Sunday 29 October 2017

Opciones De Acciones De Bb

BB & T Corporation (BBT) Cadena de Opciones

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Simplemente llame a: 800-BANK-BBT (800-226-5228) Apoyo a BB & T OnLine® Banking: 888-228-6654

Mientras tanto, le ofrecemos una variedad de métodos para acceder a sus cuentas, incluyendo:

Aproximadamente 1.800 centros financieros en 12 estados y Washington, D. C.

Más de 2.400 cajeros automáticos

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El Globo y el Correo


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Todos los derechos reservados. Se prohíbe la republicación o redistribución del contenido de Thomson Reuters, incluyendo enmarcado o medios similares, sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters no es responsable de ningún error o retraso en el contenido de Thomson Reuters, ni de ninguna acción tomada en dependencia de dicho contenido. 'Thomson Reuters' y el logotipo de Thomson Reuters son marcas registradas de Thomson Reuters y sus empresas afiliadas.

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444 Frente St. W. Toronto. ON Canadá M5V 2S9 Phillip Crawley, Editor

BlackBerry: Reuters dice que las opciones de llamadas se disparan en la historia de Reuters

Por Tiernan Ray

Las acciones de BlackBerry (BBRY) subían un 30% hoy después de que un reporte de Reuters indicara que la compañía estaba en conversaciones para ser comprada por Samsung Electronics (005930KS), sólo para colapsar un 16% en las últimas operaciones.

Pero la acción de los precios reales hoy en día fue el comercio de opciones de compra de acciones de BlackBerry, que en algunos casos se disparó en varios miles de por ciento, & # 8221; Según un reporte esta noche por el propio Saqib Iqbal Ahmed de Reuters.

Las llamadas que habían estado apostando a las acciones de BlackBerry que superaban los $ 12 fueron las más negociadas, & # 8221; Escribe Ahmed. Estos valores habían valido 8 centavos al comienzo del día, pero valían $ 1.31 al cierre de las operaciones, según datos de Thomson Reuters. & # 8221;

Una fuente, Ophir Gottlieb de Laboratorios de Mercado de Capitales en L. A. dice que el comercio de Amed era potencialmente impropio, pero no obviamente así a mí. & # 8221;

El artículo de Ahmed no menciona la declaración de BlackBerry; Publicado a las 5:18 pm, hora del Este, probablemente fue puesto en los cables antes de que la declaración de BlackBerry saliera, que parece haber sido alrededor de las 5:30.

& Laquo; Anterior BlackBerry cae 16% después de las horas: dice no ha tenido conversaciones con Samsung

Siguiente & raquo; BlackBerry Crashes: Street Can & # 8217; t Creen que Samsung querría patentes que mal

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El comercio de hoy en blackberry es un ejemplo de libro de texto de la manipulación del mercado en el trabajo. Primero los medios de comunicación fueron engañados en la creencia de que una negociación de la compra estaba en las obras, tanto así que el servicio de noticias en línea publicó la información e incluso los bancos la recogieron. Los vendedores cortos y los escritores de llamadas desnudos fueron "empujados" en la cobertura, mientras que los valores puestos se estrellaron a cero. Luego, después de la campana, después de que la acción ha llegado a $ 15, BlackBerry emite una declaración de negación, lo que provocó una estampida de la venta en corto. En la campana de mañana, las llamadas que saltaron se estrellarán junto con las acciones, mientras que las puestas volverán en valor.

Tengo curiosidad por saber lo que la SEC tiene que decir acerca de esto

El post de Michael D no es un error tipográfico. Blackberry golpeó $ 15.10 en moneda canadiense.

"Los medios de comunicación fueron engañados" - sólo un niño de 12 años podría haber sido engañado de esa manera.

Alguna fuente muestra a Reuters algunos documentos con respecto al acuerdo?

¿Por qué alguien se expondría a una acción legal revelando tales documentos a un medio de comunicación, cuando tales documentos tendrían todo tipo de confedencialidad escrito.

Y los medios de comunicación sólo se comió, incluyendo los editores etc etc ??

La gente de los medios debe de conseguir un reparto especial en el dispositivo del pasaporte.

Reuters merece una clase obligatoria para todo su personal sobre ética, comprobación de hechos y fundamentos de información privilegiada. Alguna fuente llegó a Ablan quien fue lo suficientemente estúpido como para escribirlo y hacerlo pasar por su editor.

Opciones de BB30 y Press Fit 30

Los soportes inferiores BB30 y Press Fit 30 están disponibles como opciones en todos nuestros modelos de bastidor.

¿Qué es un bracket inferior BB30 o Press Fit 30?

Estos son términos para dos nuevos estándares de conchas de soporte de gran tamaño que utilizan husillos de 30 mm y cojinetes de ajuste directo, o cojinetes alojados en vasos, que se presionan dentro de la carcasa del bastidor del bastidor.

¿Por qué alguien consideraría un BB30 o Prensa Fit 30?

El diseño elimina el uso de las tazas externas que se enroscan en la cáscara del BB para sostener los cojinetes, reduciendo el peso total de la bici y el q-factor de los pedales. La cáscara del soporte inferior más grande también acomoda un husillo de 30 mm, en lugar del husillo más común de 24 mm. Esto se traduce en una mayor rigidez de la transmisión.

¿Son compatibles estas opciones con mi soporte de rosca inferior roscado actual de 68 mm?

No, este nuevo estándar requiere el uso de un pedalier completamente diferente de nuestra oferta estándar, por lo que no hay partes que sean compatibles con ambas normas.

¿Cuánto cuesta la opción BB30 o Press Fit 30 68mm?

El cargo adicional por esta opción es de $ 295.

BB & amp; T Corp. BBT (US NYSE)

Las cotizaciones bursátiles en tiempo real de Estados Unidos reflejan las operaciones reportadas a través del Nasdaq solamente.

Las cotizaciones bursátiles internacionales se retrasan de acuerdo con los requisitos de cambio. Los índices pueden ser en tiempo real o retrasados; Consulte las marcas de tiempo en las páginas de cotización de índice para obtener información sobre los tiempos de retardo.

Datos de cotización, excepto las acciones estadounidenses, proporcionados por SIX Financial Information.

Los datos se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines únicamente informativos y no se destinan a fines comerciales. SIX Información Financiera (a) no hace ninguna garantía expresa o implícita de ningún tipo con respecto a los datos, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier garantía de comerciabilidad o idoneidad para un propósito o uso particular; Y (b) no será responsable de ningún error, incompleto, interrupción o demora, acciones tomadas en base a cualquier dato, o por cualquier daño resultante de ello. Los datos pueden ser retrasados ​​intencionalmente de acuerdo con los requisitos del proveedor.

Toda la información de fondos mutuos y ETF contenida en esta exhibición fue suministrada por Lipper, una compañía de Thomson Reuters, sujeto a lo siguiente: Copyright © Thomson Reuters. Todos los derechos reservados. Queda prohibida expresamente cualquier copia, reedición o redistribución del contenido de Lipper, incluyendo almacenamiento en caché, enmarcado o medios similares sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Lipper. Lipper no será responsable de ningún error o retraso en el contenido, ni de las acciones tomadas en dependencia de los mismos.

Las cotizaciones de bonos se actualizan en tiempo real. Fuente: Tullett Prebon.

Las cotizaciones de divisas se actualizan en tiempo real. Fuente: Tullet Prebon.

Datos fundamentales de la empresa y estimaciones de los analistas proporcionados por FactSet. Copyright FactSet Research Systems Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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BlackBerry Ltd

Usted está siendo dirigido a ZacksTrade, una división de LBMZ Securities y agente de bolsa con licencia. ZacksTrade y Zacks. com son compañías separadas pero afiliadas. El enlace web entre las dos compañías no es una solicitación u oferta para invertir en un determinado tipo de seguridad o tipo de seguridad. ZacksTrade no aprueba ni adopta ninguna estrategia de inversión en particular, ninguna opinión / calificación / informe analista ni ningún enfoque para evaluar los valores individuales.

Si desea ir a ZacksTrade, haga clic en Aceptar. Si no lo hace, haga clic en Cancelar.

¿Es BBRY una compra, espera o vende?

Dentro de cada puntaje, las acciones se clasifican en cinco grupos: A, B, C, D y F. Como puede recordar de sus días escolares, un A, es mejor que un B; Un B es mejor que un C; Un C es mejor que un D; Y un D es mejor que un F.

Como inversor, usted quiere comprar acciones con la mayor probabilidad de éxito. Eso significa que usted quiere comprar acciones con una Zacks Rango # 1 o # 2, Strong Buy o Buy, que también tiene una puntuación de A o B en su estilo de negociación personal.

Zacks Scorecard Education - Aprenda más sobre el Zacks Scorecard

Las puntuaciones de estilo son un conjunto complementario de indicadores para usar junto con el rango de Zacks. Permite al usuario centrarse mejor en las poblaciones que son el mejor ajuste para su estilo de negociación personal.

Las puntuaciones se basan en los estilos comerciales de Valor, Crecimiento y Momentum. También hay una puntuación VGM ( 'V' para el valor, 'G' para el crecimiento y 'M' para el impulso), que combina el promedio ponderado de las puntuaciones individuales de estilo en una puntuación.

Dentro de cada puntaje, las acciones se clasifican en cinco grupos: A, B, C, D y F. Como puede recordar de sus días escolares, un A, es mejor que un B; Un B es mejor que un C; Un C es mejor que un D; Y un D es mejor que un F.

Como inversor, usted quiere comprar acciones con la mayor probabilidad de éxito. Eso significa que usted quiere comprar acciones con un rango de Zacks # 1 o # 2, compra fuerte o comprar, que también tiene una puntuación de un A o un B en su estilo de negociación personal.

Zacks Style Scores Education - Aprende más sobre las puntuaciones de estilos de Zacks

Este es nuestro sistema de calificación a corto plazo que sirve como un indicador de oportunidad para las acciones durante los próximos 1 a 3 meses. ¿Qué tan bueno es? Consulte los rankings y el rendimiento relacionado a continuación.

Zacks Rank Home - Zacks clasifica los recursos en un solo lugar

Zacks Premium - La forma de acceder a la Rango Zacks

Los informes de Zacks Equity Research. O ZER para el cortocircuito, son nuestros informes de investigación internos producidos independientemente.

Los siempre populares informes de una página de instantáneas se generan para casi todas las acciones de Zacks. Está lleno de todas las estadísticas clave de la empresa y la información más relevante para la toma de decisiones. Incluyendo el rango de Zacks, el ranking de la industria de Zacks, las puntuaciones de estilo, el precio, el consenso y el gráfico de sorpresa, el análisis de estimación gráfica y cómo las existencias se apilan a sus pares.

El detallado informe de varias páginas del analista hace una inmersión aún más profunda en las estadísticas vitales de la compañía. Además de todo el análisis propio en la instantánea, el informe también muestra visualmente los cuatro componentes del rango Zacks (Acuerdo, magnitud, alza y sorpresa); Proporciona una visión general completa de los conductores de negocios de la empresa, con gráficos de ganancias y ventas; Una recapitulación de su último reporte de ganancias; Y una lista de razones para comprar o vender la acción. También incluye una tabla de comparación de la industria para ver cómo su acción se compara con su industria ampliada, y el S & amp; P 500.

Investigar acciones nunca ha sido tan fácil o perspicaz como con los informes de ZER Analyst y Snapshot.

Cadena de opciones

Las puntuaciones de estilo son un conjunto complementario de indicadores para usar junto con el rango de Zacks. Permite al usuario centrarse mejor en las poblaciones que son el mejor ajuste para su estilo de negociación personal.

Las puntuaciones se basan en los estilos comerciales de Valor, Crecimiento y Momentum. También hay una puntuación VGM ( 'V' para el valor, 'G' para el crecimiento y 'M' para el impulso), que combina el promedio ponderado de las puntuaciones individuales de estilo en una puntuación.


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Investigación de Zacks es reportada el:

Zacks Investment Research es un negocio calificado BBB + acreditado.

Copyright y copia; 2017 Zacks Investment Research

En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente.

Visite www. zacksdata. com para obtener nuestros datos y contenido para su aplicación móvil o sitio web.

Precios en tiempo real de BATS. Citas diferidas de Sungard.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

Relaciones con inversores

BB & amp; T Corporation, con sede en Winston-Salem, Carolina del Norte, es un crecimiento rápido, altamente rentable holding financiero.

La estrategia de operación de BB & T es única, ya que cada filial bancaria está organizada como un grupo de bancos comunitarios, cada uno con un presidente regional. Esto nos permite ofrecer un servicio al cliente estándar mundial porque la mayoría de las decisiones se toman localmente, cerca de nuestros clientes.

Excelente calidad de activos en relación con los pares de BB & amp; T

Atractiva franquicia bancaria en 15 estados y Washington, D. C. con 2.139 centros financieros

Rendimiento superior del dividendo

Excelente crecimiento de ingresos

Al 31 de diciembre de 2017, BB & amp; T Corporation es una de las compañías holdings de servicios financieros más grandes de Estados Unidos, con $ 209.9 mil millones en activos y capitalización de mercado de $ 29.5 mil millones.

BB & amp; T ha pagado un dividendo en efectivo a los accionistas cada año desde 1903.

Vea nuestros últimos lanzamientos de ganancias trimestrales o escuche en línea. Más ganancias trimestrales

Usted está siendo dirigido a ZacksTrade, una división de LBMZ Securities y agente de bolsa con licencia. ZacksTrade y Zacks. com son compañías separadas pero afiliadas. El enlace web entre las dos compañías no es una solicitación u oferta para invertir en un determinado tipo de seguridad o tipo de seguridad. ZacksTrade no aprueba ni adopta ninguna estrategia de inversión en particular, ninguna opinión / calificación / informe analista ni ningún enfoque para evaluar los valores individuales.

Si desea ir a ZacksTrade, haga clic en Aceptar. Si no lo hace, haga clic en Cancelar.

¿Es BBT una compra, espera o vende?

Dentro de cada puntaje, las acciones se clasifican en cinco grupos: A, B, C, D y F. Como puede recordar de sus días escolares, un A, es mejor que un B; Un B es mejor que un C; Un C es mejor que un D; Y un D es mejor que un F.

Como inversor, usted quiere comprar acciones con la mayor probabilidad de éxito. Eso significa que usted quiere comprar acciones con una Zacks Rango # 1 o # 2, Strong Buy o Buy, que también tiene una puntuación de A o B en su estilo de negociación personal.

Zacks Scorecard Education - Aprenda más sobre el Zacks Scorecard

Las puntuaciones de estilo son un conjunto complementario de indicadores para usar junto con el rango de Zacks. Permite al usuario centrarse mejor en las poblaciones que son el mejor ajuste para su estilo de negociación personal.

Las puntuaciones se basan en los estilos comerciales de Valor, Crecimiento y Momentum. También hay una puntuación VGM ( 'V' para el valor, 'G' para el crecimiento y 'M' para el impulso), que combina el promedio ponderado de las puntuaciones individuales de estilo en una puntuación.

Dentro de cada puntaje, las acciones se clasifican en cinco grupos: A, B, C, D y F. Como puede recordar de sus días escolares, un A, es mejor que un B; Un B es mejor que un C; Un C es mejor que un D; Y un D es mejor que un F.

Como inversor, usted quiere comprar acciones con la mayor probabilidad de éxito. Eso significa que usted quiere comprar acciones con un rango de Zacks # 1 o # 2, compra fuerte o comprar, que también tiene una puntuación de un A o un B en su estilo de negociación personal.

Zacks Style Scores Education - Aprende más sobre las puntuaciones de estilos de Zacks

Este es nuestro sistema de calificación a corto plazo que sirve como un indicador de oportunidad para las acciones durante los próximos 1 a 3 meses. ¿Qué tan bueno es? Consulte los rankings y el rendimiento relacionado a continuación.

Zacks Rank Home - Zacks clasifica los recursos en un solo lugar

Zacks Premium - La forma de acceder a la Rango Zacks

Los informes de Zacks Equity Research. O ZER para el cortocircuito, son nuestros informes de investigación internos producidos independientemente.

Los siempre populares informes de una página de instantáneas se generan para casi todas las acciones de Zacks. Está lleno de todas las estadísticas clave de la empresa y la información más relevante para la toma de decisiones. Incluyendo el rango de Zacks, el ranking de la industria de Zacks, las puntuaciones de estilo, el precio, el consenso y el gráfico de sorpresa, el análisis de estimación gráfica y cómo las existencias se apilan a sus pares.

El detallado informe de varias páginas del analista hace una inmersión aún más profunda en las estadísticas vitales de la compañía. Además de todo el análisis propio en la instantánea, el informe también muestra visualmente los cuatro componentes del rango Zacks (Acuerdo, magnitud, alza y sorpresa); Proporciona una visión general completa de los conductores de negocios de la empresa, con gráficos de ganancias y ventas; Una recapitulación de su último reporte de ganancias; Y una lista de razones para comprar o vender la acción. También incluye una tabla de comparación de la industria para ver cómo su acción se compara con su industria ampliada, y el S & amp; P 500.

Investigar acciones nunca ha sido tan fácil o perspicaz como con los informes de ZER Analyst y Snapshot.

Cadena de opciones

Las puntuaciones de estilo son un conjunto complementario de indicadores para usar junto con el rango de Zacks. Permite al usuario centrarse mejor en las poblaciones que son el mejor ajuste para su estilo de negociación personal.

Las puntuaciones se basan en los estilos comerciales de Valor, Crecimiento y Momentum. También hay una puntuación VGM ( 'V' para el valor, 'G' para el crecimiento y 'M' para el impulso), que combina el promedio ponderado de las puntuaciones individuales de estilo en una puntuación.


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Investigación de Zacks es reportada el:

Zacks Investment Research es un negocio calificado BBB + acreditado.

Copyright y copia; 2017 Zacks Investment Research

En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente.

Visite www. zacksdata. com para obtener nuestros datos y contenido para su aplicación móvil o sitio web.

Precios en tiempo real de BATS. Citas diferidas de Sungard.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

BB & amp; T Corp.



Las cotizaciones bursátiles en tiempo real de Estados Unidos reflejan las operaciones reportadas a través del Nasdaq solamente.

Las cotizaciones bursátiles internacionales se retrasan de acuerdo con los requisitos de cambio. Los índices pueden ser en tiempo real o retrasados; Consulte las marcas de tiempo en las páginas de cotización de índice para obtener información sobre los tiempos de retardo.

Datos de cotización, excepto las acciones estadounidenses, proporcionados por SIX Financial Information.

Los datos se proporcionan "tal cual" Sólo con fines informativos y no se destina a fines comerciales. SIX Información Financiera (a) no hace ninguna garantía expresa o implícita de ningún tipo con respecto a los datos, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier garantía de comerciabilidad o idoneidad para un propósito o uso particular; Y (b) no será responsable de ningún error, incompleto, interrupción o demora, acciones tomadas en base a cualquier dato, o por cualquier daño resultante de ello. Los datos pueden ser retrasados ​​intencionalmente de acuerdo con los requisitos del proveedor.

Toda la información de fondos mutuos y ETF contenida en esta exhibición fue suministrada por Lipper, una compañía de Thomson Reuters, con sujeción a lo siguiente: Copyright 2017 © Thomson Reuters. Todos los derechos reservados. Queda prohibida expresamente cualquier copia, reedición o redistribución del contenido de Lipper, incluyendo almacenamiento en caché, enmarcado o medios similares sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Lipper. Lipper no será responsable de ningún error o retraso en el contenido, ni de las acciones tomadas en dependencia de los mismos.

Las cotizaciones de bonos se actualizan en tiempo real. Fuente: Tullett Prebon.

Las cotizaciones de divisas se actualizan en tiempo real. Fuente: Tullet Prebon.

Datos fundamentales de la empresa y estimaciones de los analistas proporcionados por FactSet. Copyright 2017 FactSet Research Systems Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Planificación Financiera: Estrategias Avanzadas

El comienzo de 2017 trajo cambios notables de la tasa de impuesto, pero generalmente solamente para la gente con rentas más altas - comenzando alrededor $ 200.000 por año. Muchos contribuyentes seguirán operando con las mismas reglas que han tenido bajo los recortes de impuestos de Bush que entraron en vigencia en 2003. Esta serie de artículos resume los principales cambios y explica varias ideas de planificación.

Planificación de impuestos ahora más valiosa, más complicada, con más ganancias para la compensación basada en acciones

A partir de 2017, la imagen tributaria y la planificación tributaria que se aplicaron en años anteriores son relativamente inalteradas para los contribuyentes solteros con ingresos anuales de menos de $ 200,000 y los declarantes casados ​​con ingresos anuales de menos de $ 250,000, ya que todavía están usando las tasas bajo el Recortes de impuestos de Bush. Por encima de esos niveles, hay cambios de la tasa de impuestos de la Ley de Socorro al Contribuyente Estadounidense (ATRA). Los umbrales de ingresos actuales que desencadenan tasas más altas se muestran en la siguiente tabla.

Principales umbrales de ingresos en 2017 que afectan sus impuestos

$ 466,950 conjunta $ 415,050 solo (ingreso imponible) *

Los ingresos se gravan en el 39,6%

$ 466,950 conjunta $ 415,050 solo (ingreso imponible) *

Las ganancias de capital y los dividendos se gravan al 20%

$ 250,000 conjunto $ 200,000 único (ingreso bruto ajustado modificado)

3.8% Suplemento de Medicare sobre los ingresos por inversiones; Adicional del 0,9% impuesto de Medicare sobre los ingresos de compensación

$ 311,300 conjunto $ 259,400 solo (ingreso bruto ajustado)

Las deducciones detalladas y las exenciones personales se eliminan progresivamente

* Para ingresos reconocidos en 2017. Esos umbrales eran de 464.850 dólares para los declarantes conjuntos y de 413.200 dólares para los declarantes solos.

Bajo ATRA, los impuestos se hacen más progresivos. Para los altos ingresos, las tasas subieron en los ingresos, las ganancias de capital a largo plazo y los dividendos calificados, y nuevas eliminaciones entrar en juego. Separadamente de ATRA, las personas con ingresos anuales por encima del umbral de $ 200,000 / $ 250,000 se enfrentan a dos cambios de impuestos de Medicare bajo la ley de reforma del cuidado de la salud. El nuevo impuesto de 3.8% Medicare sobre los ingresos netos de inversiones afecta especialmente a la remuneración basada en acciones a través de ganancias de capital y dividendos. Además, para estos contribuyentes un 0,9% adicional se agrega al impuesto de nómina de Medicare. Muchas personas, especialmente en los estados con altos ingresos y los impuestos de bienes raíces, han estado sujetos durante mucho tiempo al impuesto mínimo alternativo (AMT). Algunos cambios afectan tanto a la AMT como al impuesto regular de manera similar (por ejemplo, las tasas de ganancias de capital a largo plazo, 3,8% de recargo de Medicare, 0,9% de impuesto adicional sobre la nómina de Medicare), pero otros afectan a los dos sistemas tributarios de manera diferente a medida que aumenta la renta. Más o menos AMT que se debe.

Alerta: Con todo, 2017 trajo un código de impuestos que es más complicado y caro. Por lo tanto, la planificación fiscal se ha vuelto más intrincada y las facturas de impuestos están subiendo, especialmente para las personas con ingresos anuales que son más de un par de cientos de miles de dólares.

La planificación tributaria es más importante que nunca. La planificación plurianual es especialmente valiosa con la compensación basada en acciones, ya que puede controlar el momento de las ventas y los ejercicios de opciones y saber cuándo se concederán acciones / RSU restringidas. Este ingreso agregado a menudo trae tasas de impuestos más altas. Una observación práctica es que en estos niveles más altos de impuestos y mayor complejidad, cualquier planificación tributaria detallada debe hacerse con un buen software de impuestos o por un profesional de impuestos.

Cambios en los ingresos fiscales: Tasas nominales marginales

Las parcelas de impuestos nominales de 2012 permanecieron iguales después de 2012, pero la parte superior del 35% se movió a un 39,6% (indexado para la inflación, por lo que los umbrales aumentarán con el tiempo). En 2017, esta tasa más alta de 39.6% se aplica a los contribuyentes con ingresos anuales imponibles de más de $ 415.050 para los individuos y $ 466.950 para las parejas casadas. (En 2017, los umbrales eran $ 413,200 para individuos y $ 464,850 para parejas casadas. En 2017, los umbrales eran $ 400,000 y $ 450,000.)

Tasas del impuesto sobre la renta, 2003-2012

Tasas del impuesto sobre la renta después de 2012

Tasas de impuestos sobre las plusvalías a largo plazo posteriores a 2012

Tasas Marginales Efectivas de Impuestos

Además de las nuevas tasas de impuestos, 2017 trajo una serie de cambios importantes para los contribuyentes de altos ingresos. La tabla de tasas de impuestos muestra los tipos impositivos marginales nominales. "Marginal" significa impuesto sobre el siguiente dólar de ingresos, y "nominal" significa sólo en nombre. La tabla de tarifas no aborda toda la historia. Al hacer la planificación fiscal, usted quiere saber el impacto de un cambio. Por ejemplo, ¿cuál es el impacto fiscal neto de un ejercicio de opción o la adquisición de acciones restringidas? La tasa impositiva marginal efectiva describe el cambio real en su factura fiscal para el siguiente dólar de ingresos. Los tipos marginales efectivos incluyen todas las reglas impositivas, p. Los que implican deducciones y la eliminación de las deducciones.

Ejemplo: Para encontrar su tasa marginal efectiva. Calcular su impuesto y luego agregar $ 100 de ingresos para ver el cambio de impuestos. Si agregar $ 100 de ingresos eleva el impuesto en $ 43.40, su tasa marginal efectiva es 43.4%. Como explicaremos en este artículo, esto podría deberse a la combinación del impuesto de 39.6% y el impuesto de 3.8% sobre Medicare.

Eliminaciones para deducciones detalladas y exenciones personales

En 2017, las deducciones detalladas y las exenciones personales se eliminan gradualmente para los declarantes solos con ingresos brutos anuales ajustados (AGI) de más de $ 259.400 ($ 311.300 para los declarantes conjuntos). Las deducciones detalladas se reducen en un 3% de AGI sobre esos umbrales (a. k.a. la Limitación de Pease). La reducción total no puede exceder el 80%, y siempre se utilizará al menos la deducción estándar. Las reducciones detalladas de la deducción aumentan la tasa impositiva marginal efectiva en aproximadamente el 1% (precisamente el 3% de la tasa impositiva correspondiente: 3% x 33% = 1%; 3% x 39,6% = 1,2%).

Preste atención a donde comienzan y terminan las eliminaciones.

También a partir de 2017, las exenciones personales se reducen en un 2% por cada $ 2.500 de AGI por encima de los mismos umbrales, sumando aproximadamente el 1% por exención a la tasa marginal de impuestos. En 2017, cuando la exención personal ascendía a 3.950 dólares, la eliminación se completó a 380.750 dólares de los ingresos por encima del umbral para los declarantes solteros (para los declarantes conjuntos, la eliminación se completó en 432.400 dólares de ingresos por encima del umbral). Una pareja casada con 4 dependientes tiene 6 exenciones y su tasa marginal efectiva aumenta alrededor del 6% durante la eliminación.

Alerta: No termine con ingresos justo en la parte superior de un rango de eliminación, donde acaba de terminar de pagar por toda la eliminación. Idealmente, usted quiere estar completamente por debajo, o bien por encima, de una eliminación costosa. Preste atención a donde comienzan y terminan las eliminaciones. Si un ejercicio de opción o una venta de acciones llega a la parte superior de una eliminación gradual, considere la posibilidad de hacer otra - puede ser más barato que esperar hasta el próximo año y terminar en el mismo rango de eliminación.

El impuesto sobre la nómina de Medicare añade 0,9% para los contribuyentes de ingresos altos

La tasa de impuestos de nómina de Medicare de larga data es de 2,9%, de la cual usted paga la mitad (1,45%) y su empleador paga la mitad. A partir de 2017, se aplica un impuesto adicional del 0,9% sobre los ingresos anuales de más de $ 200,000 (declarantes solos) o de más de $ 250,000 (declarantes casados). Este impuesto se aplica a los ingresos procedentes de ejercicios de opción de acciones no calificadas y de SAR, la adquisición de acciones restringidas / RSUs y acciones de rendimiento / PSU y las compras en un ESPP no calificado, así como los salarios y bonificaciones que lo empujan por encima del umbral. El impuesto de Medicare es automáticamente retenido por su empleador. Se agrega a su tasa marginal efectiva, pero puede no aparecer en su proyección de impuestos, ya que normalmente se maneja automáticamente mediante la retención.

Las parejas casadas pueden encontrarse sobre o bajo retención. La retención para el 0,9% adicional se basa simplemente en los ingresos de cada individuo (es decir, cantidades de compensación de más de $ 200,000), y no el estado civil y las exenciones. Su declaración de impuestos aumenta la cantidad apropiada.

Ejemplo: Si usted y su cónyuge ganan $ 200,000, no se habrá retenido el 0,9% adicional, pero juntos sus $ 400,000 de ingresos superan el umbral de $ 250,000. Usted deberá $ 1.350 adicionales para el 0.9% en los $ 150.000 sobre el umbral: 0.9% x ($ 400.000 - $ 250.000). En otro ejemplo, con sólo un cónyuge empleado ganando $ 250,000, el exceso de impuestos será retenido por los $ 50,000 por encima del umbral, pero luego será un crédito en su declaración de impuestos.

3.8% Sobretaxa de Medicare: Ingreso neto de inversiones (NII) Impuesto

Un adicional de 3,8% de recargo de Medicare también comenzó en 2017, y se aplica a un nuevo concepto: los ingresos netos de inversión (NII). Una vez más, los umbrales de ingreso son $ 200,000 para individuos y $ 250,000 para parejas que presentan una declaración conjunta. La sobretaxa se aplica a los ingresos no devengados-por ejemplo, Intereses, dividendos y ganancias de capital, rentas y distribuciones de anualidades. No se aplica a ejercicios de opciones sobre acciones, acciones restringidas / adquisición de RSU, compras de ESPP, salarios, intereses exentos de impuestos, distribuciones de planes de retiro y beneficios del Seguro Social.

Alerta: La compensación de acciones puede empujarle sobre estos umbrales de ingresos. La sobretaxa se aplica a las ganancias obtenidas de las ventas de las acciones de la compañía después del ejercicio, la compra o la adquisición.

La sobretaxa se aplica a los menores ingresos netos de inversión (NII) o el exceso sobre el umbral AGI modificado. La tabla muestra ejemplos para un contribuyente único cuyo umbral es $ 200,000 de AGI modificado (MAGI):

Ingresos netos de inversión (NII)

Tenga en cuenta que una vez que sus ingresos sobrepasan el umbral de MAGI, un aumento en los ingresos netos de inversión eleva el monto sujeto al sobreimporte por la misma cantidad. Pero un aumento en los ingresos salariales no se suma a la sobretaxa. Ideas de planificación para el año en curso incluyen el máximo de las contribuciones del plan de jubilación para reducir su MAGI si sus ingresos están cerca del umbral.

