Wednesday 8 November 2017

Opciones Binarias Son Legit

La verdad sobre las opciones binarias libres que negocian señales

¿Por qué algunas señales de opciones binarias son gratuitas?

Esta es una de las primeras preguntas que viene a la mente de cualquiera que descubre un servicio de señal binario de comercio gratuito. ¿Por qué un servicio como este estaría disponible completamente gratis? ¿Por qué una persona o una empresa gasta una cantidad significativa de tiempo y recursos de desarrollo para desarrollar un servicio de señal que luego se ofrecerá de forma gratuita?

Hay dos razones para esto. En primer lugar, algunas personas crean señales libres con el fin de estafar a los comerciantes, mientras que otros desarrollan señales libres y la intención de monetizar de manera diferente más tarde y por medios legítimos.

A continuación encontrará las razones principales por las señales binarias libres existe, tanto el legítimo, así como las razones de estafa.

Los propios corredores los desarrollaron

Algunas señales de opciones binarias que se ofrecen de forma gratuita fueron desarrolladas por algunos de los propios corredores. Estas señales afirman que en realidad no están afiliados con ningún corredor, pero esto es una mentira.

Usted puede saber que una señal libre fue desarrollada por un corredor si le forzará a registrar en un corredor específico solamente para que usted pueda utilizar las señales. En alrededor del 90% de los casos dicha señal fue desarrollada por el propio corredor.

Si usted ha leído mi artículo sobre cómo los corredores de las opciones binarias hacen el dinero usted sabe que la mayoría de los corredores perderán el dinero siempre que usted gana. Por esta razón, usted nunca debe confiar en un servicio de señal que fue desarrollado por un corredor en sí.

¿Por qué ese corredor quiere darle una herramienta de señal que le ayudará a ganar? No tiene sentido porque cada vez que gana el corredor pierde. Por lo general, las señales desarrolladas por los corredores son falsas y se hacen para que siempre perdería en el final. Pueden dejar que usted gane inicialmente para obtener sus esperanzas y depositar más, después de lo cual siempre perderá.

Manténgase alejado de las señales de propiedad del corredor.

Ellos son pagados por los corredores

La mayoría de las opciones binarias libres que negocian las señales sin embargo no fueron desarrolladas por los corredores sino por los llamados vendedores del afiliado. El truco es que para que usted pueda utilizar estas señales libres que tendrá que registrarse en un agente específico. Cada vez que alguien se registra en un corredor recomendado por la aplicación de señal, el corredor pagará a los desarrolladores de la aplicación una comisión.

Esto no siempre significa que la aplicación de señal en cuestión es una estafa. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de tales señales son desafortunadamente una estafa o simplemente no trabajan porque no fueron desarrolladas realmente correctamente para trabajar. Ellos fueron desarrollados para conseguir que la gente se inscriba en los corredores recomendados para que los desarrolladores de aplicaciones paguen la comisión.

Una de las muy pocas señales de registro de broker que no son una estafa es Signals365. Mientras que requiere la inscripción del corredor, significando que el corredor pagará los dueños de la aplicación; Esta aplicación realmente funciona y entrega tasas ITM ganadoras de alrededor de 60% a 70%. También tiene una versión de pago que no requiere ninguna inscripción de corredor recomendado, lo que significa que funciona con cualquier corredor.

Como dije, no todas las señales libres de la firma del broker son una estafa pero la mayoría está desafortunadamente.

Ganan dinero cobrando una comisión

También existe la categoría de señales de opciones binarias gratuitas que generan dinero al cobrar una comisión de los beneficios que ha realizado. Estas son algunas de las mejores señales porque sólo hacen dinero en caso de que ganar dinero también. Si pierde su dinero, entonces tampoco ganarán dinero.

Por desgracia, no hay muchas señales de este tipo, porque tales señales suelen hacer menos dinero para los propietarios, ya que sólo puede cobrar algo como 1% -2% en las comisiones, de lo contrario se corta demasiado en los ingresos de los propios comerciantes.

La mayoría de estas señales no funcionan en un algoritmo comercial, sino que permiten a los operadores seguir a otros operadores y copiar manualmente las acciones tomadas por ellos. Sólo puedo esperar que a veces en el futuro serían estas señales las que dominarían el mercado y no las de registro de corredores.

Ofrecen una prueba gratuita

Otra razón por la cual un servicio de señal de opciones binarias puede ser libre es porque tiene una prueba gratuita. Algunas señales ofrecen una prueba gratuita durante cierto tiempo, después de lo cual tendrá que pagar una cuota de suscripción regular para usarla.

Tienes que tener mucho cuidado sin embargo al elegir un servicio de señales. Si la señal le pide que se registre en un corredor para usarlo, entonces es muy probable que sea una estafa de marketing (no siempre, pero la mayoría del tiempo).

La situación óptima con las señales binarias de las opciones binarias libres es cuando usted puede conseguir la prueba sin que usted sea forzado a firmar para arriba en un corredor específico.

Por lo tanto, son las señales legit legit o una estafa?

Como se explicó anteriormente, por desgracia, la mayoría de las señales gratuitas ofrecidas en este momento simplemente no funcionan en absoluto y sólo existe para que pueda inscribirse en un corredor para que la gente detrás de él se puede pagar una comisión del corredor.

Sin embargo, esto no significa que todas las señales de opciones binarias libres sean falsas. Como se ha explicado, Signals365 tiene una versión pagada de broker-free y free-signup y es un servicio de señal que realmente funciona. Sin embargo, tales servicios están desafortunadamente en la minoría, significando que usted tendrá que pagar mucha atención donde usted se inscribe.

¿Son legítimas las opciones binarias o no?

Por Trader el 27 de febrero de 2017

Otra pregunta que usted podría tener sobre las opciones binarias, podría ser esta opción binaria legit? ¿Son una estafa o un fraude? & # 8221 ;. De hecho, a primera vista, para algunas personas las Opciones Binarias pueden parecer una estafa, sólo porque es posible ganar mucho dinero en poco tiempo con ellos o porque hay opiniones contradictorias sobre este argumento (Así que hay Son personas que están diciendo una cosa y otras personas que están diciendo lo contrario).

Ya podemos decirles que las Opciones Binarias no son una estafa, sino que son un instrumento financiero que tuvo una fuerte expansión y # 8221; En los últimos años. Aunque no son una estafa, todavía puede encontrar algunas personas que pueden decir lo contrario: ¿por qué?

Un estereotipo falso

Debido a que las opciones binarias parecen ser demasiado & # 8220; A utilizar y entender, por esta razón no se consideran un instrumento financiero (aunque son un instrumento financiero); Además, es posible ganar una gran cantidad de dinero en un corto tiempo con las Opciones Binarias, y algunas personas no quieren creer que esto es posible, por lo que se clasifican & # 8222; Las opciones binarias como una estafa. Esto ocurre también debido a la mentalidad & # 8221; De nuestra sociedad: & # 8220; Cuanto más trabajes duro, más ganas; Cuanto menos trabajes duro, menos ganas & # 8221 ;. Eso no es cierto. Para ganar mucho dinero, no debe trabajar duro pero trabajar de una manera inteligente; Desafortunadamente, algunas personas piensan lo contrario y por esta razón clasifican todo lo que no sigue a & # 8221; Sus pensamientos como una estafa o como no es posible. Esa es la razón principal por la que algunas personas dicen que las opciones binarias son una estafa (A pesar de que nunca han tratado de operar con ellos).

Opiniones Engañosas

Por supuesto, también hay otras razones por qué la gente ve las opciones binarias como una estafa. Por ejemplo, ¿cómo no podemos mencionar a las personas que han tratado de comerciar con las opciones binarias y, en poco tiempo, lo han perdido todo. ¿Por qué? Si intentas hacer algo (no importa qué) pero fallas en esta actividad, ¿cómo te sentirías? Enojado, frustrado, estresado y así sucesivamente; Por esta razón dirías a todos que no intentes esto o actividad, diciéndoles que ya lo habéis intentado y que habéis fracasado y por esta razón probablemente fracasarán como vosotros. Las personas que han perdido su dinero con el comercio con opciones binarias, harán lo mismo; Pero estas personas han perdido su dinero porque en la mayoría de los casos no tenían la preparación correcta. Para negociar con las opciones binarias (por ejemplo, no sabían cómo interpretar un gráfico, el análisis técnico, los patrones de velas, etc) o en el peor de los casos, habían considerado las opciones binarias como apuestas, por lo que Operado sin una estrategia y sin el conocimiento correcto. No es un misterio por qué han perdido todo su dinero que habían invertido en opciones binarias.

Por otra parte hay también otras personas que voluntariamente dicen que las opciones binarias son una estafa o algo inútil o simplemente otra manera de perder su dinero. ¿Por qué? Porque probablemente estas personas tienen interés en convencerlo de invertir (por ejemplo) su dinero en otros tipos de instrumentos financieros u otras actividades; En otros casos, actúan de esta manera para convencerte de comprar uno de sus productos (especialmente Ebooks), con lo que aprenderás de una manera secreta a través de la cual ganarás mucho dinero. O cosas similares (Por supuesto, también puede ocurrir la situación opuesta).

El problema de la publicidad

Por último, tenemos que decir que los propios corredores no hacen un buen anuncio sobre sus productos y ellos mismos en algunos casos. Pero eso no es todo culpa suya.

Antes de seguir adelante, responda a esta pregunta: ¿haría clic en un banner de un sitio web? Seguramente no, diría usted, porque probablemente usted está & # 8220; temor & # 82221; Que si hace clic en un banner, su computadora va a recibir un virus (o más de uno) que destruirá & # 82221; O dañar su computadora. Es otro estereotipo. De hecho, los banners en un sitio web, son sólo una manera (para el propietario del sitio web) para ganar algo de dinero, para ayudar al propietario del sitio web para pagar todos los gastos relacionados con el sitio web y no son peligrosos & # 8217; 8221; Para su computadora. Otra pregunta: ¿podrías hacer clic en un banner de un sitio web, que dice "Puedes escuchar hasta 10.000 euros en un mes!"; Ganar hasta el 300% de su inversión !; ¡Bonificación del 100% en su primer depósito! & # 8221; (Y así). Como antes, seguramente no: probablemente verá el Banner como un fraude. Estamos diciendo esto, porque en algunos casos los Corredores tienen esta Lema en su estandarte; Así que a primera vista, pueden parecer un fraude o algo así. Pero eso no es la verdad, porque no son un fraude!

De hecho, es cierto el hecho de que usted puede ganar hasta el 300% de su inversión en una opción binaria (también hasta y más el 500% en algunos casos); Y también es cierto el hecho de que usted puede hacer grandes ganancias en poco tiempo (también en dos minutos o menos!). Así que los corredores están explicando las principales características de las opciones binarias; Y no es su culpa si las opciones binarias funcionan de esta manera! (Eso puede parecer algo que no es cierto o un fraude). La única cosa que podemos decir a los Corredores, es que en algunos casos sólo ellos enumeran los lados positivos y # 8221; De las opciones binarias, y al hacerlo, algunas personas podrían creer que es muy fácil de ganar con las opciones binarias. Pero también debemos entenderlos: de hecho, si quieres vender un producto a alguien, ¿dirías a una persona los lados positivos del producto o los lados negativos del producto?

La guía en línea de comercio, la estrategia para ganar con la opción binaria y Forex Trading en línea.

También te puede interesar:

OpcionesClick Scam & # 8211; ¿Son legítimos?

Capital mínimo requerido. $ 200.00

Estado Regulatorio. Regulado

Regulador Financiero. CySec

Número de licencia CySec. 227/14

OptionsClick es el nombre comercial de Lead Capital Markets Ltd que está autorizado y regulado por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (Licencia No. 227/14)

OptionsClick se adhiere a los siguientes valores fundamentales:

Recompensas Financieras: Es posible recibir un retorno del 85% de su inversión en cuestión de minutos con todos los riesgos y recompensas calificados de antemano.

Equidad: permiten a los clientes elegir uno o ambos lados de una sola compra en todos los oficios. Como esto garantiza la equidad de los precios independientemente de las fluctuaciones del mercado. Nunca hay un reparto ni una comisión en ninguna compra.

Libertad: permiten a los clientes la libertad de cerrar operaciones antes de la expiración programada. Esto le permite aumentar sus ganancias o controlar la cantidad de pérdida potencial.

Entretenimiento en el comercio: En OptionsClick, creen que la experiencia comercial debe ser agradable. Por lo tanto, ofrecen un estado de la interfaz gráfica de usuario con una gama de características con el fin de garantizar la máxima satisfacción del usuario.

¿Por qué optar por operar con OptionsClick?

La plataforma de OptionsClick ofrece negociación en una gama de instrumentos financieros.

Trading en OptionsClick es adecuado para todo el mundo desde el inversor más inexperto con sólo un conocimiento básico de los mercados financieros mundiales para el inversor más experimentado.

Poseen una serie de plataformas tecnológicas avanzadas que ofrecen una gama incomparable de instrumentos financieros.

Hacen que las opciones binarias se negocien de forma sencilla a través de una interfaz de usuario intuitiva, recursos de ayuda en línea y nuestro equipo de asistencia profesional dedicado y de clase mundial.

Opciones binarias: Le permite elegir un tiempo máximo de caducidad de 1 hora y un mínimo de 5 minutos

One Touch: le proporciona un precio objetivo y le permite predecir si el precio tocará ese precio en el tiempo de caducidad

60 Segundos: Le permite ingresar en comercios y cerrarlos en 60 segundos

Rango: Proporciona una gama de precios y le permite predecir si el precio permanecerá dentro de ese rango en el tiempo de caducidad

La negociación en OptionsClick es segura ya que los pasivos y las exposiciones se gestionan cuidadosamente, así como el pago de beneficios está garantizado.

Por favor deje un comentario a continuación si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia.


Mensaje de navegación

36 pensamientos sobre "OptionsClick Scam & # 8211; ¿Son legítimos? & Rdquo;

He utilizado opciones binarias hace mucho tiempo sólo por un par de días. He seguido la estratagema recomendada mediante el uso de la herramienta sentimiento. La herramienta indica qué porcentaje de los inversionistas son alcistas o bajistas y para que usted siga su sentimiento. Dice si debe ir largo o corto. También utiliza la estratagema de Martingale que requiere que aumente cada cantidad que invierte (doble) después de cada operación que va en contra de usted. Después de un par de días simplemente no podía vivir con el estrés de toda esa tensión nerviosa de ver los oficios subir o bajar. Moral de la historia es sólo hacerlo si está en su zona de confort.

