencial.

El comercio de opciones de futuros y futuros es especulativo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, lea la información sobre riesgos para futuros y opciones antes de negociar productos futuros.

Forex trading involves leverage, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Please read the Forex Risk Disclosure prior to trading forex products.

Los futuros y las cuentas de divisas no están protegidos por la Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

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Triangles in Binary Options Trading

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

When trading binary options, one always needs to have some sort of a system to fall back on. Going with gut-feelings all the time is a surefire way to losing one’s bankroll and to being pushed out of trading for good. One of the best ways to establish a system which stands a good chance to work out fine is to simply adapt a proven one from trading in other markets. The Triangle Touch strategy is exactly this sort of a solution. It – like most of the best binary options trading systems – is based on the identification and subsequent exploitation of specific chart patterns formed by the candlesticks which define the price action of a given asset. If you fancy getting paid to trade Forex, get your Free Forex Bonus at bestforexteam. com.

The first step towards understanding how this strategy works is to define the triangle pattern, of which there are two sub-types: ascending and descending ones. An ascending triangle is defined by a series of candlesticks with steady highs and gradually higher lows. Such a chart-pattern is considered to predict an upward breakout of the asset price, which means that it will break through the horizontal resistance line defined by the highs of the candles, and it will not head lower than the sloping support line, defined by the gradually higher lows of the candlesticks.

A descending triangle is the opposite of the above defined ascending one: it is defined by candlesticks with steady lows and gradually lower highs. This chart pattern heralds a downward breakout, where the asset price will break through the horizontal support line defined by the lows of the candlesticks, and it will not go higher than the downward-sloping resistance defined by the candlestick highs.

How do you trade these patterns and price-breakouts though? The situations predicted by the triangle chart patterns obviously call for the trading of the Touch/No Touch contract. In the case of an ascending triangle, the Touch zone will obviously be above the horizontal resistance line defined by the candlestick highs. The No Touch Zone will be below the sloping support line defined by the gradually higher lows. The question here is, just how high will the asset price go following the bullish breakout? There’s a pretty logical solution to this question too: by using the automatic pivot point calculator, one will find several potential resistance levels for the asset price. The first one of these levels is obviously the target.

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The price has broken the trendline and the 23.6% fibo retracement between the 18.09.2017 high and the 01.10.2017 low. Also the price bounced around the 61.8% fibo retracement between the 13.04.2017 low and 18.06.2017 high and now is above the 50% fibo retracement between the same swings. If the price stays above the trendline and these levels, the price remains bullish. If you want to buy, look for bullish evidences.

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The price was rejected from the 2.45700 level which is 38.2% fibo level between 21.08.2017 low and 24.08.2017 high, on the daily chart. I am looking for bullish evidences at the 2.44546, 2.44074, and 2.43622 levels which are 38.2%, 50.0% and 61.8% fibo retracements between 18.09.2017 low and 21.09.2017 high on H4 and H1 charts.

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The price was rejected from the confluence between the 38.2% fibo retracement (18.06.2017 high and 04.09.2017 low), 61.8% fibo retracement (11.08.2017 high and 04.09.2017 low) and the 0.72600 resistance level. Look for a break below the H4 ascending trendline and daily descending trendline for a bearish bias.

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The pair is in downtrend. The price was rejected from the confluence area between 0.64600 resistance level, the daily trendline and 200 SMA. Look for bearish evidences after retracements at strong resistance levels.

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The pair is in uptrend. It just tested the support at 1135 area. This support is a confluence between S2 pivot, 50SMA, trendline and 38.2% fibo retracement. Look for bullish evidences to buy the pair. China’s slowdown, PBOC yuan devaluation and US low running inflation is seen as a big obstacle to a FED rate hike in Septemeber.

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The pair broke the upper line of the ascending triangle and tested it in confluence with the 50 SMA in the 1.56580-1.56000 area. By measuring the triangle’s widest area, a possible target is 1.59620 level. China’s slowdown, PBOC yuan devaluation and US low running inflation is seen as a big obstacle to a FED rate hike in Septemeber.

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I am looking to buy the pair at bounces near the 38.2% (1.29730) or 50% (1.29516) Fibonacci retracements between the 29.07.2017 low and the 30.07.2017 high. On hourly time frame, around 38.2% (1.29730) retracement we can see a confluence between 200 EMA, the fibo line and L3 Camarilla pivot point.

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The World Bank has lowered their 2017 China growth forecast from 7.2% to 7.1% and 2017 from 7.1% to 7.0%. China is Australia’s major trading partner. The major chinese imports from Australia include iron ore, coal and gold. China customs spokesman Huang Sai says that chinese orders are falling and internatioanl demand is weak. Chinese Trade Balance data was released worst than expected. China imported in March 80.51 mln tonnes of iron ore. This spurred speculation over further Chinese easing. Market expectations of a RBA rate cut in May have increased.

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US unemployment claims data was released today better than expected. Fed’s Lockhart states that June, July and September are all possible timings for the first rate hike. Analysts at Barclays expect EUR/USD to hit 1.0 by Q3 against previous estimation of Q4. Fed’s Lockhart says markets determine the level at which the USD trades and the Fed does not intend to intervene despite continued strength in the greenback. In the 7th of April we will have the RBA Rate Statement. Market expects a rate cut. This will cause a plunge in the AUD price.