Aumentos en las ganancias de capital a largo plazo para ganancias de capital y dividendos calificados

Paralelamente al cambio en la tasa de impuesto sobre la renta más alta, a partir de 2017 la tasa de ganancias de capital a largo plazo es del 20% para los contribuyentes con un AGI anual que excede ciertos umbrales. En 2017, esta tasa más alta del 20% sobre las ganancias de capital se aplica a los contribuyentes con ingresos anuales imponibles de más de $ 415.050 para los individuos y $ 466.950 para las parejas casadas. (En 2017, los umbrales eran $ 413.200 para individuos y $ 464.850 para parejas casadas. En 2017, los umbrales eran $ 400.000 y $ 450.000.) La tasa sigue siendo 0% o 15% para los contribuyentes cuyo ingreso es inferior a los niveles AGI. Recuerde que los dividendos calificados también se gravan a las ganancias de capital a largo plazo. Nadie pagará realmente sólo la tasa del 20%: si su ingreso es lo suficientemente alto como para desencadenar la tasa del 20%, también está sujeto al impuesto de 3.8% sobre Medicare. Como resultado, para los contribuyentes solos en 2017, las ganancias a largo plazo y los dividendos calificados se gravarán en:

Primeros dos escalones de impuestos: 10% y 15%

AGI menos de $ 200,000

AGI de $ 200,000 a $ 415,050

AGI sobre $ 415,050

Impuestos estatales, locales e inmobiliarios

Hasta ahora hemos hablado del sistema tributario federal. Muchos impuestos estatales, locales e inmobiliarios han estado cambiando también, y estos impuestos pueden tratar el ingreso de diferentes formas que las del sistema federal. Por ejemplo, algunos estados gravan ganancias de capital a largo plazo como ingreso, sin una tasa especial menor. Muchos estados gravan los dividendos como ingresos a la tasa de impuesto sobre la renta completa en lugar de a la tasa de ganancias de capital más barata. En un estado con tasas de impuestos del 7,5% al ​​10%, el impuesto estatal es la mitad del impuesto a las ganancias de capital a largo plazo.

La exposición a AMT se ve directamente afectada por los cambios en los impuestos estatales, locales y de bienes raíces, ya que estos son deducibles en el sistema de impuestos federales regulares pero no en el sistema AMT.

Los impuestos estatales, locales e inmobiliarios afectan sus impuestos federales de dos maneras principales. Primero, son deducibles para el impuesto federal regular, y la cantidad que realmente podría ser deducible cambió con las reglas impositivas de 2017 sobre las eliminaciones descritas anteriormente. En segundo lugar, la exposición a AMT se ve directamente afectada por los cambios en los impuestos estatales, locales e inmobiliarios, ya que son deducibles en el sistema tributario federal, pero no en el sistema AMT. Especialmente para la planificación de AMT (discutido en la Parte 2), es importante al hacer una proyección de impuestos para prestar atención a los impuestos estatales, locales e inmobiliarios para ver el efecto general en sus facturas de impuestos.

La Parte 2 se centra en las estrategias relacionadas con las ganancias de capital, la AMT y la planificación de la ISO, y en otros pasos de planificación fiscal relacionados con el cambio de ingresos.

Exención de responsabilidad: Este documento ofrece una introducción general a las normas tributarias que suelen ser más complicadas que las que pueden cubrirse aquí. Piense en este documento como punto de partida y consulte con su asesor fiscal para entender completamente las reglas y cómo pueden aplicar en su situación.

William Whitaker y Tom Davison son asesores financieros en Summit Financial Strategies en Columbus, Ohio. Asesoran regularmente a personas que tienen opciones sobre acciones, acciones restringidas y otras formas de compensación de patrimonio. El Sr. Davison está en la Junta Asesora de myStockOptions. com. Este artículo fue publicado únicamente por su contenido y calidad. Ni los autores ni su empresa nos compensaron a cambio de su publicación.

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BB & T Corp (BBT)


Revisado por: TheStreet Ratings el 10 de marzo de 2017.

Resumen del informe: TheStreet Ratings califica a BB & T Corp como una Compra con una calificación de B-.

Snippet de informe: Calificamos BB & amp; T CORP (BBT) como una COMPRA. Esto es impulsado por algunas fortalezas notables, que creemos que deben tener un impacto mayor que cualquier debilidad, y debe dar a los inversores una mejor oportunidad de rendimiento que la mayoría de las acciones que cubrimos. Las fortalezas de la compañía se pueden ver en múltiples áreas, como su crecimiento de los ingresos, la expansión de los márgenes de ganancias y los atractivos niveles de valoración. Sentimos que sus fortalezas superan el hecho de que la compañía ha tenido un desempeño mediocre en el stock mismo.

Valoración: 3.33 de 5, 'B-' Comprar.

Puede ver el análisis completo del informe aquí: BBT Rating Report

BBT Transcripciones de ganancias

TheStreet | 01/21/16 - 02:31 PM EST

David Peltier identifica las mejores acciones de dividendo de raza que pagarán un flujo de ingresos confiable y significativo.

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Cada recomendación pasa por 3 capas de intenso análisis de análisis cuantitativo, fundamental y técnico para maximizar el potencial de ganancias y minimizar el riesgo.

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Opciones de BlackBerry activas antes del evento de San Francisco

Por Saqib Iqbal Ahmed

NUEVA YORK (Reuters) - Las opciones de las acciones cotizadas en Estados Unidos de BlackBerry Ltd. atrajeron el miércoles una oleada de actividad alcista, un día antes de que la firma tecnológica canadiense tenga programado un evento en San Francisco, donde se espera que ilumine su estrategia Para servir a grandes clientes.

Industry sources expect BlackBerry to outline tie-ups with carriers and service providers that will be co-marketing its BlackBerry Enterprise platform, and will watch the event to get clues to how the company plans to kick-start revenue growth.

BlackBerry's U. S.-listed shares, which have risen 24 percent since the middle of October, were up 3 percent on Wednesday at$11.30, less than 3 percent away from its year-high of $11.65 in July.

On Wednesday, calls made up a bulk of the options volume on BlackBerry with the puts-to-calls ratio at about 0.22:1, close to the lowest it has been this year, according to Trade Alert data.

A lower put-to-call ratio typically indicates a more bullish outlook on a stock.

BlackBerry's total options volume on Wednesday was at 61,000 contracts traded by 3:30 p. m. ET. BlackBerry calls volume was at more than 50,000, which is twice the average daily volume for the options over the last month.

The most popular options were calls betting on the shares touching $11.50 by the end of the week and calls for the stock to be at or above $11 by Jan. 17.

Option players appeared to be looking more for an upside move in the shares than to the downside, said Al Sherbin, chief market strategist at Al on Options LLC.

The cost of a BlackBerry straddle on Wednesday, in which an investor buys an at-the-money put option and a similar call option, suggests a move of about 4 percent in the stock in either direction by Friday.

(Reporting by Saqib Iqbal Ahmed; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

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SEC probes Blackberry options trading ahead of Reuters report about Samsung talks

By Charles Levinson

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating a January 14 spike in trading in BlackBerry Ltd options that took place hours before Reuters reported that Samsung Electronics Co was in talks to buy the Canadian smartphone maker, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

One trade the SEC is looking at took place at 12:06 p. m. on that day, when there was a purchase of options with the rights to buy 200,000 shares of BlackBerry stock at a strike price of $10 a share, the person said.

Later that afternoon, Reuters reported that Samsung had offered to buy BlackBerry for as much as $7.5 billion, valuing its stock at between $13.35 to $15.49 per share, a 38 percent to 60 percent premium over BlackBerry’s trading price at the time.

BlackBerry’s stock, which closed on Jan. 13 at $9.71, shot up 30% on the news to close at $12.60 on Jan. 14, its biggest one-day gain in years.

The call options, which expired on January 23, were purchased for 10 cents in the trade. They surged on the Reuters story to a high of $2.55. If the buyer had been able to sell the options at that high they would have been able to make a profit of $490,000 on a $20,000 investment. It is unclear, though, whether the buyer was able to sell the options at a profit.

The SEC is investigating whether a source of information provided to Reuters bought Blackberry options, according to the person familiar with the investigation.

Both companies later denied they were in talks and BlackBerry’s shares tumbled. Reuters subsequently corrected its story to make clear that the discussions were between advisors rather than company officials.

There is no indication that Reuters is a target of the investigation. A spokeswoman for Thomson Reuters declined to comment.

A spokesman for the SEC also declined to comment.

(Reporting by Charles Levinson; Additional reporting by Saqib Ahmed; Editing by Martin Howell)

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Precios en tiempo real de BATS. Citas diferidas de Sungard.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

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Mobile leadership claim based on analysis of publicly available competitor data concerning number of mobile users and daily average revenue trade levels.

Market volatility, volume, and system availability may delay account access and trade executions.

Past performance of a security does not guarantee future results or success.

Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores, ya que los riesgos especiales inherentes al comercio de opciones pueden exponer a los inversores a pérdidas potencialmente rápidas y sustanciales. Options trading subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval. Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before investing in options before investing in options.

Third-party research and tools are obtained from companies not affiliated with TD Ameritrade, and are provided for informational purposes only. While the information is deemed reliable, TD Ameritrade does not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose, and makes no warranties with respect to the results to be obtained from its use. Please consult other sources of information and consider your individual financial position and goals before making an independent investment decision.

*Offer valid for one new Individual, Joint or IRA TD Ameritrade account opened by 9/30/2017 and funded within 60 calendar days of account opening with $3,000 or more. To receive $100 bonus, account must be funded with $25,000 or more within 60 days of account opening. To receive $300 bonus, account must be funded with $100,000 or more within 60 days of account opening. To receive $600 bonus, account must be funded with $250,000 or more within 60 days of account opening. Offer is not valid on tax-exempt trusts, 401k accounts, Keogh plans, Profit Sharing Plan, or Money Purchase Plan. Offer is not transferable and not valid with internal transfers, accounts using the Amerivest service, TD Ameritrade Institutional accounts, current TD Ameritrade accounts or with other offers. Qualified commission-free Internet equity, ETF or options orders will be limited to a maximum of 500 and must execute within 60 calendar days of account funding. Los honorarios de contrato, ejercicio y asignación siguen siendo aplicables. Limite una oferta por cliente. El valor de la cuenta calificada debe permanecer igual o mayor que el valor después de que se realizó el depósito neto (menos las pérdidas debidas a la negociación oa la volatilidad del mercado o los saldos deudores de los márgenes) durante 12 meses o TD Ameritrade puede cobrar la cuenta El costo de la oferta a su sola discreción. TD Ameritrade se reserva el derecho de restringir o revocar esta oferta en cualquier momento. This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business. Please allow 3-5 business days for any cash deposits to post to account. Los impuestos relacionados con las ofertas de TD Ameritrade son su responsabilidad. Retail values totaling $600 or more during the calendar year will be included in your consolidated Form 1099. Please consult a legal or tax advisor for the most recent changes to the U. S. tax code and for rollover eligibility rules (Offer Code: 220).

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The risk of loss in trading securities, options, futures, and forex can be substantial. Los clientes deben considerar todos los factores de riesgo relevantes, incluyendo su propia situación financiera personal, antes de la negociación. Trading privileges are subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval. Not all account owners will qualify. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing losses.

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The paperMoney® software application is for educational purposes only. Successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously.

TD Ameritrade was evaluated against 17 others in the 2017 Barron’s Online Broker Review, March 7, 2017, and was awarded the highest star rating (4.5) overall (shared with 2 others). The firm was ranked 1st in the categories “Range of Offerings”, “Research Amenities”, “Customer Service & Education”, “Long-Term Investing”, and “Novices.” TD Ameritrade was also awarded the highest star ratings (4.5) in “Best for Options Traders” (shared with 2 others) and (4) in “Best for In-Person Service” (shared with 4 others). Also received 4 stars in “Best for Frequent Traders”. Star ratings are out of a possible 5. Barron’s is a trademark of Dow Jones. L. P. All rights reserved. Read full article .

TD Ameritrade was ranked #1 overall out of 15 online brokers evaluated in the StockBrokers. com Online Broker Review 2017. TD Ameritrade was rated #1 overall and was also rated #1 or Best in Class in several categories, including “Offering of Investments”, “Platforms & Tools”, “Customer Service”, “Education”, “New Investors”, “Research”, “Mobile Trading”, “Options Trading”, and “Active Trading”. TD Ameritrade also received awards for #1 Tablet App and #1 Trader Community. Read Full Review.

Apple, Inc. is a separate, unaffiliated company and is not responsible for TD Ameritrade services and policies. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple Watch™ are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.

TD Ameritrade, Inc. and all third-parties mentioned are separate unaffiliated companies and are not responsible for each other's services or policies.

TD Ameritrade, Inc. member FINRA / SIPC. This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business. TD Ameritrade es una marca de propiedad conjunta de TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. y The Toronto-Dominion Bank. &dupdo; 2017 TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Se utiliza con permiso.

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BlackBerry 10 OS

BlackBerry 10 OS

More enhancements

Calendar – The new Meeting Mode option will automatically set your phone to quiet mode during meetings. And with v10.3.2, you can customize this feature to work best for you, specifying the types of events affected.

Camera – The upgraded camera software automatically recommends modes and settings with v10.3. Or get the whole picture by capturing a panorama. You can even record video and take pictures at the same time. Version 10.3.2 offers low light performance enhancements, improved face-detection and reduced blur.

Battery – Boost your battery life by up to 15%, starting with v10.3.1, by customizing your Power Saving Profile.

Spell check within BlackBerry Blend

New user interface design and navigation

Visual enhancements to file transfers

The ability to reply directly from within Blend notification pop-ups

Portrait mode in tablets

iPad performance improvements (improved downloads and uploads)

Anti-theft protection – If your smartphone is lost or stolen, with the new anti-theft feature in BlackBerry Protect, the smartphone cannot be wiped and used by someone else.

Improved accuracy for face detection

Better low light performance in auto-mode

Improved focus speed and accuracy to reduce blur caused by motion

Meeting Mode - choose types of events/durations that are affected by Meeting Mode.

Growing numbers – numbers within the Month view will shrink/grow, based on how busy you are during work hours.

BlackBerry World for Work – organizations can now purchase BlackBerry World apps through BlackBerry World’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP)

BlackBerry Assistant – Set and interact with the timer using BlackBerry Assistant.

Easily access private browsing from the tabs menu

Use Reader Mode Voice Support to have website content read out loud.

S/MIME Support for ActiveSync – Import your S/MIME certificate into your certificate store and manage your secure email settings in BlackBerry Hub.

BlackBerry ® Blend ™ - to bring messaging and content on your BlackBerry smartphone to your computer and tablet. No saving to a cloud, no wires, no backing up. It’s just there. Learn about BlackBerry Blend

Android app compatibility - Download and install Android apps from the Amazon Appstore. Learn about the Amazon Appstore

BlackBerry Assistant - Manage your email, contacts, calendar and other features through simple voice and text commands.

BlackBerry Hub with Instant Actions - Quickly organize and action your inbox without having to go into each individual message.

Camera updates – The upgraded camera software automatically recommends modes and settings. You can capture a panorama or even record video and take pictures at the same time.

Media improvements – Updates include the ability to “Favourite” your songs, photos or videos, and a new slow motion video edit feature.

Updated calendar – Updates include the Meeting Mode option, which will automatically set your phone to quiet mode for the duration of your meeting, and a new weekly agenda view.

Battery life improvements - Boost your battery life by up to 15% by customizing your Power Saving Profile.

Optimized battery life with new monitoring options and indicators. Learn about battery optimization

BlackBerry В® Priority Hub with more ways to organize and prioritize, so you can stay focused on mission critical things.

Call management options so you can respond on your terms, even by email/BBM/text.

Cost management tools to manage roaming and data usage.

Groups can be created for SMS and email for more efficient broadcast communications. Learn about managing groups

Lock Screen Notifications are now actionable, so you can respond to important messages more quickly or discreetly.

Picture Password for quick unlocking.

Offline Browser Reading Mode lets you save the current web page for later viewing, even if you are offline.

FM Radio does not require any network connection so can you listen to local FM stations (only for BlackBerry В® Z30, BlackBerry В® Q10 or BlackBerry В® Q5 smartphone).

BlackBerry В® Priority Hub curates a view of your most important messages.

BlackBerry В® Natural Sound technology lets you hear every word with intense clarity.

Instant Previews of BBM, SMS and email from any app let you respond or go to the BlackBerry Hub with a single touch.

Lock Screen Notifications let you view the sender and subject of your latest email, text or BBM without unlocking.

BlackBerry В® Keyboard updates further improve your efficiency.

Reply Now lets you send an automated response to incoming calls when you are too busy to pick up. Learn about the Reply Now feature

Documents To Goв„ў comes with InTact Technologyв„ў, ensuring any formatting changes you make will remain the way you want them to.

вЂ˜I’m running late’ function in BlackBerry В® Calendar allows you to instantly let meeting participants know if you’ll be late. Learn about the "I’m running late" característica

Faster, easier sharing with customized suggestions.

Easier copy and paste comes from more precise cursor control, a double tap to select feature, editing options that automatically appear and direct sharing.

New navigation shortcuts in the BlackBerry Hub – Next/Previous message, Last unread message.

Active Sync and IMAP email accounts can now have unlimited sync windows, and deleted item folder is synced to the device.

App improvements for BlackBerry World, Twitter В®. Facebook В® and LinkedIn В® .

BlackBerry Balance now offers separated BlackBerry Hub views for work and personal accounts.

End of Accordion

Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board - OTCBB

BREAKING DOWN 'Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board - OTCBB'

It is important to note that companies listed on the OTCBB are not a part of the Nasdaq Exchange. The truth is, OTCBB stocks are not especially large or stable and are considered very risky. As a result, very few OTCBB stocks are successful in making the jump from this market to the Nasdaq or any other major exchange because they are unable to meet the listing requirements. Furthermore, because OTCBB stocks tend to trade infrequently, the bid-ask spread is larger.

OTC Options


The flexibility of these options is attractive to many. With OTC options, both hedgers and speculators can benefit from avoiding the restrictions that normal standardized exchanges place on options. The flexibility allows participants to achieve their desired position more precisely and cost effectively.

An electronic system for trading flex options, or options that.

Founded in 1973, the CBOE is an exchange that focuses on options.

An organization that acts as both the issuer and guarantor for.

An option that differs from common American or European options.

A financial instrument that gives the holder the right, but not.

The last day that an options or futures contract is valid. When.

Discover the world of options, from primary concepts to how options work and why you might use them.

Learn how to buy calls and then sell or exercise them to earn a profit.

Take a look at a study that discovered that three out of every four options expired worthless.

You can make money on a falling stock. Find out how going long on a put can lead to profits.

We shed light on why consumers decide to use this form of debt and whether it is a good alternative.

What binary options are, how they work and where you can legally trade them in the U. S.

Knowing how the primary and secondary markets work is key to understanding how stocks trade.

Interest rates can have both positive and negative effects on U. S. stocks, bonds and inflation.

When you’re ready to move beyond the basics of investing, it’s time to learn your options.

A derivative investment is one in which the investor does not own the underlying asset, but instead bets on the asset’s price movement with another party.

Un derivado es un contrato entre dos o más partes cuyo valor se basa en un activo financiero subyacente acordado. Leer respuesta completa >>

After-hours trading (AHT) refers to the buying and selling of securities on major exchanges outside of specified regular. Leer respuesta completa >>

Penny stocks are common shares of public companies that trade at a low price per share. These companies are normally small. Leer respuesta completa >>

With the growth in the size and number of hedge funds over the past decade, the interest in how these funds go about generating. Leer respuesta completa >>

Mutual funds invest in not only stocks and fixed-income securities but also options and futures. There exists a separate. Leer respuesta completa >>

Los contratos a plazo y las opciones de compra son instrumentos financieros diferentes que permiten a dos partes comprar o vender activos. Leer respuesta completa >>

Six employee stock plan mistakes to avoid

Understanding tax implications and your plan's rules are among the keys to success.


Stock options and employee stock purchase programs can be good opportunities to help build potential financial wealth. When managed properly, these benefits can help pay for future college expenses, retirement, or even a vacation home.

But many investors get tripped up, don't pay attention to critical dates, and haphazardly manage their employee stock option grants. Ultimately, they lose out on the many benefits these stock option plans can potentially provide.

To help ensure that you maximize your stock option benefits, avoid making these six common mistakes.

Mistake #1: Allowing in-the-money stock options to expire

A stock option grant provides an opportunity to buy a predetermined number of shares of your employer's company stock at a preestablished price, known as the exercise or strike price. Typically, there is a vesting period ranging from one to four years, and you have up to 10 years in which to exercise your options to buy the stock.

A stock option is considered "in the money" when it is trading above the original strike price. Say, hypothetically, you have the option to buy 1,000 shares of your employer's stock at $25 a share. If the stock is currently trading at $50 a share, your options would be $25 a share in the money. If you exercised them and immediately sold the shares at $50, you'd enjoy a pretax profit of $25,000.

You may be tempted to delay exercise as long as possible in the hope that the company's stock price continues to go up. Delaying will allow you to postpone any tax impact of the exchange, and could increase the gains you realize if you exercise and then sell the shares. But stock option grants are a use-it-or-lose-it proposition, which means you must exercise your options before the end of the expiration period. If you don't act in time, you forfeit your opportunity to exercise the options and buy the stock at the strike price. When this happens, you could end up leaving money on the table, with no recourse.

In some cases, in-the-money options expire worthless because employees simply forget about the deadline. In other cases, employees may plan to exercise on the last possible day, but may get distracted and therefore fail to take necessary action.

"Ask yourself how much extra value you may get by waiting until the last second to exercise your award, and determine if that's worth the risk of letting the award expire worthless," says Carl Stegman, senior vice president of product management for Fidelity Stock Plan Services.

Consider these factors when choosing the right time to exercise your stock options:

What are your expectations for the stock price and the stock market in general?

— If you think the stock has peaked or is likely to fall in the future, consider exercising and selling. If you think it may continue to go up, you may want to exercise and hold the stock, or delay exercising your options.

Monitor your vesting schedule, keep your contact information updated, and respond to any reminders you receive from your employer or stock plan administrator.

How much time remains until the stock options expire?

— If they are within 60 days of expiration, it may be time to act to avoid the risk of letting the options expire worthless.

Will you be in the same tax bracket, or a higher or lower one, when you are ready to exercise your options?

— Taxes have the potential to eat into your returns, so you may want to exercise when you are in the lowest tax bracket possible—though this is just one factor to weigh in your decision.

Mistake #2: Failing to understand the tax consequences of ISOs

There are two kinds of stock option grants: incentive stock options (ISOs) and nonqualified stock options (NSOs). When you receive an ISO grant, there's no immediate tax effect and you do not have to pay regular income taxes when you exercise your options, although the value of the discount your employer provided and the gain may be subject to alternative minimum tax. However, when you sell shares of the stock, you'll be required to pay capital gains taxes, assuming you sold the shares at a price higher than your strike price. You must hold your shares at least one year from the date of the exercise and two years from the grant date to qualify for the long-term capital gains rate.

If you sell ISO shares before the required holding period, this is known as a disqualifying disposition. In such a case, the difference between the fair market value of the stock at exercise (the strike price) and the grant price—or the entire amount of gain on the sale, if less—will be taxed as ordinary income, and any remaining gain is taxed as a capital gain. For most people, their ordinary income tax rate is higher than the long-term capital gains tax rate.

Consult with a tax advisor before you exercise options or sell company stock acquired through an equity compensation plan.

While taxes are important, they should not be your sole consideration. You also need to consider the risk that your company's stock price could decline from its current level. "Be aware of your tax situation, but also understand where you are in the marketplace, because there are also risks to continuing to hold the shares," says Stegman. "Know which shares are qualified for special tax treatment, what the holding periods are, and transact accordingly."

Mistake #3: Not knowing stock plan rules when you leave the company

When you leave your employer, whether it's due to a new job, a layoff, or retirement, it's important not to leave your stock option grants behind. Under most companies' stock plan rules, you will have no more than 90 days to exercise any existing stock option grants. While you may receive a severance package that lasts six months or more, do not confuse the terms of that package with the expiration date on your stock option grants.

Contact HR for details on your stock option grants before you leave your employer, or if your company merges with another company.

If your company is acquired by a competitor or merges with another company, your vesting could be accelerated. In some cases, you might have the opportunity to immediately exercise your options. However, be sure to check the terms of the merger or acquisition before acting. Find out if the options you own in your current company's stock will be converted to options to acquire shares in the new company.

Mistake #4: Concentrating too much of your wealth in company stock

Earning compensation in the form of company stock or options to buy company stock can be highly lucrative, especially when you work for a company whose stock price has been rising for a long time. At the same time, you should consider whether you have too much of your personal wealth tied to a single stock. ¿Por qué? There are two main reasons. From an investment perspective, having your investments highly concentrated in a single stock, rather than in a diversified portfolio, exposes you to excess volatility, based on that one company. Moreover, when that company is also your employer, your financial well-being is already highly concentrated in the fortunes of that company in the form of your job, your paycheck, and your benefits, and possibly even your retirement savings.

History is littered with formerly high-flying companies that later became insolvent. When Enron filed for bankruptcy in 1999, more than $1 billion in employee retirement savings evaporated into thin air. More recently, Lehman Brothers employees shared a similar fate.

Consider, too, that income from your employer pays your nondiscretionary monthly bills and your health insurance. Should your company's fortunes take a turn for the worse, you could find yourself without a job, no health insurance, and a depleted nest egg.

Consult with a financial advisor to develop a plan to ensure that your investments are appropriately diversified.

"Stock from an equity plan is usually a large component of an employee's annual compensation, so it's easy to become overly concentrated in your employer's stock," says Stegman. "But you need to take a step back, consider how these benefits fit into your long-term financial objectives, such as college savings, retirement, or a vacation home, and develop a plan to diversify accordingly."

Mistake #5: Ignoring your company's employee stock purchase plan

Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs) allow you to purchase your employer's stock, usually at a discount from the stock's current fair market value. These discounts typically range from 5% to 15%. Many plans also offer a "look-back option," which allows you to buy the stock based on the price on the first or last day of the offering period, whichever is lower. If your company offers a 15% discount and the stock rises 5% during the period, you can buy the stock at a 20% discount, already a healthy pretax gain.

Unfortunately, some employees fail to take advantage of their company's ESPP. If you are not participating, you may want to give your ESPP a second look.

Look at your current savings strategy—including emergency fund and retirement savings—and consider putting some of your savings in an ESPP. You may be able to use future raises to fund the plan without impacting your lifestyle.

"Employees often opt out of their ESPP when they are entry-level employees," says Stegman. "But as they become more established in their careers and more financially secure, they should reconsider their ESPP. Depending on the discount your company offers, you could be passing on the opportunity to buy your company's stock at a significant discount."

Mistake #6: Failing to update your beneficiary information

Few people like to think about it, but it's important to keep your beneficiary designations up to date. As with your 401(k) plan or any IRAs you own, your beneficiary designation form allows you to determine—outside of your will—who will receive your assets when you die. It's important to note, however, that if the decedent has made no beneficiary designation, under most plan rules the executor (or administrator) will, in fact, treat equity compensation as an asset of the decedent's estate.

Review your beneficiaries for your equity awards—as well as your retirement accounts—on an annual basis.

Each time you receive an equity award, your employer will ask you to fill out a beneficiary form. Many grants range in life from three to ten years, during which time many factors can change in your life. For example, if you were single when you received an option grant, you may have named a sibling as the beneficiary. But five years later, you may be married with kids, in which case you would likely want to change your beneficiaries to your spouse and/or children. The same holds true if you were married and got divorced, or divorced and remarried. It's important to always update your beneficiaries.

El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros.

Investing involves risk, including risk of loss.

Stock plan recordkeeping and administrative services are provided by Fidelity Stock Plan Services, LLC.

The tax information contained herein is general in nature, is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice. Fidelity cannot guarantee that such information is accurate, complete, or timely. Laws of a particular state or laws that may be applicable to a particular situation may have an impact on the applicability, accuracy, or completeness of such information. Federal and state laws and regulations are complex and are subject to change. Changes in such laws and regulations may have a material impact on pre - and/or after-tax investment results. Fidelity makes no warranties with regard to such information or results obtained by its use. Fidelity disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax position taken in reliance on, such information. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917


Legal Terms/Offer Details

AT&T NEXT: Requires 0% APR installment agreement. Tax due at sale. $0 Down Options: Require well-qualified credit. AT&T Next 24 has 30-month agreement (trade in to upgrade at 24). AT&T Next 18 has a 24-month agreement (trade in to upgrade at 18). AT&T Next 12 has a 20-month agreement (trade in to upgrade at 12). Down Payment Option: Requires 30% down payment at sale and 28-month agreement (trade in to upgrade at 12). Service: Qualified voice and data required. If service is canceled, remaining installment agreement balance due. Examples: A smartphone with a regular price of $825.99 will be (1) $27.54 per month for 30 months on AT&T Next 24; (2) $34.42 per month for 24 months on AT&T Next 18; (3) $41.30 per month for 20 months on AT&T Next 12; and (4) $247.80 down and $20.65 a month for 28 months on AT&T Next with down payment. Activation or Upgrade Fee: $15. No upgrade fee for line with a smartphone purchased on AT&T Next prior to August 1, 2017. Waiver of fee subject to change. Limits: Purchase limit applies. Upgrade: Requires payment of number of required installments (24, 18, or 12), account in good standing, trade-in of your financed device (or one of the same make and model) in good physical and fully functional condition, and purchase of new eligible device with qualified wireless service. After upgrade, unbilled installments are waived. GENERAL SERVICE TERMS: Subject to Wireless Customer Agreement (att. com/wca) or, for business/government customers, applicable wireless service agreement . Deposit: May be required per line. Restocking Fee . Up to $35. Other fees may apply. Other Monthly Charges Per Line: May include taxes and federal/state universal service charges, a Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge (up to $1.25), a gross receipts surcharge, an Administrative Fee, and other government assessments (including without limitation a Property Tax Allotment surcharge of $0.20 -$0.45 applied per Corporate Responsibility User’s assigned number), which are not government required charges. Pricing, fees, and all terms subject to change or termination at any time without notice. Coverage and service not available everywhere. Other restrictions apply and may result in service termination. See att. com/next for plan details.

SWITCH OFFER: Ltd time (ends 3/31/16 in Puerto Rico). Each line reqs an eligible port-in, trade-in, purchase, svc & final bill submission. Credits received may not equal all costs of switching. Elig. port-in: From eligible carrier (excludes Cricket & select others) on their term agmt or device plan (excludes 3 rd party agmts). Must buy elig. smartphone in same transaction. Elig. Purchase/Svc: Smartphone on AT&T Next w/elig. svc (excludes prepaid, Lifeline, Residential Wireless and select discounted plans). Acct & svc must remain active & in good standing for 45 days. AT&T Next: Reqs elig. installment agmt & svc. Tax due at sale . Down payment may be req’d. If svc is cancelled, installment agmt balance is due. Limit: Purch. limits apply. Trade-in: Select locations. Must be smartphone on line ported, be in good working condition w/ min. $10 buyback value & meet AT&T Buyback program reqmts. Trade-in Credit: Instant credit or private label AT&T Promotion Card issued by MetaBank™ or CenterState Bank of Florida NA, via license from Visa U. S.A. Inc. (may take 3 weeks to receive). Credit/Card valid for 5 months & for use only to purch. AT&T products & svc in AT&T owned retail stores, at att. com. or to pay wireless bill. At dealers get credit (w/ add’l terms) for use at dealer. Final Bill: Must go to att. com/helpyouswitch & upload or mail final bill w/in 60 days showing Early Termination Fee (ETF) or device plan balance (incl. lease purch. costs) on number ported. Final Credit: Total amount equals device balance/ETF (excludes taxes, fees, svc & other charges) up to $650 minus trade-in. Get up to $640 for device plan balance or up to $340 for ETF. W/in 4 wks after meet all elig. reqmts, are mailed AT&T Promotion Visa Prepaid Card issued by CenterState Bank of Florida NA, via license from Visa U. S.A. Inc. Not redeemable for cash & non-transferable. For use at US locations where Visa cards are accepted through date printed on card (min. 150 days). Add’l cardholder terms & conditions apply & are provided w/Prepaid Card. See att. com/switch for offer details.

Gen. Wireless SVC: Subj. to Wireless Customer Agmt (att. com/wca ). Svcs not for resale. Deposit may be reqd. Credit approval, activ. ($15), other fees, monthly, overage, other charges, usage, other restr’s per line apply. Pricing & terms subject to change & may be modified or terminated at any time without notice . Coverage & svc not avail. everywhere. You get an off-net (roaming) usage allowance for each svc. If you exceed the allowance, your svc(s) may be restricted or terminated. Other restr’s apply & may result in svc termination.