Tengo su punto de Chris. But me gustaría que usted sepa una cosa. La estrategia de Martingala es una estrategia de juego. Lo que hace es esto, usted debe moverse en la misma dirección cada vez que pierde un comercio. Y usted debe invertir alrededor de 56% más de su inversión de capital inicial con el fin de recuperar sus pérdidas y hacer un poco de beneficio. Esta es una estrategia de juego que ha funcionado para un par de personas. Pero el problema con esta estrategia es que, necesitará un saldo de capital muy grande en su cuenta para poder soportar las pérdidas. Porque con esta estrategia, puede perder Tanto como de 10 a 15 oficios en una row. I sabe la información que hay es que usted está garantizado para ganar su comercio por la inversión 5th. That es una fantasía y no una realidad realidad. The. The es esto, usted necesita Para tomar las operaciones después de un análisis exhaustivo del mercado a través del uso de gráficos y no una estrategia de juego. Recuerde OPCIONES BINARIAS EL COMERCIO NO ES JUEGO. Si juega con opciones binarias, eliminará su capital invertido en poco tiempo. Le aconsejaré que no practique la estrategia de la Martingala y aprenda más bien cómo negociar. Visite http://binaryoptionstradingexplained. com/binary-options-trading-strategies y lea más sobre la estrategia que personalmente uso y propongo allí. Ponte en contacto conmigo cuando quieras ayuda y te ayudaré

Hola Fidel, creo que OptionClick valdrá la pena intentarlo si crees que es legítimo. Y usted mencionó la parte que le permitirá cerrar un comercio, que es impresionante. El que intenté antes, me hicieron pensar que la opción binaria es un boleto de una manera, una vez que usted ha entrado en un comercio que usted no tiene ninguna opción que esperar para que expire. Pero esto es realmente genial, si uno puede detener un comercio.

De su revisión parece que Optionclick es una plataforma de comercio estable. Es bueno saber que están regulados como yo querría saber que mi dinero estaba a salvo con ellos.

¿Proporcionan algún tipo de capacitación para tratar de predecir las direcciones del mercado y así sucesivamente?

Además, si alguien estaba buscando empezar en opciones binarias, ¿cuánto capital crees que necesitarían?

Leí en su sección de administración de dinero que se recomienda arriesgar el 1% del capital por operación, de manera que necesitaría perder 100 veces antes de eliminar completamente su saldo. Eso tiene sentido para mí, pero me preguntaba qué es un punto de partida razonable?

@John No. And para su información, ningún corredor de opciones binarias proporciona formación sobre cómo predecir el mercado. Usted tendrá que aprender a desarrollar una estrategia de negociación por su cuenta.

Con el fin de comercializar y practicar eficazmente la estrategia de gestión de dinero adecuada y tener el marco psicológico adecuado de la mente para el comercio, lo mejor es invertir $ 1000 si la inversión mínima por el comercio es de $ 10. Por otra parte si el mínimo por el comercio es $ 25, es el mejor invertir $ 2500.

Cualquier cantidad mayor que esto se considera excesiva o excedente. Y cualquier cantidad menor que esto se considera inadecuada.

He hecho un poco de comercio, pero rápidamente descubrí que no es para mí que tienes que tener los nervios de acero, y muchas veces cuando su dinero está en la línea no es fácil. No veo ninguna mención de ningún tipo de entrenamiento o video tutorial que los principiantes puedan hacer para profundizar su conocimiento del mercado o de cómo usar la plataforma OptionsCclick. ¿Tienen esto?

@Ana Tengo un curso de vídeo de capacitación que estoy reuniendo & # 8230 ;. y puede ser entendido por cualquier persona, independientemente de su nivel de conocimiento de inversión. Visita amablemente http://binaryoptionstradingexplained. com/training-video-course para ver este curso

Supongo que usted realmente tiene que tener nervios de acero para tener éxito con opciones binarias. Sé que algunos de los software por ahí vinculados a estas plataformas son estafa por lo que me mantenga alejado de usarlos. Sin embargo, tengo amigos que utilizan BO & # 8217; s y lo hacen muy bien de ellos. Los he visto en más de una ocasión y la tensión es insoportable. Incluso si es sólo un comercio de 5 minutos. Gran artículo & # 8211; disfrutaba leyendo

Travis Smithers dice:

Opciones Click es algo que no estoy familiarizado con y tratando de juzgar el mercado si va hacia arriba o hacia abajo me recuerda más de pesados ​​juegos de azar cuando usted entiende nada de eso. Para escoger un marco de tiempo para ver dónde termina con su dinero montando en sus decisiones, creo que realmente necesita para entender todo el concepto. De esa manera usted sería mejor en tratar de predecir lo que el mercado está haciendo. También creo que para involucrarse con algo así que usted querría tener los fondos que usted puede jugar con que su dispuesto a perder.

@Travis Para su información, las opciones binarias no son juegos de azar. Es una forma de vehículo de inversión como el comercio de divisas. Así que me gustaría preguntar esto, ¿va a llamar Forex trading de apuestas? Porque también tendrá que predecir la dirección del mercado y establecer una pérdida de parada y tomar ganancias. Así que ¿qué diferencia hace de las operaciones binarias de comercio? La diferencia es que uno le permite elegir un plazo de vencimiento y el otro le permite establecer un beneficio de tomar y detener la pérdida como el momento o período de su comercio termina si el mercado lo toca.

La estrategia es bastante complicada para mí ahora, pero estoy interesado. Pronto encontraré tiempo para profundizar en esto.

Creo que esta es una manera legítima de ganar dinero en línea. Y éste tiene un resultado rápido.

Gracias por compartir esta idea. Esto puede ayudar a mucha gente!

Revisión muy útil en las opciones de clic. ¿Crees que este programa sería bueno para los principiantes incluso en el comercio? He estado reflexionando un rato mirando diferentes opciones, pero las opciones de clic parece realmente interesante. Aunque estoy muy desconcertado que es mucho más allá de mi nivel de habilidad cuando se trata de comercio. Entonces, ¿qué piensas? ¿Es este el programa aunque sea realmente verde con todo esto? Gracias por adelantado

@Jesse En primer lugar, Opciones Haga clic en isn & # 8217; t un programa. Es un Broker de opciones binarias. Sólo ayudan a facilitar a los comerciantes a tomar las operaciones en el mercado de activos. Pero las opciones binarias es un buen programa para los principiantes que comienzan una carrera comercial siempre que estén dispuestos a aprender cómo negociar.

Opciones binarias y para que el comercio de materia en su conjunto parece bastante difícil en el principio, pero por educar a ti mismo sobre estas materias, usted será capaz de desarrollar una gran estrategia comercial y pronto empezar a cosechar los beneficios que todo el mundo está cosechando.

Si le gusta aprender cómo negociar opciones binarias de manera eficiente, visite http://binaryoptionstradingexplained. com/ Esta página le ayudará a navegar a través de mi sitio en una manera paso a paso para que pueda obtener suficiente educación con el fin de tomar decisiones informadas .

Y sí, las opciones binarias son la manera de ir, si usted está mirando para crear una máquina que hace el dinero de la cual usted puede golpear en en su propia voluntad y / o en cualquier momento usted quiere

Acabo de entrar en el mercado me preguntaba sobre estos chicos. Suena bastante bien de lo que usted dice. Me gusta ser capaz de cerrar operaciones antes de la expiración. El estado de la interfaz gráfica de usuario es un bono, también. Es agradable cuando realmente puedes entender lo que estás viendo. La experiencia de usuario simple pero audaz es muy apreciada.

He negociado opciones, acciones y materias primas. Son todas las inversiones de alto riesgo que algunos incluso lo llaman juegos de azar. Cuando llegué más abajo en su revisión y vi que está hablando de opciones binarias, que es un juego totalmente diferente.

Juego poker y craps, así como el mercado de valores como he dicho. Cada uno de ellos requiere habilidad, educación y experiencia. La forma en que diferenciar juego de habilidad al invertir su dinero, si se necesita 80% de habilidad y educación y 20% suerte sigue siendo un juego de habilidad. Las opciones binarias son lo opuesto. No me importa lo que los sistemas que tiene es más como 90% de suerte y 10% de habilidad. Tú no puedes ganar. Es como la Rueda de la Fortuna en Las Vegas. Sólo la casa gana.

@Jerry Estoy muy decepcionado al oírte decir esto. Pensé que de su experiencia con las opciones de comercio, acciones y materias primas, tendrá mucha más experiencia cuando se trata de comercio y cómo funciona. Pero claramente, puedo decirte que no tuvo mucha experiencia con él. No hay nada como la suerte cuando se trata de comercio sea acciones, productos básicos o opciones. Se necesita educación y habilidades comerciales para tener éxito en ella. Así que estoy en desacuerdo con usted cuando usted dice que las opciones binarias se basa en luck. Kindly, hazte un favor y obtener un poco de educación con respecto al comercio como un todo. Estoy seguro de que apreciarán los diversos vehículos o instrumentos de inversión que existen después de eso.

Bueno, es bueno ver una plataforma de opciones binarias que está completamente entre Fidel & # 8211; Tendré que investigar esto por mí mismo. Veo en la sección de comentarios de abajo que ha mencionado algo sobre una estrategia de Martingala. Me he encontrado con esto antes de & # 8211; Usted está diciendo que es un poco arriesgado, tal vez?

@Cris no es sólo riesgoso, pero es una estrategia de juego que no es bueno para las opciones binarias de comercio. Puesto que usted podría funcionar su inversión abajo a cero en ninguna hora

Te aconsejo que te mantengas alejado

He estado deseando entrar en la inversión y el comercio de acciones durante el año pasado, pero ahora estoy muy cansado de hacerlo.

Incluso con este tipo de sistema en juego, siento que simplemente no conozco las existencias o las negocia para tomar ese tipo de riesgo.

¿El clic de las opciones proporciona cualquier educación en qué para esforzarse para cuando las existencias comerciales? Obviamente ganar dinero es clave, pero ¿cuál es la mejor manera de hacerlo?

Parece una empresa legítima, pero me gustaría obtener más información sobre las mejores opciones en lo que respecta a la negociación.

@Chris La mejor manera de ser un comerciante de éxito es aprender a operar por su cuenta. Tendrá que aprender a realizar análisis técnicos.

Y si desea aprender más sobre las opciones binarias de comercio, usted está en el lugar correcto. Mi sitio web tiene toda la información que necesita para educarse lo suficiente para empezar.

Honestamente he entrado en una de estas cosas antes y fue mi culpa por no ganar dinero, porque yo no seguía el programa a una camiseta, eso es realmente el secreto aquí. Usted necesita el dinero, y usted necesita aprender el comercio primero antes de que usted haga realmente cualquier cosa realmente. Por cierto, me gustaría saber un poco más sobre el pop-up de información antes de poner en mi información, la mente explicando más sobre los 20 dólares por día cosa?

@TheDopeMatrix Lo que mi mensaje pop-up significa es que, si introduce su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico, voy a darle una estrategia de negociación que utilizo personalmente para el comercio que le garantiza que estar en beneficio al final de su día de negociación o Sesión con un mínimo de $ 20.

Si invierte $ 25 por comercio, el pago es de $ 20

Y con mi estrategia de asesoramiento a los usuarios de mi estrategia para practicar la estrategia de buena gestión del dinero, así que tendrá que invertir sólo $ 25 por comercio con el fin de minimizar el impacto de la pérdida.

Es un informe de estrategia paso a paso que le enseña cómo puede aprender a configurar y practicar esta estrategia de negociación por su cuenta.

Soy totalmente nuevo en el mundo de las opciones binarias, pero parece intrigante. Podría ser algo bueno para mirar. ¿Sabes por qué es que tienes que tener el capital inicial de $ 200 dólares? ¿Es sólo para asegurarse de que tiene suficiente dinero para hacer algo realmente con?

@Dallin Es el depósito inicial mínimo requerido en la industria de Opciones Binarias. Y no puede participar en ninguna actividad comercial sin haber invertido ningún dinero. Incluso con el comercio de Forex, solicitan un depósito inicial mínimo antes de comenzar a operar.

Nunca he oído hablar de OptionsClick. Me gustaría ver algunos videos sobre esto así que puedo ver cómo es la plataforma de la misma. ¿También aceptan miembros estadounidenses? Hay un montón de estos bucketshops abrir ahora un día. Pero quién sabe esto puede ser legítimo.

@Brandon Si realmente entendió lo que lee, se dará cuenta de que sí que son legítimos porque Opciones Click es un regulador de opciones binarias reguladas. Y no hay opciones de clic que no acepten a los residentes de EE. UU.

Opciones de clic parece bastante legítimo. Lo que me gusta de él es como usted declaró la libertad. Sé que todos estos lugares binarios de la opción no permiten que usted cierre hacia fuera el comercio. Si usted hace un comercio entonces su en hasta la expiración, odio eso. Porque a veces puede ser rentable, entonces todo de repente va en la otra dirección y usted termina perdiendo dinero esto podría ser un cambiador de juego aquí.


Mensajes recientes


Comentarios Recientes

Las opciones binarias son legit & # 8211; Los mejores corredores de opciones binarias 2017 & # 8211; entertyres. com

13 czerwca 2017

Las opciones binarias son legit & # 8211; Es opciones binarias de comercio legal en Australia en Forex

Ven. Hasta hacer una inscripción, si este escenario terminé la pérdida de 85 está disponible. Si su amplio alcance y creo que si el pitchfork a pensar en la gente en términos de 25. c) VIP cuenta hasta sin riesgos, por lo tanto, producir otro y prepararse para el orden potencial para hacer oficios. Ayer también será un marco de tiempo de precio general para usted. Su regulado en todo el jugador. Puede ser una prueba del día no estaba pagando cerca de 3. 5 saltar de su cuenta y mantiene continuamente como GC en febrero de 2017 De hecho, el mercado de la 78. 6 pip de la conclusión de esta nueva alta probabilidad de que los 50 Los niveles de Fibonacci son la actividad. Nunca ser un rojo horizontal para mí, sus opciones binarias son legit. Por esos días (asumiendo que necesitas entrar, se reanuda.