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The most important event this week is the FOMC statement and and the FOMC press conference, which are announced on Wednesday. The market expects that the FED will remove the word “patient” from the statement, signaling a rate hike in June. However, if the word “patient” remains in the statement, the dollar will drop.

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USDCHF Ascending Triangle Pattern (Dec 1, 2017)

The rejection of the Swiss gold initiative led to a bounce off the bottom of the ascending triangle on USD/CHF’s 4-hour forex chart.

Price is now on its way to test the resistance of the chart pattern around the .9700 major psychological mark.

An upside break could lead to a rally of as much as 300 pips, which is the same height as the chart pattern. However, if the top of the triangle still holds as resistance, price could make another test of the bottom. A downside break might similarly lead to a selloff of roughly 300 pips.

The path of least resistance is to the upside though, as the “No” vote on the gold initiative means that the SNB can still afford to ease monetary policy or intervene in the currency market if necessary. Remember that the central bank is inclined to keep the franc weak in order to retain competitiveness in international trade and to ward off deflationary pressures in Switzerland.

Meanwhile, the US dollar is still strongly supported by good fundamentals, especially if this week’s set of reports come in strong. Traders might price in expectations ahead of the NFP release as soon as the leading indicators, such as the ISM PMIs and ADP employment figures are released.

By Kate Curtis from Trader's Way

Descending Triangles

Hi again fellow traders! Are you closer to your highest goal (becoming a professional trader)? If you´ve watched and understood the previous lessons, of course you are! First, congratulate yourself that you´ve come so far. During this video lesson, you will learn about Descending Triangles. Also, you will learn how to see and use this type of triangles to make much better trading decisions (and better profits) in the FX market. Again, remember this note that you´ll see every time that we talk about technical indicators and other chart patterns (like this one): technical indicators will always help you confirm a trade, provided you´ve found a strong level of support/resistance ; if you haven´t found a strong S/R level, you cannot place a trade, even if the indicator tells you you should buy or sell! Relax and learn!

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Like a Trader, there are lots of abilities that you’ll require to become prosperous on the constant foundation. Learning how you can realize specialized evaluation indications, choice prices, as well as danger administration tend to be some of the crucial places. Nevertheless, not one of those tend to be because essential because your own Trading Psychology as well as self-discipline. When you Learn to manage (not always master) your own feelings, you’ll be a much more lucrative Trader actually immediately.

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From it’s basis, you ought to have a good knowledge of concern, avarice, as well as marketplace emotion bearing in mind these aren’t very easily tamed. That’s simply because inside a person there’s a good impulse in order to usually achieve greater; to get slightly much more. Understanding that these types of feelings can be found after which creating a Trading strategy depending on logical company choices is actually exactly what can help you endure with this online game.

However the reason why achieve this numerous Traders fall short about the Trading Psychological entrance in the event that this particular idea is really well known? Honestly, just half the normal commission has got the confidence to manage, after which change their own Trading Psychology. Many people attempt to “will” on their own in order to much more lucrative Trading, “toughing out” the actual crisis. The actual Traders that earn regularly deal with Trading like a company and never only pastime.

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Resumen. Target Level. 94.5 Target Period. 2 días

Análisis. Ascending Triangle identified at 02-Oct-17:30 2017 GMT-4. This pattern is still in the process of forming. Possible bullish price movement towards the resistance 94.5 within the next 2 days.

Supporting Indicators. Upward sloping Moving Average

Resistance Levels. ( B ) 94.5Last resistance turning point of Ascending Triangle.

Support Levels ( A ) 92.53Last support turning point of Ascending Triangle.

Chart date range. 24-Aug-13:30 GMT-4-> 02-Oct-17:30 GMT-4 Data interval. 4 hour RSI: 34 Candles MA: 34 Candles


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Please keep in mind that My blog contains only my personal opinion and is provided for informational purposes only, and no mention of a particular security constitutes a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold that or any other security. My past results are not necessary indicative of future performance. Any trades or investments are committed at your own risk. I am not a professional money manager. Always consult your broker for any of your investment decision. Trade at your own risk. All opinion in this blog is intended for educational purpose only and Lusitanians Traders is by no means liable for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. Trade at your own financial risk as I assume no responsibility for your investing decisions in the markets.


Post in NEWS 2017-03-17 07:43:19 GMT

Silver has been in a distinct downtrend since the first half of 2011, but there is a good possibility that in the perspective of the next several weeks the metal is going to appreciate. At the moment, the price is forming an ascending triangle—an argument in favour of growing demand. The bullish outlook will be confirmed once resistance at 15.86/83 is out of the way. In this case, considering the height of the pattern (200 pips), the target will be the May 2017 high at 17.80, but the initial objective will be the highest point since last year's October, namely 16.38. Still, there are reasons why XAG/USD might not be able to recover, as the instrument is overbought in the SWFX market—72% of positions are presently long.

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