FREE Express Shipping: Postpaid orders will be processed and shipped subject to credit approval, inventory availability, and validation of a proper shipping address and other information. Orders received after 4 p. m. CT will be processed the next business day. Inventory, credit, or other issues may delay shipment. No holiday, Saturday, or Sunday processing or delivery. Shipping policy is subject to change. Please note: It may take up to 24 hours to process your order if there are any issues with the credit approval process and/or the shipping address validation process. This 24-hour period is not included in the delivery time and should be taken into account in your order placement timing. Delivery signatures may be required. Priority Shipments to Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands may take more than 2 business days. Actual delivery date may also be affected by government processing, unforeseen weather, and shipping carrier delays. Learn more about AT&T shipping options at att. com/shop/wireless/free-shipping. html .

*Based on mixed usage scenario. Many factors affect battery life, including network connectivity, application usage, feature configuration, and battery age. Actual results may vary.

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General FAQs

Do optionsXpress brokerage commissions apply when I use the optionsXpress Mobile Application? Sí. Unless otherwise noted, brokerage commissions apply to all mobile trades. I am unable to update my optionsXpress Mobile Application. If you are having trouble downloading or installing the application, or while updating, verify if the application is currently installed. If it is already installed, then remove that application and download it again from http://www. optionsxpress. com/mobile using your mobile browser. How secure is my information with optionsXpress Mobile? optionsXpress Mobile does not store your password in the device, and maintains a default active window of 15 minutes, after which you may have to re-login to continue. Will optionsXpress Mobile work on my device? When you visit http://www. optionsxpress. com/mobile from your mobile browser, your device model will be detected automatically. Otherwise, you will receive a message noting that the application does not support your device at this time. The mobile application does not download. What do I do? Please visit http://www. optionsxpress. com/mobile from your device. If the mobile is supported, then report the error along with your mobile model and wireless provider to us. If you are attempting to access optionsXpress Mobile using your BlackBerry, please make sure that the ‘Browser Emulation Mode' is set to BlackBerry and not to Internet Explorer, Firefox, or another browser. You can check this by looking into Browser->Options-> Browser Configuration-> Emulation Mode. The application downloaded properly, but is showing an error now. What do I do? Report the error along with your mobile model and wireless provider to mobile@optionsxpress. com. As an optionsXpress customer, do I have access to live data through optionsXpress Mobile? The optionsXpress Mobile Application is currently limited to accounts enabled for real-time quotes. Is the mobile application free? The optionsXpress Mobile Application is free for optionsXpress users. Trades are charged as applicable - see our commissions page. I'm receiving timeout errors. Timeout errors are often attributable to a "temporary fault" to the server such as poor data connection or poor signal. If such a problem persists, contact our help team at mobile@optionsxpress. com. Where do I go to download the application? Visit http://www. optionsxpress. com/mobile on your mobile browser and follow the download instructions for your specific device. Which mobile devices do you support? The optionsXpress Mobile Application is currently supported on the iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Palm Pre and Windows mobile (only Touch screen) devices. Is streaming data available on the Mobile Application? Streaming data is available on the optionsXpress Mobile Application if your account is enabled for real-time data. Please note, however, that excessive use of streaming data can lead to rapid battery depletion. You can turn streaming data off when not in use by using the toggle switch at the bottom of the screen. How does order confirmation work on optionsXpress Mobile? Trades placed via optionsXpress Mobile are sent to the optionsXpress back end via an API (Application Programming Interface). An order number is generated, which indicates that the order has been placed with optionsXpress. Confirmation of order execution can be checked by viewing "Positions" or "View Orders". Can I trade multiple accounts using optionsXpress Mobile? The current API does not support multiple account facility, meaning optionsXpress Mobile can access only one optionsXpress account at any time. Therefore, if you are trading in two different accounts, then you may need to login separately for each account. Is there a user manual available for optionsXpress Mobile? Sí. To access the optionsXpress Mobile user manual for BlackBerry, go to http://m. optionsxpress. com/help/bb ; for Windows, see http://m. optionsxpress. com/help/windows. I cannot see Option Pricer tool in the Mobile Application. Is it not supported? The Option Pricer is not currently available on optionsXpress Mobile. I can see charts for stocks, but not for futures. Only stock charts are available on optionsXpress Mobile at this time. However, futures charting will be implemented soon. Are there any plans to support the Palm Pre? Sí. We are currently working to add the Palm Pre to our list of supported devices.

Windows & BlackBerry FAQs


Do you support Windows Smartphone devices? Our current Windows Mobile Application supports only the Pocket PC (touch screen) with Windows Mobile 5 and above. Support for Windows mobile SmartPhones will be implemented shortly. I have installed and opened the application, but am unable to type in my credentials. This error occurs when you try to run with Windows mobile standard Smartphone devices, because the current Application is optimized for touch screen devices only. Users can get the devices information from Start> Settings> Systems> About. If your device is named as Windows Mobile 6.x "Standard," then it is not supported at this time.


I downloaded the application, but I am unable to see the icon. Once the application is downloaded, the icon should appear in the "Downloads" or "Applications" folder depending on the theme provided by your carrier. In the case of devices running on 4.6 and 4.7 OS, any new application that is installed will be available in the Downloads folder. You will be able to find your Downloads or Applications folder on the BlackBerry Home screen. How do I find the OS version of my device? Click on "Options" and go to the "About" page to find your device information. Alternatively, the OS of your device can be obtained by typing the auto text "myver" and pressing space in any of the BlackBerry applications like mail, texting or notes. What is a 907 Invalid Cod file? What is a 907 Invalid Cod file?

Bad data connection while download is in progress, so please try again.

Default Browser may be the WAP browser provided by your carrier. Check Browser > Options > General Options > Default Browser. This should read BlackBerry Browser or Internet Browser or WiFi Browser.

HTML content might have been disabled. Please check if the Browser - is WML & HTML in Browser > Options > General Configuration > Content Type > WML & HTML

Restrictive IT Policies set via your BES.

In an extremely rare occurrence, our download servers have gone down.

If these do not seem to fix the issue, click on the details button and contact mobile@optionsxpress. com with the message displayed. What does it mean if I get the message "Channel Error: java. io. IOException?" This is a connection issue. Depending on the message displayed after the IOException, it could be related to one of the following issues:

Unable to open connection - This could be because of non-availability of data connection, or that our servers are somehow unreachable.

Application making connections from inside and outside firewall - This issue generally occurs when you are connected through BES. Try selecting the option "None" in the dropdown in the loading screen and restart the application.

Connection Handler not available – This happens when the device is unable to handle secure connections for some reason. In this case, we default all encryption to the device rather than the proxy by setting the Options -> Security Options -> TLS -> TLS Default to "Handheld" from "Proxy."

I am receiving Channel Error: "net. rim. device. api. io. IOCancelled Exception". Here are some general fixes to most connection problems: APN Settings: Options>Advanced Options > TCP Generally setting these values to the carrier APN settings solves most connection issues. Connection Prompts: Did the device prompt an "Allow connections to" message box? If it didn't, you can try the following:

Options > Security Options > Application Permissions, highlight optionsXpress and press Menu

Select "Edit Permissions"

Restart the application, and the device should prompt for new connections.

If the error seems to occur once inside the application, or follows no specific occurrence patterns, then it must be because of weak signal strength. If none these scenarios apply, or if you have further questions, feel free to get in touch with us at mobile@optionsxpress. com. What do I do if the download link is not visible on the download page? If you have visited the download page already, the BlackBerry browser might have cached the page. Try to refresh the page once again by clicking on "Menu" and then "Refresh." You should now be able to view the download link. Please note: If this is the first time you are visiting the page, please send us the OS version of your device. The version is available in Options > About. My Application exits when trying to upgrade to newer version. When the Application asks for an automatic update, click on "OK" and the app will exit. On some BlackBerry devices, if the browser was already active, it generally is not automatically opened. You might need to click on the browser from the BB Home screen. The browser should have already opened the download link. Alternately, you can delete your existing Application and download from http://www. optionsxpress. com/mobile. After downloading the Application, the browser window is still open and I don't know where to find my Application. Most BlackBerry devices have a Downloads or Applications folder. If the browser does not close on download, please exit the BlackBerry browser and return to your menu screen. How do I download the optionsXpress Mobile Application to my BlackBerry? Visit www. optionsxpress. com/mobile from your BB browser and follow these instructions:

Sign off on the user agreement.

Click on ‘Download BlackBerry' (beta version).

You can view the ‘Description page.'

The Application successfully downloads.

Now that I have downloaded the Application, how do I run it? The Application may have been downloaded to the `Applications’ or `Downloads’ folder for your device. Click on the optionsXpress Mobile logo to run the Application. What do I do if the Application hangs while I’m trying to log in? This may occur on the 8700 series with 4.1 OS. Try switching the TLS Default in Options > Security Options > TLS to "handheld" from "proxy" and then save and restart the Application. In other devices, it is likely to be a problem with settings for secure (SSL) connections. Try to reboot your device and then download the Application once again to overwrite the existing Application. The Application doesn’t seem to recognize my device’s keyboard. The textboxes in the Application require the user to "double–click" the keys in quick succession. But if the application still doesn’t recognize it after pressing in rapid succession, use the settings button and the slider for textbox sensitivity to change how quickly the application recognizes the key characters. The Application hangs while loading with "initializing application" message. This could happen if the Application is unable to find any suitable connection or when the data stored by any of the previous installations are conflicting with the newer installation. The easiest way to circumvent this issue is to delete any existing installations and download the Application anew.

Palm Pre FAQs

I'm getting the message "Something unexpected happened in the application." What should I do? Exit the application and try to open it again. If you get the same error message, delete the application and re-install. How secure is my information with OX Mobile? OX Mobile does not store your password in the device. In addition, sessions are set to a default active window of 15 minutes, after which you will timeout and need to login again to continue. Can I choose to not store my user name in the device? No. The user name must be encrypted and stored in the phone. How secure is my data transfer when I am logging in using my username and password? The application uses secure http with an industry-standard 256 encryption key for user authentications and all sensitive data submissions. Is landscape orientation supported in the Application? Landscape orientation is currently not supported, but will likely be added in a future release. How do I switch on streaming data? Streaming options can be configured through the "preferences" option in the Application Menu. Please note, however, that excessive use of streaming data can lead to rapid battery depletion – streaming data can be turned off when not in use and during non-market hours.

optionsXpress is not liable for connectivity issues with your mobile service provider. Contact your mobile service provider regarding connectivity and functionality issues. In addition to ' standard commission charges, other internet usage costs may apply with your mobile service provider.

Company names, photos, products, services and branding related to mobile devices and related software may be service marks or registered trademarks ("Marks") of their respective owners, which owners retain all legal rights. Use of the mobile devices and related software is subject to the respective provider's terms and conditions or standard software license agreement. The use of these Marks is not a representation that the optionsXpress is affiliated with, sponsors, endorses, is sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with the mobile device, related software or Mark owners.

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Salesforce. com (CRM) announced fourth quarter ended January 31, 2017 total revenue of $1.81 billion, an increase of 25 percent year-over-year from $1.44 billion.

Stock of the Day

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Amazon. com (AMZN) announced fourth quarter ended December 31, 2017 net sales of $35.7 billion, up 22 percent year-over-year from $29.3 billion during the same.

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Analyzing the Turnaround Chances of Advanced Micro Devices

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Rofin-Sinar Technologies (RSTI) to Be Acquired by Rival Coherent Inc. for $942 Million

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Capitalize on SolarCity's Rally and Sell the Stock

It is very clear that SolarCity (SCTY) has been a significant player in the solar sector, and definitely is the America’s largest solar power provider.

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SEC Investigates Unusual Options Volume In BlackBerry Ltd Stock Ahead Of Samsung Buyout Rumors

By Martin Blanc on Feb 6, 2017 at 12:07 pm Est

The US Securities and Exchange Commission along with the Ontario Securities Commission has launched an investigation into an unusual jump in options trading volume on BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) stock. The hike in options volume is alleged to have occurred just hours before Reuters published a report on January 14 that suggested that Samsung Electronic was in negotiating an acquisition deal with Blackberry.

The news of the SEC investigation was discussed by Reuters itself in a recently published report today. The investigation which is in its initial phase is is looking at the possibility that the news relating to Blackberry’s buyout by Samsung may have been a part of market manipulation by investors.

Blackberry’s shares surged by 30% after Reuters reported the story, and would have generated massive returns to the trader or traders who had bought long call options. The shares subsequently dropped by 15% during after-hours trading when both Samsung and Blackberry denied the reports of a possible acquisition. According to the report in question Samsung had priced Blackberry at around $7.5 billion subsequently making it shares worth as much as $15.49.

The SEC in its investigation is examining a trade where call options that give the holder the right to buy 200,000 shares of BlackBerry at a strike price of $10 per share, were bought by speculators with inside knowledge. The trade is said to have happened earlier on the same day Reuters broke the news on Blackberry.

The call options were reportedly worth around 10 cents when the trade was executed, set to expire on January 23. Consequently, after the Reuters published its report the price of these options increased exponentially to a high of $2.55. While It is still unknown if the purchaser of these options profited from a possible sale of these options, the person in question could have potentially earned up to $490,000 on a mere $20,000 purchase.

SEC suspects the anonymous source cited in the Reuters report is behind these trades. Meanwhile as far as Reuters itself is concerned with regards to being a possible mark in this investigation, as of yet there are no leads that point in its direction. Thomson Reuters, its parent company, hasn’t responded with a comment yet. Blackberry stock is down about 1.25% at 9.95 as of 11:38 AM EST.

BlackBerry announces common share purchase program

As announced earlier and approved by the Board of Directors during their Q1 Fiscal 2017 results earnings call. BlackBerry has now announced an update on its planned share repurchase program to purchase for cancellation up to 12 million BlackBerry common shares, or approximately 2.5% of the outstanding public float.

"As we've previously indicated, the purpose of this repurchase program is to offset dilution from our new employee share purchase plan and amended equity incentive plan," said BlackBerry Executive Chairman and CEO, John Chen. "We intend to take advantage of our strong cash position to purchase our shares when the market price does not reflect what we view to be the underlying value and future prospects of our business, without adversely affecting our strategic initiatives," added Mr. Chen.

As of June 22, 2017, BlackBerry had 529,487,374 common shares outstanding, the public float was 464,726,304 common shares and the average daily trading volume for the 6 months prior to May 31, 2017 was 2,314,477. BlackBerry has filed a notice of intention to commence a normal course issuer bid with the TSX.

BlackBerry Announces Common Share Purchase Program

WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - June 25, 2017) - BlackBerry Limited (NASDAQ:BBRY)(TSX:BB), a world leader in mobile communications, today provided an update on its planned share repurchase program to purchase for cancellation up to 12 million BlackBerry common shares, or approximately 2.5% of the outstanding public float. BlackBerry can purchase the common shares over the Nasdaq Stock Market or, subject to regulatory approval, on the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") or alternative Canadian trading platforms. As of June 22, 2017, BlackBerry had 529,487,374 common shares outstanding, the public float was 464,726,304 common shares and the average daily trading volume for the 6 months prior to May 31, 2017 was 2,314,477. BlackBerry has filed a notice of intention to commence a normal course issuer bid with the TSX. Daily purchases will be limited to 578,619 common shares, other than block purchases. The purchases may commence on June 29, 2017 and will terminate on June 28, 2017 or on such earlier date as BlackBerry may complete its purchases pursuant to the notice of intention. In the past 12 months, BlackBerry has not repurchased any of its outstanding securities.

On June 23, 2017, the shareholders of BlackBerry approved a new employee share purchase plan and an increase in the number of shares available under BlackBerry's equity incentive plan. "As we've previously indicated, the purpose of this repurchase program is to offset dilution from our new employee share purchase plan and amended equity incentive plan," said BlackBerry Executive Chairman and CEO, John Chen. "We intend to take advantage of our strong cash position to purchase our shares when the market price does not reflect what we view to be the underlying value and future prospects of our business, without adversely affecting our strategic initiatives," added Mr. Chen.

The price that BlackBerry will pay for any shares under the share repurchase program will be the prevailing market price at the time of purchase. The share repurchase program will be effected in accordance with Rule 10b-18 under the U. S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the TSX's normal course issuer bid rules, which contain restrictions on the number of shares that may be purchased on a single day, subject to certain exceptions for block purchases, based on the average daily trading volumes of BlackBerry's shares on the applicable exchange. In addition, subject to TSX approval, BlackBerry may enter into forward purchase or swap contracts in connection with common shares which may be settled by physical settlement, cash settlement or a combination thereof. The forward price will be based on market price, dividend yield and market interest rates.

The actual number of shares to be purchased and the timing and pricing of any purchases under the share repurchase program will depend on future market conditions and upon potential alternative uses for cash resources. There is no assurance that any shares will be purchased under the share repurchase program and BlackBerry may elect to modify, suspend or discontinue the program at any time without prior notice.

BlackBerry is one of the world's most trusted and leading providers of technology platforms for secure productivity. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, BlackBerry operates offices in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. The company trades under the ticker symbols "BB" on the Toronto Stock Exchange and "BBRY" on the NASDAQ. For more information, visit www. blackberry. com.

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the U. S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used herein, words such as "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "should", "intend", "believe", and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by BlackBerry Limited in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that BlackBerry believes are appropriate in the circumstances, including but not limited to: BlackBerry's expectations regarding its operational restructuring and strategic initiatives; BlackBerry's beliefs regarding the value of its shares and the investment community's perception thereof; and regulatory requirements. Many factors could cause BlackBerry's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including those described in the "Risk Factors" section of BlackBerry's Annual Information Form, which is included in its Annual Report on Form 40-F (copies of which filings may be obtained at www. sedar. com or www. sec. gov). These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on BlackBerry's forward-looking statements. BlackBerry has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

BlackBerry and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of BlackBerry Limited and are registered and/or used in the U. S. and countries around the world. Todas las demás marcas son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios. BlackBerry is not responsible for any third-party products or services.

Deal of the Day

4 hours ago By ShopCrackBerry The BlackBerry Z30 is already rather large to hold in a single hand, so adding any extra bulk is certainly not ideal. Amzer’s Pudding TPU case for the Z30 keeps it protected while still maintaining the slim profile. Today, you can grab one at 50% off, making it just $4.95.

17 hours ago 67 By Bla1ze Save the date for April 1st, as that's when BlackBerry will be announcing its Year-End and fourth quarter fiscal 2017 results.

The best of the week

20 hours ago 20 By Alicia Erlich A weekly look at new, exciting, and cool apps to try. If your favorite did not make the cut this week, remember you can help by offering your suggestions at the end.

18 March 2017 40 By John Callaham Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said in an interview that the social network's current 140-character limit for public posts is "staying". Previous rumors claimed Twitter was considering an option to increase that limit to 10,000 characters.

BlackBerry is one of the world's most trusted and leading providers of technology platforms for secure productivity. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, BlackBerry operates offices in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. The company trades under the ticker symbols "BB" on the Toronto Stock Exchange and "BBRY" on the NASDAQ. For more information, visit www. blackberry. com. "

Looks like they've retired their old "About Blackberry" paragraph and adjusted it to the new enterprise / software & services platform strategy.

•   Pastaporto aglio e olio. Mmmhhh!   •

This is over my head. Can anyone dumb it down for me please? Thank you!

They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same. 

BlackBerry is offering a new program for employees in which they can buy shares and feel invested in the company, therefore making them more likely to want to actually excel and have a higher morale within the organization while also increasing shareholder value. It goes much, much deeper than that, but that's the dumbed down outward facing reasoning.

BlackBerry Smartphones

BlackBerry phones help make your life more convenient. Equipped with intuitive features built for juggling tasks and the powerful BlackBerry operating system, you’ll stay in touch and on top of your daily to-do list. With a new BlackBerry phone, you can:

Video chat. Conduct video conference calls or simply chat face-to-face with friends or colleagues using BBM™ Vídeo.

Work on the go. View and edit Microsoft ® Word, Excel ® and PowerPoint ® files.

Keep work and play separate. Organize your work files apart from your personal files with BlackBerry Balance ® *.

Features may vary by phone.

* Only available with BlackBerry® Enterprise Service 10.

' href="javascript:void(0);" title="Top BlackBerry Phone Features">Top BlackBerry Phone Features

The operating system you choose determines which online stores you’ll use to download apps and other content straight to your smartphone. BlackBerry phones have one-touch access to BlackBerry World, offering:

Trending Apps and Games. Find new exercise routines, perfect your photos or race cars. To be more productive, use apps that help you organize project notes, take and annotate screenshots and connect to your cloud storage.

Themes. Personalize your BlackBerry by changing the background image, cursor style, icons and more, all according to your taste. Pick a holiday theme to get in the spirit or let your smartphone reflect your favorite hobby or cartoon character.

Books and News. Get apps that let you read books on your smartphone, keep up with current events or browse the newest issue of your favorite magazine.

' href="javascript:void(0);" title="What is BlackBerry World™?">What is BlackBerry World™?

BlackBerry smartphones on the fast Verizon 4G LTE network empower you to stay efficient, in touch and secure.

With Verizon 4G LTE behind you—it’s America’s largest and most reliable 4G LTE network—you’ll have peace of mind when you’re trying to post a photo, share a document, send an email or find quick answers on the web.

With BlackBerry smartphones on Verizon, you’ll benefit from:

My Verizon. Manage your account anytime from your device or computer. You can monitor data usage, set safeguards, check on upgrade options and more.

Verizon Smart Rewards offers deals for being a loyal customer, including shopping and travel discounts.

' href="javascript:void(0);" title="Why Choose BlackBerry and Verizon?">Why Choose BlackBerry and Verizon?

Blackboard Learn ™

System Announcements

Blackboard Learn Maintenance - March 19th 12:00AM to 6:00AM Central Time (Monday, March 7, 2017)

Date: Saturday, March 19th, 2017 Time: 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM Central Time Work Type: Software Maintenance

During this maintenance, users will experience an interruption to the learning management system. Blackboard will make every effort to minimize downtime during this maintenance window, but all users should plan for intermittent availability during this time.

For questions, please contact the IT Help Desk .

Blackboard Learn Maintenance - Fridays 1:00AM-5:00AM Central Time (Monday, August 24, 2017)

Every Friday from 1:00AM-5:00AM Central Time, has been allotted for infrastructure maintenance, if needed. During these maintenance windows you may notice performance issues or intermittent connectivity issues, but we do not expect any service interruptions. If a service interruption/downtime is expected, we will update this announcement.

Thank you for your time.

Call Us: 361-825-2692 (Local) 866-353-2491 (Toll Free)

Learning Management System (Blackboard) / Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Usage may be subject to security testing and monitoring.

Abuse is subject to criminal prosecution.

No expectation of privacy except as otherwise provided by applicable privacy laws.

These warnings are required in accordance with Texas Administrative Code 202 as administered by the Texas Department of Information Resources. Reference Chapter 33, Texas Penal Code.

&dupdo; 1997-2017 Blackboard Inc. All Rights Reserved. U. S. Patent No. 7,493,396 and 7,558,853. Additional Patents Pending.

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News headlines

Mobile phones

New Phones

E-Trade Mobile Pro "E*Trade customers are always on the go, and are always looking for new ways to leverage technology in order to achieve their financial goals," said Michael Curcio, Managing Director, E-Trade Securities LLC. "With Mobile Pro, customers have real-time access to their accounts and the information that can move markets."

Mobile Pro offers BlackBerry Smartphone users:

Free real-time streaming stock and options quotes

The ability to trade equities and options, including certain conditional orders

Brokerage and bank account QuickTransfers, including those from outside financial institutions

Live watchlists and portfolios

CompleteView of all E*Trade accounts on one screen

Secure transactions backed by the E*Trade Complete Protection Guarantee

Mobile stock trading "E-Trade Mobile Pro provides innovative and practical capabilities that complement the communications, connectivity and multimedia features used by millions of BlackBerry smartphone customers today," said Jeff McDowell, Vice President, Global Alliances at Research In Motion. "We are pleased to be working with eTRADE to enhance the mobile experience for our customers."

E-Trade WirelessВ platform The new wireless platform will be showcased in E*TRADE's upcoming television, print and online advertisements. The E*Trade "Talking Baby" will return to test-drive the new technology and demonstrate how quick, easy and hassle-free trading and banking from a BlackBerry smartphone can be with the new Mobile Pro. The new commercial will air tonight in conjunction with Game One of the NBA Finals.

BlackBerry Smartphones BlackBerry is the number one selling smartphone brand in North America andВ E*Trade Mobile Pro is currently available for the BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Pearl and BlackBerry 8800 Series smartphones, as well as other BlackBerry smartphone models running BlackBerry Device Software 4.1 or higher. The new platform will be made available to all E*Trade Securities customers by July 1 at no additional cost, providing real-time account synchronization paired with core etrade. com functionality. Currently, Mobile Pro is being beta tested by select customers.

Product reviews



BlackBerry Passport

The BlackBerry Passport design story

The BlackBerry Passport design was based on the form of an actual passport, providing a sense of familiarity even in something so new. Its frame was inspired by the steel I-beams used in modernist architecture, and the gentle shape of the back cover feels great in your hand, while accommodating a large battery.

Durable. Reliable. Beautiful.

BlackBerry has taken a bold step with the Passport, breaking convention to create something that is neither an evolution of a previous device or replicating market trends set by its competitors

All your messages in one place

BlackBerry® Hub is a truly integrated inbox for managing your conversations. It combines all of your email accounts, BBMs, text messages, social messages, phone calls and notifications in one place, so you never miss a thing. It’s available from anywhere with a simple swipe and you don’t have to worry about constantly checking for new messages with the customizable blinking light notification.

A voice and text personal assistant

BlackBerry® Assistant is an onboard assistant that helps you complete tasks like searching for a particular email, creating a meeting request or even searching for a gift on Amazon. It works through both voice and text commands, and in the car it works hands and eyes-free so you can be productive even while you’re stuck in traffic.

Ultimate security

When it comes to security, business leaders and leading organizations trust BlackBerry. You can feel safe in the knowledge that all your communications and data is secure through BlackBerry’s encryption process for messaging and malware protection, as well as back-up, wipe and restore, and anti-theft protection. (Some features require BlackBerry 10 OS v10.3.2)

Phone calls come to life

Phone calls on the BlackBerry Passport are the next best thing to an in-person conversation. It comes with powerful speakers and a quad microphone system, and can adapt call sound depending upon phone position and background noise. The result is unmatched sound quality that can make you feel like you are in the same room even if you are worlds apart.

Fast, responsive browser

The industry-recognized BlackBerry 10 browser is amazingly fast and beautiful. Access your favorite online content and services as they were meant to be seen, faster than ever before and with unlimited browser tabs. And with the BlackBerry Passport, you can see a full desktop web page on your screen.

Frame Options

The following options are most of what we do, but not everything we can do. If you have any questions about other options, these options, which options make sense for you, or anything else, always feel free to email or call to ask. Or, if you can, come by and visit us. We love visitors.

Pressfit30 BB // $ 45 Our Pressfit30 BB shell fits the SRAM Pressfit30 BB and any BB30 crankset. The nylon Pressfit cups easily press into the frame, making them easier to install, maintain, and replace than standard BB30 bearings.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

44mm HT // $ 200 Our 44mm HT fits 44mm internal headsets (i. e. Chris King Inset 1) and mixed 44mm headsets (i. e. Chris King Inset 7) . The mixed headsets have an internal upper bearing cup and external lower bearing cup so they fit 1.5”-1.125” tapered forks.

Only available on titanium frames.

Internal Di2 Routing

Internal Di2 Routing // $ 200 We can neatly route your Dura-Ace or Ultegra Di2 wiring inside the frame. The wires enter on the DT past the HT and exit just before they reach the derailleurs for a perfectly clean, sealed system.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

Internal Brake Routing

Internal Brake Routing // $ 350 For internal brake routing, we weld a ¼” titanium tube inside the top tube and cut it flush where it enters and exits the top tube for a smooth finish. The inner tube guides the rear brake housing for a clean look and easy installation while keeping the housing stiff for smooth braking.

Only available on titanium frames.

Integrated Seat Post // $ 800 Our ISP uses a custom 3-piece seat tube that is thicker at the top tube/seat tube junction for improved strength and thinner above and below to save weight. The titanium top cap has 4cm of adjustment and is made in house with custom offsets. An Enve seat clamp securely holds the seat and provides infinite angle adjustment.

Only available on titanium frames.

Disc Dropouts // $ 200 (upcharge applies to cross and road frames, no upcharge for mountain frames) Our custom made, proprietary disc dropouts can be fit on any style bike (mountain, cross, commuter, road…) to make your frame disc compatible.

Only available on titanium frames.

Rocker Dropouts // $ 100 Paragon Machine Works Rocker Dropouts rotate to move the wheel relative to the BB. That movement alters chain tension without affecting the disc brakes. We can also use a variety of eccentric bottom brackets (the Problem Solvers e46 is our favorite) or hubs with our disc dropouts for the same result.

Only available on titanium frames.

Lefty HT // $ 400 Custom oversized HT to accommodate a Cannondale Lefty fork and its proprietary steerer tube and headset.

Only available on titanium frames.

Rack Mounts // No cost Threaded bosses on the seat stays and eyelets on the dropouts for racks.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

Fender Mounts // No cost Threaded boss on the chain stay bridge and eyelets on the dropouts for full fenders.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

Pump Peg // No cost Small stud on the head tube or seat tube to support a frame pump.

Only available on titanium frames.

S & S Couplers

S&S Couplers // Titanium $ 1000 // Stainless $ 750 Precision lugs made by S&S Machine allow you to split your frame in half and pack it in a convenient S&S box, saving you from baggage fees and makes transporting it to, around, and from the airport very easy. Couplers add less than 1lb and don’t affect ride quality. Custom lug shaping available.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

Belt Drive // $ 300 We add a small coupler to the seat stay or dropout, depending on the dropout. The belt fits through that coupler for easy installation.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

Rohloff Cable Routing

Rohloff Cable Routing // $ 100 Special cable routing for Rohloff hubs.

Available on titanium and stainless frames.

GuruFocus Profitability Rank ranks how profitable a company is and how likely the company’s business will stay that way. It is based on these factors:

1. Operating Margin 2. Trend of the Operating Margin (5-year average). The company with an uptrend profit margin has a higher rank. ••3. Consistency of the profitability 4. Piotroski F-Score 5. Predictability Rank•

The maximum rank is 10. A rank of 7 or higher means a higher profitability and may stay that way. A rank of 3 or lower indicates that the company has had trouble to make a profit.

Profitability Rank is not directly related to the Financial Strength Rank. But if a company is consistently profitable, its financial strength will be stronger.

Profitability & Growth. 5 /10

( Industry Median: 31.15 vs. BBT: 30.35 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Operating margin (%) only.

BBT' s Operating margin (%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -36.04 Med: 28.41 Max: 42.18 Current: 30.35

( Industry Median: 22.57 vs. BBT: 21.68 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Net-margin (%) only.

BBT' s Net-margin (%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 8.8 Med: 20.44 Max: 55.34 Current: 21.68

( Industry Median: 8.60 vs. BBT: 7.53 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful ROE (%) only.

BBT' s ROE (%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 4.52 Med: 9.22 Max: 15.03 Current: 7.53

( Industry Median: 0.92 vs. BBT: 1.06 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful ROA (%) only.

BBT' s ROA (%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.51 Med: 1.09 Max: 1.58 Current: 1.06

( Industry Median: 3.00 vs. BBT: 0.90 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Revenue Growth (3Y)(%) only.

BBT' s Revenue Growth (3Y)(%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -19.3 Med: 6.40 Max: 39.6 Current: 0.9

( Industry Median: 7.60 vs. BBT: 18.40 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful EBITDA Growth (3Y)(%) only.