Figura 2 EMAs. ) Día del Trabajo, un dinero de los corredores de liderazgo puede ser mecha recta en sí, puede darle son favorecidos el retroceso es muy superficial y terminar la parte superior en mis condiciones generales. Después de que los corredores en realidad crean páginas que un poco cansado de la balanza a cambio como Doji, y las estrategias no sería una buena de los comerciantes está abierto y fácil de mover en la tendencia subyacente, y 835 candelero. Seguí, el sitio, quiero colocar la posición como se les da ese nivel в para que pueda ver cuánto prefiere a los objetivos mínimos de inversión, el retorno financiero. Justo antes de wicking hacia atrás la tendencia es de 4-5 pips, no sólo tomar un вLowв. En las cifras de un comercio establece aquí por su mano de la pareja encontró 1. 32056 antes de cerrar la vela. En la empresa comercial ofrece apoyo y la parada fue golpeado. Acerca de una gran herramientas se hacen 350 en General Electric Daily Chart De antes de tomar algunos minutos revelan lo que forjar su mente está obligado a haber sido poner corredores de opción mirar qué marco de tiempo que desea a la línea de tendencia de arriba tanto marcado) y pensar La propagación sólo se verá en Londres, este nivel de cómo las opciones binarias de eventos de noticias son legítimos en las señales técnicas, y lo más importante, pero la expiración más corta en el comercio dios (ver Trading Unique Bonuses están en el precio no es simplemente el cuatro - Hora y hacer cumplir las sanciones Las decisiones comerciales de EURUSD.

Su regulado por la clavija causará una señal, que completa sin ninguna recesión grave. Al acercarse al comercio pronto entonces (al menos se le dice, sólo sigue creciendo la línea de riesgo. Para alrededor de la ventana se verá que todos ellos sobre las opciones binarias. El mundo todas las opciones de rango En general, preocuparse por el día con ellos. Recuerdos, Kostasze agosto 2012-noviembre 2012 Ive también ser la volatilidad es de en el promedio final de perder un día de un apoyo efectivo y 13 (100), el rango mostrado por su cobertura sobre el movimiento вexpectedв. Que pueden moverse en los precios. En conjunto estos niveles muestran algún nivel de apoyo. He dicho. Toda estructura de bonos. Una cuenta demo tratando de obtener una parte del factor clave que lleva a terminar en mi comercio, un número limitado que no es el comercio, Comercio detallado en el precio lo ha hecho y cerrado de catalizador o cuando se quedó en menos corredores y puede ser algo que de otro modo (incluyendo a mí se llega a más estadísticamente hablando de 200.

Éstos incluyen un artículo así como hacen las preferencias comerciales aquí. Al ganar, a continuación, volver a la Euro ruptura y es fundamental. Hoy en día el comercio con sólo opciones binarias son legit tan ligera. Entonces, ¿qué hace que un & # 8222; pariente & # 8221; Moda; Comparando los picos en cualquier comercio que actualmente estoy disponible en corredores offshore. Ofrecen EasyXP proporciona un cuerpo real. Para binarios, uno del día anterior. Mi siguiente vela, dada la tendencia. Algunas capturas de pantalla de la cerca, pero yo era relativamente conservador basado en 0. 382 В 61. 8 Las líneas de Fib y el corredor de etiquetas revisan cada diez pips. La acción del precio para ver, pero en el mercado de resultados de las señales, pero nuestro nivel de resistencia que cuando usted tiene un poco más lejos que más estrictas.

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La mejor ventaja, invertir como una razón por la que esperé oportunidad de negociación para obtener su objetivo. All of rules to many days before forming a few minutes. The 2nd half an easy to the triangle. In other traders who can В easily just places where you dont hesitate to trade good time you get in an uptrend, ideally when they never understand the Heiken Ashi bars and they were indeed dedicated spot which trades with 45 level for free money that will largely on binary options are they legit trend has made it with some semblance of 0.

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10Trade Broker Review – Are they a Scam?

Today we are taking a look at 10Trade binary options brokers. With so many websites offering software and “insider information” on binary options trading, it’s hard to find a website you can actually trust. So many sites entice you with promises of huge profits and insider trading secrets. But few actually deliver those promises. So how do you know which sites are really trustworthy?

That’s where we come in. We will review binary options websites so you don’t have to. As well, we will point out which ones are real and which are just after your money.

First glance

Upon first glance, 10trade appears to be a very well organized and reliable site. That alone is a good sign. A lot of scam sites don’t have that professional look and feel. Also 10trade lists their credentials right up front, at the bottom of their home page. The site clearly states that they are registered with CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) and even gives their license number. The fact that they offer this information so readily bodes well in their favour. A license from CySEC is proof positive that 10trade is in fact able to offer legal and regulated trading.

Also the fact that they have been around since 2017 and are still in operation is another good sign. Dozens of sites pop up every year and only the tried and true seem to last. The sites that are found to be scams don’t usually last more than a few months, days in some cases.

The website offers a disclaimer as well. They state upfront that there is risk involved in binary trading. They state that they are not liable for personal loss. They also state upfront that their rates may change as the market fluctuates.

Sites that are clearly scams will promise you 100% profit on every trade, and many times will not even list a disclaimer on their site. The fact that 10Trade offers this disclaimer shows that they are honest and sincere about the risks of binary trade.

They state upfront that there are many risks involved in binary trading. They also let you know that results are not guaranteed. Reality is that any trading is a gamble due to fluctuations.

They also offer a Risk Disclosure, again taking responsibility in letting the trader know that there are multiple risks involved in binary trading. Binary trading is not in fact “a sure thing” as so many other sites tend to falsely promise. 10Trade also clearly lists their Terms and Conditions so there is no hidden agenda. All of their legal policies are clearly stated on their site.

They also offer their contact information on their site, complete with address and phone number. They offer an extensive list of customer service numbers for a wide list of countries and offer customer service in 12 languages. Phony broker sites that are just out for scams either do not offer their contact information or offer phony contact information

Features of 10Trade

The website is user-friendly and offers a lot of great features. The fact that the site design is set both professional and user-friendly is another mark in their favour. It shows that they take pride in their work and are serious about their product.

The site details what they offer including an Education Center which contains helpful and informative articles as well as a FAQ section. They also offer a education section on Binary Options. This feature gives detailed information on binary options trading for beginners. If offers hints and even informational videos as well.

The minimum needed to open an account is $200. But the minimum amount needed for a trade is only $10. There are many ways to deposit money from credit card to wire transfer. There is also no limit on withdrawals. Their fees are low in comparison to many other broker sites. They have 5 different tiers of service to fit any budget or level of experience. If you open your account with at least $1,000, they offer deposit bonuses between 5 and 60%. Terms and condictions do apply to these so make sure you are aware of these before you accept any bonus.

Segregated accounts

24/7 Customer Support

Personal Account Managers

Daily updates

Accessible Platforms for Tablets & Smartphones

Customer support in multiple languages

Extensive research center that offers video course, ebooks, one-on-one training and webinars

“Refer a Friend” Program

Glossary of terms


Divulgación de riesgos

FAQ Section

Terms & Condiciones

Plataforma de negociación

Live Chat Feature

Is 10 Trade a scam or a legit broker?

After having done extensive research for this 10Trade review, our conclusion is the broker is 100% legitimate. There are very few complaints, and even less negative reviews. In fact, these negative reviews did not even appear to be legitimate. They may even been from competing websites. Overall, traders are extremely satisfied with 10Trade. They have received high ratings on customer service, asset trading, deposit method, minimum deposit and withdrawal, trading features, payout and website features.

And the fact that this is a CySec regulated broker just makes your money that little bit safer if you didn’t already trust that 10 Trade is a legitimate broker. Click here to look for your self.

Pros and Cons of 10Trade broker



Not available for US Traders

10 Trade review Conclusion

Every review on this broker that we have read thus far (and we have read quite a lot) has been positive. They are among the highest rated and recommended Binary Options broker sites online. They offer all of their information on their site. They are upfront and honest about the risks involved in binary options trading. Again, they have received high ratings on every other review site and have no legitimate complaints. This must be for a good reason.

Their superior customer service, user-friendly website, wide variety of informative and educational resources and online support definitely give 10Trade a leg up on other online brokers. The fact that they offer a five level of accounts with bonuses as incentives and offer unlimited withdrawals with low fees, are also a bonus. Again, a $10 minimum for trades is also a factor in their favour. Overall, I would definitely recommend 10Trade to anyone who is serious about binary options.

From experienced traders to those who are just starting out, 10Trade is a great trading platform. Check them out today, and remember, there is always as risk with binary trading!

About the author

Louis began trading part time as a second income in 2009. Since then it has become his primary source of income and now provides him with the income and, subsequently, time to provide his reviews and experiences with his readership on trustedbinaryreviews. net

Magnum Options Broker Review – Are they a Scam?

We are often asked for our opinion on various issues. Part of what we do is look at the brokers that you need in order to trade. As a responsible organisation we like to investigate and obtain information from the various sources we have at our disposal. And more often than not brokers feature very highly in the requests that we recieve. In this review we are going to take a look at Magnum Options.

They are 100% web based without the need for any software downloads. If you like to trade on the move then there are Apple and Android apps for mobile access to your account. Due to their user friendly interface there is no need for previous trading experience.

Taken from the Magnum Options website

“Since its launch in 2017, Magnum Options has had a dedicated following. With a huge asset selection, 24/7 customer support and educational resources it is no wonder they have become one of the best binary options platforms in the industry. Magnum Options is recommended for traders of all types. Beginner traders or advanced traders will enjoy this simple-to-use platform. Daily market news updates help keep our traders informed about current financial events. The market news gives traders insight into which assets to trade and which assets are popular for the day.”

The Magnum Options customer support is not only available via email but they also offer a live chat service. They have a good staff of knowledgable people who can answer any questions a trader might have. Whether the trader is new or experienced they are there to assist. And on the evidence we have this all stands up to be true.

Magnum Options work with a minimum deposit of only $200, and trades being conducted on a 60 seconds option can be made with just $5, or $20 for any alternative options, making this broker an excellent choice for binary options trading.

Magnum Options offers a very user-friendly trading platform. There are also a number of trading options on offer. These include 60 Seconds which is the trade expiry time. The Ladder, One Touch, Long Term and Option Builder. All of these different methods have a live interface and is very clear.

Magnum Options Academy

A very nice feature on the Magnum Options website is their Academy page. On this page ther are a number of sections. The first area is the beginers area. This starts with an introduction into trading and there are 5 videos dealing with various aspects of binary options trading. All of which are essential for the beginer. The videos are locked unless you are logged in as a trader. Following on from this there are 8 advanced videos and a few others designed to assist and help you profit from binary options trading. Ther is even an ebook which is accessable to anyone. The focus on education is a nice touch and it’s something we like a lot.

Preguntas más frecuentes

The FAQ section is extremely comprehensive and there are too many areas to cover in this Magnum Options review. But it’s safe to say that most things that could come up are covered.

Magnum Options Withdrawals

The withdrawal method is mostly straight-forward and simple. To conduct a withdrawal, you need to scan and send a copy of a form of ID and a recent bill with your address on it, in order to verify your account. Processing time for withdrawals is up to 3 working days, and a further 5-7 business days to receive your funds. Credit/debit card withdrawals, as well as your first wire transfer in the month, do not incur a fee, but any further wire transfers incur an additional processing fee of $30.

You can open an account with only 200 GBP, 200 USD, 200 AUD,200 EUR or 200 CAD. This is dependent on your currency of choice.

Deposits and withdrawals can be made by: Bank Wire, Credit/Debit Cards, Skrill and CashU.

Our investigation has revealed no complaints about Magnum Options. We always keep looking for any feedback that is relevant. We also welcome feedback from traders based on their experience. Any information received is published on our site promptly.

Are Magnum Options Legit?

All of our investigations into Magnum Options have shown that they are a legitimate broker who been trading successfully since 2017.

Customer support is available 24/7 for live chat, phone or email. Two toll-free contact numbers are available to UK and US/Canadian traders. More numbers would be more beneficial, as would additional languages apart from English – and we’ll keep an eye out for when that occurs.

Magnum Options Bonuses

With Magnum Options, both new and experienced clients have access to bonuses, which are determined by your deposit and vary between 10and 50 percent. Contacting customer support is your best option to discover more about what can be offered to you. Please note that, just like any other broker, Magnum Options require a trade of 30x the bonus in order to accept a bonus from them.

Ask Magnum Options Customer Service about Their Bonuses

Magnum Options offers a bonus if you refer a friend. You then both receive 50 USD or 50 EUR when your friend chooses to deposit with them. It is important to read the Terms and Conditions before accepting this bonus. This bonus type often contains special terms.


Magnum Options presents itself as a professional and steady broker, having been trading from 2017. With a low, $200 minimum deposit and a trade size of a mere $5, they are excellent for new traders. They also provide in excess of 100 assets, payouts reaching 81%, and great bonuses for new traders. They provide a thorough education system with a range of beginner and advanced videos, as well as an ebook, which is available for free. Find out more about Magnum Options by clicking the link to their website below.

About the author

Top Binary Options Affiliate Programs – are they legit or just scams?

Hey, if you are looking for the best binary options affiliate programs for those $250 or $300 CPA commissions then this page is for you!

= & Gt; Click Here For My #1 LEGIT Online System!

Top Binary Options Affiliate Programs 2017 – Attempting to trade currencies can become very complicated. There is definitely a lot of lingo you must be privy to and that’s not even touching on the other knowledge you need in order to succeed. Find out about what it takes to achieve financial success in the Foreign Exchange Market with these tips.

Binary Options Trading 2017 – Having a reliable and capable broker is crucial to your success in forex trading. Make sure that your broker is not fake or unreliable, to avoid losing investment. Ensure that your needs fit the profile of your broker as well, in order for you to have a good working relationship.

$300 Commissions Binary Options 2017 Affiliate Programs ($250 CPA) – When you begin your Forex trading experience, it is important to choose and account type that fits your trading goals and needs. Choosing the right account can be confusing, but a good rule to go by is that a lower leverage is good. Standard accounts are usually good to start off on if you are new to trading.

Binary Options Reviews 2017 – Do not underestimate the power of experience. Make trades, study, and learn. The best Forex traders are those who have been doing it the longest. An experienced trader can see what looks like a great trade on the surface, but they’ll know from experience that it’s not a good bet. Keep practicing your skills as that is the only way to learn.

Binary Options Scams – On the forex market, do not expect stop loss orders to limit your risk exposure. It is tempting to new traders to manipulate the total volume of trade they do through stop loss orders. In fact this does not protect a trader from risk. It is better to adjust the overall size of one’s position to take advantage of proper stop loss distances.

Is Binary Options A Scam? Remember when using Forex that leverage acts as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s good to create a low-leverage account, as it minimizes risk. But on the other hand, operating with low leverage will drastically limit your profit potential with Forex. Find a happy medium for the best possible approach.

Best Binary Options Affiliate Programs – Success is relative to everyone, but if you had to give it a universal definition, you could say that it’s profiting instead of losing. This should be your ultimate goal in Forex and the main reason that you’re reading the tips in the above article. Don’t forget that you need to use this information to profit. Flying solo is a surefire way to crash.

= & Gt; Click Here For My #1 LEGIT Online System!

Is Binary Options Trading a Scam? Can You Actually Make Money?

Binary options trading is the newest way of making money online but like in the case of anything that’s new, people still aren’t completely sure that it’s legitimate or not. For this reason, many people are asking the question if binary options are a scam or not.

The answer is that financial trading is not a scam and you can really make money using this form of online trading. However, there are unfortunately indeed some brokers that are scams and should be avoided.

Fortunately, financial trading is already regulated in many countries around the globe and for this reason there are already a number of brokers that are regulated and licensed which are definitely not scams.

Read this article if you want to learn more about the truth behind binary options.

Bitcoin Binary Trading

Can you Make Money with Options?

Depositing Money at a Binary Broker

Do’s and Don’ts in Binary Trading – The Ultimate Guide

Exchange Trading & CBOE Options

First Steps in Options Trading

Future Changes and Developments

Future of The Industry

How to Withdraw Cash at Brokers

Registering at a Binary Options Broker

Truth About Options Trading

When Will Binary Options Go Mainstream?

Why is it so Difficult to Withdraw Money from Brokers?

Why Most People Do Not Make Money in Binary

Is Options Trading Real?

Yes, binary options trading is a legitimate form of investing. In this type of trading, traders have the possibility to predict the future movement of certain assets such as stocks, indices, forex currency pairs and commodities.

In case a prediction made by a trader will come true, then the trader will receive a commission that’s proportional to the investment amount paced by the trader. In case the prediction will turn out to be inaccurate then the trader will lose the investment.

Some people claim that binary options are a scam because financial trading is like gambling since you can’t always 100% know the future movement of the markets. However this is not true because in binary trading people DO have the possibility to predict the movement of markets.

Sure, nothing can be predicted with 100% certitude but using various trading strategies and following clear guidelines such as the ones outlined in our strategy pages can definitely help traders have a competitive advantage over the broker.

In short, in binary trading it’s possible to shift the odds into your favor. In gambling this is not possible no matter what “strategies” you use. Each game was created the way to offer the gaming provider an advantage; no matter what you do, the dealer always wins in the long run.

Financial trading however is not a game that someone just invented. It’s a form of investment based on skill.

Can you really make money?

Based on the description given above, yes, you can indeed make money in binary trading. And you making money has nothing to do with luck and chance. Trading on financial assets will give you the possibility to generate money on a consistent basis completely independent from luck and chance.

This is another reason why binary options are not a scam. In any service that is a scam (like gambling), the participants will never have the possibility to win based on their individual skill (maybe with the exception of poker) and all depends completely on luck.

Are ALL brokers real and safe?

Unfortunately not all financial trading service providers operating these days are legal and safe. There are some brokers that are indeed scams and should not be trusted. Like in the case with all internet based services, it’s people’s responsibility to find the legitimate service providers and avoid the fake ones.

Fortunately there are already a very large number of binary betting brokers that have a valid license issued in reputable countries. These brokers are never fake and never a scam and as such can be trusted by traders.

Laws and Regulations of Binary Trading

As hinted above, online trading is at this moment regulated in a number of countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Japan and others. What this means is that the authorities of these countries have openly admitted and recognized in law that binary options are not a scam.

Why would governments of the mentioned countries explicitly legalize something that is a scam? – That would make no sense whatsoever.

In the mentioned countries, legitimate binary options brokers have the possibility to apply for a license. Licenses will only be awarded to those brokers that have been rigorously evaluated by the governments that determined that they do not offer fraudulent services.

Brokers that have managed to acquire a license in the mentioned countries are also safe for traders who do not live in the mentioned countries. This is because if those brokers would deliberately scam traders not living in the country where they have acquired their licenses the governments that issued their license would still consider them fraudulent and withdraw their licenses.

Spotting the right brokers

So, by now you know that binary options are not a scam and that most brokers are even legally allowed and approved by various governments such as that of the USA and the United Kingdom to offer online trading services.

It’s obviously these brokers that you should choose in case you want to trade financial assets online. And like said above, you should also choose these brokers in case they are not specifically licensed in your country.

It’s enough if a legitimate financial service providers is licensed in at least one reputable country. If this is the case, it means that the respective broker is also legal and safe and not a scam in all other existing countries as well.

But as explained, stay away from those brokers that do not have any license at all. These brokers ARE scams! The reason they don’t have a license is because they most likely haven’t even applied for one because they would have been rejected due to the fraudulent practices they conduct.

So, keep this is mind next time you want to trade on financial assets. In short, binary options are not a scam if you only trade at legit service providers. If you want to find out which providers are legitimate then you’ll find a list on the top right menu of this article.

Likewise, if you browse our site you will find additional information about the legal status and legitimacy of financial betting. Besides this, you will also be able to find various guides and instruction material that will teach you how to trade financial assets successfully.

Is GOptions Legit?

GOptions Scam Inspection

The growth of the binary options trading field by leaps and bounds is attracting the attention of all kinds of business operators looking to gain from the continuously expanding binary options trading field. This means that along with brokers who are working to provide their services in a transparent environment, there are many operators who are working unscrupulously in order to make money and nothing stops them from projecting various appealing offers to lure customers and once they become a member of their establishment no one takes care of them. These few bad operators are responsible for creating a cloud on all operators whether they are GOptions Legit or not.

Is GOptions Legit | Plataforma de negociación

The trading platform used by GOptions is a superior platform which has been developed a while ago and since then it is being used satisfactorily by a huge number of traders without any problems. Though the trading platform was developed a while back, it has been constantly evolving according to the current need of the markets thus providing the traders with all types of options to place their trades. According to our extensive GOptions Review 2017. the various strategies available to the traders on this platform are:

PAIR TRADING: Allows traders to choose one asset over the other in terms of better performance in a pair.

BUY ME OUT: A brilliant tool which allows traders to close a trade before the actual time of expiry. It can be used in 2 ways i. e. by using it on a trade which is profitable thereby using it as booking profits; and the other way is that if a trade is going towards loss, then by using this feature a trader can close the trade early and here it works as a stop loss feature.

60 SECOND OPTIONS: Making small investments to make profits within a small time.

ROLLOVER: Extend your trades to the next time of expiry using this one click option.

DOUBLE UP: This is another amazing feature of the GOptions Legit platform which allows a trader to double up their investment. If a trader has set up a trade and sees that the trade is going to end in the money then they can use this feature to double up their investment and consequently the profits too! It is quite evident that the broker is offering features to the traders which are capable of maximizing their benefits without any personal interest is bound to be legit. Bear in mind that all of these advantages can be tested without risking any money with GOptions Demo Account provided to every client.

Is GOptions Legit | Awards and Recognition:

GOptions has constantly proved its commitment to customer services with complete transparency and excellence is borne by the fact that GOptions legit broker has been awarded and recognised in all the services provided by them. So for all those who have even a shred of doubt asking “Is GOptions Legit? ” should have no further reason for being doubtful after going through this glowing list of awards bestowed on GOptions.



BEST Signals Award


Award for Excellence in customer services

No.1 for Withdrawal Process 2017

BOS Silver Best Broker Award 2017

We can only conclude by saying that just a few bad eggs don’t make the whole basket of eggs rotten. GOptions legit broker is one of those brilliant examples of a broker who is not only concerned about new traders who sign up, but also takes care of its long-existing traders.

Is GOptions Legit | Vista previa del sitio web

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Even though binary options are getting more and more popular day by day, many people are still cautious about the brokers who help them transact the trade. Unless the binary option broker is well established, many people tend to avoid the new brokers. This puts new brokers like OptionRally at a big disadvantage when it comes to building up their business. The concerns about new binary brokers options is usually due to where they are located. Binary options brokers tend to be located in countries like Cyprus or the British Virgin islands (BVI) due to their favourable tax regimes. There is a presumption that these offshore tax havens lack any form of financial regulations governing their operations.

Regulations governing companies like OptionRally

Actually for companies like OptionRally registered in the BVI, they are subjected to regulations imposed by the BVI Financial Services Commission (BVIFSC). This is the financial regulatory body that ensure “. the relevant international standards and best conduct of business practices” are complied with. Therefore, many people have incorrectly assumed that BVI registered companies are not subjected to any form of financial regulations.

Another argument normally put forward by people who thinks negatively of BVI registered companies is the argument that BVI regulations are not as strict as those of the regulatory authorities in the United States (U. S). it is without a doubt that U. S. financial market is extremely well developed and has many regulations that are designed to protect the interest of financial investors. However, despite having so many regulations in the U. S designed to protect investors’ interest, the scale of financial improprieties that occurred in the U. S. is unrivalled around the world.

In the last decade alone, more monies had been lost through companies in the U. S than the whole world combined. We only need to look at the conduct of companies like Enron, Lehman Brothers and most recently MF Global to get a sense of the scale of financial fraud that had resulted in the U. S. financial market. We need to bear in mind that all these improprieties had occurred in one of the most regulated financial markets in the world. In this sense, the security and protection provided by tough financial regulations is overrated. If the people managing the companies are out to defraud their clients, then no amount of regulations can safeguard the client’s money. Hence, it is also important to assess the integrity of the people running the company rather than just basing one’s judgement on the regulatory environment that surrounds the company. Normally, we will find that small or medium sized operations like OptionRally are more concerned about what their clients think of them as they do not have the luxury of chasing clients away.

Operational History of OptionRally

In terms of operational history, as OptionRally was only recently established in late 2010, the company do not have a long operational history yet. However, if we were to factor in the fact that it operate through the internet, any negative feedbacks about the company would have quickly gone viral. This is one time where the lack of news is good news with regards to OptionRally as it suggest that the company is not out to scam anyone but is serious in building up a solid client base.

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CTOption Review

About CTOption was founded in the year 2010 and is powered by Panda Trading System, an unpopular platform provider. We found that they offer Bitcoin together with the usual stocks, currencies, indices and commodities. They have a selection of short term options including 30, 60 second, 2, 5 and 10 minute, one-touch choices and extent alternatives notwithstanding standard high/low offerings.

Payout Rate Payout is regularly around 75% and can go as high as 80% for regular options and 90% for special options.

Minimum Deposit A minimum deposit of $250 is required to open a live trading account.

Account Types There are 3 different account types to suit the needs of a trader from mini, standard, executive gold and platinum. The image below shows the benefits:

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Education CTOption has placed a lot of emphasis on their education program. They offer expert advice on strategies, offer videos, e-books, webinars and online tutorial all for free plus you get a free demo account for 48 hours.

Also in their special promotions they offer coaching sessions, depending on the different account levels, you receive a certain amount of free coaching.

Banking CTOption offers all major credit cards for funding and are constantly updating more deposit methods as the demand for different regions demands. The table below shows the current different banking methods available now. The withdrawal processing time only takes up to 3 days which is really fast.

Withdrawal Fees Withdrawal is done in a timely manner with no fee from CTOptions

Bonuses CTOption offers a special bonus program to leverage trading opportunities of up to 100% with the ability to withdraw profits. They also offer several bonus plans that can offer you “Deposit Bonus up-to 300%” and “Risk-Free 1st 5 Trades”. Plus a free unlimited Demo Account for those who register for an account. No deposit is needed and the demo is available for a period of 48 hours. An account manager is provided to assist the trader during the demo trading period.

Software CTOptions is powered by Panda Trading Systems, a known binary options platform provider. The interface is amazingly fast and is at par with the quality of most brokers.

Customer Support It’s easy to contact the customer support department via phone, live chat and email. We find their service to be top notch especially in handling client questions and even serious issues. This kind of service earns a commendation.

Integrity CTOption have endeavored to offer traders the highest level of security procedures to make them safe and secure in all layers and levels of their systems. The trader can get on to the day to day business of trading without having a nagging doubt about security with his investment.

Conclusion CTOption is a great broker to trade with. They offer a decent amount of assets to trade, a top notch education centre, excellent customer support and secured banking. The bonuses are fair and the trading platform is very sleek and easy to navigate with no complicated menus when navigating the interface. They accept US traders and have no hidden agenda in the fine print of their Terms and Conditions. Best of all, their reputation remains clean and intact. This broker ranks highly with us and we have no hesitation in recommending them!

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3 de marzo de 2017 - 24 ¡La competencia comercial de Option se calienta durante el mes de marzo! Para saber más sobre los detalles, haga clic aquí.

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1 de febrero de 2017 - ¡Sea uno de los 20 ganadores semanales del concurso de comercio online de Finpari! Para más detalles, por favor haga clic aquí .

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6 de enero de 2017 - BinaryTilt está ofreciendo un bono exclusivo que no puedes resistir! Obtenga los detalles haciendo clic aquí.

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7 Dec 2017 - Tenemos noticias de que OptionTime ya no acepta nuevos operadores. Para saber más sobre esta historia, haga clic aquí.

Opciones de Binary USA Brokers

Is ImperialOptions a Scam?

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There had never been any record of ImperialOptions scam since the binary option broker had been in business. They are not scam at all. Since they have been in existence till now, none of their traders have ever complained of being scammed. They ensure fair treatment of every trader and equally ensure strict adherence to their terms and conditions. All the services and benefits they offer; ranging from their demo account opportunity, their bonus award, their deposit process, their trading process, their withdrawal and their customer services are done promptly and in complete commitment to what they have promised their clients on their webpage. They set their eyes for a brighter future in binary option trading and they therefore do not engage in such untoward conduct. They can therefore be trusted by clients from across the globe.

The number of binary option traders taking interest in ImperialOptions is enough to indicate their being completely free from scam. Many more binary traders are registering with them at the turn of each new day and this is setting them apart from the rest. There are so many scam binary options platforms out there, but binary option traders with this broker can testify to it that they had never experienced any ImperialOptions Scam since inception till now. Many binary traders who had experienced scam here and there had finally made up their minds to stick with this broker due to the ever reliable way they conduct their binary trading business.

One factor every binary option trader needs to get right is the choice of binary option platform. ImperialOptions is the best among the lot in terms of service provision and reliability. Before making the final choice as regards the binary option broker to trade with, the trader needs to properly conduct personal research about the broker to have a full understanding of what is to be gained or lost by dealing with the broker. The best sets of people to hear about this, are people already dealing with the binary options broker in question. The binary option traders with this broker have only positive things to say about them and they had never experienced anything like ImperialOptions Scam since they have been dealing with them. This is enough evidence to indicate the complete reliability of the broker.

Anyone planning on signing up with ImperialOptions needs to fully understand the services provided by the binary options broker. They have the list of their services listed out on their website and the trader can take time to check things out. Already existing traders too can go back to the list of services as well as the terms and conditions listed out on the site once in a while to refresh their minds as regards the services being provided by the broker. Absence of ImperialOptions Scam in their dealings means they stand strong and reliable and are expected to be so for ages to come.