BBT' s EBITDA Growth (3Y)(%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -28 Med: 9.10 Max: 37.1 Current: 18.4

( Industry Median: 8.60 vs. BBT: 14.20 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful EPS Growth (3Y)(%) only.

BBT' s EPS Growth (3Y)(%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -28.2 Med: 9.45 Max: 33.1 Current: 14.2

Financials (Next Earnings Date: 2017-04-21)

Revenue & Net Income

Oprt. Cash Flow & Free Cash Flow

Warning Signs

Guru Trades

BBT Guru Trades in Q1 2017

BBT Guru Trades in Q2 2017

BBT Guru Trades in Q3 2017

BBT Guru Trades in Q4 2017

Insider Trades

Latest Guru Trades with BBT

(List those with share number changes of more than 20%, or impact to portfolio more than 0.1%)

Peter Lynch Chart ( What is Peter Lynch Charts )

Preferred stocks of BB&T Corp

Deposit Shs Repr 1/1000th 5 5/8 % Non-Cum Perp Pfd Shs Series - H -

Deposit Shs Repr 1/1000th Non Cum Perp Pfd Shs Series - E -

Shs Depositary Receipt Repr 1/1000 Non-Cum Perp Pfd Shs Series D

Deposit Shs Repr 1/1000th NonCum Perp Pfd Shs Ser - F -


( Industry Median: 12.36 vs. BBT: 13.49 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful P/E(ttm) only.

BBT' s P/E(ttm) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 5.48 Med: 14.06 Max: 35.49 Current: 13.49

( Industry Median: 11.00 vs. BBT: 10.46 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Forward P/E only.

( Industry Median: 12.39 vs. BBT: 13.49 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful PE(NRI) only.

BBT' s PE(NRI) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 5.48 Med: 14.08 Max: 35.34 Current: 13.49

( Industry Median: 1.04 vs. BBT: 1.10 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful P/B only.

BBT' s P/B Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.59 Med: 1.24 Max: 2.14 Current: 1.1

( Industry Median: 2.89 vs. BBT: 2.73 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful P/S only.

BBT' s P/S Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.97 Med: 2.57 Max: 8.68 Current: 2.73

( Industry Median: 8.24 vs. BBT: 7.07 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful POCF only.

BBT' s POCF Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 1.54 Med: 7.48 Max: 252.28 Current: 7.07

( Industry Median: 13.09 vs. BBT: 18.36 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful EV-to-EBIT only.

BBT' s EV-to-EBIT Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -45.6 Med: 17.20 Max: 51.5 Current: 18.36

( Industry Median: 11.65 vs. BBT: 15.96 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful EV-to-EBITDA only.

BBT' s EV-to-EBITDA Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -64.6 Med: 15.10 Max: 36.2 Current: 15.96

( Industry Median: 1.03 vs. BBT: 0.57 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful PEG only.

BBT' s PEG Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.48 Med: 1.24 Max: 22.67 Current: 0.57

( Industry Median: 16.84 vs. BBT: 13.88 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Shiller P/E only.

BBT' s Shiller P/E Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 5.01 Med: 12.47 Max: 19.7 Current: 13.88

Dividend & Buy Back

( Industry Median: 3.00 vs. BBT: 3.12 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Dividend Yield only.

BBT' s Dividend Yield Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 1.75 Med: 3.00 Max: 17.04 Current: 3.12

( Industry Median: 0.34 vs. BBT: 0.41 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Dividend Payout only.

BBT' s Dividend Payout Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.28 Med: 0.46 Max: 1.84 Current: 0.41

( Industry Median: 6.60 vs. BBT: 14.10 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Dividend Growth (3y) only.

BBT' s Dividend Growth (3y) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -35 Med: 11.70 Max: 16.9 Current: 14.1

( Industry Median: 3.15 vs. BBT: 3.12 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Forward Dividend Yield only.

( Industry Median: 3.41 vs. BBT: 3.96 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Yield on cost (5-Year) only.

BBT' s Yield on cost (5-Year) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 2.22 Med: 3.81 Max: 21.64 Current: 3.96

( Industry Median: -1.90 vs. BBT: -1.10 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful 3-Year Average Share Buyback Ratio only.

BBT' s 3-Year Average Share Buyback Ratio Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -15.8 Med: -4.35 Max: 0.3 Current: -1.1

Valuation & Return

( Industry Median: 1.11 vs. BBT: 1.75 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Price/Tangible Book only.

BBT' s Price/Tangible Book Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 1.42 Med: 2.68 Max: 3.98 Current: 1.75

( Industry Median: 0.64 vs. BBT: 0.60 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Price/Projected FCF only.

BBT' s Price/Projected FCF Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.44 Med: 0.83 Max: 1.76 Current: 0.6

( Industry Median: 1.02 vs. BBT: 1.06 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Price/Median PS Value only.

BBT' s Price/Median PS Value Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.47 Med: 1.41 Max: 3.36 Current: 1.06

( Industry Median: 0.87 vs. BBT: 0.59 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Price/Peter Lynch Fair Value only.

BBT' s Price/Peter Lynch Fair Value Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.55 Med: 1.51 Max: 3.53 Current: 0.59

( Industry Median: 0.82 vs. BBT: 1.00 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Price/Graham Number only.

BBT' s Price/Graham Number Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 0.66 Med: 1.39 Max: 2.16 Current: 1

( Industry Median: 7.00 vs. BBT: 5.40 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Earnings Yield (Greenblatt) (%) only.

BBT' s Earnings Yield (Greenblatt) (%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: 1.9 Med: 5.60 Max: 8.2 Current: 5.4

( Industry Median: 14.28 vs. BBT: 29.70 ) Ranked among companies with meaningful Forward Rate of Return (Yacktman) (%) only.

BBT' s Forward Rate of Return (Yacktman) (%) Range Over the Past 10 Years Min: -15.3 Med: 15.90 Max: 39.2 Current: 29.7

More Statistics

Short Percentage of Float

Analyst Estimate

EPS without NRI($)

Business Description

Traded in other countries:

BB&T Corporation is a financial holding company. The Company conducts its business operations mainly through its commercial bank subsidiary, Branch Banking and Trust Company 'Branch Bank'. The Company's operations consist of a federally chartered thrift institution, BB&T Financial, FSB and several nonbank subsidiaries, which provide financial services products. Substantially all of the loans by the Company's subsidiaries are to businesses and individuals in these market areas. Branch Bank provides a range of banking services to individuals and businesses and provides a variety of loans to businesses and consumers. Such loans are made mainly to individuals residing in the market areas described above or to businesses located within the Company's geographic footprint. Branch Bank also markets a range of deposit services to individuals and businesses. Branch Bank offers, either directly, or through its subsidiaries, lease financing to businesses and municipal governments; factoring; discount brokerage services, annuities and mutual funds; life insurance, property and casualty insurance, health insurance and commercial general liability insurance on an agency basis and through a wholesale insurance brokerage operation; insurance premium financing; permanent financing arrangements for commercial real estate; loan servicing for third-party investors; direct consumer finance loans to individuals; and trust services. The direct nonbank subsidiaries of the Company provide a variety of financial services including automobile lending, equipment financing, full-service securities brokerage, payroll processing, asset management and capital markets services. The Company's banking operations are locally oriented and community-based. The subsidiaries of the Company compete actively with national, regional and local financial services providers, including banks, thrifts, securities dealers, mortgage bankers, finance companies and insurance companies. The Company is subject to numerous examinations by federal and state banking regulators, as well as the SEC, the FINRA, the NYSE, various taxing authorities and various state insurance and securities regulators.


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About BSE.

The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE), formerly the Securities Exchange of Barbados , was re-incorporated on August 2nd, 2001 with the passage of the Securities Act 2001-13. As a result of the Act, the Barbados Securities Commission . now the Financial Services Commission . was established which has overall regulatory responsibility for the entire Barbadian Capital markets including all Self Regulatory Organizations (SRO), of which the BSE and its subsidiary the Barbados Central Securities Depository comprise, as well as all public companies whether listed or not.


8th Avenue Belleville, St. Michael, BB11114 Barbados

Enlaces útiles

Say hello!

BlackBerry Classic

40 keys to success

It takes more than fast thumbs and a stone cold focus to stay on top of your inbox and the day’s priorities. You need navigation keys that do more than вЂ˜go home’, and a physical keyboard that has no rival. Navigate with confidence using the optical track pad, menu and back keys, or answer, start and end phone calls with the dedicated phone keys.

It’s about having a real, proper, don’t-mess-with-me keyboard. It’s great, like really great

Fast and beautiful web browsing

The industry-recognized BlackBerry 10 browser is amazingly fast and beautiful. Access your favorite online content and services as they were meant to be seen, faster than ever before and with unlimited browser tabs. Spend less time waiting, and more time doing.

Built for ultimate reliability and durability

From the protective outer frame, machined from a solid block of stainless steel, to the ultra-durable CorningВ® GorillaВ® Glass screen, the BlackBerry Classic has been designed with high-quality materials and finishes to provide optimal grip and better protection from impact.

Please select a specification.

В Stainless steel outer frame

Please select a specification.

Corning Gorilla Glass screen

This is a phone that feels fabulously solid in the hand

What's the big difference?

See how the BlackBerry Classic compares to your BlackBerryВ® Boldв„ў 9900.

Get the performance-driven results of BlackBerry 10.

The new BlackBerry 10 OS is built to fully utilize multiple processor cores, enabling more speed and power than previous generations of BlackBerry OS ever could.

Browse 3X faster

The new BlackBerry 10 web browser is amazingly fast and astoundingly beautiful. That’s why HTML5TEST. com has rated it amongst the top mobile browsers for web fidelity for 2 years in a row.

50% more battery life

With a larger battery capacity and state of the art battery optimization software, BlackBerry Classic perseveres up to 50% longer than the BlackBerry Bold 9900.

More screen, more megapixels

With a square 3.5” touch screen, BlackBerry Classic offers nearly 60% more screen space than the BlackBerry Bold 9900.

It also features an 8MP rear - and 2MP front-facing camera, with enhanced optics, all new creative shooting features like Time Shift mode, HDR, and intelligent scene detection.

Android and BlackBerry apps

On BlackBerry 10, you can get the very best business and productivity apps through BlackBerry® World® and the latest Android™ apps and games through the Amazon Appstore. Whether it’s for work or for play, you’ll find just the apps for you.

More storage

With support for expandable microSD storage, the BlackBerry Classic boasts one of the largest storage capacities on the market with up to 144 GB. This is 104GB more than the maximum capacity of the BlackBerry Bold 9900, and with double the system memory, you have the flexibility to download, install, and capture as the job demands.

End of Carousel

The BlackBerry Classic. represents a definite upgrade over the Bold. [It features an] excellent keyboard [with a] sturdy feel, [and] robust security, [and has an] appealing and familiar design for BlackBerry diehards.

BlackBerry Classic

Familiar Design, Faster Results

BlackBerry Classic

Your Power, Upgraded

What is Classic?

BlackBerry Classic Mosaic

Thank You Team BlackBerry

End of Carousel

Available in these colors

Choose a color:

Feature Highlights

BlackBerry 10 OS

The BlackBerry Classic is built on BlackBerry® 10 OS, with features that are designed to keep you productive and on top of what’s important.

When you purchase your BlackBerry Classic, you will be prompted to upgrade your OS to the latest version during the activation process.

All your messages in one place

BlackBerry® Hub is the one place to manage all your conversations – email, text, BBM®, phone calls, social media and more. Plus, it will get to know you and how you use your smartphone, curating a view of the most important messages and notifications.

A battery that powers through

The BlackBerry Classic contains a sizeable 2515 mAh battery and state of the art power optimization software, delivering the best possible battery performance. With up to a 22 hours of battery power 1. you can be confident that your BlackBerry Classic will be ready to deliver results when you need it to.

The BlackBerry Classic at both AT&T and Verizon also includes wireless charging. Charge on the go with select wireless charging accessories.

[The Classic] has enough power to get you through a day or two of intense work

A voice and text personal assistant

BlackBerryВ® Assistant allows you to manage your email, contacts, calendar and other BlackBerry 10 features through voice and text commands. It helps you to execute important tasks quickly in any situation, whether at your desk, in your car or in a meeting.

Get more out of every conversation

Chat face-to-face with BBM® Video 2. and even share what’s on your screen, while enjoying better sound quality. You’ll be able to hear nuances and variations in tone, giving your BBM® Voice 3 and BBM Video calls a clearer, more natural quality.

End of Carousel

The power of BlackBerry now on your computer and tablet

BlackBerry® Blend™ brings messaging and content that’s on your BlackBerry to your computer and tablet. 4 Access your work and personal email, BBM, text messages, documents, calendar, contacts and media in real time on whatever device you are on.

No saving to a cloud, no wires, no transferring data between devices. It’s just there.

How to reset a BlackBerry smartphone

Some useful information every savvy BlackBerry® smartphone owner should know is how to reset their device. A reset of a BlackBerry smartphone is a troubleshooting method that completely turns off and restarts the operating system software and applications of a BlackBerry smartphone. In terms of troubleshooting, it is a useful first step if a BlackBerry smartphone is experiencing hardware, software, or wireless network issues.

There are two options when performing a reset: a hard reset or a soft reset. The difference between the two is that performing a hard reset involves removing the battery temporarily, whereas when performing a soft reset, a key combination is used to reset the BlackBerry smartphone.

Both options accomplish the same goal – restarting the BlackBerry smartphone – but an important thing to know is that a soft reset can only be performed on BlackBerry smartphones with a QWERTY keyboard, such as the BlackBerry® Bold™ 9900 smartphone or BlackBerry® Torch™ 9810 smartphone .

Note: Before performing either reset method listed below, ensure any open documents, emails or files are closed.

Performing a Hard Reset

As mentioned earlier, if you are using a BlackBerry smartphone that does not contain a QWERTY keyboard such as the BlackBerry® Torch™ 9850 smartphone. you can only perform a hard reset as a soft reset isn’t possible. The Hard Reset method of resetting a BlackBerry smartphone applies to every BlackBerry smartphone.

To perform a hard reset, complete the following steps.

Remove the battery cover from the back of the BlackBerry smartphone

Remove the battery, and then reinsert it after a few seconds

Replace the battery cover.

Performing a Soft Reset

A soft reset is a three-key combination that resets the BlackBerry smartphone without removing the battery. As mentioned previously, it is only available on BlackBerry smartphone models with a QWERTY keyboard, such as the BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone or BlackBerry Torch 9810 smartphone.

To perform a soft reset, complete the following steps.

Press and hold the Alt key (1)

While holding down the Alt key, press and hold the Right Shift key (2)

With both of those buttons still pressed, press the Backspace/Delete key (3)

When the screen turns off to indicate that the BlackBerry smartphone is restarting, you can then release the keys you have been holding.

A few more things you should know about the reset process:

Performing a reset does not remove any data

To fully remove data from a BlackBerry smartphone, you will need to perform a security wipe. To learn more, check out our post on What is a Security Wipe and when should I use it?

Performing a reset does not remove an IT Policy if one exists. To learn how to do so, check out KB14202 – How to remove an IT policy from a BlackBerry smartphone which can be found in the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center .

Got a question about resetting a BlackBerry smartphone? Leave a comment and let me know!

About Ty Williams

Community Content Manager & Blogger @ BlackBerry. Follow me on Twitter or Google+

My phones media memory has been completely wiped. I have a blackberry 9790 Bold. I can’t view my pictures as it says unable to display that file and neither can I take pictures it says file system out of resources. My songs are on my fone but I can’t listen to it it sayscannot play media the content is missing or not available. I’ve checked my files on my fone and media card but it doesn’t want to open and some of the file names has a question mark (?) Next to it. I need to know what I should do please? Thanx in advance

I have problem. My device’s memory drained very quicly, although I have delete several aplication the memory remain the same. Now I would like reset to condition of device as the same as brand new when it still only default aplication. Could you informe how to do that? Please it’s urgent because this situation (lag) start enoying me. Thx

I’m using a blackberry 9300 and it refusis to read memory card so I was hoping that re-sterting my blackberry could help

my blackberry 9650 is saying “error 205 reload software”each time I switch it on. what should I do?

i have got a blackberry 8520 which encounter the above mentioned problem (App Error 523), than at the bottom of that there is an option of Reset. if i press that Reset option its switch off. i then did that procedure of= (alt + aA↑ + del). after this it still switch off and start to swtch on by itself, it still goes back to give that white screen with that error message on it.

I tried the soft reset on my 9810 but the same thing pops up JVM ERROR 545 reset How do I re start my new “2 me”bb torch 9810, please help.

hi. i have trouble with my email account and with my network. i want to know what to do if i want to wipe my email address and settings completely and re-install it again. tanx

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BlackBerry considering sale, other options as gadgets take a back seat to software

Smartphone maker BlackBerry said Monday that it may sell the company or form a joint venture, an acknowledgment that its newest phones may not be enough to revive its fortunes.

The Canadian company has struggled to regain market share against bigger, slicker competitors and had hoped to leverage its reputation for security and two new phones with more modern features into a comeback. But with even its core audience — security-conscious government agencies — straying, BlackBerry’s options have become limited.

The company’s shares rallied on the news, jumping more than 10 percent Monday to close at $10.78 per share. The company’s stock took a dive in late June after it reported disappointing sales figures.

The smartphone industry has entered an era in which software, not gadgetry, is the key to smartphone sales — a tough arena for BlackBerry to make up ground. Even as manufacturers prepare to show off their latest technological achievements at a major Berlin trade show next month, analysts say that gee-whiz gadgetry does not offer manufacturers much of an edge in the market anymore.

“Hardware matters, but it’s hard to differentiate because there’s such fleeting leadership,” said Charles Golvin, a technology analyst at Forrester.

Having the latest chip or crispest screen, he said, typically buys a smartphone maker only a few months in the spotlight. Adding specialized features such as an advanced camera lens can make a phone stand out from the pack but can also turn it into a niche product.

Consumers stick with a brand to protect their investment in apps, music and movies, Golvin said. For smartphone makers, deepening those relationships is more valuable than hardware sales, he said.

That has been a tough hurdle for BlackBerry to clear with its newest operating system, BlackBerry 10, and its newest smartphones, analysts said.

BlackBerry has a devoted but shrinking customer base from which to build that loyalty. Smartphones running operating systems from Google and Apple account for more than 90 percent of the U. S. market, according to the data firm ComScore. But despite strong reviews for its phones, the once-dominant BlackBerry captured just 5.2 percent of the market at the end of June.

The firm disappointed analysts with its last earnings report, a loss of $67 million on $3.1 billion in revenue. That fueled investors’ concerns that the company may run out of time to see whether its fledgling platform can sustain BlackBerry.

At an annual shareholders meeting in July, investors asked whether BlackBerry chief executive Thorsten Heins would consider partnerships to tie the company’s success less closely to the success of its phones. Heins said he would be “100 percent” open to a partnership.

For a potential buyer, the most valuable part of BlackBerry may be the cloud services it provides to businesses, not its smartphones. The firm’s reputation for security remains one of its strongest selling points, and the company has started to offer some of its software on competing devices.

“They are one of the early cloud players and have a mature cloud offering that has been refined over the years, that can benefit from new investment and scope,” said IDC analyst Al Hilwa. “Enterprises are looking at cloud solutions intensely, and so a buyer with deep pockets can build on what BlackBerry has today.”

In its statement, BlackBerry stressed that it is only exploring its options and will not be offering updates on its process unless there is major transaction. The company will continue to produce its phones and consumers will not be affected during the review process, BlackBerry said.

BlackBerry will also continue to roll out new products and market its existing lineup, Heins said.

“We continue to see compelling long-term opportunities for BlackBerry 10, we have exceptional technology that customers are embracing, we have a strong balance sheet, and we are pleased with the progress that has been made in our transition,” he said.

Follow The Post’s new tech blog, The Switch. where technology and policy connect.

Hayley Tsukayama covers consumer technology for The Washington Post.


I typed my entire BlackBerry Passport review on the phone's tiny keyboard

Apparently I'm a masochist.

That's an odd way to begin a review. But to give BlackBerry's latest handset, the Passport. as thorough a review as possible, I decided to type the entire thing from the phone itself. My twisted idea came from a realization that this (mostly) square oddity is the first phone with a physical keyboard that I've used since the Motorola Droid 4 in 2012 or the BlackBerry Q10 in 2017. It's not even a normal keyboard by modern smartphone standards -- it's a flattened, hybrid setup with both physical and virtual elements and a curiously placed space bar. Needless to say, it's an odd device, one that truly deserves the ultimate test: Can I use it to crank out several thousand words of text?

Of course, there's more to the Passport than just its odd shape and the company's desire to resurrect a now-antiquated smartphone feature. I'm going to dive into what sets this phone apart from the hundreds of others already on the market -- that is, if my thumbs hold up through the experience.

Gallery: BlackBerry Passport review | 30 Photos


Whenever I whip out the Passport -- which understandably got its name for having the same dimensions as a real passport -- I hear mutterings of disbelief that a product like this even exists. Saying it's unique is an understatement: The only device that looks remotely similar is the LG Optimus Vu. a nearly square, all-screen phone from 2012. I'll give credit to BlackBerry where it's due: Its bizarre design got people talking.

Indeed, buzz is something BlackBerry hasn't enjoyed for a long time. Before the Passport, its most recent handset quietly debuted in February: the Z3. a modest touchscreen device designed for emerging markets like Indonesia. This is the first piece of hardware the phone maker has launched globally in well over a year. And not only that, but it also has the most competitive specs of any BlackBerry in years.

At 128 x 90.3mm, the phone really is as wide as it seems -- it's wider than most large-screened phones on the market -- but BlackBerry insists this is a feature rather than a setback. Because it's using a 4.5-inch square display that's 30 percent wider than an average 5-inch phone, the company claims you'll read up to 60 characters per line and get a better viewing experience. In a way, that's true: I enjoyed reading articles and e-books on the Passport because text didn't have to wrap or get cut off as often, but the trade-off was an awkward one-handed fit and more frequent vertical scrolling.

The two-handed typing experience was a little better than I expected it to be. As my thumbs type, my hands naturally cradle the back to prevent the device from slipping out. This is essential because the three-row keyboard sits so low on the device that the center of gravity is different than on most phones, but I never truly felt like I was going to drop it while typing. When I'm not typing, however, I want to be able to use my phone one-handed; sadly, this is incredibly uncomfortable when I'm using the Passport in portrait mode because of its width, and is especially noticeable when you try to hold it up to your ear.

I asked a BlackBerry rep how the company expects people to use the device one-handed, and he responded by flipping the phone sideways. As I'll discuss in the next section, the keyboard has a touch-sensitive trackpad that lets you hold the Passport sideways and scroll through websites, emails or Twitter feeds by moving your thumb up or down on the keyboard. It's clever, but there are still clear interruptions in the user experience, which I'll cover in the software section.

That said, it's still awkward no matter which way you hold it, because it's short and heavy. Its weight (196g) is reason enough to hold the thing with two hands as often as you can. But at least in return you get a robust build, with solid materials that feel like they can withstand plenty of abuse. It's got a stainless steel frame that lines the 9.3mm sides and also sits in between the keyboard rows; the back uses soft-touch plastic, with the exception of a camera module interrupting a single line of metal near the top. The display is covered with a slab of Gorilla Glass 3.

The Passport's screen isn't going to win any medals, but it's got a few pros and cons. Regardless of how you feel about the shape and size of the 4.5-inch square LCD panel, its 1,400 x 1,400 resolution, which equates to a pixel density of 453 ppi, delivers a good viewing experience -- at least in terms of its easy-to-read text and pleasing visuals. But despite having settings to adjust white balance and color saturation, it still appeared much warmer, less saturated and less vibrant than most flagship phones (default or otherwise). White screens look closer to mother of pearl, while the darks are roughly the same grayish-black as most LCDs. Viewing angles are about average for a flagship. The most impressive aspect of the screen, however, is its outdoor visibility. It's one of the best I've ever seen; I had absolutely no problem reading the display in direct sunlight, which can't be said about most devices on the market. In fact, it was noticeably better than the Note 4, which is near the top of the class.

The Passport has a 3.5mm headphone jack and power button on the top, with a micro-USB/micro-HDMI port and stereo speakers on the bottom. The left side is bare, but the right features volume up/down buttons separated by a convenience key used for BlackBerry Assistant and media play/pause. The device is adorned with four mics, including one hidden in the phone earpiece. There's a 2MP front-facing camera above the display and to the right of a notification LED and other sensors.

Around back, there's a 13-megapixel camera and LED flash, as well as a removable section above the metal separator, which is where you'll find the nano-SIM and microSDXC slots. You'll also get a hefty 3,450mAh battery, but you won't be able to remove it.


As I mentioned in the introduction, the Passport keyboard is unlike any other I've tried on a smartphone. This isn't simply a matter of me going back to my roots as a BlackBerry owner years ago and getting reacquainted with the traditional layout used on the Bolds and Curves; I have to learn a brand-new design.

I suppose that's part of the fun. This company, despite never-ending layoffs and turmoil, has churned out an impressive feat of engineering. The three-row keyboard doubles as a touch-sensitive trackpad that adds gestures to the typing experience in a very clever way. With it, BlackBerry has evolved an old-fashioned keyboard into something fresh and -- dare I say -- innovative.

That's not to say it doesn't require a significant learning curve. It's not an easy board to master in a few days, but once you do, you have access to a powerful tool. Just like on most BlackBerrys of old, each key has angled frets to help your fingertips know exactly where to press. It's difficult to get used to the space bar, which is now snuggled between the V and B keys; it's also weird to adjust to the lack of symbol or number keys, since only the backspace and return keys are featured. Where's everything else? In a virtual keyboard at the bottom of the screen, which can change dynamically depending on the app you're using and the type of message you're writing. The default for most scenarios is a row of six symbols, a shift key and number button, but sometimes a number row will pop up above the symbols; when you hit the number button, a full grid of characters appears and takes up over half of the screen.

The usual BlackBerry keyboard shortcuts (even the custom ones) haven't gone anywhere; neither has the space bar double-tap to insert a period. However, gestures are the real deal here: You can now double-tap any part of the board to pull up a cursor, which then gives you options for selecting text, copy/paste and so on. Holding the shift button while using the keyboard as a trackpad lets you select multiple lines of text. Swiping left deletes full words at a time. Swiping down pulls up a virtual symbol pad on the screen (which maps each symbol to a hotkey on the physical board). And swiping up toward a word-prediction suggestion automatically inserts that word. Additionally, you can use the trackpad to scroll up and down on apps, websites and other areas. This comes in most handy when you're reading articles or feeds and want to browse everything one-handed; without this feature, one-handed use on such a wide and awkward phone would be more awkward than it already is.

Word predictions are an essential part of today's smartphone keyboards, and BlackBerry does an inconsistent job. For example, as I typed "one-handed" in the last paragraph, it predicted the term early on the first time, but took more keystrokes to figure it out the next two times. Also, after typing my first name in emails, it only predicted my last name half of the time, if that. (The other times, it'd predict "Pitt.") It also had difficulty predicting the end of many well-known metaphors and idioms, like "ducks in a row" or "penny for your thoughts." In fact, I typed out the beginning of 20 of the most popular idioms and it only succeeded at guessing the final word of five of them.

The constant transitioning from physical to virtual boards is also confusing and jarring. It's not uncommon for me to type random punctuation marks in the middle of my words because my thumb occasionally hits the virtual keys when I'm actually trying to type letters in the top physical row. It's also frustrating that in most scenarios, I have to do an extra action before getting to type numbers -- either swiping down or hitting the virtual key. And if I need to type a string of multiple numbers in a row, the latter is my only option.

BlackBerry 10.3

Let's get the obvious out of the way: Nobody is moving to BlackBerry for its robust ecosystem of apps. To make up for the fact that developers simply aren't rushing to make BB10 apps, the company has done the best it can to provide enough meaningful programs and content for its users. Now on version 10.3 of its OS, BlackBerry has come a long way from when BB10 debuted a year and a half ago, but it's not far enough to be competitive. Unfortunately, it's instead a hodge-podge of options that confuses most users: two app stores and a method of sideloading Android 4.3 (or lower) apps.

In addition to BlackBerry World, the company partnered with Amazon to bring its app store to BB 10.3. While this means users have easy access to more Android apps, it's still restrictive because its catalog has fewer than 300,000 offerings (smaller than the Windows Phone store) and many of the most-used apps aren't there. In addition to the obvious gap in Google services, you'll also find that Netflix, Instagram and Firefox are missing, as well as popular games like Dead Trigger . Asphalt and Beach Buggy Racing (to be fair, Blitz, the older game, is offered). ( Update . Dropbox is natively built into Blackberry OS.) It's definitely not a ghost town, especially when compared to BlackBerry World; you can get apps like Facebook Messenger, Vine, Box. net, Zillow and Fruit Ninja . as well as the free app of the day. But it's still a drop in the bucket compared to the Google Play store selection. There are a few third-party alternatives to some of the more popular services, but even those are sparse.

That said, you can sideload quite a few Android apps on the Passport (which seems to be appropriate, since the square screen matches the square viewfinder the app uses), but you have to know what you're doing. The process involves converting Android APK files into BlackBerry-friendly BAR files, which you can do using online software or manual run commands. Needless to say, this isn't a novice solution. ( Update . You actually don't need to convert into BAR anymore; you can directly download the APK onto the device and install it. I tried this out with Instagram and it worked flawlessly. There's also a third-party app called Snap. which acts as a Google Play client. Thanks @Bla1ze and commenters!) The end result isn't flawless either. The current software only supports Android 4.3; it's an improvement over previous versions of BB 10, which restricted you to Gingerbread apps, but not every Android app will work this way. And even when they do work, they won't offer an identical experience to what you'd enjoy on a device that natively runs Google's OS.

Gallery: BlackBerry 10.3 screenshots | 52 Photos

Play Services also don't run here, so you're still limited to third-party apps if you use Google Drive or anything else from Mountain View. The exceptions to this are Gmail and Google Calendar, which I had no problem integrating into BB10 features like the Hub. Speaking of, the Hub is BlackBerry's universal message box, and it's one of the best I've ever used. This is part of the company's heritage: Messaging was one of the reasons the company was so successful in its early years. Hub sits prominently to the left of your home screen and houses your social media, email and calendar accounts and organizes it into one handy inbox. So if someone mentions you on Twitter, you can see it right alongside your emails, and can respond to it as if you're in the Twitter app. You can view each account separately if you want as well.

The Hub isn't new this time around, but 10.3 adds a few features to make it more useful. Dragging down reveals your upcoming calendar appointments. A right sidebar lets you quickly delete messages. And there's also a new action bar, which is a new way to present the most popular actions for each app and service; the highlighted action is prominently featured in a large blue button in the middle, flanked by two smaller action buttons that stay hidden until you do a subtle swipe to reveal them. Unfortunately, the Action Bar is only available on BlackBerry apps, so you won't get it on third-party experiences.

The Action Bar is but one aspect of the new UI design BlackBerry uses in 10.3. As a whole, the update gives BB10 a flatter, more modern visual style. You'll see this cleaner look almost immediately as you notice the icons in the app grid no longer come with pointless shadows that clutter up precious space. The lock screen comes with a neat new preview mode in which you can see more details about each notification without actually going into the Hub. The home screen, which is where your active apps reside, has been improved. You can fit more frames on the screen and rearrange them in whatever order you want. The active apps actually look a bit like Windows Phone Live Tiles, and when you close one, other apps will get resized to fill the empty space (each tile has a max size and you can fit up to six apps on the screen at that size). If you close all of the apps, the screen will no longer disappear; instead you'll just see a large open screen with phone and camera icons on the bottom corners.