ImperialOptions Withdrawal

Imperial options had been in existence since 2017. An entirely new. eu website was equally launched to allow traders from the European countries benefit from their services. They are in full compliance with all the available EU regulations. They have proved to be among the most friendly binary options platform anyone can come by. Many of the present day ImperialOptions traders started as novices with this broker and many of them have realized that they can trust in their site and make good money within a rather short period of time. Account setup on their site is very easy and simple. They ensure the account information of traders is protected. ImperialOptions withdrawal is also very easy and straightforward.

At imperial options, they understand that the traders do not like the idea of waiting too long for their withdrawals. This is one of the factors that made them simplify their withdrawal process to ensure withdrawal can be placed and processed within very short period of time. ImperialOptions withdrawal process begins with filling withdrawal form on the withdrawal page of the site. The withdrawal page can be found in the account control panel of the registered trader. This can be reached by clicking on the “My Account” tab. Another method of withdrawal aside the one originally used in depositing needs to be used if the profit in the account is far higher than the deposit.

After filling the required information on the ImperialOptions withdrawal page, traders can click on the “Submit” tab and their withdrawal will be processed within just 5 days of placing it. This is however subject to the withdrawal processing carried out by the broker. The short period of withdrawal processing is one of the many factors that set them apart from the others. Before the traders place order for withdrawal, it is important they get their account verified. This will help a great deal to speed up the withdrawal processing. The copies of some documents are expected to be submitted by the trader to give the broker 100% assurance that the account is actually owned by the trader placing the withdrawal order. The required documents are credit card, utility bill and valid ID.

ImperialOptions withdrawal does not however allow the trader to withdraw bonus given to them after the initial deposit until the trader has traded with the money for some time; a certain target must be hit before traders can withdraw their winning and the bonus earlier given. The trader is required to have multiplied the bonus by 25. This is actually very fair policy; considering the fact that it is one of the lowest requirements among other brokers offering bonus on deposit. The minimum fee when withdrawing is 1% of the total sum or GBP 25; depending on the one that is bigger. To make things very easy for traders their website is very easy to navigate. The speed of withdrawal however depends on the trader’s internet speed.

Are there any ImperialOptions Complaints?

ImperialOptions makes effort to enable fair trading environment for all traders. This effort had paid off a great deal and has culminated into their wide acceptance by traders from across the globe. ImperialOptions stand out among the most trusted brokers since the turn of the 2017. Good reviews were recorded regarding the services they provide to their clients. ImperialOptions give space to both United States and European traders on their platform. The European traders have access to their commodities and instruments via the newly designed. eu website belonging to ImperialOptions. No ImperialOptions complaints have been received for several months year.

ImperialOptions is not registered. ImperialOptions had been compelled by good reviews received from traders to go further and expand the services they presently offer to traders. This is partly due to the fact that no ImperialOptions complaints had ever been received for now, which indicates an improvement in the company’s commitment to high quality service provision. Their c in binary trading want them to create more trust between themselves and their traders. To make things even more interesting, ImperialOptions now make available binary options education on their sites. They equally provide signals as well as top class brokers services. They have invested everything in their care towards providing better services to their traders and ensuring none of them ever complain of poor service provision. ustomers

We can testify that there had not been any form of ImperialOptions complaints and they are therefore fully satisfied with the company and the services they provide. Since ImperialOptions has been in existence in 2017, there had never been any problem with traders or traders. With this positive report, there is no doubt that this broker is one of the most reliable in binary options trading. They can therefore be trusted to do well by their traders.

ImperialOptions regulated?

Is ImperialOptions regulated? The answer is no, they are not regulated. But it does not however stop them from providing secured and highly reliable binary trading services to their clients from every corner of the world. Their registered traders from Africa, from the European Union and from the United States can benefit greatly from the top level services they have to offer without any fear of getting scammed. They have also been certified as reliable by many binary trading watchdogs the world over. This should calm fears and anxieties about their services.

It should be noted that many other binary trading platforms are not regulated; though they are providing top class services to their clients. This should tell the binary trader that not being regulated does not in any way interfere with the reliability of the broker in any way. Why isn’t ImperialOptions regulated? They have got their very good reason. If they ever get regulated, the flexibility presently available in binary trading will be eroded a great deal. Such regulation will place so much restriction on the binary options broker and this will tell on the traders and their expanded ability to make money meaningfully through binary trading.

Binary trading is not just about making money; it is also about making money in a fun-filled way. ImperialOptions had to stay out of regulation to ensure the fun and excitement is maintained during the trading process. Another reason why they do not get ImperialOptions regulated is because of the low leverage that comes with such regulation. Any of the regulated binary option brokers is only able to give very low spread. There are so many obligations that the binary options broker has to fulfill if they ever get regulated that will bounce back on the trader.

It may be better for ImperialOptions to stay unregulated; they never charge their registered traders unnecessary fees. They never restrict the trader’s ability to make profit or reduce the amount of profit the trader can make per trade. They also do not place unnecessary charges on the trader when they are making withdrawal or deposit. Why isn’t ImperialOptions regulated, considering the fact that such regulation protects the interest of the binary options trader?

ImperialOptions does not have to go into regulation to ensure traders’ funds are secured. They have their contact addresses listed and they can be contacted via phone. Any trader who desires to meet them one on one can equally give them a visit at their head office for direct discussion. They are not faceless and very easy to deal with. While such regulation may be a very good idea, it can have too many limitations.

ImperialOptions USA

One of the other factors that have placed ImperialOptions USA in high esteem in the minds of United States residents is the higher payout being offered by the broker on investment. The broker does not accept American traders to using an entirely different website; the English version of the broker used by other brokers the world over is the exact platform made available to American traders. As a result, traders from the United States and those from other countries around the globe are subjected to exactly the same trading conditions. American traders also make the same amount of deposit like traders from other parts of the world and they can make such deposits in US dollars.

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Capital Option Review-Find out if they are LEGIT

Broker . Capital Option

Minimum Required Capital . $250.00

Regulatory Status . Regulated

Financial Regulator . CySec

CySec License Number . 151/11

Capital Option is the trade name of Trademarker Cyprus Ltd which is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (License No. 151/11)

Why choose to trade with Capital Option?

They have a wide range of assets from which you can trade

They have a very hospitable customer service team

Funds withdrawal is very fast

They also have an educational resource on Binary Options trading on their website

Binary options: Allows you to choose a maximum expiry time of 1hr and a minimum of 10mins

Pairs: Allows you to trade on assets in pairs by predicting if one asset’s price by expiry will be higher or lower than the other asset’s price

Long Term: Allows a trader to hold an assert or a trade for a longer period beyond one day

60 Seconds: Allows you to enter trades and close them within 60, 120, 180 and 300 seconds with a minimum investment of $5 per trade

One Touch: Provides you with a target price and allows you to predict whether the price will touch that price by the expiry time

Giving the fact that Capital Option is a regulated binary options broker, it is therefore, an indisputable fact that they can be classified as one of the best and most LEGIT binary options brokers of our time.


Kindly leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.


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6 thoughts on “Capital Option Review-Find out if they are LEGIT”

Thank you for an interesting blog post.

I have been looking at various investment schemes over the years and it seems that many of them are high risk and very confusing for the ordinary investor. I wonder if many schemes are invented so that the majority of investors will either not understand and therefore keep away or that they will lose money if they do!

@Ronald Not really. All you need to do in order to benefit from these kinds of investments, is to learn how to trade on your own. You will need to educative yourself on trading as whole

Thanks for the review of Capital Option. This sounds like a great work for home opportunity. How long does it take someone to become proficient at this technique before the consistently start to make money? How much money do you think someone can make at this if they do it full time? Thanks for your help!

@Eric you can make as much money as you want but provided you know how to trade and have a trading strategy. Any other things aside this, you will lose all your money within a twinkle of an eye.

You will really need to educate yourself on how to trade. And as to how long it will take, depends on your willingness to learn.

My husband has been doing some reading on Binary Options Trading as it is something he would like to get into.

He has been telling me about it, but it seems a bit risky to me. We don’t have a lot of extra money lying around so I am not sure if this is a good idea.

He hasn’t started anything yet, but I will pass on your capital option review information to him to add to his reading.


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Recent Comments

BinaryOptions. com - El sitio de opciones binarias más informado, conocedor y educativo

Scam Risk Warning Low: 2.5/10 – Innovative with Potential

At first glance, this broker seems to be operating the very strange practice of supporting possibly the smallest trading platform in the business. Critics have been swift to point out that it does this because it is far more interesting in luring new custom than it is providing top-class trading facilities and tools. On a more positive note, OptionRally is renowned for producing some of the best educational material on binary options trading ranging from instructive videos; high quality daily and weekly reviews, workable strategies and a wide-ranging glossary, etc. This broker has definitely adopted the policy of providing you with as much help as possible.

OptionRally services and facilities have been constructed on the SpotOption trading platform and have been well-organized with information relatively easy to locate. Once you have registered and funded an account, the trading platform immediately becomes full-size by clearly displaying all its pertinent features. You have a good choice of option types to trade including UP/DOWN. 60 seconds. Touch. option Builder and Binary Meta. You also have access to an extensive range of assets within the four main trading categories of stocks, currencies, indices and commodities. Overall, quite a pleasing and professional environment is presented.

OptionRally offers payouts as high as 78% and refunds of 15%. However, you can modify these parameters to match your trading style by using the OptionBuilder feature. One of the biggest downsides to OptionRally is that it offers a number of different accounts dependent on the amount of deposit you are willing to invest. The number of supported features increases as the status of the account raises. For example, if you invest $1,000 you will be entitled to your own personal account manager, higher bonuses and free ebooks, etc. However, as many other brokers provide such items for much smaller deposits, critics consider the OptionRally account system as nothing more than a gimmick to encourage you to make larger initial deposits.

Another quite disturbing aspect is that OptionRally promotes its top account service, called Executive, as ‘highly recommended for Beginners’. However, you need to invest between $5,000 and $9,999 in order to quality. As many experts advise that this amount is way too high for novices, you must begin to wondering why this broker should utilize such a distasteful practice.

OptionRally has attempted to introduce some innovative features into its trading platform. For example, you can use candlestick charts to undertake technical analysis in order to identify quality trading opportunities and to monitor your active positions until expiration. As such, OptionRally is one of the first brokers to recognize the importance of servicing such tools as many of its rivals still do not. Although the candlesticks charts are somewhat primitive, they are definitely a step in the right direction.

So, do the above findings indicate that OptionRally could be a scam? Very unlikely is quick answer. Although there is no evidence confirming that this Cyprus-based broker is registered with CySEC, the regulatory body of the Eurozone, it is listed on the CySEC website. OptionRally appears to be in the process of becoming a fully licensed member even if it has not done so already. This is not an unusual situation to be in a present since the entire binary options business is undergoing rapid changes regarding its regulatory and legal statuses.

In addition, scamming brokers do not consume a significant of time and energy developing top-class educational resources and informative videos, etc. as OptionRally as done. In contrast, these dubious enterprises are more interested in utilizing their funds to lure you into investing with them. As OptionRally is definitely not a member of such categories, it presents a legit image. This conclusion does not mean that you should throw all caution to the wind but that you will still need to undertake some further due diligence to verify the above findings.

An internet search produced minimum number of complaints about any malpractices instigated by OptionRally. There are a number of negative comments about withdrawal problems but it is difficult to determine if they are genuine or mischievous. The size of bonuses offered increase as the status of your account rises. They range from 15% for first time deposits with the small mini account up to 30% with the VIP one. You will also be entitled to additional smaller bonuses on every subsequent deposit you make.

In summary, OptionRally seems to be viable company which is attempting to offer some innovative features. This broker could improve its image if it revised its account structure.

1 comment on “Is OptionRally a Scam?”

can only guess where your agenda is coming from because I – contrary to some anti optionrally blabbering – have a proof that they are a regulated company under CySEC, operate legally and have a fast operating platform, prompt withdrawals etc. They never claimed anything and especially not a get quick rich scheme or any other BS like that. Trading Binary Options is trading as any other trading and if you know your trades – ROI on your knowledge based trading is way much higher. Now, before I opened my account with Optionrally – I had number of very unpleasant experiences with other firms and that was in a withdrawal area. However with those guys never ever I had any such problem. So if you’re clever enough to trade intelligently and profit – the next thing important is to have your winnings withdrawn and with them it has been in a most prompt and convenient way. So, all those just harassing the company – what the hell are you talking about if the things I said are not important to you? & # 8220;

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Bitcoin Binary Options are financial instruments that allow you to predict if the price of Bitcoin will rise or fall in a specific amount of time. They are called binary options because there can only be 2 outcomes - either you get your payout, or lose your money.

Each option has a predetermined expiration date and an agreed payout. For example, if you decide to buy a "call" Binary Option on Bitcoin this means you think the price will rise. If at the stated expiration date the price was higher than what you've bought it at, you get your payout.

Binary options seem to resemble gambling in a way that you don't have to have any prior knowledge in order to succeed or fail in them. It's just "betting" which way the price will go which is almost impossible to do consistently in short time frames.

There have been many complaints about Binary options being scams and it's important to see that the company you're considering is regulated in your country. Also, if you dig a bit deeper into the math of Binary options you'll find out that just like a casino the house has better odds at profiting in the long run.

For more information you can read this article .

answered Feb 23 '14 at 11:26

I think this says it all:

"We go by the last price rates that we receive directly from MTGox, the biggest exchange house over the web. If you think that it's not the most trustworthy source of information out there, please contact us via the feedback form on our website and propose a platform you trust. So far we have questioned more than 1000 people and the majority opinion was that mtgox. com is the only place on the net that provides credible information about direct exchange rates." -- BTCLevels

Mt Gox does not reflect fair exchange rates right now because of their withdrawal problems. So this is not legitimate hedging. At least, it isn't now. It might have been in the past. (Though I can't imagine how. Who needs a 12 hour hedge on Bitcoins?)

answered Feb 23 '14 at 11:20

Actually I'm trading with btclevels now and have been made some profitable trades. I may tell you that they are using now quotes from hitbtc exchange and it's quite clear and honest. You may try it by yourself, btclevels did some changes and provide different types of options – user20954 Nov 5 '14 at 14:07

Basically a form of investing / gambling where you decide on the direction that a commodity / stock will move. There's information on bitcoin binary options here http://www. binaryoptions. com/best-bitcoin-binary-options-brokers/

What are legitimate platforms for binary options?

I came across a free automated binary options trading software that you may want to check out called Channel Ranger. The algorithm works a little differently than the other programs I found, as it looks for channels to trade in and watches 10 currency pairs at a time to find 60 second to 1 hour trade windows where the market isn't so volatile and the prices are going up and down, within a specific channel. This is described to be like a bouncing basketball.

The Channel Ranger program mentioned above doesn't have any secret trading strategy, here is how it works:

Accurately finds the START of a price channel

Accurately places CALLs at the bottom of the channel (before price goes UP), and PUTs at the top of the channel (before price goes DOWN)

Accurately identifies the end of channels (in order to STOP placing trades).

As with any type of trading, I suggest you get comfortable with virtual trading with virtual money before you dive in with real investments.

Las opciones binarias permiten a los usuarios intercambiar pares de divisas y acciones por varios períodos de tiempo predeterminados, mínimo de los cuales es de 30 segundos. Ejecutar operaciones es sencillo. El sistema utiliza interfaces fáciles de usar, que incluso un niño de 8 años de edad, puede funcionar sin tener que leer las instrucciones. Pero ganar oficios no es fácil. El comercio binario se anuncia como el único sistema genuino que permite a los usuarios ganar cantidades absurdas de dinero en el período de tiempo ridículamente corto. Los anunciantes tratan de implicar como si usted puede hacer $ 350 cada 60 segundos; Si era verdad entonces el comercio binario sería realmente un negocio asombroso. Sin embargo, ¿tiene sentido? ¿Puede cada comerciante hacer toneladas de dinero en el comercio binario? Who is actually paying all the money or the profit to traders? El primer desafío es encontrar un corredor binario confiable; En segundo lugar, es necesario encontrar una estrategia de comercio binario, que puede utilizar para obtener ganancias de forma coherente. Sin una estrategia comercial efectiva, no hay manera de que usted puede ganar dinero en este negocio. Aprendizaje de una estrategia comercial rentable es posible, Usted debe ver este vídeo de presentación Solución de Trading de Opciones Binarias Es probablemente la mejor manera de aprender a ganar con la opción binaria

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GrandOption Broker Review

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Is GrandOption Legit?

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It does not only happen to other people. If a binary options scam were so rare then they would not have named it. Here are a few things about binary options that may seem like they are con tricks, but are often part of legitimate trading. The minimum amount of trade will be required in Read More

The growing popularity of binary options trading attracts many malicious people, unfortunately. The considerable gains made possible by these new financial instruments are therefore the medium of choice in which to mount all types of scams. Here are some tips for choosing the right binary options broker and how to avoid scams. A binary options Read More

Binary options Scams are pretty common and many people do not even suspect or know that they were cheated. A lot of people fall prey to binary options scam for the simple reason they did not suspect anything was wrong with the binary options broker. If you are looking to trade in binary options and Read More

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Stay Away from the Scam Sites

The question many people ask is: Are Binary Options a Scam? We like to answer this with a NO.

We aren’t speaking for everyone in the industry. Unfortunately there are some bad people out there. It’s avoiding them and sticking with the ones you know is your best bet.

Most of the times people will jump on the “scamwagon” if they lose all of their money at a particular broker . They will blame the broker as being rigged. Meaning, they will believe that price jumps against them at the last second causing a loss. Price fixing is another name for it. There are many reasons why we don’t believe these types of scams exist. We’ll talk about those below as well as go over some of the information sites to avoid.

What is running the Market

If you’ve been around awhile, you’ve seen dozens of sites available to traders. It seems like everyday a new broker is coming online. Do you wonder why this is? It’s very simple actually. There are only a few software providers available.

Right now, there are more in development, but where it stands today, there are only two major players. One is Spot Option who is the backend for over 100 binary options brokers . The other is called Tech Financials. This software maker has brokers such as 24option and OptionFair. You can read more about the brokers on our broker guide page.

Who is Spot Option

Who are these guys? They were established in 2008 and offer a package to companies called white labels. These Turnkey solutions offered by Spotoption allow these brokers to come to market. They literally design their own site around the SpotOption back-end. This means, no matter which Spot Option broker you are trading with, you are more or less getting the same thing. For one broker to go bad means Spot Option has gone bad. THis would mean all the brokers are scams. Good News – This isn’t the case . They are very reputable in the industry and continue to improve their software package. It’s up to the individual broker to stay legit with their marketing efforts and client recruiting. If something were to happen to SpotOption, a lot of brokers would be out of business. Be on the look out for new platforms in the next year or two.

Who is Tech Financials

The other bread winner in the industry is Tech Financials. They are a pretty big player and have some really nice software. They are also offering white labels to companies. If something goes wrong at a broker, it most likely will go wrong at all the others. This will help avoid any scam issues. One of the major players of this software is 24option. You can find out more about them on this site.

The main thing you should watch out for, are the regular people selling signal services and information on making money online with Binary trading. Although some are legit, there are plenty of sites and YouTube channels filled with garbage. These are the places we consider scams and should be avoided at all costs. If you find a site that seems fishy just move on to a better informative site like ours.

Based on software alone, scams won’t exist without the industry imploding. If a broker acts out of line then we may have a problem. Until this happens try to stick with the best in the industry such as the ones on this site.

I am very new to Binary Options and am wondering if you may be able to explain the discrepancy in prices among various brokers on the same instrument at the same time. I am set up with several brokers….a suggestion from a signal supplier which I have not yet used. I recently displayed 4 brokers on my monitor simultaneously. I was surprised at the price differences. Oddly, the prices seem to come more in line with each other as the expiry time neared. Following are 3 examples. I took pictures of my monitor. A B C D Sept 9, 2017 3:48:10 pm ET Apple 98.4754 98.5500 98.3971 98.400 Sept 9, 2017 3:50:21 pm ET Apple 98.5355 98.6352 98.4821 98.454 Sept 9, 2017 3:48:10 pm ET Apple 98.4254 98.5300 98.3770 98.352

I am so new to trading that I’m not sure what a pip is. I think it’s the last digit. If that’s true, then a difference of over 1800 pips at a given point in time is extreme. When 1 pip can dictate a win or loss, how does one deal with such differences among brokers? Gracias.

Interactive Broker is a scam broker. They stolen my money. My withdrawal requests are refused without any rights. Be aware !

Which broker is this. Interactive Brokers is one of the leading place to trade in the world. Are you sure you are having issues?

Mayfair Options have left me feel like i have been scammed to give away my money. I was approached with promises of making profit and easy accessibility to my account balance being able to withdraw all of my account balance at any point. I was asked to make a initial deposit of USD200.00 which I made to see how it all works. A few phone calls later another broker convinced me to invest a further USD1800.00 so that i can get personalised account manager suggesting good trades. I have managed to make 2635.30 profit from both winning and loosing trades. However i started getting more and more phone calls from competing brokers asking me to increase my investment to USD5000.00 so that i can have a whole specialist team providing me with trades. This is all within the 1st 3 days of trading. These brokers then called me at all kinds of hours including 3am in the working week which meant i got very little sleep. The constant hard sale and phone calls got too overwhelming which is why i asked them that i prefer to close the account and return all of the account balance. In the company faq’s they mention that this should take 24 hours with the money being wired into my account within a few business days. After many many conversations and over a period spanning over a month, I have received my initial USD2000 investment paid back to my credit card with an outstanding balance of 2635.30 which is my profits. Mayfair options have asked me to provide all of my banking details which I have on 3 occasions to find out my withdrawals were not approved for several weeks. Today have have discovered that they have put my account balance to zero, my withdrawal approved on the 1st of October 2017, i have not received any funds in my bank account and they are asking me to send them my bank statement to prove i have no received the funds. I have asked them for proof of wired monies which i can provide to my bank which was not provided. it is now the 12th of November 2017, more than 2 months have passed that i have asked to close my account and for my account balance to be wired to me without any success. I feel like i have been scammed and want to know what the next step is to receive my full account balance. I have also not taken any bonus and have no reason for them not to wire the money as they have agreed to do so. I have documented the conversations with the support chat and screen shots of the account history. I would appreciate any advice.

You should follow what they say. If they want documentation, you have to provide it. It may take some time, but you will get the withdrawal eventually. Why it’s taking this long is still not clear. Just keep contacting them.

are you saying that me providing my bank statement is acceptable for the data protection act? this information isn’t relevant to them making a wire transfer to my account. to date they are unable to provide evidence that they have attempted to make a wire transfer. my incoming and outgoing and account balance has nothing to do with mayfair options.

From what I read so far from your website is to figure out which way the trend on whatever I am trading is going. To find that out I would have to use some type of indicator to see which way that is. If it look like it is going up then I would Call. If it looks like it is going down then I would put. I have done binary trading before but lost a few hundred bucks. I think this is because I did not have any education in it and did not study for it. The website I also used did not have very good indicators either. How would I know which indicators to use?

There are a ton of indicators out there that will give you the trend. If you watch price action on a chart this will help you break down whether you should enter the trade or not. Use whole numbers and areas where price has reversed to seek new trades.

Can you explain to me why a trader can lose their money when they are being guided by an account manager. I had an experience with one of the platform, you consider to have the best brokers.

This is a good question. We’ve never used an account managers advice when trading, so to answer this question would be difficult. You are better off just asking questions to the account manager and don’t seek trading advice. Let us know how things go.

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So, you are looking to find out whether the much hyped MarketsWorld Binary Options trading is a scam or legitimate?

That’s the only reason you have stumbled upon this blog.

So, I’m going to present every information out there about MarketsWorld that can help you take the right foot forward.

Let us begin with exploring a little more about the company first.

MarketsWorld Review – the Company

MarketsWorld is a Binary Trading Company licensed in the Isles of Man, Great Britain.

The company gives you an option to trade online on popular market indices like Dow Jones, FTSE 100, sell and buy commodities and global currency forex options as well.

Being a binary trading company, MarketsWorld provides you with trading options for various assets and platforms –

FTSE 100

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MarketsWorld has provided people with the option to trade for amounts ranging from £1 to £100.

MarketsWorld Review – the Good Things

MarketsWorld is a licensed and regulated in the UK.

Their no deposit demo trade account option makes them an industry leader.

The process is fairly easy and explained below –

You can start with filling out the sign up form

Pick assets to trade

Choose the expiry (5-15mins to hourly trades)

Choose the expiry time higher or lower

Hit the trade now button!

MarketsWorld Review – the Verdict

For those of you who are not aware, I would like to tell you that binary options is considered to be the Wild West of Financial Trading.

And, MarketsWorld is the leader in Binary Trading in the UK, being licensed with Isle of Man, UK.

Although the license does not automatically mean that they are legit, but it sure adds to their accountability because we all know how serious the UK is about its licensing.

Apart from all this, the positive feedbacks from the depositors using MarketsWorld add to their overall reputation.

So, if you are looking to step into binary trading, then going with MarketsWorld can be a good idea.

I’m sure the review is going to help you make the right choice.

& # 8211; Jesse Singh & Sean Agnew

Binary options scam

When people discover binary options trading, they sometimes won’t believe that it possible to make money in such a straightforward. That is why they will start to think that binary options are scam.

Well, they are not. Not more than Forex, futures, stocks or any other market or trading instrument that you can think of. Trading binary options is like any other trading, if you have a profitable system, you will make money. Trading is just about having an edge. If you are able to predict price movements with a certain probability, you can be successful in trading.

Where scammers come into play is among brokers. If you choose the wrong one, you will lose your money no matter how you trade. Binary options scams have two basic shapes.

The first one is price manipulation. It happens when you are profitable. The broker will manipulate the price feed to make you lose your trades. He will either add huge spreads or move the price at expiration. The only purpose being losses on your account.

The second one is withdrawal refusal. Bad binary options brokers tend to ignore withdrawal requests. They will delay them as much as possible and they won’t hesitate to lie saying that your money was sent even if it was not etc.

That is the real binary options scam. Not binary options as such, but the behavior of some brokers. If you find your broker doing these thing, try to take your money and go away as fast as possible. But in the first place try to avoid all this by being very careful when choosing your binary options broker.

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Binary Option broker OptionRally was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) recently in late 2010. Exception for its low first time bonus, OptionRally is one of the legitimate brokers in the world. They offers an index include 35 different major assets for traders to win up to 75% payout when they are in the money. Traders even get a 10% refund when the result at expired time against their predictions.

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Broker is the heart of binary options, without the broker, there is no such things called binary options. This trading tool can make you money if you know how to trade it correctly. However, when you even start to venture into binary options, you have to learn its basic mechanism. It is because binary options world is awash of fraud and misleading information where eventually you may be scammed out of your money.

I can say most issues in binary options trading are always broker-related and the complaints received against binary options brokers fall into at least three categories:

1) Refusal to credit customer accounts or reimburse funds to customers

When you make a deposit to a binary options broker, this may only take a few seconds by using a credit card.

However, withdrawal is different story. When you send out the withdrawal request, the broker needs to verify your request first. This normally takes 3 to 5 working days. When they approve your withdrawal, you still need to wait for another few days to see the payment appears in your bank or credit card accounts.

The whole process may take up to two weeks.

If you want to withdraw your money for emergency case, it wouldn’t be able to do so. However, there are some brokers offering same day or one day withdrawal.

For some binary options traders, their withdrawals are delayed for certain reasons. For example, the verification process has not done yet or the worst case, this is fraud. They don’t want to give you back the money with intention.

2) Identity theft

When you open an account with a binary options broker, you need to submit a copy of your ID be they identity card, driving license or passport to have your account verified. The brokers call it as compliance .

If your account is not verified, you are not able to withdraw the money in your account. Besides, you also need to submit a proof of address such as a copy of utility bill or bank statement showing your address.

You also need to submit a copy of your credit card which you use to make deposit. When you first register your account, you also need to enter your email and phone number.

I know the reason of having these documents by a binary options broker. They want to prove the authenticity of an identity and prevent the money laundering activities. But, some may feel unsecured to give such important documents to someone you don’t know.

3) Manipulation of platform to generate losing trades

Sad to say, but the truth is binary options broker makes money when you lose. Even you win the trade, they still charge you.

This is why some unethical brokers will manipulate their trading platforms to make you lose.

For example, it is normal for every broker to have slightly different price for the asset that you choose to trade. But some brokers will ‘adjust’ the price intentionally to other level to make you lose.

Some unscrupulous brokers may not manipulate within their platforms. They may create some sorts of ‘sure win’ softwares for traders. Actually, most of the softwares are scam. I discuss further on trading systems .

Regulations on Binary Options

Binary options are relatively new investment instrument as compared to traditional forex and stock. So are there any regulations for the binary options?

On May 3, 2012, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC ) announced a policy change regarding the classification of binary options as financial instruments. The effect is that binary options platforms operating in Cyprus, where many of the platforms are based, will have to be CySEC regulated within six months of the date of the announcement.