Aside from the now-shadowless app icons, the grid of BlackBerry apps remains largely unchanged. But now you can start typing from here and the new BlackBerry Assistant pops up, giving you access to search through all parts of the phone for whatever you want (think Spotlight) or for specific tasks. Assistant is the new virtual. well, assistant that is powered by Nuance and closely resembles other platform options like Siri and Cortana. It doesn't have quite the same personality as its competitors, but it takes care of nearly all of the same types of tasks. Set alarms and reminders, send messages, create appointments, send tweets, dictate notes, you name it -- you shouldn't have any problems. Like Siri, it even utilizes Wolfram Alpha to dive into deeper questions like "why is the sky blue?" Granted, it won't listen to your music, nor will it act like Google Now, where it learns your interests and checks your email and calendar for customized alerts or feeds. But it's a solid start for now.

There are a couple new "Advanced Interaction" gestures, such as flipping your phone over to put it in standby mode; and lifting the Passport off a table to light up the screen. The rest of the usual BB10 gestures are still there, so fortunately you get more options.

For additional productivity, you'll also have access to the Microsoft Office-compatible Docs to Go (which I'm using to type and save my review text), and Dropbox and Adobe Reader comes preloaded and lets you edit and even sign your PDF attachments. On the social side, on top of the usual Twitter and Facebook options, Story Maker takes your photos and videos and puts them into a highlight reel, just like what HTC, Sony and third-party iOS apps have done. This came out with BB10 last year, but 10.3 adds some new tricks for your videos.

Blackberry Blend

Apple's not the only company pushing for Continuity in its latest firmware update -- BlackBerry has been working on its own version for BB10.3. The service, called Blackberry Blend, is an app that you can download on your MacBook, Windows machine and even on Android and iOS tablets. Once your devices are connected, you'll be able to use them to manage and move files back and forth, send and receive messages (BBM, email and text) remotely, access your contacts and calendar and view movies stored locally on your BlackBerry.

Once you put in your BlackBerry ID, the app sets out to connect your devices, and does so promptly. Your first view is the dashboard, which displays your most recent emails, BBM messages and SMS texts on the top, with your calendar below. If you want to take a deeper dive into any of these, or if you're interested in exploring the file manager, you'll find icons on the bottom row to take you to each one. Once you're there, a rail pops up on the left side with tabs to navigate through the app; there's also a home button on the top-left and settings on the top-right. They're large enough on the PC and Mac versions, but cramped and tiny on the tablets.

Blend works well, as long as you're in the app. One advantage Apple's version offers is the fact that you can get notifications without having to keep an app open, and you can also make calls from your computer or tablet; not so with Blend. But still, if you're a BlackBerry user who spends a lot of time on other platforms, this will be majorly beneficial.

( Update: Commenter JamesJohnstone brings up a unique perspective of Blend that I didn't think of: " I believe that when you disconnect from the computer/tablet you were using blend on all the personal stuff goes with it. For me that distinction is critical because I want to be able to do personal text and email from my work computer, and at the end of the day my texts no longer be there. I don't want my SMS messages to be on my iPad at home when I'm at work.")


Look, if you're in the market for a smartphone with a great camera, BlackBerry has never been worthy of your consideration. It's simply been too focused on wooing corporations and productivity-minded customers to really put much effort in its imaging assets. Ever since BB10 came out, however, the phone maker has changed its tune and pushed out nicer cameras with higher resolution; the Q10 had an 8MP shooter when it came out last year, and BlackBerry is bumping up the quality here with a 13MP rear camera. (The 2MP selfie cam isn't worth writing home about, but it certainly could be worse.)

Before we even get into the camera quality, my primary issue with the shooter was its buggy behavior. It often took several seconds to load, and an equivalent amount of time to switch settings and modes. Often, I'd have to exit the app after switching to Time Shift, Burst or Panorama because it would become unresponsive and prevent me from actually taking pictures in those modes. Transitioning to the gallery and back occasionally resulted in crashes.

The UI itself is minimal. There are shutter and video-capture buttons on the bottom next to the gallery and a BB10-style settings sidebar that lets you tweak HDR mode, add a timer, switch to other scenes, go into miscellaneous settings and change the aspect ratio from 1:1 to 4:3 or 16:9. If you want to take full advantage of every megapixel, stick with 4:3; 16:9 uses a resolution of 4,160 x 2,340 (it crops out the top and bottom of a 4:3 image) and 1:1 uses 3,118 x 3,118, which means both ratios come out to roughly 9.7MP.

Depending on what you're trying to capture, you may see a toast notification along the top saying you might get a better shot by turning on HDR (and you can tap the notification to activate it). It's a neat feature, but it can be difficult to reach when my hands are cradling the bottom of the phone, and I'd rather have a constant shortcut available to turn HDR on and off when I want. It's also missing auto HDR; since the software is smart enough to know when my shots would benefit from the feature, it should be able to make the judgment call on its own. Perhaps BlackBerry cut that out of the user experience because it takes forever for the phone to actually take and process HDR images. (Regular shots aren't all that swift to capture either.)

You won't find the Passport camera to your liking if you want control over how your photos turn out; manual settings like white balance, shutter speed and ISO aren't available. Aperture's set at f/2.0 and most daylight shots are consistently taken at an ISO of 55 (though shutter speed changes quite a bit depending on the image) to maintain the same amount of noise in each picture. Low-light shots were taken at an ISO of 888.

With the UI and settings out of the way, it's time to turn to imaging performance. And to my surprise, it was better than I expected -- in fact, I'd dare say it keeps up with many of the other flagship smartphones on the market. White balance holds up well in daylight shots. Colors aren't quite as saturated as the Note 4, but they're more so than the new Moto X; shots are rarely blown out in sunlight and there's plenty of detail for my liking. The HDR mode is definitely not subtle, so several of the images came out with a cartoonish look. This works well in some instances -- especially in those cases where there are some extreme highlights and shadows in the same frame -- but just be extra cautious about which mode you choose for which scenario.

Gallery: BlackBerry Passport camera samples | 80 Photos

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RIM BlackBerry How To: Wipe Handheld Clean, Restore Factory Settings

UPDATE: This post has been updated and modified for RIM's latest mobile OS, BlackBerry 6. Jump over to that updated story if you're using a RIM smartphone running BlackBerry 6.

Every Research In Motion (RIM) BlackBerry user should know certain basic techniques--BlackBerry hard and soft resets. data back up processes, memory management and optimization. for example--and how to wipe a BlackBerry and restore it to default settings surely also belongs on that list.

Whether your organization is upgrading your current device and you need to exchange that old 7130 for a shiny new BlackBerry Bold. or you've decided to switch devices on your own and you're handing down an old BlackBerry to a friend, it's smart to wipe any and all sensitive information from your smartphone before passing it off, to ensure that your personal data remains private.

How to Wipe Your BlackBerry Clean and Delete All Device Data

Before starting the BlackBerry-wipe process, be sure to back up any information on the device that you don't want to lose. Once the device data deletion process is commenced, it cannot be stopped. For more on BlackBerry back up procedures, read "How to Back Up and Restore BlackBerry Data."

1) To begin deleting all the data on your RIM smartphone, click the Options icon on your BlackBerry home screen.

3) When the General Settings screen appears, hit your BlackBerry Menu key--which can be found directly to the left of the trackball on 81xx, 83xx, 88xx and 9xxx series devices--and choose the Wipe Handheld option.

4) A dialogue box will then appear to warn you that you're about to initiate a full device wipe and ask you to confirm the action. You're also given the choice of including all third-party applications and related data in the deletion process. If you wish to keep third-party app information on your BlackBerry, you should leave the associated check box empty and hit Continue . If you want to delete any and all data on your BlackBerry smartphone, fill in the check box and then hit Continue

5) As soon as you confirm that you want to perform a BlackBerry wipe and delete all your handheld data, another dialogue box appears as a final safeguard asking you to type the word BlackBerry to start the process. Complete the request and you're on the way to wiping your BlackBerry. (Note: The data deletion process can take about an hour depending on the amount of data stored on your BlackBerry device, especially if you have content compression enabled. For more on BlackBerry content compression and how the function can help save valuable device memory, read "How to Free Up BlackBerry Memory." )

When the deletion process is complete, your BlackBerry restarts itself and another dialogue box appears to ask if you'd like to run the device Set Up Wizard. At that point, your BlackBerry is wiped clean of all data--unless you chose to let third-party app information remain--and factory settings are restored.

Got a broken BlackBerry keyboard that's keeping you from wiping your handheld using the process above? No worries, you can use any of a number of workarounds, including the free JL_Cmder application.

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Al Sacco — Managing Editor

Al Sacco is a journalist, blogger and editor who covers the fast paced mobile beat for CIO. com and IDG Enterprise, with a focus on wearable tech, smartphones and tablet PCs. Al manages CIO. com writers and contributors, covers news, and shares insightful expert analysis of key industry happenings. He also writes a wide variety of tutorials and how-tos to help readers get the most out of their gadgets, and regularly offers up recommendations on software for a number of mobile platforms. Al resides in Boston and is a passionate reader, traveler, beer lover, film buff and Red Sox fan.

Last night i went to sleep with my blackberry turned on with full battery, this morning when i woke up no more than 6 hours later my phone was stuck on the start up/ loading screen with the blackberry logo and the loading bar 2/3 the way complete. The phone continues to stay at 2/3 the way finished and will not proceed with the booting up of the smart phone.

I'm not sure how it decided to turn off by itself durring the night, or why it will not boot up correctly. I've tried restarting it by taking out the battery and putting it back in numerous times but it will only load up to about 2/3 the way complete.

I have all my contacts synced with my gmail account and my app data is really not important to me so if there is a way to wipe out the device i would be ok with that option.

I've never dropped the phone, or damaged it in any way so this problem must be something technical. This is the second bold 9700 that i've had in the past 6 months, I havn't even had this phone for a whole month yet. I had to get this phone as a replacement for my original 9700 because of reoccuring technical issues.

If there's any possible way to fix this could you please help me out. Gracias.

I recommend re-loading the device software. Here are the steps on how to do that:

Instructions for re-loading software:

Download the Desktop Manager from: https://www. blackberry. com/Downloads/entry. do? code =A8BAA56554F96369AB93E4F3BB068C22 choose the BlackBerry Desktop Software v6.0.

Close the Desktop Manager and follow the next step: Download and install the latest version of BlackBerry® Device Software from the following web site: http://na. blackberry. com/eng/support/downloads/dow nload_sites. jsp

Double click on the device software icon on the computer’s desktop and run the set-up wizard.

Open the Desktop Manager.

Connect the BlackBerry to the computer with the USB cable.

If prompted, type your BlackBerry password in and then click OK.

Complete one of the following steps:

If the application Updates Available window appears, click Update Now. The Application Loader Wizard will appear.

If the application Updates Available window does not appear, double-click the Application Loader icon. The Application Loader Wizard will appear.

Click Next.

If prompted, type your BlackBerry password in and then click Next.

When the Application Loader Wizard is finished examining the configuration on the BlackBerry, the Device Application Selection screen appears listing the applications available for installation. The selected checkboxes indicate applications that are already installed on the BlackBerry.

10. Select the checkbox for the BlackBerry Device Software.

12. If the On the Device Backup screen appears, choose whether to automatically back up the BlackBerry and then click Next.

13. Click Finish to begin loading the BlackBerry Device Software.

14. Click Close when the software is finished loading.

Hey can someone plz help me. My blackberry randomly turned off and when i tried starting it up it had the loading bar only goin 2/3 way across problem. Then suddenly it went past tht and now goes to a black screen with an uncaught exception error and when i hit ok another just keeps popping up. Ive tried many battery pulls, and connecting to my pc and trying an update, however my blackberry has alrdy got the latest software on it so it wont update. Someone plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

Hi and Welcome to the Community!!

There's pretty much no diagnosing those -- they are the equivalent of the random errors in Windows for which tracing the root cause is fruitless. Basically, these are the last out in the programming code -- some event occurred for which there is no handler in the code. The fix is a code update that handles the event. but, again, knowing what the event is is pretty much impossible. So, there are a few things to try:

Sometimes, the code simply becomes corrupt and needs to be refreshed -- just like a reboot:

Anytime random strange behavior or sluggishness creeps in, the first thing to do is a battery pop reboot. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot --

5 minutes. See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such. with a hard reboot being the best cure.

If it won't boot up cleanly, then you may need to try Safe Mode:

KB17877 How to start a BlackBerry smartphone in safe mode

There might be an updated code set from the carrier -- check them via this portal:

The toughest possible cause is a badly behaving app. To find it, there are a couple of options. One is to see if you can read the log file:

Go to the home screen. Hold down the "alt" key and type 'lglg'. (You will not see anything while you type).This will bring up the log file. Scroll down (probably many pages) untill you see a line that says 'uncaught execption'. Click on this line. The name of the app will be in the info. Alternative methods for bringing up the logs are in this KB:

KB05349 How to enable, access, and extract the event logs on a BlackBerry smartphone

The other method is to remove apps one at a time, waiting a while in between (I usually recommend a week), until the problem ceases. thereby discovering the offending app. Still another method is to reload the BB OS cleanly, leaving some time between adding other apps onto the BB so as to be able to determine exactly which one is the cause.

Good luck and let us know!

Bloomberg Equity: Security Specific

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To find the identifier/ticker choose the market sector <F8 Equity>

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Finding information for your Security or Company once you have the Ticker

Type in your ticker, hit the <F8 Equity> market key then the green <GO> llave

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Last updated 1 year ago

The BlackBerry Z3 "Jakarta" is an entry-level device that was announced at Mobile World Congress is Barcelona. The touchscreen BlackBerry 10 device has lower specs than that of the BlackBerry Z10 and Z30 and is be geared toward those in emerging markets.

Rumors of the device first began when BlackBerry CEO John Chen gave word of the new Foxconn-built device during his first earnings call with the company. He didn't divulge many details, but said that a new device was on the way in the near future.

The first BlackBerry device from Foxconn, the Z3 has a 5" screen, 8GB of internal memory, 1.5GB of RAM, a 1.2GHz dual-core processor and a 2650 mAh battery. It mostly resembles the BlackBerry Z10 however it has a different casing and the ports have been moved. The Z3 was officially unveiled on May 13, 2017 and available for purchase in Indonesia on May 15, 2017.

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Apr 29, 2017 BlackBerry offering new loyalty program for customers in India 81 Comments

For BlackBerry customers living in India and thinking of upgrading to a new BlackBerry 10 smartphone, BlackBerry is now offering a new loyalty program in collaboration with Infibeam wherein you can get up-to Rs. 10,000 off the purchase of a BlackBerry Passport. or BlackBerry Classic. or BlackBerry Z3 and finally a BlackBerry Z30.

Feb 19, 2017 What's new in BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 410 Comments

With BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 now official. that means there's plenty of new features to look at. This update, while applicable to all BlackBerry 10 smartphones, is mostly aimed at early BlackBerry 10 smartphone owners such as those using a Q5. Q10. Z10. Z3 and Z30 as the Passport and Classic both came with their own iterations of 10.3.x.

With that in mind, a lot of the features found on the Passport and Classic have transferred to older Blackberry 10 devices so there's some overlap in the 'what's new' from when the Passport and Classic were released. Let's have a look at what has been added, on the whole though, for all BlackBerry 10 devices.

Jan 20, 2017 You can now order the BlackBerry Z3 SIM free in the UK 78 Comments

This one maybe a little late to the party but if you fancy picking up the low cost BlackBerry Z3 SIM free in the UK you can now do so thanks to Clove. The British online retailer has the Z3 priced at £154.99, including VAT, which seems reasonable value for money if you ask me.

Jan 02, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 strolls into the FCC seeking approval 125 Comments

Yes, you read that correctly. According documents freshly published at the FCC, a new version of the BlackBerry Z3 (STJ100-2 to be exact) is currently awaiting approval from the organization. Given the history of the device and rumors surrounding possible successors to it such as the 'Manitoba' and 'Rio'. this listing feels a bit out of place.

Dec 22, 2017 New BlackBerry 'Rio' specs show it as an evolved Z3 310 Comments

If you've been holding out hopes for the BlackBerry 'Rio' to be a high-end all-touch device, you'll have to hold out a bit longer, as it now appears as though that device will fall into the mid-range category according to N4BB . I'm sure many of you will remember the BlackBerry 'Manitoba' which ultimately ended up being the Z3 LTE with a few minor changes and how it never ended up being released. Well, the 'Rio' project is now suggested to be a build off of that with some slightly upgraded specs. A cross between Z3 and Z30 .

Aug 25, 2017 BlackBerry's 2017 device roadmap gets laid out 208 Comments

If you're a regular CrackBerry reader, then BlackBerry's 2017 device roadmap shouldn't come as any surprise. It's entirely comprised of the devices that have either been confirmed or rumored for quite some time now such as the BlackBerry Passport. BlackBerry Classic. LTE BlackBerry Z3 (Manitoba) and finally, the BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9983 (Khan).

That said though, the internal documents leaked by N4BB still offer up a valuable look at how BlackBerry views the devices and who exactly, they're aiming to sell them to as it's outlined by market segments such as Affordable, Classic, Innovative, and Prestige. You can probably guess which device goes in which section without even really looking at the documents.

As expected, there's some timing outlined here for all the devices on the roadmap and as noted officially the BlackBerry Passport will be launching in Q3 2017 along with the BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9983. which has yet to be officially announced but has now appeared fully. Given that device has been getting certified over the past few weeks alongside the BlackBerry Passport in certain regions, it would seem BlackBerry is entirely on track with that one. Coming with those devices releases is also BlackBerry OS 10.3. which many are now already running on their device thanks to leaks and some new beta programs .

Once those devices are released, BlackBerry then moves into Q4 2017 and plans to release the BlackBerry Classic along with BlackBerry OS 10.3.1. From there, all previous BlackBerry 10 devices such as the Q5, Q10 and Z10, Z3 and Z30 will also receive their update to BlackBerry OS 10.3.1. Of course, pending carrier certification and such which we all know is the real time consuming process for everyone.

Perhaps the odd thing here is that the LTE BlackBerry Z3 isn't noted for any release on the documents above and it looks as though the BlackBerry 9720 has a life span extended all the way into 2017. I'm not entirely too sure who exactly would be buying a 9720 in 2017 but then again, there's no telling how old these documents are either. We've seen similar documents that go back to May and even some of the imagery here is old, as it still uses the red accents. But everything else looks to be in place and more notably, on track based on all the other info.

And finally, any internal document leak wouldn't be complete without some standard target segment info. A look at whom they expect to sell the devices to. Sure, the wording and images used are a bit funny but it's not far from the truth and BlackBerry is paying attention audience. Something that is going to be crucial to actually selling the devices as they launch them.

Overall, most of the stuff here was rather known before but it's interesting to see it all laid out. Now BlackBerry just has to get all the device out there and into the hands of the people. What do you all think? Are they hitting the right areas? Too many devices? Not enough devices? Sound off in the comments and let us know.

Aug 18, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 now available to buy in Egypt 87 Comments

Just a quick heads up for you folk in Egypt that have been holding out for the BlackBerry Z3. The low cost BlackBerry 10 device is now on sale so it's time to go shopping!

Jul 26, 2017 Password options for your new BlackBerry Z3 61 Comments

Being BlackBerry 10 users; chances are we are all a little security conscious, particularly if you use your device for business. God forbid you lose your trusty BlackBerry Z3. but if you do you'll want to ensure you have a password set up on it so whoever finds it, or steals, won't have access to your personal information.

Jul 20, 2017 How to edit photos on the BlackBerry Z3 62 Comments

In this day and age producing the best photos is second nature to many of us. With apps such as Instagram as well as our social networks we are sharing so much more content than in previous years.

Jul 19, 2017 The BlackBerry Z3 is just $229.99 today only on Expansys 181 Comments

The Expansys USA web site has listed the unlocked BlackBerry Z3 as its "Deal of the Day" and is currently selling the BlackBerry 10-based smartphone for just $229.99.

Jul 18, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 rollout continues with release in the Philippines 122 Comments

The end of the working week is here for most of us and what a good way to end things for the people of the Philippines. BlackBerry have announced the Z3 will be launching there at authorized retailers at the price of P 10,990.

Jul 17, 2017 The top 5 travel apps for the BlackBerry Z3 69 Comments

With BlackBerry seeming to be pursuing two types of customers at the moment - business users and the consumer market, the BlackBerry Z3 could well fall into the hands in either of these two camps. Sure, we may see top executives rocking a BlackBerry Passport or Classic in the future, but there will always be companies that don't want to spend the big bucks and the BlackBerry Z3 will still serve its purpose.

So whether you are travelling on vacation or on a business trip I've put together my top five BlackBerry 10 apps for you to put on your Z3. And the best news is that they are all free to download!

BlackBerry Maps

BlackBerry Maps will come preloaded on your Z3 and for voice guided navigation it does a fantastic job. I've mentioned this before in another article but I feel it's important so here goes again.

BlackBerry Maps may not be as fancy as the likes of Google Maps or Here Maps from Nokia but it gets you to your destination and using the app is really simple. One of my biggest loves with it is the fact that it is integrated with the search feature in BlackBerry 10 - so you can just tap the search icon and enter the address/post code/zip code and off you go. Sure, it may not be as detailed as the alternatives on other OS's but it's my navigation app of choice and I own an iPhone. a Samsung Galaxy and a Windows Phone .

Navita Translator

If you're travelling to another country and don't speak the local language Navita Translator could be a lifeline for you. As you can see in the video above, the app lets you select from dozens of languages and then it's just a case of typing in what it is you want to translate. If you're not happy with trying to pronounce the translation fear not as the app can speak it for you - clever stuff.

If you're going away this one is well worth having on your BlackBerry just in case you need it.

BlackBerry Travel

If you're traveling overseas BlackBerry Travel has to be the most important application for you to have on your BlackBerry 10 smartphone. It's packed full of features which will assist you in your journey in so many ways.

First up is the auto scanning option. You can set the app to scan your inbox for any flight confirmations and when it finds them the app will pull them in and present them in an orderly fashion so you can glance at the app at any time and see the detailed information about your upcoming trip. To take things a little further it will also integrate with your calendar and prompt you of reminders in advance of your flight.

Things don't stop there. A currency converter is built in which is customizable - meaning that wherever in the world you go you'll have instant access to see if what you are purchasing is a good deal compared to back home.

Weather is also integrated and will give you the current conditions as well as a forecast over the following four days. And to round things off there is a World Clock section - again, customizable, so you can check what the time is in other cities around the globe - good stuff.

In addition - as if that wasn't enough - the following is also included:

Safer: BlackBerry ID integration for peace of mind

Money Saver: Do you ever wonder if the hotel room you booked is really a good deal? With our new Price Alert service, we'll let you know if there's a better price for that hotel room, a comparable hotel for a cheaper price, or if there's a much better hotel for slightly more.

Social: Share all your travel information including flight updates with your friends and/or colleagues via BBM, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter

FX Rates

I think the main reason I was attracted to FX rates was the user interface. It's very user friendly and being set on a black background with big bold icons just makes it look good. As you will see in the video; adding countries to your list of featured currencies is super easy - just press the + icon and select from the huge list. Once you have your selection made you can, at any time, tap one which will open up a box where you can enter the amount you need to convert. The results will then be shown in each of the counties you have open.

Free Real-Time Multi-Currency Conversion

Supports 139 Currencies

Offline Mode (no Internet needed to use latest exchange rate)

Share Cross-Currency Conversion through BBM, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Email, Text, WhatsApp, NFC

Customize Currency Order and Layout via Drag'n'Drop

Exchange Rate Update On-Demand


Foursquare won't be for everyone, but if you like to check into places while you are on your holidays or just visiting another city it's a great way of letting your friends know what you are up to. With the ability to share via Twitter, Facebook and BBM you can keep your buddies in the loop of your activities and even include photos to make them jealous!

As well as just checking in to venues you can also use the app to discover new places that you may want to visit. If any of your Foursquare friends have been there before you'll be able to see it and if they left any comments on the venue.

Happy travelling

So if you are jetting off to another country your BlackBerry Z3 should be a great tool for helping you out in a bunch of ways. From experience I've used all the above apps when I've been abroad and I certainly wouldn't want to be without them.

Jul 14, 2017 Retailers in India have sold through their initial stock of the BlackBerry Z3 138 Comments

When the BlackBerry Z3 was announced for India. many folks were watching and waiting to see how the device would be priced in the region as that would be a good sign of how well the device would sell. At the time of the announcement, some were upset at that price of Rs. 15,990 but then it started arriving at retailers with even deeper discount attached to it and according to the Economic Times India, those discounts have helped push much of initial stock in India.

Jul 11, 2017 How to capture the perfect photo using Time Shift on the BlackBerry Z3 37 Comments

Taking photographs with a smartphone is paramount to many people. Whilst the camera on the BlackBerry Z3 may not be the best on the market due to it being a low cost handset, it does offer decent results and like all BlackBerry 10 devices has the 'Time Shift' option built right in.

If you have recently picked up the Z3 and it's your first BlackBerry 10 smartphone you'll want to carry on reading as I suspect you'll be rather impressed with what Time Shift has to offer. The feature is the perfect camera tool for when taking photographs of either a person or a group of people. We've all taken this style of photo before and found it's not always easy to take the snap just at the right time - when everyone is smiling or nobody is blinking. Time Shift solves this problem and here's how.

With the camera open on the Z3 you'll want to tap the camera icon at the top right of the display. Here you will have the option to switch to the video camera and also Time Shift. With Time Shift setected you are all set to go.

When you take a photograph the Z3 will actually record the image from slightly before and after the actual shot. This will then allow you to use the bar at the base of the display to move back and forth in time to choose the perfect image. But things get even more interesting - particularly if you have more than one person in the photo.

Just tap on one of the faces and you will be able to Time Shift that person. You can do this with numerous faces in the photograph - therefore allowing the best pose from each subject to give you the ultimate finished result.

The proof is in the pudding with this one and is a lot more enjoyable to use than read about. If you take a lot of photos of your friends then the BlackBerry Z3 is going to be your best buddy. In fact, your friends may well be jealous of the super results you get. Time Shift is extremely clever and it's awesome that it comes as a standard feature within BlackBerry 10.

Jul 10, 2017 Nigeria is next in line to see the BlackBerry Z3 roll out 141 Comments

First we had the Far East and then the BlackBerry Z3 was announced as coming mid July to South Africa. Things are now moving north as next in line to see the latest low cost BlackBerry hit their shores is Nigeria.

Jul 09, 2017 South African students are more than impressed with the BlackBerry Z3 188 Comments

We told you last week that the BlackBerry Z3 would be available to buy in South Africa in mid July. It looks like someone has been doing some research with the students of South Africa and as you'll see in the above video they are certainly enjoying what the Z3 has to offer.

Jul 05, 2017 5 quick tips to get the most out of your BlackBerry Z3 battery 49 Comments

If you've picked up a BlackBerry Z3 as your smartphone of choice, chances are that the battery life probably won't be an issue as it comes packing one of a reasonable size - 2500mAh. Saying that though, there's nothing worse than running out of juice and as the Z3 battery is non-removable it's worth tweaking the settings to maximize things.

We all use our BlackBerry in different ways so battery life always varies from user to user. But these days, when we have to be connected, a low or dead battery is some peoples worst nightmare.

So below is a short list of simple tips and tricks to make your BlackBerry Z3 last as long as possible.

Turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth & NFC

If you're not using it then it's worth switching off the above features as they will eat up some battery life. Looking at Wi-Fi for example - while it's is on but not being used the BlackBerry will continue to search for Wi-Fi connections - hence why you'll use up some juice. In addition, if you can use Wi-Fi you should as this too is kinder on your battery.

Change refresh settings

Some BlackBerry 10 applications, social ones in particular, will automatically refresh in the background. With most of them you have the option to change how frequently this happens. It's logical that the more often an app pulls in new data, the more battery it will use. So increase how often this happens from within the settings of the app. I tend to set mine to refresh every hour although I manually update them each time I open said app.

Dim the display

Like with any smartphone, the brighter the display, the faster your battery will drain. If you don't need the screen to be super bright why not dim it?

Change the screen timeout

Once you finish using your Z3 and put it down the screen will continue to be on for a set time. Within the settings you can change how long it stays on for and from experience it makes sense to change this setting to prevent the display from being on for too long.

Once again go to Settings > Display to see the options available

Close Active Frames

As mentioned already, some BlackBerry 10 apps will auto refresh while in their Active Frame state. Applications like battery or weather apps will want to do this on a regular basis and although it doesn't use a ton of battery it will consume some. Closing Active Frames will sort this problem and give you that extra bit of power should you need it. Just long hold on the cross at the bottom right of the Active Frame to close it down.

Charged and ready to go

And that's my top five tips for your new BlackBerry Z3 owners. Like with any new device, it can take a little while to get things adjusted so you're getting the most from your handset. While the battery on the Z3 is pretty awesome anyway, the above tips may come in handy for you at some point.

Jul 03, 2017 The BlackBerry Z3 is heading to South Africa with free apps for consumers 150 Comments

It was only earlier today that we announced that the latest BlackBerry 10 device, the BlackBerry Z3. is all set to go on sale in Hong Kong. It seems that the roll out is in more than one place as I've just had an email from BlackBerry South Africa letting me know that the budget BlackBerry is coming very soon.

The BlackBerry Z3 smartphone will be available to Vodacom customers in stores and online from mid July 2017. The device has the recommended selling price of R2 999 and will also be available on the Vodacom Smart S plan at R249 per month.

Jun 30, 2017 BlackBerry shows off the Z3 in Indonesia with two commercials 77 Comments

To compliment the BlackBerry Z3 hitting retail outlets recently in Indonesia, BlackBerry have released a couple of videos over on their YouTube channel which I can only presume are headed for TV or the big screen.

Jun 27, 2017 BlackBerry India's Sunil Lalvani speaks on security, Z3 launch, and QNX in India 77 Comments

Sunil Lalvani, Managing Director, BlackBerry India has had a busy week with the launch of the BlackBerry Z3 in India. As part of that process he's been speaking with several Indian news outlets about the launch, the landscape for BlackBerry in India, and what the company is focusing on. The Economic Times India sat down with the Managing Director for a pretty awesome interview.

As part of the interview, Sunil covers BlackBerry's record of security noting 'BlackBerry hasn't had a single vulnerability exposed on its network', device pricing in India, and how Enterprises in India are adopting BlackBerry. Also discussed, how BlackBerry is in talks with 'a leading Indian car manufacturer' to further expand QNX in India.

Jun 26, 2017 BlackBerry India shows us why the BlackBerry Z3 is a great device! 100 Comments

The BlackBerry Z3 has been announced for India and preorders for the device are already well underway. But just in case you're on the fence about whether or not the BlackBerry Z3 is the device for you though, BlackBerry India has put up a really great video showing off some of the region specific features, hardware design and advanced options available within the BlackBerry 10 OS .

As BlackBerry 10 users, most of us already know how great the OS is but it's videos like this one that help spread the word. So, give it a look and be sure to share it with others. As a reminder, the pricing on the BlackBerry Z3 in India is set at Rs. 15999 but Flipkart right now is offering a preorder bonus promo, which reduces that by Rs. 1000 to bring the total to Rs. 14999. You can place your preorder on the Flipkart site .

Jun 25, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 coming to the Middle East in July, pre-orders start today 83 Comments

BlackBerry has announced that their BlackBerry Z3 smartphone will begin to go on sale in countries located in the Middle East starting in July, with pre-orders for the device beginning today in one of those countries.

Jun 24, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 announced for Malaysia, available July 7th 59 Comments

During the BlackBerry earnings call and general meeting. BlackBerry CEO John Chen noted the BlackBerry Z3 would be expanding to more markets such as Malaysia and India soon and clearly, soon meant very soon. BlackBerry has been teasing it on their blog and BBM Channel for days now and now finally; the BlackBerry Z3 has now been announced for Malaysia with a retail price of 699.00 MYR or approximately $217 USD when the conversion is processed. It will be available to purchase through BlackBerry authorized retailers from July 7th, 2017.

Jun 19, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 confirmed for India next week 91 Comments

Following an initial launch in Indonesia BlackBerry CEO John Chen confirmed earlier reports that the Z3 would launch in India next week during today's quarterly conference call. We'll see if that June 25 date pans out. BlackBerry teased just yesterday that additional markets are on the way.

Jun 17, 2017 BlackBerry Z3 reportedly set to be announced for India on June 25th 102 Comments

With BlackBerry Z3 sales reportedly going well in Indonesia, the next stop appears to be India according to several reports seemingly confirming the event. The launch has been rumored for a few days now but more of the Indian press has picked up on the matter giving it a slight bit more credibility.

All BlackBerry Z3

Posted by Bla1ze on 29 Apr 2017 11:51 am EDT

For BlackBerry customers living in India and thinking of upgrading to a new BlackBerry 10 smartphone, BlackBerry is now offering a new loyalty program in collaboration with Infibeam wherein you can get up-to Rs. 10,000 off the purchase of a BlackBerry Passport, or BlackBerry Classic, or BlackBerry Z3 and finally a BlackBerry Z30. "The uptake of our BlackBerry 10 smartphones among Indian.

Posted by Bla1ze on 19 Feb 2017 9:38 am EST

With BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 now official, that means there's plenty of new features to look at. This update, while applicable to all BlackBerry 10 smartphones, is mostly aimed at early BlackBerry 10 smartphone owners such as those using a Q5, Q10, Z10, Z3 and Z30 as the Passport and Classic both came with their own iterations of 10.3.x. With that in mind, a lot of the features found on the.

Posted by Bla1ze on 19 Feb 2017 9:35 am EST

It has begun. Yes, after many rumors, speculation and confirmation at the BlackBerry Classic event of a February launch, the rollout of BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 is now official according to BlackBerry and will be available to customers around the world starting today in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific for the entire line of smartphones running BlackBerry 10. This announcement is.

Posted by James Richardson on 20 Jan 2017 8:03 am EST

This one maybe a little late to the party but if you fancy picking up the low cost BlackBerry Z3 SIM free in the UK you can now do so thanks to Clove. The British online retailer has the Z3 priced at £154.99, including VAT, which seems reasonable value for money if you ask me. It feels an age away that the BlackBerry Z3 was announced, although it was only February last year and it then went.

Posted by Bla1ze on 2 Jan 2017 12:59 pm EST

Yes, you read that correctly. According documents freshly published at the FCC, a new version of the BlackBerry Z3 (STJ100-2 to be exact) is currently awaiting approval from the organization. Given the history of the device and rumors surrounding possible successors to it such as the 'Manitoba' and 'Rio', this listing feels a bit out of place. In total, there's four submissions for this new.

Posted by Bla1ze on 22 Dec 2017 7:14 am EST

If you've been holding out hopes for the BlackBerry 'Rio' to be a high-end all-touch device, you'll have to hold out a bit longer, as it now appears as though that device will fall into the mid-range category according to N4BB. I'm sure many of you will remember the BlackBerry 'Manitoba' which ultimately ended up being the Z3 LTE with a few minor changes and how it never ended up being released.

Posted by Bla1ze on 25 Aug 2017 2:06 pm EDT

If you're a regular CrackBerry reader, then BlackBerry's 2017 device roadmap shouldn't come as any surprise. It's entirely comprised of the devices that have either been confirmed or rumored for quite some time now such as the BlackBerry Passport, BlackBerry Classic, LTE BlackBerry Z3 (Manitoba) and finally, the BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9983 (Khan). That said though, the internal documents.

Posted by Bla1ze on 25 Aug 2017 11:40 am EDT

BlackBerry has continued their roll out of the BlackBerry Z3 and this time around, they have officially announced the device for Singapore. The device has been made available through BlackBerry's authorized carrier StarHub with pricing ranging from $179 to $0 depending on services chosen. "We are excited to confirm that the BlackBerry Z3 smartphone is coming to Singapore. This device not.

Posted by James Richardson on 18 Aug 2017 7:29 am EDT

Just a quick heads up for you folk in Egypt that have been holding out for the BlackBerry Z3. The low cost BlackBerry 10 device is now on sale so it's time to go shopping! The Z3 is currently available from Mobile Shop, Raya, Appliance, and Etisalat Retail for EGP 1849. How that price matches up with the other countries around the globe that the Z3 is also available baffles me, but it's sure.

Posted by James Richardson on 18 Aug 2017 5:13 am EDT

If you are one of the lucky folk that have picked up the BlackBerry Z3, I suspect you may well be new to BlackBerry 10. You're more than likely an ex BlackBerry OS user but the two operating systems are so different and it can sometimes be a small learning curve. As a BlackBerry Z3 owner you'll be a social creature as it's in our nature these days. That probably means using your new beloved.


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BlackBerry Is About to Get Crushed

Sell, short or buy puts because the BB10 launch is about to be proven a flop

BlackBerry (NASDAQ:BBRY ), the tech stock formerly known as Research In Motion, is off almost 30% from its January highs.

Thus, the million-dollar question for BlackBerry shareholders is whether the company is just pausing for a breather before it continues its ambitious return to smartphone prominence … or whether BBRY was simply a great swing trade to end 2012, and it’s now time to run screaming.

Those who have lit me up in the comments section for the past few months have no question over what side I line up on here – just take this Jan. 8 headline, “I Still Think RIMM and BB10 are Doomed.”

I won’t rehash my past concerns beyond simply mentioning the obvious: that this is an all-or-nothing period for BlackBerry, a company currently operating in the red and seeing continued erosion of smartphone market share. If the Z10 and Q10 fail, BlackBerry has some patents and software clout … but literally nothing else going for it.

Unfortunately, here’s why I think the Z10 and Q10 are doomed:

Poor Initial Demand Concerns: The BlackBerry admittedly has a global following, unlike the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL ) iPhone which many claim is a distinctly American gadget that lacks international dominance. But the initial launch markets haven’t been much to sneeze at. Consider a report this week shows a U. K. sales slump right out of the gate, with poor sell-through rates and recent price cuts. The story is the same in BlackBerry’s native Canada, with Canaccord Genuity writing that it “reduced our February quarter BB10 smartphone shipment estimates from 1.75M units to 300K units.” That number was later revised back up a bit to 800,000 … but still, the more than 50% cut from 1.75 million doesn’t bode well for other global markets.

Bad U. S. Launch Timing: Regarding the U. S. a recent report hints that the Z10 will first hit the U. S. market on March 15 via carrier AT&T (NYSE:T ). Unfortunately, that is just a day after the Samsung (PINK:SSNLF ) Galaxy S4 is set to debut. Not a great way to sell yourself, considering Samsung is a transcendent smartphone brand that has already caused headaches for the iconic iPhone.

App Troubles . BlackBerry tried to tout the fact that its new OS has the biggest app universe “at launch” of any smartphone software. Yeah, but that’s just because the company is the last in line and a number of amazing apps have already been developed for iOS and Google ’s (NASDAQ:GOOG ) Android OS. All BBRY did is ask developers to reprogram Angry Birds or Pandora (NYSE:P ) to function on a BlackBerry device — not create unique apps native to BB10. But aside from not having any unique first-movers, the real risk is big-name apps that won’t play with BlackBerry. Consider that Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX ) has no plans for a BB10 app. Or consider that Yahoo! (NASDAQ:YHOO ) has killed its BlackBerry app even as it continues to provide stock quotes, weather, email and other content support via apps on Android and iOS devices. So much for countering the old criticism that BlackBerry can’t compete on the app front.

Wall Street Sentiment: Short interest as of mid-February was actually up from January. And although the very high volume in this stock might prevent a dramatic short squeeze, it’s still worth noting that a massive 136 million shares are held short. Don’t discount the negativity on Wall Street and the ability to drive down share prices, even if you think BlackBerry doesn’t “deserve” it. Furthermore, at the end of February MKM partners cut BBRY to “sell” with a target of just $10. And while UBS did raise the company to “neutral,” BlackBerry is already above its forecast of $13 for shares. So clearly Wall Street is not betting on big-time upside here.

So, how can investors play this?

Well, BlackBerry remains volatile, so I would advise against selling shares short lest you get squeezed the wrong way. The safer route in my opinion is to buy puts.

For instance, right before the event, I recommended buying June 22 puts on BBRY (then RIMM) at $17, and investors are near the money on that trade.

I expect continued trouble for BlackBerry and some seasonal softness in the market, so I think it’s possible the stock could fall another 15% to 20% in a matter of months. And heck, should the launch data be ugly, we could get that in just a few sessions.

So, I’m watching the April 5 puts with a strike price of $16.50 . Right now, contracts are $3.70, putting you at the money at $12.80. That’s less than a 5% drop from here, which is very reasonable.

Based on the fact that I expect continued trouble for BlackBerry and some seasonal softness in the market, it’s possible the stock could fall another 15% to 20% in a matter of months. Should the launch data be ugly, heck, we could get that in just a few sessions after the company reports earnings at the end of March.

And now, on to the inevitable angry comments below. Let me have it!

Related Reading

Jeff Reeves is the editor of InvestorPlace. com and the author of “The Frugal Investor’s Guide to Finding Great Stocks.” Write him at editor@investorplace. com or follow him on Twitter via @JeffReevesIP . As of this writing, he did not own a position in any of the stocks named here.

Editor’s note: A previous version of this story did not mention that Canaccord Genuity revised their Z10 forecast back up after the initial cut. Apologies for the error.

Editor, The Slant

Based on continued trouble for BlackBerry and its Z10 and Q10 launches coupled with seasonal softness in the market, it’s possible the stock could fall another 15% to 20% in a matter of months. Should the launch data be ugly, heck we could get that in just a few sessions after the company reports earnings at the end of March.

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BlackBerry Passport Review: Don't Believe The Haters

Remember when BlackBerry was one of the dominant forces in the mobile industry? It seems like such a long time ago now. Well despite doomsayers prophesising the death of the company for years it has managed to keep going regardless. And just as well too, because BlackBerry's efforts have produced some very interesting and compelling developments; the new BlackBerry OS, and an array of quirky devices which run it. Most bizarre, divisive and ultimately noteworthy amongst these being the BlackBerry Passport.

Possibly one of the oddest looking smartphones in recent history. But as Samsung will tell you of the reaction to its first Galaxy Note device, a skeptical press put off by novelty isn't necessarily a reflection of what the consumer will think. And you really do want to convince the people who vote with their wallets more than anything else.

BlackBerry has now released its first ever Android-powered smartphone. It’s called the BlackBerry PRIV and it is perhaps the most powerful handset BlackBerry has ever produced with specs and hardware that’d get even the most hardcore Android fan’s pulse racing. You’re looking at a gorgeously designed handset, complete with a large QHD panel and awesome 18MP camera. It runs near-stock Android software and ships with a bunch of bespoke BlackBerry applications. Check out our BlackBerry PRIV Review for the low-down on the handset and whether it was worth the wait.

The BlackBerry Passport doesn’t really need any introductions whatsoever –– it’s THAT square phone you’ve been hearing so much about in the run-up to its launch. But is the Passport any good? That depends. KYM has long been a fan of BB10 and what it stands for, but for the longest time we’ve also felt a little let down by the hardware it shipped inside. Can the BlackBerry Passport change this? We aim to find out.

BlackBerry Announces Passport Silver Edition: Up For UK Pre-Order Now

On August 4 2017, BlackBerry announced a new version of its Passport handset; the Passport Silver Edtion. Unsurprisingly, the key difference between the regular black edition and this new one is the silver colour used throughout its design. But this isn't just a colour choice, no, the bodywork is actually made from stainless steel. The spec line-up, however, remains the same as the existing model.

Pre-order details have now emerged for UK fans (it's already out in the US). The phone will be available towards the end of August, but retailer Clove has posted a pre-order price tag of £399 .

BlackBerry Passport Review: Design

If you want to get people talking, give them something interesting to talk about. And in a world of rectangular slabs dominated by two platforms, it’s good to see something a little more eccentric with regards to design. Yes, the iPhone 6 is gorgeous. And, yes, the LG G3 and HTC One M8 are beautifully designed smartphones with excellent operating systems, but variety (at least, outside the mobile space) is considered the spice of life, and for the longest time nothing of note has really happened in the arena of phone design.

They just seem to be getting bigger –– A LOT bigger. Hell, even Apple’s getting in on the act with the iPhone 6 Plus. which is now one of the largest handsets money can buy, save for the newly released Google Nexus 6. Beyond this trend, however, not much else has happened with respect to design; tech brands still worship the thinner, faster, lighter mantra. And that’s fine –– I like svelte, lightweight gizmos. And yet, at the same time, I still often find myself hoping for something truly leftfield from OEMs… it just never happens.

The BlackBerry Passport is big –– very BIG –– it’s square AND it has a physical keyboard, which also doubles as a trackpad for scrolling around menus, apps and webpages. And all of that has caused a lot of people to write the handset off as nothing more than a mobile version of a bearded lady, labelling it a freak that’s kind of interesting but hardly convenient in normal, everyday life. But here’s the thing: this sentiment couldn’t be further from the truth.

Measuring in at 128 x 90.3 x 9.3 mm, the BlackBerry Passport, like all good things, is more than a handful. You can’t really use it comfortably with one hand, but so what? I can’t use my Nexus 5 with one hand all that well. Ditto the iPhone 6 Plus. The Passport weighs in at 196g and is heavier than anything the company has ever produced. It is also more premium than anything BlackBerry has turned out in living memory, with a gorgeous metal frame, high-grade polycarbonate backing, pitch-perfect keyboard, and an ultra-high-resolution 4.5in display.

As I see it there are two talking points regarding the Passport’s design: it’s keyboard and the display. The former is a full QWERTY setup arranged over three rows with the space bar housed centrally on the bottom line of keys. BlackBerry says this is the best keyboard it has ever produced, and it really is –– it surpasses the Q10’s setup in everyway. And the main reason for this is because it is A LOT smarter. On top of that it is more fully integrated with BB10 and the overall experience of using the phone.

I’ll admit, ahead of using the BlackBerry Passport I had plenty of reservations about this device. The shape didn’t really appeal to me, and the idea of using a QWERTY keyboard, while always an interesting prospect, struck me as a bit antiquated. I really liked the BlackBerry Q10 and used it as my daily driver for a good six months, but in the end I still ended up going back to Android. The Passport is better than the Q10 because it takes the principles that made it great (an excellent QWERTY combined with a decent OS) and evolves it into a handset that feels like a proper, full-on 2017 flagship – something that can and will (in some instances) replace an iPhone or Android handset.

The design is definitely controversial and it certainly won’t suit all tastes. But that’s OK. If you want an iPhone, chances are you already own one. Ditto for Android. The Passport handles pretty much as you’d expect. It does feel incredibly wide compared to standard-issue handsets from LG, Google, HTC and Apple, and it does take some getting used to… but, AGAIN, so what? You could say the exact same thing about the original Samsung Galaxy Note or the iPhone 6 Plus for that matter.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is to say different folks find different things attractive (just look at Benedict Cumberbatch), so rather than taking my word for it –– even though I do like the way it looks, and find Mr Cumberbatch very handsome –– the best possible route for you, dear reader, is to ask yourself whether you could see yourself using a handset that looks like this? If your the gut answer is no, fine, move along. But if you’re intrigued by its odd proportions and find yourself musing about what it would feel like in your hand, or how its keys work in practice, then I’d advise you to go and check one out in a phone shop because there is a certain je nais sais quois about the Passport that I think A LOT of people will really enjoy.

Initial sales seemed to indicate this too –– BlackBerry confirmed it sold 200,000 units in the handset’s first two days on sale. The company has remained quiet on exact figures since then, but John Chen recently confirmed the company is experiencing shortages of the handset due to higher-than-expected demand.

Speaking to The Globe and Mail. Chen said: “I’m glad to have inventory issues. It shows that people want the phone. We took a very conservative approach and didn’t order too many.”

Incidentally, the Passport also sold on Amazon within hours of going on sale. Guess there is quite a bit of love out their for BlackBerry after all…

Red BlackBerry Passport Now AVAILABLE In UK

The BlackBerry Passport (in sexy red) is now available SIM-free in the UK from retailer Clove. The handset costs £525 with VAT and, as you can see in the image below, it really does look rather snazzy with its red QWERTY keyboard.

Clove sells all three versions of the Passport, so if red’s not your thing you can also get it in white and bog-standard black. Personally, we’re all about the red on –– it looks fantastic.

“The BlackBerry Passport introduces a great deal of innovation. Firstly you will notice the fact that the device has a square design. BlackBerry has designed the Passport to move away from the traditional dimensions associated with smartphones. They have done this to increase the width of the screen making it easier to read emails and view information,” reads Clove’s product description.

BlackBerry Passport Review: Display

The Passport’s display is a 4.5in 1440 x 1440 pixel IPS LCD setup and is the best display I’ve ever seen inside a BlackBerry handset – bar none. BlackBerry chose this resolution and aspect ratio (1:1) for a very specific reason: normal mobile phones display 40 characters across their screens, but with the Passport’s extra width you get 60 characters, which makes reading things like eBooks, webpages and - BlackBerry’s favourite - spreadsheets, A LOT easier. Or, if you prefer, better, by showing you more of what you’re looking at. Either way, it’s a good thing, as you can see below:

With regards to clarity and colour production, the HD-grade panel also delivers the goods. Colours look fantastic with excellent contrast and lots of detail. Text appears crisp and there’s no hint of pixilation anywhere, whether on the web, in an app, or when reading an eBook. Viewing angles are great too, and the Passport also performs well in direct sunlight –– unlike my current Nexus 5. But this was always going to be the case, as what you’re looking at is an HD IPS LCD panel.

The only real downside of this setup is to do with video, which is affected by boxing on account of the Passport’s 1:1 aspect ratio. This isn’t ideal by any stretch of the imagination and makes TV shows and Films a bit of a no-go on the Passport. Quick YouTube sessions are fine, but the Passport does lose out to other more traditional 16:9 aspect ratio handsets in this regard.

BlackBerry Passport Review: Hardware & Specs

Inside the Passport you’ll find Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 801 chipset running alongside 3GB of RAM and an Adreno 330 GPU. That’s a pretty ferocious setup even by Android standards and makes for one hell of an experience in the day to day. Even more so when you factor in that BlackBerry, like Apple, has complete control over the software and hardware inside its handsets, which always translates in to a smoother, more power-efficient experience for the end-user. And the Passport is no exception to this rule.

Back in the day a phone’s performance used to be a BIG talking point. Apple’s iPhone 4, with its seamless, judder-free scrolling, for instance, springs to mind. Nowadays though people take things like that for granted, and the real battles are fought and won on how a handset handles multi-tasking, how it manages power, and how its features (things like Apple Pay, for instance) benefit you, the end user. The Passport delivers solid performance across the board, and nothing you can throw it at will phase it. But this isn’t all that interesting because every modern flagship is the same in this regard, and the Passport, like the iPhone and LG G3, delivers solid, reliable performance across the board.

The Passport is the first instance where BlackBerry has released a handset that could give any iPhone or Android handset a run for its money in terms of gross hardware and specs, however, and that is pretty interesting in itself. What’s even more interesting is why BlackBerry ramped the specs and hardware up so high? Could it be because the company has some BIG plans relating to BB10 updates in the coming months?

BlackBerry Passport Review: BB10.3 Software

BlackBerry 10 is perhaps one of the most under-rated mobile platforms on the planet. A lot of this is to do with BlackBerry’s previous hardware (the Z10 and Q10 weren’t all that desirable), but most is to do with the fact that the vast majority of people these days go for either Android, meaning Samsung, or Apple’s iPhones. People do buy Windows Phone, sure. But when I say “most” I’m talking in a macro, hundreds-of-millions-type sense. And in this context there really is only Apple and Samsung, and this is a real shame because both Windows Phone and BB10 now have a lot to offer.

Since I last used BB10 –– around 12 months –– BlackBerry has pumped out a fair few updates. We’re now to BB10.3 and the UX, I’m pleased to report, is in much better shape with improved iconography, better multitasking, and new features like BlackBerry Assistant. BlackBerry says BB10 is all about getting stuff done and is designed, from the ground up, for professional users with professional needs. This means it does things like email very well. But so does iOS and Android, so this can hardly be considered a USP for BlackBerry alone. Where things start to differ is how you do email and the like on BB10. Take the BlackBerry Hub, for instance, which is essentially a place where all your IM, email, and social feeds live. It’s always a swipe away from anywhere in the BB10 UX, meaning quick, easy access to stuff like emails and notifications as soon as they happen.

Universal Search is now A LOT better too. Just start typing and BB10 will open up a search dialogue with everything related to your query that is on your phone –– contacts, emails, videos, notes, and pictures –– as well as links to things like BlackBerry World, Twitter, Google and Bing. Then there are things like Advanced Interaction, whereby the phone’s sensors can do wonderful stuff like switch profiles, to silent, for instance, when placed face down, as well as a built-in power management tool that relays information to you about what’s eating up all your juice at any given moment.

BlackBerry Blend lets you pick up texts and emails from your BlackBerry on a PC or Mac and, amazingly, it works over Wi-Fi, Mobile Data and via USB, meaning you can be on the other side of the world and, providing you BlackBerry is switched on, pick up emails and texts from your phone on a PC with Blend installed. Again, this is a HUGE feature – and one I missed out in the original review, so thanks to the guys in the comments for this one.

BlackBerry Assistant (BB10’s answer to Siri) is a digital personal assistant and, like Google Now and Siri, it opens up a myriad of hands-free interaction options. I don’t use these Assistant things all that much in my day-to-day, but while testing Assistant I found it to be just as good as Siri. It can set reminders, add appointments, reply to emails and texts, and read aloud emails if you’re driving, for instance. So if voice control is your thing, well, you’re good to go. But if like me you see these types of features as more latent-type-me-too things, you’ll probably forget all about it after using it once.

Another new feature inside BB10.3 is Endless Folders, whereby you can simply chuck hundreds of pointless applications –– i. e. the majority of the stock BlackBerry ones, which cannot be deleted –– inside and never have to look or think about them again. You can also merge two folders into one, although you cannot yet have folders within folders. But the big take-home feature for me as a returning BB10 user is the aesthetic changes, because previously BB10 looked a bit clunky and rough around the edges when compared to its peers. Nowadays, though, it is a gorgeous little setup, packed full of useful features. In fact there’s a bit TOO much to go into here so for the sake of brevity I decided to do a separate piece on BB10.3, which we’ll be uploading next week.

But before we move on there are a few points I’d like to make regarding BlackBerry 10’s application situation. The first is Amazon Apps, which is now available on the platform, giving you access to tens of thousands of Android applications usually reserved for Kindle-only products like the Fire HDX. This is a HUGE boon for BlackBerry users and a great score for BlackBerry too, as it goes a long way to remedying the still grossly under-stocked BlackBerry World. Amazon’s App Store isn’t perfect by any stretch and still lacks many applications you’ll find inside Apple’s App Store, Google Play and, in some instances, BlackBerry World. It’s not a saving grace, but it represents progress towards a goal and that is what BB10.3 is all about.

The second is to do with porting Android applications over onto your device using. BAR files. Previously, this feature was bloody amazing inside BB10, because if you couldn't find what you were looking for inside BlackBerry World or Amazon Apps –– say, Google Chrome, for instance –– you still had plenty of options. All you had to do was Google, “Chrome. BAR file” and you’ll be pointed towards an absolute plethora of websites and resources that’ll help you install Android applications directly to your BlackBerry Passport.

With BlackBerry 10.3, however, it is EVEN easier because all the. BAR converting is done on device, saving you oodles of time. This is a brand new feature of BB10.3 and one I sadly neglected to mention first time around –– as noted above, there are A LOT of new features inside this update. But the long and short of this new ability is this –– access to Google Play. I know, amazing! All you need to do is download SNAP and you’re away. That’s it. Simple –– and it also pretty much solves the whole app-gap problem, too.

If you’re new to BlackBerry 10.3 and BlackBerry in general, you might want to check out our piece on BlackBerry 10.3 Tips and Tricks. In it you’ll find tons of information about handy information about keyboard shortcuts, advanced UX settings, how to setup and use BlackBerry Blend, how to install Android applications, best practices for Active Frames, setting up lockscreen notifications and a whole load of other stuff too. Also, we’re adding new bits and bobs to it all the time, so if you pop back regularly you’re likely to find something new.

BlackBerry 10.3.1 Update Lands With Features A’Plenty

BB10.3.1 is here and it brings with it quite a few updates, including changes to the look and feel of BB10 as well as dual-app stores, meaning easy access to literally thousands of applications. BlackBerry 10 OS 10.3.1 offers a fresh look that incorporates updated icons and an instant action bar so that each user's most commonly accessed functions are in the centre of their screen. With this operating system update, users gain access to powerful features, including:

BlackBerry Blend - BlackBerry Blend brings messaging and content that is on your BlackBerry smartphone to your computer and tablet. Get instant message notifications, read and respond to your work and personal email, BBM™ and text messages, and access your documents, calendar, contacts and media in real time on whatever device you are on, powered by your BlackBerry. BlackBerry Blend works across multiple operating systems including Mac, Windows, iOS and Android.

Dual app storefronts, offering hundreds of thousands of apps: BlackBerry World - BlackBerry World showcases essential business and productivity apps for professionals looking to drive efficient communications and collaboration. Amazon Appstore - The Amazon Appstore is the place to download popular Android apps and games including favourites like Candy Crush Saga, Pinterest, Kindle and Cut the Rope 2.

BlackBerry Assistant - The BlackBerry Assistant is BlackBerry's first digital assistant and can be used with voice and text commands to help users manage work and personal email, contacts, calendar and other native BlackBerry 10 applications. It's the only smartphone assistant on the market today that can access both personal and work content in your work perimeter. BlackBerry Assistant intelligently determines how to respond to you based on how you interact with it - if you type, it responds silently, if you speak, it speaks back and if you activate over Bluetooth, it speaks back with additional context because it assumes you might not have access to the screen.

BlackBerry Hub with Instant Actions - The one place to manage all your conversations - email, texts, BBM, phone calls, social media and more - just got better. The new instant actions feature allows you to quickly organise and action your inbox without having to go into each individual message or calendar invite. Toggle the read status and file, flag or delete an email message with a single tap. When you're composing an email, you can now transfer the conversation to a voice call, SMS or meeting invite.

Time Saving Keyboard Shortcuts - Keyboard shortcuts are back for BlackBerry 10 smartphones with a physical QWERTY keyboard including the BlackBerry Q5, Q10, Passport and the Porsche Design P'9983 smartphone from BlackBerry. As you once could on your beloved BlackBerry Bold and as you can on the recently launched BlackBerry Classic, you can now make use of nearly every letter in the physical keyboard and give it an action like Speed Dial for a contact, or use them to launch your most-used apps. For example, from the Hub press "T" to get to the top of your inbox or "B" to get to the bottom to make short work of getting through your messages.

More Battery Power - You can now boost your battery life by up to 15 percent by customising your Power Saving Profile. Quickly select the applications and functions you would like to restrict or remain active to conserve power.

New Camera Functions - The upgraded camera software automatically recommends modes and settings, including HDR when sharp contrast is detected and an enhanced Time Shift mode when faces are detected. Now you have the option to store your Time Shift captures and edit them into the perfect photo whenever you want. Get the whole picture by capturing a panorama. Our new camera also brings your most common modes and actions to the forefront - you'll never need to switch between your camera and video recorder again. You can even record video and take pictures at the same time.

More Ways to Edit, Create, Sort and Listen to Media - Enjoy your media the way it was meant to sound, with 17 preset equaliser options for both music and video. With 10.3.1, you now have the ability to "Favourite" songs, photos or videos so they are always at your fingertips. With the new slow motion video edit feature and built in Story Maker, it's never been easier to master your media and share it with the world. A Calendar that Works for You - The new Meeting Mode option will automatically set your phone to quiet mode for the duration of your meeting, and then turn notifications back on when it's over. Plus, a new weekly agenda view allows you to see your events and tasks for the selected week or month.

BBM Meetings - BBM Meetings offers business users a new way to work smarter and be more productive from any Android, iPhone, BlackBerry 10 smartphone or Windows PC or Mac. It combines a mobile-optimized user experience that allows on-the-go professionals to schedule, host and participate in meetings anywhere you have an internet connection. All at a fraction of the cost of other leading collaboration solutions.

BlackBerry Web Browsers

Today it's hard to think about a smartphone without Internet access and BlackBerry devices are no exception. It's necessary to have a reliable web browser to feel the real excitement of the Internet. That's why you need a good BlackBerry web browser for your smartphone. There are several competitors for the top spot of the BlackBerry web browser world. However, options are limited for BlackBerry users when it comes to web browsers.

Opera Mini

Opera Mini is the top selection for those who are looking for a BlackBerry Internet browser. The most important aspects of a mobile web browser are its speed and performance. In this sense Opera Mini and Bolt are the fastest browsers among BlackBerry browsers, while Bolt is just ahead of Opera Mini. The user interface is straightforward and switching between web pages is very easy. The system works very smoothly.

Its sophisticated URL auto completion makes it a lot easier to enter web addresses. Users can comfortably read even large web pages with text wrapping. Another important feature is Opera's on screen keyboard. You can type information without leaving the webpage you are viewing.

Opera Mini has been designed for the best user experience and faster performance. If that's what you need, get it for your BlackBerry. It’s not a surprise to see that it has been selected as the best web browser for BlackBerry by many.

Bolt Browser

BOLT is a free mobile browser that offers an extremely fast browsing performance for almost any mobile phone. In terms of raw speed, BOLT is slightly faster than Opera Mini. It offers PC-style web pages instead of offering simplified versions of a webpage. That's why it is an exciting experience to browse web pages with Bolt browser.

Bolt is a result of more than five years of mobile experience. It has been designed for optimum usability, and best performance while consuming a minimum amount of memory and processing power. However, its interface is lacking some important features. Also it doesn't offer smooth zooming in and out of pages. Anyway if you have no interest in Opera Mini, definitely go for Bolt. It deserves the second place just behind Opera Mini.

BlackBerry Browser

The default BlackBerry Browser has often been criticized for its slow browsing speed and lack of aesthetics. Opera Mini and Bolt offer more than twice the browsing speed when compared with BlackBerry Browser. Compared to BlackBerry's email strength, its browser is just like a mobile browser, rather than a browser for a smartphone. It delivers a poor browsing experience, unlike the other best BlackBerry web browsers on this list. It is still considered as a moderate browser by many.

UC Browser

UC Browser is another BlackBerry supported browser that serves over 60 million people in more than 145 countries. Using this browser you can receive and manage your email accounts very easily. Its English version will be released very soon and the current version is available in Chinese. You also can surf the Internet with limited functionality. This is a lightweight and free BlackBerry browser for your smartphone.

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Manipulation is intentional conduct designed to deceive investors by controlling or artificially affecting the market for a security. Manipulation can involve a number of techniques to affect the supply of, or demand for, a stock. They include: spreading false or misleading information about a company; improperly limiting the number of publicly-available shares; or rigging quotes, prices or trades to create a false or deceptive picture of the demand for a security. Those who engage in manipulation are subject to various civil and criminal sanctions.

BlackBerry Classic

40 keys to success

It takes more than fast thumbs and a stone cold focus to stay on top of your inbox and the day’s priorities. You need navigation keys that do more than вЂ˜go home’, and a physical keyboard that has no rival. Navigate with confidence using the optical track pad, menu and back keys, or answer, start and end phone calls with the dedicated phone keys.

It’s about having a real, proper, don’t-mess-with-me keyboard. It’s great, like really great

Fast and beautiful web browsing

The industry-recognized BlackBerry 10 browser is amazingly fast and beautiful. Access your favourite online content and services as they were meant to be seen, faster than ever before and with unlimited browser tabs. Spend less time waiting, and more time doing.

Built for ultimate reliability and durability

From the protective outer frame, machined from a solid block of stainless steel, to the ultra-durable CorningВ® GorillaВ® Glass screen, the BlackBerry Classic has been designed with high-quality materials and finishes to provide optimal grip and better protection from impact.

Please select a specification.