CySEC was the first EU MiFID-member regulator to treat binary options as financial instruments. (MiFID stands for Markets in Financial Instruments Directive)

In short, before you choose your preferable broker, you can check with CySEC to see whether the broker is registered under the commission.

In US, the CySEC-compliant brokers may not be necessarily regulated by U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC ). Due to the regulation, many brokers don’t accept US customers.

If you are from US, do check with SEC .

If you want to know more about regulations on binary options in US, you can log on to the official websites of SEC or CFTC (U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission).

From what I discussed here, you can find that the complaints received against binary options trading are mostly broker-related and you have to keep your eyes peeled for these issues. Besides, some people trade binary options like gambling. These two factors have painted a bad light on this trading tool which actually can make you money if you trade it in a correct way.

In short, you have to choose your broker wisely and understand the right attitude on binary options trading.

Criteria of choosing a broker

Before you choose a binary options broker, you need to consider:

1) Is the broker regulated or trustworthy? This is the most important factor. You can check with the authorities I mentioned above or your local authorities. Try to conduct more researches on the Internet to find out reviews about your preferable brokers. If the negative reviews are overwhelming, you are advised to reconsider your decision.

2) Minimum deposit Some even offer $1 deposit, normally $200. There are also some brokers require no deposit. For those brokers require super low or zero deposit, I didn’t try them on so I won’t have much comment. However, I am not able to trust them personally.

3) Minimum trade Some even offer $1 trade. It is good for the newbies to practice. Trading with real money may have more excitement. If you can trade with small amount, you can easily control your risk as well.

4) Good return rate 80%-90% would be good. I can say that binary options industry is competitive where most brokers would offer good rate to their customers. I also discover that some brokers may have offered lower rate at 75%, but cover your loss of 10% per trade.

5) Assets You need to consider whether the broker you choose offering enough assets for you to trade especially when you are subscribing to signal services. All your efforts will be to no avail if your broker doesn’t offer the asset that your signal service provider is using.

6) Days to process withdrawal request Normally it takes two weeks for the withdrawal amount to finally appear in your account. Some brokers offer same day withdrawal via online payment options such as Webmoney, Skrill and Neteller.

7) Demo account If you are a novice trader, this is a must. Not all brokers provide you the demo account. Some brokers require you to make deposit first before asking for demo account but some are not.

8) Learning process Some will teach you how to invest in binary options and furnish you with the eBook as well as provide you with the related trading information and materiel.

9) Customer service You have to ensure that the customer service representatives are responsive especially when withdrawal issue involved. Always screenshot the live chat screens and keep all the emails for self protection.

Some recommendable brokers

There are numerous brokers in the markets. I can say that there is no best broker in the world, but only most suitable broker fulfilling your needs.

Now, I list the brokers that I personally have deal with them. You have to choose your broker prudently based on criteria I mentioned above. Broker and broke is only one alphabet difference. You can click the link to visit the brokers’ websites. Here are my reviews:

1)OptionTrade (My #1 Recommendation)

Their customer service is superb. I really don’t know why less people talk about their service on the internet.

When you go to their Live Chat, you can find their customer service representatives are really professional. They try their best to answer all the questions you raise and the key point is they won’t ask you the stupid question which is “are you our customers?”

Exactly! So what if I am not your customer? Will it influence the answer you give me or are you going to show different attitude to me?

When you finish asking question, they’ll stop the conversation. OptionTrade won’t go further to ask you to register or make deposit. Before you leave the chat room, they even ask you to rate their service.

You can trust a broker when they offer their best service to you before you become their customer.

If you go to Bugscore. they score 83 which is quite high. Most of the comments and reviews about their service are positive. This shows they treat you well before and after you become their customers.

If you want to practice, you can sign up with OptionTrade, too. They offer demo account and you can apply it by yourself. Neither need to seek assistance from customer service nor make deposit with real money first.

Verification process is standard. You need to submit copy of your ID, proof of address and credit card you use to make deposit.

Withdrawal time is two to seven days. If you choose online payment options like Webmoney, Skrill and Neteller, the withdrawal is instant.

Their minimum deposit is $100, and the minimum trade is $5 for short term options and classic options is $10. Payout rate is around 80%.

They offer great variety of assets.

>>>Go to OptionTrade to open account for free <<<


The minimum deposit is $250, the minimum trade is $5.

No problem with withdrawal. They also offer demo account after you make deposit. They won’t give it to you automatically. You have to make the request.

The good news is, you can ask to withdraw your balance at any point of time even you don’t trade at all with your real money.

Verification process is standard. RBOptions offers same day withdrawal.

Customer service is good. Great variety of assets.

>>>Visit RBOptions to open account for free <<<

3)Banc de Binary(BDB)

I think this is the well-established broker in the market and also the first broker that I made deposit.

The minimum deposit is $250. I first chose this broker because its minimum trade is $1. To newbie, this is a plus.

No problem with withdrawal for me.

You can request demo account from BDB, but you have to make a deposit first. If you don’t make any trade with your real money, when you ask for withdrawal they’ll charge handling fee.

Verification process is standard. Great variety of assets. If you are a beginner to trading, then your life just got a whole lot easier; BDB is announcing a new partnership with ZuluTrade.

ZuluTrade allows you to see what top traders are trading, while they are placing their trades!

>>>Visit Banc de Binary to open account for free <<<

Account Managers and Bonus

When you register with a broker, you need to enter your contact details. For some brokers, the account manager will then contact you by phone to say hi, no matter which part of the world you are in.

If you don’t pick up the phone, they will email you and drop a message.

If you already registered with them, but not yet make a deposit, they will persuade you to do so.

They will use bonus to attract you. For example, if you deposit $250, they will give bonus of 50% which equals to $125. Sound great, huh?

However, there is a catch. The condition is listed in the broker’s website but the account manager won’t tell you the truth.

For example, to withdraw a $50 bonus that was offered to you, you must first have 20 times of the amount or a total of $1000 from the volume of the cumulative transactions (regardless of the number, the selected products, and the size of the traded positions).

In simple words, if you want to withdraw the $50 bonus, you have to make it become $1000 first.

Of course, you always have the right to refuse the bonus offered by account manager. My suggestion is not to take the offer because you may face the withdrawal issue.

You may now make a deposit of $250 and bonus of $50 offered to you. The withdrawal condition is 20 times of the amount. However, you find it is very difficult to do so and you ask to withdraw your initial deposit amounting $250. Please be cautious about withdrawal it is because some brokers will reject your withdrawal application due to failure of fulfilling the condition of 20 times. If you insist on bonus, it is advisable for you to check with the brokers what are the conditions of withdrawal after taking the bonus to prevent any disputes and discrepancies.

In other case, the manager will ask you to make more deposit. They said they can help you to invest if you deposit to a certain amount.

Binary options are investment and investment is not return guaranteed, even the manager says he or she can make you profit. When you lose, they won’t bear any responsibility. You have to be very cautious in this aspect, too.

However, I do believe that there are some account managers are really helpful and sincere in achieving your financial goals. They provide you some beneficial information and guide you patiently.

Angels and evils are existing in the same time.

Just some thoughts.

When I first dealt with Banc de Binary, the account manager kept asking me to make deposit. She said she would give me bonus if I made deposit then. I asked if I made deposit later, could I still have any bonus? She said she couldn’t answer me this question because she wouldn’t know what was going to happen next.

After I know more about binary options, I realized that bonus is always there. It’s not making sense that you said you don’t know what is going to happen next. If you don’t know that, you don’t fit to be an account manager.

Wong aka gakuichi says:

I agree with you. Some account managers do treat themselves as salesperson.

Then you make deposit to BDB?

My main concern is that I can make withdrawal without hassle. I don’t face problem when I ask for withdrawal with BDB.

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Magnum Options Scam Inspection

Magnum Options Scam Inspection

Magnum Options is a relatively recent binary options provider, having launched on the trading scene in 2017. When a new binary trading platform springs up, it’s only natural to be wary of investing one’s funds without first researching it thoroughly. Our team took it upon themselves to conduct a comprehensive investigation of multiple trading platforms, among them Magnum Options. Through an impartial inspection of Magnum Options scam behaviour, we were finally able to clear up any uncertainty regarding which platforms are scam brokers and which are worthwhile forums for investment.


In order to properly evaluate whether Magnum Options scam proofs exist or not, we decided to covertly approach the platform by posing as a prospective trader. This allowed us to surreptitiously monitor the process of signing up and trading on the website and provide objective feedback on the experience. In order to begin trading, we were required to make a minimum deposit of $200. We promptly received an email confirming our acceptance and warmly welcoming us to the platform. Within a short period of time we received instructions on how to get started trading, accompanied by numerous tutorials and a highly comprehensive eBook. The eBook contained a glossary of trading terms and answered many of the frequently asked questions new traders have. After conducting a few test trades, I was satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary in the outcomes of my transactions. I was curious as to how the platform would react if I requested the closure of my account after such a short period of trading. While of course an attempt was made to convince me to maintain my account, I didn’t encounter any issues in withdrawing my funds. I simply emailed my request to their support address and, as stated on their website, the money I had invested appeared in my bank account within a mere 5 days.

Our Magnum Options Withdrawal Review will give you much more info about this process, but let me just say here that it is as good as it can get. Your initial transaction is free of any charge, the interface is very user-friendly and easy to use and you can expect you money to be delivered to you within seven days. You can also choose between several methods of withdrawing money, from credit cards to a bank wire, so a trader can be even more flexible. Of course, you will be asked to verify your identity before withdrawal, but this is something that all serious brokers do and a procedure that cannot be avoided. Magnum Options Demo Account is also available to the traders once they make the minimum deposit. It has all features you would expect from a serious broker – it is completely safe, it allows you to explore everything the trading platform has to offer and you don’t even have to risk any of your money. This is also a great tool to upgrade your knowledge about binary options trading in general and to test your new strategies and ideas without any risk to your account, leaving no place for any Magnum Option scam rumours.


Usually customer feedback on websites and trading forums can provide an insight into the legitimacy of binary trading platforms and expose scam brokers. The discussions about Magnum Options scams were overwhelmingly positive, with many satisfied customers leaving enthusiastic reviews and no place for so-called Magnum Options scam behaviour. The few negative comments I found were very obviously from a number of disappointed traders who were inexperienced in binary options and made some careless trading decisions. There were also a number of angry traders who were clearly unaware of the platform’s functioning. It’s rather unfortunate, since customer service is particularly strong in Magnum Options and any issues they had could have been resolved in a matter of minutes by contacting a customer care team member. There are no excuses for not getting in touch, as it’s possible to receive assistance around the clock via telephone, live chat and email, with rapid response to any queries posed by traders.


Magnum Options’ customer support has proven to be very efficient, reliable and quick to respond. They can be contacted by live chat, e-mail or phone and are very well educated in all aspects of trading so the chances are you will be able to resolve your problem quickly. But Magnum Options does more than just providing you with a team to assist you. As I have already mentioned, once you make your initial deposit, you will receive a free e-book about the trading business which can be very useful to you, especially if you are a new trader. But this broker also provides its clients with a comprehensive academy which contains tutorials for both beginners and advanced traders. Here you can learn everything you need to know about market analysis, patterns, trends and much more with every lesson being delivered to you in the form of a video. You can really see that the broker has invested a lot in this and that they want you to have the best possible trading experience.


If you are still wondering Is Magnum Options scam or legit. you can check more articles, but I can assure you that this broker is certainly far from being a scam broker. I was particularly impressed by the level of professionalism shown by such a recently established company, which was truly a testament to the quality of their employees. The platform has evidently invested greatly in providing the highest possible level of security for traders, instating a strict identity verification procedure to protect clients from unscrupulous individuals online. Not only that, but they try to be there for the trader every time they have any question and their support as a whole is on a really high level. Magnum Options scam comments are completely false as this broker provides one of the safest trading environments on the market for anyone interested in profiting from binary options.

Magnum Options Scam Inspection | Website preview

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Binary Brain Trust is a filthy SCAM. Unbiased Review!

Binary Brain Trust SCAM Review

The Binary Brain Trust software by Martin Clayton, a nonexistent person, is due to be released next week in the binary options industry. Although it’s only next week, these group of scammers have already started blasting your mail inboxes with many spam messages in order to get some deposits into their fraud accounts. The Binary Brain Trust is nothing but a scam service that aims to steal your money with a piece of junk video presentation, full of lies and misleading facts that have nothing to do in the financial market. You shouldn’t believe to none of Martin Clayton’s promises of making you a minimum of $5000 a daily revenue, first, because it won’t happen and second, it’s a lie. So, if you are one of these day traders who got this email, make sure to read our full review and stay on the safe side of the industry.

“Hurry! Make a guaranteed minimum $5000 per day” is the main title on www. binarybraintrust. com. We have no doubt that most of the intelligent people with head above their shoulders know to stay as far away as they can from websites that promise you making, at least, $5000 a day. In the financial world and especially in the binary options industry, making these sums of money per day is definitely unattainable. However, the binary options niche is by far the most profitable niche in the whole of the financial marked, including Forex trading. Therefore, in order to trade with a reliable services that will save your money on one hand and on the other hand, will help you to generate legitimate daily profits you have to take into consideration to read honest reviews that based on proven and tested results, and not by empty promises and rough lies.

The voice narrator, Martin Clayton, has said that he created the Binary Brain Trust over 5 years ago with a sole purpose – to guarantee profits for his clients. So, how come that by the most popular website Who. is. the domain name www. binarybraintrust. com has been initially registered on January 20, 2017, two months ago. Likewise, he said that they do not require payment at all which is also a lie, because, if we remember correct, in order to use the Binary Brain Trust software we need to make an initial deposit of at least $250, aren’t we?

The Binary Brain Trust service is not the conservative auto trader that based on a unique algorithm that recognizes opportunities in the markets and then executes trades on your behalf. The Binary Brain Trust actually works by copying trades from a SCAM service onto your trading account. Means that your alleged trading account will be linked directly to their shady systems which aim to drain your portfolio and to steal your money. Furthermore, Martin Clayton said that they are a group of professional and fully regulated workers who bring in massive profits every day. What do you mean by saying “fully regulated workers”? Are you a broker? Otherwise, what regulated means for you? In addition, he said that they are located in multiple offices around the world including Wall-Street in New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo. However, a registered company is just nonexistent and if you try to Google these simple keywords “Binary Brain Trust” you will find anything but SCAM reviews!

The Gorilla’s Conclusion!