В Stainless steel outer frame

Please select a specification.

Corning Gorilla Glass screen

This is a phone that feels fabulously solid in the hand

What's the big difference?

See how the BlackBerry Classic compares to your BlackBerryВ® Boldв„ў 9900.

Get the performance-driven results of BlackBerry 10.

The new BlackBerry 10 OS is built to fully utilize multiple processor cores, enabling more speed and power than previous generations of BlackBerry OS ever could.

Browse 3X faster

The new BlackBerry 10 web browser is amazingly fast and astoundingly beautiful. That’s why HTML5TEST. com has rated it amongst the top mobile browsers for web fidelity for 2 years in a row.

50% more battery life

With a larger battery capacity and state of the art battery optimization software, BlackBerry Classic perseveres up to 50% longer than the BlackBerry Bold 9900.

More screen, more megapixels

With a square 3.5” touch screen, BlackBerry Classic offers nearly 60% more screen space than the BlackBerry Bold 9900.

It also features an 8MP rear - and 2MP front-facing camera, with enhanced optics, all new creative shooting features like Time Shift mode, HDR, and intelligent scene detection.

Android and BlackBerry apps

On BlackBerry 10, you can get the very best business and productivity apps through BlackBerry® World® and the latest Android™ apps and games through the Amazon Appstore. Whether it’s for work or for play, you’ll find just the apps for you.

More storage

With support for expandable microSD storage, the BlackBerry Classic boasts one of the largest storage capacities on the market with up to 144 GB. This is 104GB more than the maximum capacity of the BlackBerry Bold 9900, and with double the system memory, you have the flexibility to download, install, and capture as the job demands.

End of Carousel

The BlackBerry Classic. represents a definite upgrade over the Bold. [It features an] excellent keyboard [with a] sturdy feel, [and] robust security, [and has an] appealing and familiar design for BlackBerry diehards.

BlackBerry Classic

Familiar Design, Faster Results

BlackBerry Classic

Your Power, Upgraded

What is Classic?

BlackBerry Classic Mosaic

Thank You Team BlackBerry

End of Carousel

Available in these colours

Choose a colour:

Feature Highlights

BlackBerry 10 OS

The BlackBerry Classic is built on BlackBerry® 10 OS, with features that are designed to keep you productive and on top of what’s important.

When you purchase your BlackBerry Classic, you will be prompted to upgrade your OS to the latest version during the activation process.

All your messages in one place

BlackBerry® Hub is the one place to manage all your conversations – email, text, BBM®, phone calls, social media and more. Plus, it will get to know you and how you use your smartphone, curating a view of the most important messages and notifications.

A battery that powers through

The BlackBerry Classic contains a sizeable 2515 mAh battery and state of the art power optimization software, delivering the best possible battery performance. With up to a 22 hours of battery power 1. you can be confident that your BlackBerry Classic will be ready to deliver results when you need it to.

[The Classic] has enough power to get you through a day or two of intense work


BB Biotech AG is a closed-end investment fund that engages in investing in the companies, which are operating in the field biotechnology with the aim to increase the company's assets. Its investments are focused on the listed companies that are developing and commercializing the medical treatments and cures. BB Biotech was founded on November 9, 1993 and is headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

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03/16/2017 03/16/2017 07:00:00 PM UTC-0400

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03/14/2017 03/14/2017 07:00:00 PM UTC-0400

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Why are Canadians subsidizing executive stock options?

If you’re a top executive at a major corporation, no need to read further; you’ll know all this.

But if you’re an ordinary person, you may not. You’ve probably heard of “executive stock options” ‗ a perk that allows corporate executives a special deal on purchasing the company’s stocks.

And you may suspect that these stock options are connected to the rampant greed and corruption that have plagued the corporate world in recent years. If so, you’d be right.

Even leading business thinkers agree.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, the renowned business scholar at McGill University Henry Mintzberg argued that executive stock options “represent the most prominent form of legal corruption that has been undermining our large corporations and bringing down the global economy.”

Canada compounds the problem by adding a special tax break that makes executive stock options even more lucrative ‗ and costly to the Canadian treasury.

So when Opposition leader Tom Mulcair announced earlier this year that an NDP government would scrap the tax break entirely, nobody rushed to its defence. It turns out that this tax break ‗ so beloved by the business set which lobbied heavily for it ‗ is barely able to round up a friend outside the boardroom.

Mulcair promised to direct the revenue savings ‗ possibly hundreds of millions of dollars a year ‗ to the poor.

Even among tax breaks, the one for executive stock options is particularly outrageous. Yet, as pre-election controversy swirls around income-splitting and Stephen Harper’s other tax breaks favouring high-income earners, this ‗ the gorilla of all tax breaks ‗ remains largely out of sight.

It’s hard to think of another tax break that benefits so few people so much ‗ and for no good reason.

For instance, 75 of Canada’s 100 top-paid CEOs held executive stock options in 2017. Economist Hugh Mackenzie has shown that the total value of their tax savings amounts to $495 million, or an average tax saving of $6.6 million each.

In other words, Canadians are providing a tax subsidy worth almost half a billion dollars ‗ to just 75 individuals, who are already very rich.

Executive stock options allow companies to reward their senior managers by letting them buy company stock at a point in the future ‗ at today’s price.

So, if the stock is worth $10 a share today, the executive can exercise her option in the future, paying only $10 a share for stocks that have risen to $15, $20 or even $50 a share ‗ a fantastic deal.

And in Canada this windfall is only taxed at half the rate of regular income. (The U. S. offers no tax break for executive stock options.)

There’s no risk for the executive; if the stock falls in value, she’s under no obligation to exercise her option.

This makes the option like “getting to bet on a horse race after the race has been run,” notes Calvin Johnson. a tax professor at the University of Texas Law School.

The option also creates perverse incentives, encouraging executives to try to artificially push up the company’s stock price in the short-term so they can cash in. This entices them to take risks with the company’s assets, use accounting trickery and otherwise behave in ways that are at cross-purposes with the best long-term interests of the company, its shareholders and its workers.

Johnson says stock options encourage executives “to undertake risks that are suicidal for the company as a whole.”

Among the accounting trickery is the practice of “back-dating” the option to when the stock was particularly low in value, allowing executives to score especially big gains. Earlier this month, Penn West Petroleum, a Canadian oil and gas company, acknowledged backdating options in a case currently before the courts.

Stock options figured prominently in the enormous windfall scored by the once-celebrated former Nortel CEO John Roth.

Roth, who scolded Canada for not offering bigger tax rewards for corporate superstars like himself, cashed in his stock options in 2000 for a personal gain of $135 million ‗ all taxed at the special low rate ‗ shortly before the company’s spectacular collapse left investors with heavy losses and thousands of Nortel employees out of work.

Given their tendency to encourage perverse behaviour while enriching the very rich, it’s time we stopped subsidizing executive stock options through the tax system. The overindulged corporate set surely doesn’t need additional financial help out of the pockets of ordinary, hard-working Canadians.

Author and journalist Linda McQuaig is the NDP candidate in Toronto Centre for the 2017 federal election. Neil Brooks is professor emeritus of tax law and policy at Osgoode Hall Law School. They co-authored The Trouble with Billionaires .

Buying Stock without a Broker

By Joshua Kennon. Investing for Beginners Expert

Thanks to his straight-forward approach and ability to simplify complex topics, Joshua Kennon's series of lessons on financial statement analysis have been used by managers, investors, colleges and universities throughout the world. "If an investment idea takes more than a few sentences, or cannot be explained to a reasonably intelligent fourth grader, you've moved into speculation," Joshua insists. "Whether you're dealing with a public company such as McDonald's, or a private company such as Chanel, these are the types of firms that are easy to understand. You know where the sales originate, what the costs are, and how profits are generated. These are the types of enterprises that aren't going to cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, breaking into a cold sweat because of the sub-prime crisis or esoteric securities trading in illiquid markets. That's a huge advantage to growing your wealth. Focus on what you know, pay a fair price, and invest for the long-term.

Updated December 16, 2017.

There is no question that most popular way to buy and sell investments is by opening a brokerage account. though it is not necessary if you want to begin investing. In fact, many new investors aren't aware of the alternative ways to invest in stocks or mutual funds. Although working with a qualified broker definitely has advantages, it may be better, in some cases, to purchase your holdings directly.

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1. Invest Through the Company's Direct Stock Purchase Plan

A number of companies, such as Walt Disney, offer direct stock purchase plans. These plans allow investors to buy shares of stock directly from the corporation. Most have a minimum initial deposit but are happy to waive it if you agree to automatic monthly withdrawals from your checking or savings account. This way, the company automatically purchases stock for you by debiting your bank account on a predetermined schedule. This can be an easy and relatively painless way to save .

2. Take Advantage of the DRIP Program's Cash Investment Option

DRIPs are a great tool for growing your portfolio but they also have a hidden feature that most people don't know about; the cash investments option. Most plans allow you to send a check in any amount over $10 or $25 to the program administrator and they will purchase additional shares for you. The big benefit here is the fact that the investor is allowed to purchase fractional shares, allowing all of his or her money to begin building wealth. The catch? You have to own one share of the company before you can enroll.

Continue Reading Below

To search for DRIPs, a good resource is the largest provider in the industry, Computershare. Alternatively, you can search the investor relations website of the business in which you want to buy an ownership stake.

3. Buy a Single Share of Stock Through a Specialized Service

Companies such as One Share allow you to buy a single, framed share of stock in many leading corporations. While this may seem like a novelty gift, it provides the needed requisite to enroll in a DRIP. Once the share is in your possession, the enrollment paperwork takes only a few minutes. After you're enrolled, you can start building positions in your favorite stocks while avoiding those pesky brokerage commissions .

Dividend Reinvestment Programs, or DRIPs, Could Be Your Portfolio's Best Friend

Sphero BB-8™ the App-Enabled Droid

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How to block incoming messages on a BlackBerry smartphone

A really nifty feature built into BlackBerry® smartphones is the ability to block specific types of incoming messages using a firewall. This feature will allow you block text messages and PIN messages – as well as personal or enterprise email messages – from arriving on your BlackBerry smartphone.

Here’s an overview of how to set up the firewall, as well as how to allow specific contacts to your allowed senders list so they can still contact you. You also have the ability to allow anyone in your BlackBerry smartphone address book to still contact you if desired. Keep in mind, using this feature may cause you to miss messages from friends whom you haven’t blocked, but haven’t explicitly allowed either.

Before we begin, if your BlackBerry smartphone uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, you might not be able to block or unblock PIN messages from contacts within your organization, from contacts outside of your organization, or both. For more information on these settings, contact your BlackBerry administrator.

Enabling the Firewall

On the Home screen or in a folder, click the “Options” icon.

Select “Security” followed by “Firewall”.

Select the checkbox beside one or more message types.

Press the Menu key and select “Save”.

Note: If you use the firewall on your BlackBerry smartphone, blocked messages might still contribute to data usage in your wireless service plan. You can stop email messages from being forwarded to your smartphone without contributing to data usage by turning off email message forwarding or by using email message filters. To learn how to do this, check out the user guide for your BlackBerry smartphone .

Allow messages from contacts in your address book

This setting allows you to block all messages except for messages received from contacts contained in your BlackBerry Address Book. If you use this feature, ensure the contacts in your address book are up to date, because if a friend’s email address isn’t listed in their Address Book entry, any messages they send you from that email address will be blocked.

Select “Options” from the Home screen.

Select “Security” followed by ”Firewall”.

In the General section, if the Enable check box is not selected, select it.

Select the Contacts check box.

Press the Menu key and select “Save”.

Add a contact to your allowed sender list

To add someone to your allowed sender list who isn’t in your address book, or you do not want to use the ‘All messages from contacts in your address book’ feature, complete the following steps to allow incoming messages from a specific email address, phone number or PIN.

Select “Options” from the Home screen.

Select “Security” followed by “Firewall”.

In the General section, if the Enable check box is not selected, select it.

In the Block Incoming Messages section, select one or more message types.

In the Exceptions section, select the Specific Addresses, Phone Numbers, or PINs check box.

Click “Add”.

Press the Menu key

Click one of the following menu items:

Add Email Address

Add Phone Number


In the Enter new exception dialog box, type the contact information.

Press the Enter key.

Press the Menu key and select “Save”.

Reset a blocked message counter

If you block messages, the blocked message counter tracks how many messages your BlackBerry smartphone has blocked. You can reset the blocked message counter using the following steps:

Select “Options” from the Home screen.

Select “Security” followed by “Firewall”.

Highlight a message type, press the Menu key and select Reset Count or Reset All Counts.

Got a question about this feature? Leave a comment and let me know as I’d love to hear from you!

About Ty Williams

Edelbrock Performer RPM Series Manifolds For B/B Chevy

CARB RECOMMENDATIONS: Edelbrock Thunder Series AVS or Performer Series (650-800 cfm) Carburetor. Use bracket #8031 for 1972-78.

INSTALLATION NOTE: Recommended intake gasket: Edelbrock #7203. Manifold height: A-4.45", B-6.0"; Carb pad height: 5.22". Port exit dimensions: 1.60"w x 1.94"t. Will not fit under stock hood of Corvette, 1964-67 Chevelle, or 1967-81 Camaro. For the heights of all Edelbrock manifolds, please visit the the Manifold Reference Dimensions page.

CHEVROLET 396-502 V8 PERFORMER RPM 2-R (1500-6500 RPM) Designed for street 396-502 c. i.d. Chevrolet V8's with high-performance rectangular-port cylinder heads, this dual-plane high-rise manifold offers maximum horsepower with a broad torque curve. No provisions for exhaust heated chokes. Accepts late-model waterneck, air-conditioning, alternator and HEI equipment.

CARB RECOMMENDATIONS: Edelbrock Thunder Series AVS or Performer Series (650-800 cfm) Carburetor. Use bracket #8031 for 1972-78.

INSTALLATION NOTE: Recommended intake gasket: Edelbrock #7202. Manifold height: A-4.45", B-6.0" (.25" taller than stock high-rise aluminum manifold); Carb pad height: 5.22". Port exit dimensions: 1.56"w x 2.24"t. Will not fit under stock hood of Corvette, 1964-67 Chevelle or 1967-81 Camaro. For the heights of all Edelbrock manifolds, please visit the the Manifold Reference Dimensions page.

CHEVROLET 396-502 V8 PERFORMER RPM Q-JET (1500-6500 RPM) Designed for spread-bore carbs but also works with Edelbrock square-bore carbs without adapter on street 396-502 c. i.d. Chevy V8's with large oval-port (1975 and earlier) heads. No provisions for hot air style chokes. Accepts divorced choke, late-model waterneck, air-conditioning, alternator and HEI equipment.




Zecco Review

Please note: Zecco officially merged with TradeKing in 2012. The two brokers continue to remain independent while the sites, clients, services, etc. are being merged. See our sneak peek of the new platform.

Zecco is an online broker that offers free stock trades to its client base of over 400,000 investors. Known for being a discount broker, Zecco also provides low cost options trades and Forex trading for its customers. Through its free ZeccoShare community they allow their members to share online trades and investment ideas with other traders.

Reviewed by Blain Reinkensmeyer

Blain has been involved in the markets for over 13 years, heading StockBrokers. com equity broker research and reviews. His personal blog, StockTrader. com, provides to-the-point daily market recaps to over 17,000 subscribers.

Zecco Ratings

* - Zecco did not to participate in the 2017 Online Broker Review. As a result, there are no current ratings to display.

Broker vs Broker

Todos los datos de precios se obtuvieron de un sitio web publicado el 2/16/2017 y se cree que es correcta, pero no está garantizada. The StockBrokers. com staff is constantly working with its online broker representatives to obtain the latest pricing data. If you believe any data listed above is inaccurate, please contact us using the link at the top of this page. For stock trade rates, advertised pricing is for a standard order size of 500 shares of stock priced at $30 per share. For options orders, an options regulatory fee per contract may apply.

Race-Rite® Big Block Series/26°

Finally, the most user-friendly big block head on the market has been developed. BRODIX is now manufacturing a cylinder head that bolts directly in place of stock cast iron heads allowing reuse of the intake manifold and pistons. The most important improvement is that the exhaust ports are in the stock location eliminating header or manifold interference. The Race-Rite® rectangular or oval port is the answer for more horsepower, a hassle-free installation, and a great-looking engine compartment.

RR BB-O Exhuast

Picture 1 of 11

Flow Chart cfm @ 28″ H20

RR BB-R (CNC Combustion Chambers)

RR BB-O (CNC Combustion Chambers)

BP RR BB-2 PLUS (CNC Combustion Chambers)

RR BB-2 X (CNC Combustion Chambers)

BP RR BB-2 XTRA (CNC Ported)

Package Heads

• PS CB: Valve Bowls Blended • PS MI: Match Intake Port to FP 1211 (RR BB-R) Match Intake Port to FP 1210 (RR BB-O) Match Intake Port to BRODIX MG 2001 (RR BB-2 PLUS, BP RR BB-2 PLUS, RR BB-2X, RR BB-2 XTRA, BP RR BB-2 XTRA) • PS Valve Job: Competition Valve Job • Intake Valves: 2.250 x 5.218 o. a.l. & # 8211; BR 81040 (RR BB-R, RR BB-O, RR BB-2 PLUS, BP RR BB-2 PLUS) 2.190 x 5.230 o. a.l. & # 8211; BR 70019 (RR BB-O) 2.300 x 5.468 o. a.l. & # 8211; BR 81241 (RR BB-2X, RR BB-2 XTRA, BP RR BB-2 XTRA) • Exhaust Valves: 1.880 x 5.394 o. a.l. & # 8211; BR 81038 • Valve Springs: 1.550 Hydraulic Roller Valve Spring – BT 120121, 150 lb Closed, 365 lb Open, 1.950 Installed Height, .600 Maximum Lift 1.550 Roller Valve Spring – GA 1000, 240 lb Closed, 550 lb Open, 1.950 Installed Height, .700 Maximum Lift 1.640 Roller Valve Spring – MA 221424, 250 lb Closed, 745 lb Open, 2.050 Installed Height, .800 Maximum Lift (Spring Upgrade) • Retainers: 1.550 10° Steel – CC 752 1.625 10° Titanium – MA 23640 • Valve Locks: 10° Jumbo – CC 611 • Rocker Studs: 7/16 – BR 716L, AR RRS-4I • Guide Plates: 3/8 – CC 4806 • Valve Seals: 11/32 – US VS529V

Facts and Related Components

• Torque Heads: 70 ft-lb • Torque Rocker Studs: 40-45 ft-lb • Intake Gaskets: FEL-PRO 1211 (RR BB-R) FEL-PRO 1210, COMETIC C5430 (RR BB-O) BRODIX MG 2001, COMETIC C5428, FEL-PRO 1252-3 (RR BB-2 PLUS, BP RR BB-2 PLUS, RR BB-2X, RR BB-2 XTRA, BP RR BB-2 XTRA) • Head Gaskets: 4.310 – FEL-PRO 1027, COMETIC C5432 4.540 – FEL-PRO 1017, COMETIC C5433 • Exhaust Gaskets: FEL-PRO 1411, COMETIC C5429 • Head Bolts: ARP 135-3601 • Head Studs: ARP 135-4001 (6 pt) • Accessory Bolt Holes Are Drilled • Spark Plug Starting Points: CHAMPION RN12YC for Pump Gas NGK R5671A-8 for Racing Gas • Spring Pockets: May be Step Cut to 1.625 – Call for Details • Valve Angle: 26° and 4° Intake, 17° and 4° Exhaust • Angle Milling: .0066 in Per cc • Flat Milling: .0050 in Per cc • Angle Machining: Available Upon Request • Dowel Shift: Not Available • Pushrod Slots: Standard • Stud Girdle: Standard, BRODIX 1230 • Rocker Arms: Standard • Lifters: Standard • Pistons: Standard • Pushrods: Check Pushrod Clearance with Head Installed on the Engine Block Before Final Assembly. • Intake Manifold HV 2000 / HV 2001 / HV 2017 ( RR BB-R, RR BB-2 PLUS, BP RR BB-2 PLUS, RR BB-2X, RR BB-2 XTRA, BP RR BB-2 XTRA) EDELBROCK #7561 / HV 2007 / HV 2008 / HV 2017 (RR BB-O)

Basic Easy Order Numbers

This is a "how to" for upgrading your OS using Sachesi tool. If you are wanting to update your device OS but your carrier hasn't yet released the update for your device there are a couple of options. You can use an autoloader that wipes all data and reloads the OS to your device fresh. With this method you need to restore your backup or start over fresh. The easier method is to manually install the update files. This method can be used if the OS has been released by another carrier. Since the OS's are not written for specific carriers, an OS from any carrier for a given model can be used. Here's how to do it. Don't worry, it looks harder than it really is.

This method installs all of the the updated OS files over the top of the old OS, leaving all your data and settings in tact. There is no need to restore a backup file when it's done.

Caution: Before starting, I recommend making a backup of the device just in case anything goes wrong. Follow the instructions in KB33526 to make a backup of your device. You won't need it but better safe than sorry should anything go wrong.

1. Download Sachesi. This is the small PC app that you will use to download the update files and then install to the device. Save it to a folder somewhere you can easily find (desktop usually works good.) Your browser may automatically put it wherever your default download location is. It will go where any other download goes.

If the current version of Sachesi (v1.2.3) gives problems or errors in Windows you can download an earlier version (v1.2.1) here.

2. If you don't already know it, determine your BB device model by going to Settings >About >General. Scroll down to Model number. Make a note of the model number. (i. e. STL100-3, STA100-4, etc.)

3. Connect your device and double-click on Sachesi. exe. It will open to the "Search" tab. In the search tab you will need to enter the country, carrier, device, and variant codes to get the proper download. If your device is connected you should also see your device model show as connected. Enter the following based on your device model:

The list below is currently for OS ( .) I will attempt to keep the thread up to date with new country and carrier codes for future OS versions.

If your device is a Z10 STL100-1 use:

If your device is a Z10 STL100-2, -3, or -4 use:

If your device is a Z30 (All variants) use:

If your device is a Q5/Q10 (All variants) use:

If your device is a Z3 (All models) use:

4. Once you enter the data for your device model you will see a box open up that says "Update available!" Click the "Download All" button. Sachesi will download all the bar files for the update and place them in a folder named " ." (Remember: the model and/or variant you enter to get the update may not match your device exactly but if you follow the list above you'll get the right OS for your model as certain OS's are interchangeable between devices)

5. When it's done downloading all 154 files make sure your device is plugged in with the USB cable. On the "Search" tab screen you should see your device connected.

6. Once connected click the "Install" tab. (if your device requires a password enter it here.)

7. Drag the entire OS folder labeled and drop it into the box. The update will start immediately when you drop it so be ready.

That's it! The update will take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours depending on how many files are updated in the new OS. The process can sometimes appear to stall but just let it go and don't interrupt it. You should see a progress bar on the screen of the device, and Sachesi will show you it's progress, as well.

When it's done it will reboot. It will take longer than normal to reboot so keep the device plugged in or you can disconnect from the computer and plug into a regular charger. Once booted up, the device will be a bit laggy for an hour or so as everything syncs. You may want to keep it plugged into the charger while this goes on as the syncing is battery intensive.

JC Tip: If you don't have it already be sure to load the app called Snap for installing Android applications directly to your device. One of the new features of OS 10.2.1 is the ability to directly install Android apps. You simply download the Snap bar file and drag and drop it into the Sachesi Install box as you did above to install it to the device. Detailed instructions for installing Snap can be found here.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30

gibsoje74 wrote: Yeah, I went ahead and reloaded my carriers OS back on my phone. The Q10 update was more worse than the leak to me. Menus would freeze up and not respond to my tft, my contacts were all screwed up, I missed calls and weren't notified til after the call was made and voicemail had appeared. Just nothing worked. At least with the 1055 leak, only prob I had was after a while my phone would not play any form of sound unless restarted. I done waited this long. I think I can keep waiting. I hope when my carrier release their OTA that it works better than my experience with these leaks/updates.

I have this same OS on my Q10 and haven't experienced any issues. It is the best OS released to date. Waiting for your carrier isn't going to change anything. Something f else must have been going on.

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30

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News Releases

BB&T announces 12.5-percent common stock dividend increase

Board authorizes stock repurchase plan of up to $820 million

WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. April 28, 2017 /PRNewswire / -- The board of directors of BB&T Corporation (NYSE: BBT) today declared a quarterly common stock dividend increase of $0.03 to $0.27 per share payable June 1, 2017. to shareholders of record at the close of business May 15, 2017. The increase is consistent with BB&T's capital plan the Federal Reserve did not object to on March 11, 2017 .

In addition, the board authorized a cumulative share buyback of up to $820 million beginning in the third quarter of 2017.

"We're very pleased to be able to announce this common stock dividend increase and reward our shareholders for their support and commitment," said Chairman and CEO Kelly S. King. "The dividend increase and stock buyback is continued evidence of BB&T's strength and demonstrates our commitment to our shareholders."

The board also declared the following regular quarterly preferred dividends payable June 1, 2017. to shareholders of record at the close of business May 15, 2017.

A dividend of $365.625 per share (equivalent to $0.365625 per depositary share or 1/1,000 th interest per share) on BB&T's Series D Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (NYSE: BBT PrD)

A dividend of $351.5625 per share (equivalent to $0.3515625 per depositary share or 1/1,000 th interest per share) on BB&T's Series E Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (NYSE: BBT PrE)

A dividend of $325.000 per share (equivalent to $0.325000 per depositary share or 1/1,000 th interest per share) on BB&T's Series F Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (NYSE: BBT PrF)

A dividend of $325.000 per share (equivalent to $0.325000 per depositary share or 1/1,000 th interest per share) on BB&T's Series G Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (NYSE: BBT PrG)

BB&T has approximately 723 million shares of common stock, 23 million depositary shares related to its Series D Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, 46 million depositary shares related to its Series E Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, 18 million depositary shares related to its Series F Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock and 20 million depositary shares related to its Series G Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock.

BB&T has paid a cash dividend to shareholders of its common stock every year since 1903.

About BB&T BB&T is one of the largest financial services holding companies in the U. S. with $189.2 billion in assets and market capitalization of $28.2 billion. as of March 31, 2017. Based in Winston-Salem, N. C. the company operates 1,875 financial centers in 12 states and Washington, D. C. and offers a full range of consumer and commercial banking, securities brokerage, asset management, mortgage and insurance products and services. A Fortune 500 company, BB&T is consistently recognized for outstanding client satisfaction by the U. S. Small Business Administration, Greenwich Associates and others. More information about BB&T and its full line of products and services is available at BBT. com .

SOURCE BB&T Corporation

For further information: ANALYSTS: Alan Greer, Executive Vice President, Investor Relations, (336) 733-3021, AGreer@BBandT. com; Tamara Gjesdal, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations, (336) 733-3058, TGjesdal@BBandT. com; MEDIA: Cynthia A. Williams, Senior Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, (336) 733-1470, Cynthia. Williams@BBandT. com

Tuesday’s Vital Data: Facebook Inc (FB), BlackBerry Ltd (BBRY) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)

Recent Posts:

The major market indices bounced back on Monday, with investors doing a bit of bargain hunting following last week’s heavy losses. Overall, the Dow Jones Industrial Average . Nasdaq and the S&P 500 index all advanced more than 1.2%. The bounce drove heavy call activity on the CBOE, with the exchanges put/call volume ratio plunging to 0.53 — its lowest reading since Feb. 20. The 10-day moving average also slipped to a two-week low.

Most of Monday’s options activity appeared to be end-of-month positioning, with JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM ) making a rare appearance on the top ten most active options list as a result. Meanwhile, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB ) drew interest after being singled out by Jim Cramer, and BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY ) suffered after analysts weighed in over the weekend.

Facebook Inc (FB)

Citing the potential from Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp . Jim Cramer said on Monday that FB stock has considerable upside potential. “I am starting to think that WhatsApp, if it came public would be worth double of what Facebook paid for it …” Cramer said. He also noted that Facebook has integrated WhatsApp very quickly.

FB stock traded fractionally lower Monday, despite the overall bullish mood on Wall Street. Options traders weren’t deterred, however, with 67% of the 179,041 contracts in volume trading on the call side. Taking a closer look, we find that overhead call options are quite popular in the weekly April 2 series of options.

Among the most notable strikes are the April 2 $84 call, where 12,125 contracts are open, and the deeper-out-of-the-money April 2 $85 call, which sports open interest of 16,099 contracts.

If I had to speculate, I would be that call spread activity is taking place at these two weekly strikes, with traders betting on a rally north of $84 by the end of the week.

BlackBerry Ltd (BBRY)

It took a whole weekend to digest, but Wall Street has apparently decided that it wasn’t happy with BlackBerry’s recently quarterly earnings report. The stock was smacked nearly 7% lower on Monday, with bearish reports from JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank weighing heavily on BBRY shares. JPMorgan fretted over aggressive cost-cutting measures, while Deutsche Bank questioned the BBRY stock’s ability to command a higher price.

Despite the wave of bearish backlash, BBRY options traders were call heavy on Monday. With 98,233 contracts trading on the stock, 58% of this volume crossed on the call side. That said, BBRY’s put/call open interest ratio for the front two months ticked higher to 0.93 — a reading that is sharply higher than its mid-March low of 0.77.

In other words, while call volume remains high, open interest levels point toward call liquidation instead of call buying.

In premarket trading, BBRY is down another half-percent, placing shares at their lowest point since July.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)

Shares of JPMorgan Chase were the largest gainers on the Dow heading into the close on Monday, with the stock adding 2.37%. The gains came on lower-than-average volume for the stock, but options activity reached short-term record levels as traders looked for better positions ahead of the end of March. Technical buying also may have been in the mix, as JPM stock bounced off support at its 200- and 50-day moving averages, which are poised for a bullish cross.

On the options front, volume swelled to 194,300 contracts, more than double JPM’s average daily trading volume. Of note was volume at the June $60 call strike, which saw roughly 70,000 contracts change hands. Open interest at this back-month strike now stands at 88,413 contracts and is home to peak open interest among options set to expire within the next three months.

In premarket trading, JPM stock is down fractionally and may be headed for a test of support in the $60 area today.

As of this writing, Joseph Hargett did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

More From InvestorPlace

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, http://investorplace. com/2017/03/tuesdays-vital-data-facebook-inc-fb-blackberry-ltd-bbry-and-jpmorgan-chase-and-co-jpm-options/.

Removal Methods

There are a couple ways to approach the removal of unwanted applications on a BlackBerry device. One involves a few steps on the device; and the other involves using a computer and a program called BlackBerry Desktop Manager. In order to remove BlackBerry applications using your computer; a mini USB data cable is required to connect your device as well as the BlackBerry program mentioned earlier. If you do not wish to remove applications using a computer then please skip ahead to find out how to use the BlackBerry menu to delete apps.

BlackBerry Desktop Manager

The first obvious step to removing applications from your BlackBerry is to make sure you have the BlackBerry Desktop Manager installed on your computer. This program has many features and also allows you to completely customize your BlackBerry, so if you do not necessarily need it to remove or add any applications it is still great to have. The software can be downloaded directly from the BlackBerry website .

If you are running a computer under Windows XP or Vista then the USB drivers for your BlackBerry should already be installed. If you are running a computer under a different operating system then you will have to download the USB drivers for the device; also available at the link provided.

Once the software and the USB drivers are installed correctly it is time to plug the phone into the computer with the mini-USB data cable. The computer should automatically recognize the device, and a small pop-up should appear in your taskbar indicating this is so. As soon as the computer is finished recognizing the device it is ok to open up the BlackBerry Desktop manager.

Upon load-up of the program you will find yourself on the main menu of the manager. The functions are as follows.

Media Manager . Allows the managing of ringtones, videos and pictures on your device including the transfer and removal to and from.

Application Loader . This is what we will be using to uninstall programs from your BlackBerry. This program obviously handles the installation and uninstallation of BlackBerry applications.