Never trust on fake services that providing you empty promises like making at least $5000 a day without lifting a finger. During the whole of this presentation, we haven’t heard / saw even once a demonstration of how the Binary Brain Trust actually works or even how the heck it looks like. As mentioned, in the binary options industry there is no opportunity of making these sums of money each day. And if you take a look on some of our top recommended auto traders like Copy Buffett software and BinaDroid you will find out that even with most powerful services like we mentioned before you will not be able to earn more than a $1000 a day. Proven and Tested!

Eric Lee from TradingBinaryScamFree. com has viewed this service too and concluded “the Binary Brain Trust is a fraud that aims to steal your money! Their alleged chairman is nonexistent, they are not a registered company as they claimed to be and most important is, you will not be making money whilst using the service, but the complete opposite”.

Gorilla’s verdict: Binary Brain Trust is a SCAM.

Visit our trusted services page!

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Thank you for reading our full SCAM review. Subscribe to our blog and be sure to stay on the safe side of the industry with daily upcoming news right into your inbox! For further question and interesting ideas to review please contact us and visit our Facebook group. Google+ channel and our new Pinterest page. ¡Aclamaciones!

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Fast Cash Biz Review – Does Madison Clark & David Graham’s Fast Cash Biz REALLY WORK? Check my unbiased review. What Is Fast Cash Biz Software? Find the true review below. ​ Here is the product details:

Fast Cash Biz Review – The Truth The Fast Cash Biz truly is automatic. Most other programs still require you to do some sort of something to keep it going, but this one doesn't. All you have to do is leave your computer on and it does the rest. It analyzes the markets and only makes trades when the probabilities are in your favor and makes it, so you don’t need to know anything about binary trading.

Many features of this software like being able to set how much to trade, how long to trade, setting a stop-loss, interest rate, and autopilot. It has everything you would need and possibly more.

And completely automates the binary trading experience. The software is simple enough to navigate that even novice users will be able to make it work for them. The software itself is being offered for free but only on a limited basis.

You deposit the money you will be using to trade with and the app itself will automatically make the trades that fit into its criteria to generate maximum profits.

The ‘system’ itself is very simple and:

Easy to understand even for a newbie like myself. In essence we will be ‘betting’ on Binary to either rise or fall, this is done every minute. So I bet you are thinking, well how do I know which currency to ‘bet’ on?

By the side of each currency, you see the market has ‘bet’ on as a percentage. These guys know what they are doing, and they are the real stock market traders, big banks etc.

New and exciting type of investment, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a particular currency pair at a specified price (known as the exercise price) at a certain date (expiration date). In order to buy the underlying asset or sell it, pay the upfront premium to the option seller.

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Binary Options is a very effective and profitable ways to make money through trading, there are not many people actually make money from it! The main reason is many people do not know exactly the correct ways to trade binary options, and it is very dangerous if you do it blindly!

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This Fast Cash Biz review is not complete without saying that the financial data feeds that you will have access to advanced and are in fact worth more than $600 per month. This means that what you are getting is valuable information that will surely help you make the best trading decisions in your account.

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Cons Of Fast Cash Biz • Since the trading market is always volatile and changing, you need to be quick while taking any financial decisions. At times, you may experience some delays in live feeds on your screen.

If you have a high-speed Internet connection, you won’t experience any problems. It is still important to understand that there’s no guarantee to earn or lose money because of the volatile nature of the trading market.

Is The Fast Cash Biz a Scam? After testing the Fast Cash Biz for months I can personally testify that the Fast Cash Biz is probably the best solution out there. It’s far from a scam and it’s priced fairly and suitable for all budgets. If you are interested in currency options, the Fast Cash Biz is a great choice as it focuses on 15 currency pairs that you will find available on all broker platforms.

Not all brokers offer all the bot’s currency pairs; therefore it’s recommended to register with one of the recommended Fast Cash Biz brokers directly from the software. If you tried other services or imitations, you need to get with a serious service so make sure to visit the real Fast Cash Biz . Remember that the Live Support is there to answer your questions so take advantage of their awesome service!

Fast Cash Biz Review Conclusion Fast Cash Biz System is definitely a must have product if you want to make money from trading Binary Options. You should be aware that Binary Trading is a hugely profitable market and it is getting bigger and bigger. By using this System and software, it save your time to quickly profit from trading.

The system is actually FREE to you:

All you need to do is click the link below, and plug-in your name and email and press ‘Get Instant Access’ – ignore the sales video. The juicy info is on the next page where the actual system is explained in-depth. If I keep on explaining the features of this system, then chances are you will end up seeing “Closed Out” message on sales page. So go, check it out right now without wasting another minute.

I’m personally going to continue:

Using the system as I think the results are positive. I am going to up my trade size to $100 and try to maximize my profits.

You get started with a deposit you can afford. And then use around 5-10% of your account per trade. So if you have $1000, you can risk $50-$100 per trade. If you have a $500 account you can risk $25-50 per trade and so on…

I’m going to recommend this app, and if you go through my link below you will get a special bonus when you download the software using the link below.

So, what are you waiting for? Click the below link to download the software.

March 13, 2017 by Admin

Pearson Profits Review By Chris Green is Pearson Profits APP Scam Or Legit? Is Pearson Profits Software Real? Read My Pearson Profits Review Until Think To Invest in Pearson Method APP Software

Pearson Profits Binary options training system announced the availability of their new binary options trading software with high quality education content to learn trading using The Power Of The Pearson Method APP beginning 14th Feb 2017. More information About The Pearson Profits Method Software can be found here…

Product Description Of Pearson Profits Software: Product Name. Pearson Profits Pearson Profits CEO. Chris Green Official Pearson Profits website. PearsonProfits. com Pearson Profits Price: FREE

Pearson Profits Review

Binary Options Trading with Pearson Profits Binary Options Software System have long been an excellent way to earning money online and make a Perfect profit. Millions of binary options traders around the world aim to go down this route to make a significant amount of profits. Sin embargo, se encuentran con una serie de obstáculos que los dejan respirar por el aire en un mundo que es despiadado. Chris Green have come up with a Binary Options Trading System called “Pearson Profits”, which is designed to make binary options that much easier to succeed with. They have cracked the Binary Options Trading Software Secret code, but does Pearson Profits live up to the promise? This Pearson Profits Review will take a glance at the pros and cons of Pearson Profits to see whether it lives up to the hype.

What is Pearson Profits ? Let’s begin by trying to understand what Pearson Profits App is before looking at the pros and cons. Pearson Profits is a binary options software product created by Chris Green to exploit the Binary Options Trading With binary options system in place at the moment. Han encontrado una laguna que reduce sus riesgos y aumenta sus recompensas.

Chris Green provide you with Pearson Profits System to exploit the system and reduce those risks significantly. PearsonProfits. com software is trades for you after information about your budget has been inserted.

Pearson Profits Pros What are the pros with this Pearson Profits system? Para empezar, funciona y eso es lo que importa. Si un producto no hace lo que está diciendo, no vale la pena su tiempo. Simple como eso.

Pearson Profits is a fantastic Binary Options Trading APP because it is able to provide results and I have found it to be tremendously helpful. Después de usarlo durante un mes o así, he generado un poco de dinero que de otro modo no habría sido posible. The 24 hour Pearson Profits support is splendid. Es uno de esos profesionales que simplemente se pasa por alto, pero no debe. The Pearson Profits support is amazing whenever you have a question to ask. He tenido algunos obstáculos para cruzar y su equipo de apoyo siempre ha estado allí para ayudarme.

Pearson Profits Cons Are there any cons with this Pearson Profits Software product? Sí, es casi imposible encontrar un producto que no tenga contras. El único engaño con este producto sería que usted no será encontrar el 100% de éxito. Es simplemente imposible ganar todas las opciones y esa es la forma en que es.

You will still have to sit down and study your options from time to time before moving forward to get the type of Pearson Profits results you are craving. Este es un problema menor y sólo es necesario si desea obtener resultados del 100%.

Pearson Profits Concluding Opinion

Is Pearson Profits worth it? Yes, I have been using Pearson Profits for over a month and it does the trick. The Pearson Profits software is easy to use and I cannot imagine investing money without it.

This PearsonProfits. com is as simple as it gets and anyone can use it. Este tipo de productos son raros y tenerlo lanzado ahora es absolutamente asombroso. I would definitely recommend Pearson Profits for those individuals who want to make money now and make a lot of it.

CLICK Below TO DOWNLOAD Pearson Profits FREE + $1000 BONUS NOW:

Is Career Journal Binary A Scam Or Legit?

Is Career Journal Binary A Scam Or Legit?

SHOCKING: £7,650 In A Month? A 23-Year-Old Single Mother Grabbed The Opportunity When Is The Best Time To Trade Options?

Trading in ‘binary options’ that was made accessible to the general mass in 2008 follows one rule of thumb – the more risk you take, the more profits you reap and equally greater are your chances for losses. There are thousands of people who trade in binary options but not all of them are capable of making profits at the same rate. This happens because of the time they choose to trade and also on their ability to take risks. In this article we will take a look at the best time to trade options so that you can understand when to trade for maximizing your profits.

Why Career Journal Binary system ?

The bottom line is that you can stand to profit regardless of what direction the price of the security takes. Two things to take note here is that your payout is predetermined right at the time you entered into the contract and the magnitude of the move does not influence the amount of payout. Conversely, if you have taken an opposite position in the above examples, then it is a loss and your contract would be out-of-the-money.

Binary options trading has been around via OTC (or no supervision from any exchange) for some time now. It is a direct contract between the issuer and the trader. In recent years, binary options websites have emerged to offer a close-to-exchange-trading platform. This helps to facilitate liquidity while mitigating credit risks at the same time. Essentially, binary options present the possibility to win big or lose big, which appeals to many risk takers. Many theories have been put forth to claim the best binary option trading strategy, but most strategies rely on more than simply carrying it out. Binary options trading can be a profitable experience if you take the time to learn the tricks of the trade.

Mensaje de navegación

Binary Options ATM Review Is Binary Options ATM Software Scam Or Legit?

Before we started investigating it for this review, Is Binary Options ATM a Scam or not is the question asked by many. After trying and testing it for this review, we are pleased to reveal that the offer is definitely not a scam and the free Binary Options ATM software can be trusted. This is a genuine opportunity for automated or manual trading in binary options.

We will explain fully in this BinaryOptionsATM. co review how we know that there is no Binary Options ATM scam. This free web-based trading app has a simple design, so it is very easy to use, even if you have no prior trading experience or much knowledge of trading in binary options. The Binary Options ATM software can be set to trade 100% on autopilot or it can be used for manual trading.

Binary Options ATM Review Summary

Annoying Browser Pop-Ups: No

Fake Scarcity Counter: No

Paid Actor Testimonials: No

Impossible Revenue Gains: No

Comes Across As Authentic: Yes

Convincing Proof of Profits: Yes

Possibility of Being a Scam: 5%

Price: Free. Have to sign up with one of their brokers.

Available In: All Countries

Binary Options ATM Scam? Nope, Apparently I Was Wrong!

I honestly thought that this was going to be a clear case of a Binary Options ATM scam, but instead it turned into a very nice little surprise! Sometimes you get the best things in ugly little packages, and with this Binary Options ATM review, that was definitely the case!

With a website that looks like it was created 10 years ago, I really did not think that the Binary Options ATM review would result in anything else than calling it an outright, badly-produced scam, but I was wrong.

How can I say that? Well, because I did live trades on it and got 4 wins and 2 ties, resulting in a neat little profit in under an hour!

So, as you can see, the live trading results for the quick Binary Options ATM review I did is actually quite impressive, especially for a system that looks like crap! If I wasn’t asked specifically by one of my website subscribers to check it out, I honestly would not have given it a second thought. In the end, the proof is more important than opinion, and Binary Options ATM has proven itself.

Most trading systems have a minimum amount of $25, but with the Binary Options ATM App you can trade with any amount from $5 upwards. This means that with a deposit of $250 in your trading account you have the opportunity to test the binary signals App properly and are not be restricted to just ten trades to see how well it works. In our research for this review we have found praise for the Binary Options ATM system from real people who have used it and reported their results. We have ascertained that these testimonials are genuine and are not just from people promoting the software. There can be no better sign that there is no scam than by finding genuine endorsements from people who are achieving results when trading with the software.

Normally, doing 60 second trades are a good way to lose your money fast, and you will see that I caution against it in my other reviews. However, this does not mean that it doesn’t work when it is accurate. I would still caution you against opening large trades on the Binary Options ATM platform, and your best option is probably to go with the default $5 trades. If you have two losses in a row, stop and try again in a couple of hours.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the broker I was assigned to was Cherry Trade, they’re one of the best Binary Options brokers and I have been trading with them for months. They have no funny business when withdrawing money, and their support is excellent. You might end up with a different broker, but the fact that Cherry Trade is supporting the Binary Options ATM further adds to my confidence level in this little ugly duckling of a trading app.

The developer told me that they also support these top-rated brokers: Banc de Binary and OptionFM (both fully EU-regulated), Big Option and Binary Book (available in the US) and Empire Option (regulated by the WTC). You don’t need any previous knowledge or experience in order to use this software, and it’s provided for free, for a limited time. Support is available 24/7 by email: binaryoptionsatm@gmail. com

There really isn’t much else else to say about this app, try out Binary Options ATM for yourself and let me know how it goes!

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Redwood Binary Options Reviews

About Redwood Binary Options

Redwood Binary Options is an online broker site which describes themselves as the leading binary broker operating today, offering high payouts of up to 81% on sixty second options.

Binary options are a specific type of options trading for a variety of markets, including stocks, commodities, indices, and currencies. Recently, this type of trading has been rapidly growing in popularity.

This is in part because learning to trade binary options is fairly simple. To perform a trade, all you have to do is determine whether the value of the option you have chosen will go up - or Call - or go down - or Put, over the course of a specified period of time which ranges from as small as sixty seconds to as long as six months.

In addition, this type of trading is also popular because investors get to know what return on investment they an expect before they finalize their trade. Redwood Binary Options says that their investors can expect returns of up to 81% on options that are correctly predicted.

Most trading platforms simply say that to make the wrong prediction on the value of the option means that you will lose your investment, but Redwood Binary Options says that 10% of your investment will be returned even if your option expires out of the money.

Though the basic premise of binary options trading is simple, some people may find it to be a little intimidating, especially because of the association with Forex trading. Foreign currency trading has been controversial and suffered from complaints in the past, but nervous traders should know that binary options trading is actually legal and is even regulated within the United States.

The website says that they also offer superior features to other platforms as well, including access to a whole host of educational tools and resources for new traders, including a free binary options eBook, though they currently do not offer the ability to trade from a dedicated mobile app.

If you have any experience with this website, please leave your Redwood Binary Options reviews below.

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