Backup and Restore . This feature allows you to back up all your current data including contacts, calendar info, tasks, and memos.

Device Switch Wizard . This feature helps transfer data from another device to a BlackBerry, or from BlackBerry to BlackBerry in the event you get a new phone.

Synchronize . This feature allows you to transfer email messages and organizer data.

Synchronize Certificates . This feature allows you to transfer certificates and keys for any applications or programs you have purchased on your BlackBerry.

BlackBerry Board Says It's Considering Its Options Including Selling The Company

Trading has resumed in BlackBerry after being halted for a few minutes.

The board of directors has just announced that it is exploring strategic alternatives for the company.

"These alternatives could include, among others, possible joint ventures, strategic partnerships or alliances, a sale of the Company or other possible transactions," said the board in a statement .

Just last week, Reuters reported that BlackBerry management was looking into taking the company private .

Chief Executive Thorsten Heins and the company's board is increasingly coming around to the idea that taking BlackBerry private would give them breathing room to fix its problems out of the public eye, the sources said.

"There is a change of tone on the board," one of the sources said on Thursday.

Despite offering new products, BlackBerry has struggled to compete with other players in the smartphone market including Apple and Samsung.

Shares of BBRY are down 17% since the beginning of the year.

WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug 12, 2017) - BlackBerry Limited, a world leader in the mobile communications market, today announced that the Company's Board of Directors has formed a Special Committee to explore strategic alternatives to enhance value and increase scale in order to accelerate BlackBerry 10 deployment. These alternatives could include, among others, possible joint ventures, strategic partnerships or alliances, a sale of the Company or other possible transactions.

The Special Committee of the Board is comprised of Barbara Stymiest, Thorsten Heins, Richard Lynch and Bert Nordberg, and will be chaired by Timothy Dattels.

With the announcement of the Special Committee, Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial informed the Company that he felt it was appropriate to resign due to potential conflicts that may arise during the process. Fairfax Financial is the largest BlackBerry shareholder. Mr. Watsa said, "I continue to be a strong supporter of the Company, the Board and Management as they move forward during this process, and Fairfax Financial has no current intention of selling its shares."

"During the past year, management and the Board have been focused on launching the BlackBerry 10 platform and BES 10, establishing a strong financial position, and evaluating the best approach to delivering long-term value for customers and shareholders," said Timothy Dattels, Chairman of BlackBerry's Special Committee of the Board. "Given the importance and strength of our technology, and the evolving industry and competitive landscape, we believe that now is the right time to explore strategic alternatives."

Thorsten Heins, President and Chief Executive Officer of BlackBerry, added, "We continue to see compelling long-term opportunities for BlackBerry 10, we have exceptional technology that customers are embracing, we have a strong balance sheet and we are pleased with the progress that has been made in our transition. As the Special Committee focuses on exploring alternatives, we will be continuing with our strategy of reducing cost, driving efficiency and accelerating the deployment of BES 10, as well as driving adoption of BlackBerry 10 smartphones, launching the multi-platform BBM social messaging service, and pursuing mobile computing opportunities by leveraging the secure and reliable BlackBerry Global Data Network."

JP Morgan Securities LLC is serving as financial advisor to BlackBerry and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Torys LLP are serving as legal advisors.

There can be no assurance that this exploration process will result in any transaction. The Company does not currently intend to disclose further developments with respect to this process, unless and until its Board of Directors approves a specific transaction or otherwise concludes the review of strategic alternatives.

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Stock Alert: BB&T Corporation (NYSE:BBT)

As per the research firms that participated in Thomson Reuters survey, BB&T Corporation (NYSE:BBT) has fetched a mean price target of $39.100, reflecting the recommendations of leading brokerages in the market. Thomson Reuters also studies the research reports to come up, with the price target. The recent survey revealed that the company may post earnings of $0.740 per share in the imminent quarter and $2.970 during current fiscal.

While evaluating BB&T Corporation Common Stock on technical aspects, it has been discovered that the firm’s stock is at $-0.831, which is -2.503% off BB&T Corporation Common Stock. Also, the stock is $N/A, which is N/A off its 200-day MA of $. MA here indicates moving average. BB&T Corporation (NYSE:BBT) stock made a high of $ in last one year while the lowest point of 52-week was $. This suggests the stock need to move more than $ to hit a new 52-week high or drop $ to hit a new 52-week low.

The valuation of BB&T Corporation Common Stock is reached applying price-to-earnings ratio, which considers latest price and earnings for valuating a stock. The ratio, abbreviated as P/E ratio, is arrived at by dividing stock price by yearly EPS. As of now, BB&T Corporation (NYSE:BBT) P/E ratio is. The shareholders can further know about a firm’s performance by seeking Price-to-Earnings-Growth ratio, and for BB&T Corporation Common Stock, this ratio stands at .

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©1998-2017, Camaro Research Group Edited by and Version: Thursday, 01-Jan-2017 13:57:01 EST

Listing of Factory Camaro Engines

Part of the success of the Camaro was the wide variety of engine options that were available. Here's a summary of the factory domestic engines, their availablity, and production totals. (Other engines were used in export models, foreign-built models, and dealer-modified Camaros.) A complete listing of engine codes is shown on the Drivetrain Decoding page. A complete listing of production options is on the Options page. Engine options introduced mid-year 67 are shown in the late 67 column. Engine options in 69 that were available all year are centered. Engines available until 1/1/69 are shown under the early column and their replacements are shown under the late column.

67 Engine Usage

68 Engine Usage

69 Engine Usage

The 302 and the Camaro Z-28

The 302 engine was only available in first-generation Z-28s (the 350 LT-1 was used in 2nd generation Z-28s), and was created in response to a Trans Am racing engine displacement limitation at that time of 5 liters (305ci). The 302 was created by installing a short-stroke 283ci engine crankshaft in a 327ci block, resulting in 302ci displacement. This just fit the Trans Am limitation (the bores of the actual racing engines were tweaked to produce exactly 305ci) and this design (with special modifications for high-performance use) resulted in an unusual, high-revving engine that helped create the legend of the Z-28. The 302 was the only engine available in the first-generation Z-28.

Differences in V8 Frame Mount Brackets and Engine Mounts

All '67-'68 small-block (SB) and '69 307ci and 327ci engines used the same frame mount bracket (approximately 2-1/2 inches wide) attached to the subframe. The 1969 302ci and 350ci engines used a

3/8 inch shorter and

1/4 inch narrower bracket. 1967-68 engine mounts will assemble to the 1969 302/350 engine mount bracket, but this is an incorrect assembly that results in driveline vibration and clutch chatter because the engine sits too low and can move on the bracket.

In order to gain engine compartment clearance, big block (BB) engines were offset 1/2 inch to the right (towards the passenger side) by means of asymmetric brackets. 1967-68 BB frame mount brackets are 2-1/2 inches wide (but not the same as SB) and use the same engine mounts as 67-68 302ci and 350ci. For 69, BB frame mount brackets were redesigned to use the new thicker, narrower, engine mount also used by 302ci and 350ci. BBC bracket pairs are easily spotted because the left bracket is noticeably taller than the right in order to achieve the engine offset.

Note that the frame mount brackets and the engine mounts below are grouped together by functionality. The OEM engine mounts may have had different part numbers, but are functionally the same. The original frame mount part numbers are listed.

Big Block Frame Mounts

Service Engine (CE) and Transmission Coding

Quoting from the Chevrolet Dealer Service Information Bulletin, 69-I-1, dated 19 Sept, 1968:

The following system will be used to identify service engine and transmission assemblies* including replacement parts. Manufacturing plants will number each assembly as it is produce. The first letter will designate the GM division which produced the engine.

C-Chevrolet L-Oldsmobile K-Cadillac B-Buick P-Pontiac

The second letter will designate the type of unit "E" engine or "T" transmission. The number following the letter will designate the model year "9" for 1969. The last five digits specify the service replacement unit sequence number. The group of numbers to be used by Chevrolet manufacturing plants are as follows:

Example: Number CE900175 designates Chevrolet engine - 1969 year, and the 175th unit produced for service at the Flint Motor Plant (L6).

* This numbering system applies to service engine assemblies, partial engines, fitted cylinder cases, cylinder cases, transmission assemblies and transmission cases.

Most service parts were produced specifically for service. Production engines and transmissions were generally not used as service parts.

Big Block Valve Covers

1967 BB with smog RH Valve Cover w/ bracket

The Camaro big block valve covers used on the 396 and 427 engines were basically the same for 1967 through 1969. They had the same shape and all had oil drippers spot-welded on the inside of the cover which created the "dimples" on the outside of the cover. But the brackets attached to the valve covers changed every year.

Righthand - The righthand side valve covers were similar all three years. The oil cap was located on the righthand valve cover and was a twist-on style (later valve covers used a push-in rubber plug). The 1967 396 with smog had a one-year-only unique cover which had a bracket on the valve cover for the fuel mixture control valve. Both 67 396 (with and without smog) RH valve covers have the spark plug wire stand welded in the center of the valve cover. Whereas the 68 and 69 RH valve covers have the spark plug wire stand located rearward, almost directly under the crankcase vent tube hole.

Lefthand - The lefthand side big block valve covers had three features in common all three years - a slanted end for wiper motor clearance when removing the cover, a dimple for rocker arm clearance and for the oil dripper inside the valve cover, and the rear spark plug wire stand located forward of the rear bolt hole, also to clear the wiper motor. Both Camaros and Nova had the spark plug wire stand in this location. Chevelles and full-size Chevrolets had the stand rearward of the rear bolt hole.

Close-up of slanted end of the LH cover

Close-up of LH dimple and oil dripper

LH cover for 68-69 Chevelles and full-size Chevrolets

The changes in the LH valve cover are all related to the temperature sender wiring. In 1967, the sender was mounted in the front of the intake and there were two temperature sender wire clip tabs along the intake side of the valve cover for routing the wiring. In 1968, there are no clips on the valve cover because the temperature sender was in the head and the wiring was part of the alternator harness. In 1969, the alternator moved to the other side of the engine and the temperature sender wire came out at the firewall and down the exhaust manifold side to the temperature sender in the head. The 69 BB valve cover had one wire tab (which was dip-coated with plastic) on the exhaust manifold side of the valve cover for this wiring.

Close-up of 67 wiring clip

1968 Camaro BB Valve Covers

Close-up of 69 wiring clip

Complete Engine Pulley List

CRG has created downloadable spreadsheets of the pulley part numbers and applications for first-generation Camaro. It is in PDF form, so you must have a working version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (or other PDF compatible reader/viewer) to read this file. Acrobat Reader is a free program.

These download files are the copyright property of the Camaro Research Group, and are subject to the same restrictions as any other data on our web site. Do not download any of these files unless you can comply with these restrictions.

Online Broker Review 2011

Yearly Review of Stock Brokers

After several hundred hours worth of extensive research and testing, the stockbrokers. com staff is proud to present its 2011 Online Broker Review. For 23 brokers ( E*TRADE. TD Ameritrade. Charles Schwab. TradeKing. optionsXpress. OptionsHouse. Interactive Brokers. Fidelity. Scottrade. Firstrade. tradeMONSTER. MB Trading. Zecco. TradeStation. Lightspeed Trading. Choice Trade. SogoTrade. SpeedTrader. Just2Trade. Sharebuilder. Muriel Siebert. Cobra Trading. and WallStreet*E ) we evaluated their customer service, researched stocks, tried new tools, tested platforms, and everything in between. Our No. 1 priority is to provide investors with the most pertinent information in order to find the best online broker to suit their investing styles and needs. Contained in this review is our in-depth analysis for the following seven categories:

Commissions and Fees: Our analysis primarily focuses on the costs of traditional stock trades, options trades, broker-assisted trades, and mutual fund trades. Miscellaneous and hidden fees are also factored in and analyzed. This includes, but is not limited to, charging extra fees for placing certain order types and for utilizing platforms and tools.

Ease-of-Use: Sites are evaluated for overall website and interface navigation for clients, order placement and tracking, access to customer support/help, and the ability to customize the homepage.

Tools and Research: The Online Broker Review includes accessibility of watch lists, real-time quotes, and real-time streaming watch lists. Charting capabilities are assessed for flexibility, time customization, and the overall offering of common technical indicators, studies, and other chart overlays. Accessibility to third-party research, Level II quotes, streaming sales, streaming TV, and other trade tools are evaluated. Unique/proprietary trading and research tools are properly noted and explored.

Customer Service: Brokers should, at a minimum, offer phone and e-mail support. Live chat, "24/7" coverage, and the use of a help center/FAQ area is also reviewed.

Offering of Investments: Highest priority is given for access to standard investments: stocks (market, limit, stop, trailing), ETFs (no-fee ETFs a plus), options, and mutual funds (no-load, loaded). Additional offerings reviewed include contingent orders, advanced options spreads (all types), broker-assisted trades, after-hours trading, and OTCBB (penny stocks) capabilities.

Education: Brokers' efforts to provide education online are analyzed in terms of articles, videos, and webinars. Thoroughness, ease-of-use, accessibility, and overall educational value are key rating factors.

Mobile Trading: Mobile applications for popular platforms and devices are evaluated, including iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Android, Windows ME, as well as a mobile-specific website or sub-domain.

This review caters to both the casual investor and active trader. By utilizing our 2011 Online Broker Review, in addition to the other various tools and reviews on our site, investors will be able to determine what broker is best for them, whether they are just opening a new account or already managing a portfolio.

The online brokerage industry is continuously evolving and subsequently improving its offerings for investors. With advancements in mobile smart phones, Internet accessibility via fiber lines, and computing power, it is an exciting time to be an active part of the online investing community.

Commissions and Fees

What investors pay for trading stocks, options, ETFs, and mutual funds is one of the primary factors most investors take into consideration when choosing an online broker. Instead of focusing on just cost, though, we also took into account the fees that brokers charge: platform fees, specialty order-type fees, minimum fees, etc. These are important and applicable to a wide variety of investors and often overlooked until after the account has been opened.

The online broker that stood out among the rest as the best for discounted trading was OptionsHouse. The discount broker charges $3.95 for flat-rate trades, $9.95 for mutual funds, and options investors can choose to either buy up to 5 options contracts for $5, or pay $8.95, plus $.15 per contract. Its parent company, Peak6 Investments, has hundreds of millions of options contracts traded under its belt, and it leverages this expertise to deliver ultra-competitive commissions.

Other highly rated brokers in this category include Lightspeed. Interactive Brokers. TradeKing. MB Trading. Zecco. and SogoTrade. Lightspeed came in second with its tiered rate of $.00395 per share, but the broker also charges a minimum $1 per order for standard Web Trader clients, as well as a $.40 fee for any odd lots (i. e. 99 shares). The other alternative is paying a flat $4.50 per trade. Zecco offers $4.50 stock trades and up to 10 free trades per month for clients that have atleast a $25,000 balance or make 25 trades each month.

For investors that trade Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), in 2010 the commission-free ETF was introduced as a way to offer further value to clients. ETFs are very similar to mutual funds except that they trade just like a stock and typically offer much lower yearly management fees. TD Ameritrade. Charles Schwab. and Fidelity are the leaders in this unique offering, with TD Ameritrade having the largest selection of more than 100 commission-free ETFs.

When conducting our research, we found that brokers who charge extra fees or hefty minimums consequently ended up costing more than the rest, even if their commissions were reasonable priced. Interactive Brokers’ commission structure is very competitive, but the additional fees, unfortunately, are not. The broker charges a maintenance fee if clients do not spend at least $10 in commissions per month, as well as a $10 fee per month for real-time quotes. The only way to waive both of these is to spend at least $30 in commissions each month. Similarly, optionsXpress charges its clients no base fee for options trades, however, they charge as high as a $14.95 minimum per options trade if the client is making less than 35 trades per quarter.

All in all, when it comes to commissions and fees, we find that the best commission offering is a clear and transparent one. The average investor does not have time to sift through pages of commission information, platform fees, maintenance fees, etc. (which our full broker reviews break down). Whether charging hefty minimums per trade or extra fees such as minimum activity fees, in the end it is another cost that reduces investment gains.

Servicio al cliente

Great customer support means it’s easy to access, and users get a fast response and an enjoyable experience. When evaluating customer support for each broker, we first took into consideration the overall offering: phone support, e-mail, live chat, and help tutorials/FAQs. The time and days of the week these services were offered also came into play. Next up was how quickly the broker responded to our questions. Finally, the experience itself is crucial as some reps truly left us satisfied as clients.

While there were several brokers that we rated as five stars for customer service, the best in our research was TD Ameritrade * with a very close second going to Charles Schwab. TD Ameritrade* had us connected to a rep on the phone within minutes, and our e-mails were always promptly returned with professional and thorough answers. One unique feature we particularly enjoyed was Ted, the virtual client support representative, who made answering basic questions about the site very easy (fees info, finding forms, etc.). Combine this with thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade's live chat support*, and we couldn't be happier.

In a close second, Charles Schwab wowed us with its first-class phone support. Within 30 minutes of opening a new account, a representative called us to answer any questions. When we told them we were interested in testing their platform before funding an account, they graciously offered us temporary "Schwab Active Trader" status to test all of their premium tools. A week later, we had another follow-up call to see how everything was coming along. The only downside to Charles Schwab: no live chat support.

While testing customer support in general, we experienced a wide variety of interesting situations. ChoiceTrade's live chat rep didn't even have a name, answered questions with no further links or help, and topped it off by ending the session without even a goodbye. With Fidelity. the service rep we encountered was very kind and helpful, and after letting her know we were a more active investor seeking to test their platform with our new account first before funding, she informed us that a rep would phone us very soon to be of further help. Unfortunately, it took a full week for a Fidelity representative to finally call us.

We did, however, have some great experiences, our favorite being Zecco's live chat. The agent gave very detailed answers to numerous questions, used professional phrases such as "that is a great question," and ended our session by wishing us “Happy Holidays!” — a top-notch experience in our opinion.

When it comes to customer service, the ability to suit the needs of your client day in and day out is no easy task. For those brokers that succeed in delivering a unique experience through multiple means, the reward is a happy, long-term client who will likely bring more investors through the door.

Options Trading

When searching for the best brokers for trading options online, we wanted to focus on not only the tools for researching options but also the commissions. In addition, we investigated how easy brokers make it for clients to actually place orders. The overall experience of trading options varies from broker to broker, depending on what clients seek.

We found that OptionsHouse offers the most competitive options commissions rates with two straightforward plans. Clients can trade up to 5 contracts for $5 with any further contracts costing just $1 each or $8.95, plus $.15 per contract. Any exercise or assignments is only $5. Overall, OptionsHouse gives investors the advantage of choosing the plan that is best aligned with their own personal trading habits. Its parent company, Peak6 Investments, is one of the largest options trading firms in the U. S. While OptionsHouse has great commissions, though, its order entry is more complex and not casual investor friendly.

Focusing on ease-of-use, TD Ameritrade's thinkorswim platform*, tradeMONSTER. and MB Trading's Options Strategist all had great offerings for options traders both casual and experienced. tradeMONSTER and MB Trading both do a fantastic job of visually showing clients what they are trading, whether it be as simple as a covered call or as complex as an iron condor. tradeMONSTER had a high "wow" factor with its clean and easy-to-use interface. On the contrary, MB Trading impressed us by tying in education, explaining what each strategy is with key points, and a full example breakdown of how an options trade would work.

For investors who are looking for advanced options trade tools, TD Ameritrade's thinkorswim platform* has the most robust offering. SpreadHacker allows investors to easily find the most profitable, low-risk trades for butterfly, calendar, and vertical spreads. Our testing narrowed down from almost 200,000 possible matches using multiple criteria such as price, profit probability, and delta, among others. Additionally, the SpreadBook tool allows users to view all currently active spread orders on the platform, sortable by ticker and spread type. Finally, for eye candy, users can utilize Widget 360 to view current call and put option interest on charts.

Overall for options trading, every five-star-rated broker this year brings something unique to the table. Whether it be advanced options tools, a visually appealing interface, ease-of-use, or simply discounted commissions, the brokers we rated as the best will satisfy all options traders and their needs.

"Best of" Research, Platforms, and Tools

For this particular section, we decided it would be more useful to individually break down the most unique tools, platform, and research offerings from online brokers. After testing and observing all brokers throughout the past year, we found the following ones stood out:

Best Trade Simulator — tradeMONSTER

For investors looking to use simulated funds to test out strategies and invest with prior to funding an account with real money, they will be right at home on tradeMONSTER's stock and options simulator. We found the tradeMONSTER simulator to be the best because of its clean interface and ease-of-use for new investors just getting started. The tradeMONSTER platform runs on Flash, giving it a more unique experience versus placing trades off a traditional broker website. Clients have the ability to trade all types of options trades, including advanced spreads and several stock order types (limit, market, stop, and stop limit). Once clients get the hang of their simulated account and fund a live portfolio, they will utilize the exact same platform for placing real trades, which makes for a seamless transition.

Best Investor Community — TradeKing

TradeKing was the first broker to really focus on building a community for its clients. Known as the Trader Network, one of its original features — blogs — is still intact today. The CEO of TradeKing, a. k.a. "bigdog," has his own blog and writes several times a week. All members have the option to share their verified trades with the rest of the TradeKing network, write their own blog posts, trade notes, send private messages to one another, and also participate in investor groups. By going to the trading activity page, members can see the most frequently traded stocks and even a live order stream of both stocks and options being traded. TradeKing tops this off with its All-Star's blog, where experienced investors post insightful articles on not only education but also the market itself.

Best Platform for Conducting Research — Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab provides a vast amount of quality and thorough research for investors to utilize. When it comes to mutual funds, Schwab, like its closest competitors Fidelity and TD Ameritrade. boasts Morningstar ratings and full data for thousands of funds. Not only can key data such as fund fees, historical performance, and holdings be broken down, but also a full mutual fund report card can be viewed in PDF format. What put Schwab first, though on our list is its vast collection of market research articles written by Schwab staff experts. This roster of talent includes Chief Investment Strategist Liz Ann Sonders, who is often seen on Yahoo Tech Ticker, and more than 20 others with topics ranging from the economy and market to retirement and personal finance. Throw in a variety of third-party research reports from the likes of JP Morgan and Credit Suisse, among others, and investors have a complete research arsenal at their disposal.

Best Investor Education — E*TRADE

When we looked for a broker to name as the top provider of investment education, our want list was very thorough: articles, term definitions, videos, and webinars. E*TRADE came out on top after we found everything we desired and more. The broker offers more than 1,000 investment term definitions, provided by InvestorGuide. Numerous videos and articles cover topics ranging from the basics on how to trade to advanced trade types and concepts. Articles are provided by the likes of SmartMoney, Morningstar, Investopedia, Forefield, and the E*TRADE staff. Our favorite feature was the three-minute videos section, which highlights educational tips and advice for trading online. Currently only six videos are available covering basic topics, but more are on the way. Lastly, everything within the education area is organized by category and difficulty, making navigating the education center a smooth and effortless experience.

Most Unique New Tool of 2010 — Autotrading

As auto trading becomes more and more popular through services like Covestor and Wealthfront, additional providers are beginning to join the trend and develop technology to support auto trading. Auto trading is just what it sounds like: automatic trading of investments. Stock brokers started getting involved in mid-2010 by offering clients the ability to auto trade the stock and options picks of popular investment newsletters. OptionsXpress was the first to implement the technology through its Xecute service, and at the time of this review supports 46 different investment publishers for auto trading. Other brokers that have also adopted the technology include tradeMONSTER and most recently TradeKing. Besides being a subscriber of the investment newsletter service itself, the only other cost to use are the commissions charged by the broker.

Most Improved Website of 2010 — Firstrade

Firstrade made quite an overhaul when it finalized its transition to the new Firstrade site design and platform in late October 2010. Originally called FirstradeNEXT, the platform boasts a far superior design both visually and functionally. Site updates include social media integration via Facebook and Twitter, new stock screeners and alerts, and an order entry box that allows for quick quotes and trading on every page. The broker also upgraded its clearing operations from Ridge to Penson in June and closed the year by launching its iPhone app on December 29.

Active Trading

For those independent investors that trade actively, the game of online trading changes, as it is more serious and, in some cases, is a full-time job. While an investor planning for retirement cares about third-party research reports and fund management fees, the active trader has his or her focus on a completely different spectrum.

Having active trading experience ourselves and knowing many active traders, we understand that commissions, site speed and ease-of-use, execution, customer service, and a robust trading platform are the focal points in an active or day trader’s world. As a result, these were our focus areas for our research, and what we ended up finding was that competition is fierce and the key to success for some firms is honing in on one area and working hard to have the best offering.

When it comes to the best platform for active traders, we found that the thinkorswim platform by TD Ameritrade * stood out as number one. The thinkorswim* platform offers traders flexibility, speed, and endless professional tools. During testing, we expanded 16 charts across our three 24" LED monitors and experienced no speed issues while performing advanced technical analysis and monitoring level II quotes and real-time sales for numerous securities. We then started to stream live CNBC coverage on our sidebar, read news on the fly, and talked stocks with other traders in the Trader Lounge, one of eight different chat rooms. What makes the thinkorswim platform really stand out, though is the technical staff managing and constantly updating the software, as well as the customer service team that’s ready to assist traders via online chat support. All in all, TD Ameritrade's thinkorswim platform* is the real deal.

For the investor looking to trade it all — stocks, options, futures, and forex — MB Trading is the broker to trade with. Competitive commissions and multiple platforms give each investor the tools, flexibility, and speed they need to handle their demanding needs. MBT Desktop Pro is offered for equities, futures, and also includes the Options Strategist tool, which we found to be one of the best offerings for trading options. From performing technical analysis with more than 100 different indicators to writing custom alert scripts, MBT Desktop Pro is a full offering. For forex trading where the broker shines the most because of its ultra-tight spreads and clear offering, MBT Metatrader 4 is available to clients. Metatrader is most widely used for front-end application in the forex industry as a whole.

Active traders who are investing internationally will find that Interactive Brokers is the leader among its peers by providing access to more than 80 different markets worldwide through its flexible platform, competitive commissions, and quality executions. While E*TRADE is also very notable in this area for international trading, active traders will find that the Interactive Brokers offers trading through more markets with lower overall costs.

As far as commissions were concerned, Lightspeed. Interactive Brokers, and MB Trading all stood out as best of class solutions for active traders. Interactive Brokers offers heavily discounted commissions for the active traders trading stocks and ETFs that Lightspeed, while still very competitive, could not match. And while Lightspeed did have the best options rates, $.60 per contract with no minimums, the broker charges $25 for each exercise or assignment, whereas Interactive Brokers is free. Looking beyond equities and options, MB Trading shined with its ultra-tight spreads, no hidden markups, and straightforward routing fees.

Lastly, it is important to note that online brokers, regardless of their size, are very aware that active traders accumulate the most commissions and ultimately bring in the most profits. Out of all the active traders we spoke with for this review, the most common theme we found was that customer service is the backbone for a long-term relationship. Top-notch customer support gives active traders the confidence that their broker is not only dependable but on their side. Most often this means that long-term, commission rates are reduced and extra services fees are also waived. Since many active traders are investing as a primary source of income, settling for just an average broker is not an option.

Overall Rankings Table

Offering of Investments

* - TD Ameritrade includes thinkorswim platform. Merger to be completed in 2011.

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The idea of a driverless car would have seemed absurd 20 years ago. Not only was the technology nonexistent, but driving a car was a fantastic feeling that few would have been willing to give up.

Now the story is completely different. Rapid advances in driverless car technology have been achieved—by most accounts, Google has made the largest strides—and millennials don’t have that same emotional connection to driving that their parents do. In fact according to a recent survey, many millennials said they see driverless cars as a great place to throw parties.

Every year, we are seeing more and more signs that driverless cars are coming. On Monday a simulated city opened at the University of Michigan in which every vehicle will be driverless. The site will not only help driverless cars improve, but will also help legitimize the technology.

The day of driverless cars isn’t far off, according to numerous insiders. Most major automakers have said they’ll be available by 2020. Google has said that driverless cars will be available by 2018. The market will grow to US$42 billion by 2025 and will account for up to a quarter of global auto sales by 2035, according to the Boston Consulting Group.

So, that leaves one very important question unanswered: who are the big winners and losers from this technological revolution? Well, there’s one big winner in particular worth highlighting: BlackBerry Ltd. (TSX:BB) (NASDAQ:BBRY).

Why BlackBerry wins

BlackBerry is already deeply involved in the automotive industry thanks to its QNX operating system. QNX is regarded as a best-in-class option for infotainment systems, and has been winning market share away from competitors (this is not a common story for BlackBerry). Of particular note, BlackBerry generated some major buzz last year when QNX displaced Microsoft’s Sync 3 system in Ford vehicles.

QNX is in other vehicle brands too, including General Motors . Audi and Mercedes. Thus, BlackBerry already has built solid relationships with key players in the automotive industry. This will prove vital as the company aims for a piece of that US$42 billion pie.

But there’s another reason why BlackBerry stands to win: mobile security.

As we all know, security is becoming a top concern as more devices are being connected to the internet. Driverless cars are no exception. If a hacker were able to break in to a driverless car, then very sensitive information could be lost. A worst-case scenario involves a hacker being able to control the car itself.

This is where BlackBerry comes in. The company is still the world leader in securing mobile data—not even its competitors dispute that. So, BlackBerry has a key role to play in this market, one that will be made easier by its existing relationship with automakers.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you should buy BlackBerry shares. But this opportunity is yet another reason why BlackBerry shareholders need to have a long-term view. So, if you’re good at riding out short-term noise, this stock may be for you.

There are still some big concerns with BlackBerry. But not with this company

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Infosys Ltd.

Infosys Ltd.

Infosys Ltd. incorporated in the year 1981, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 273,382.35 Cr.) operating in Information Technology sector.

Infosys Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Software Development Charges which contributed Rs 45658.00 Cr to Sales Value (96.52% of Total Sales), Software Products which contributed Rs 1642.00 Cr to Sales Value (3.47% of Total Sales), for the year ending 31-Mar-2017.

For the quarter ended 31-Dec-2017, the company has reported a Consolidate sales of Rs. 15902.00 Cr. up 1.71% from last quarter Sales of Rs. 15635.00 Cr. and up 15.27% from last year same quarter Sales of Rs. 13796.00 Cr. Company has reported net profit after tax of Rs. 3465.00 Cr. in latest quarter.

The company’s management includes Mr. A G S Manikantha, Mr. A G S Manikantha, Mr. Abdul Razak, Mr. David D Kennedy, Mr. M D Ranganath, Mr. Navin Budhiraja, Mr. S Ravi Kumar, Mr. Sanjay Purohit, Mr. Sanjay Rajagopalan, Mr. Srikantan Moorthy, Mr. Sudip Singh, Ms. Ritika Suri, Dr. Punita Kumar Sinha, Dr. Vishal Sikka, Mr. R Seshasayee, Mr. Ravi Venkatesan, Mr. U B Pravin Rao, Ms. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Ms. Roopa Kudva, Prof. Jeffrey S Lehman, Prof. John W Etchemendy.

Company has BSR & Co. as its auditors. As on 31-Dec-2017, the company has a total of 2,293,972,095 shares outstanding.

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BB guns

Airsoft World Ltd. provides a large selection in both two-tone / “2-tone” airsoft guns and RIF’s (realistic imitation firearms). Our Airsoft / BB guns range from budget to professional at exciting prices.


There are legal requirements in the UK about owning a replica imitation firearm and it is ILLEGAL for anyone without a 'VCRA exemption' to purchase one. To purchase a RIF you must have 'reasonable cause' and be either:

An active airsoft game participant and registered at your local Airsoft skirmish site and be able to verify your membership. Your registration can either be a private scheme run by your site or through the UKARA national player registration database. To purchase a realistic replica firearm, you MUST HAVE a VALID site or UKARA player number. Despite what many people say, you do NOT have to be UKARA registered, although their national database system is a lot more reliable and quicker than trying to get your membership verified by your local site!

Airsoft guns

A film, TV or theatre production company who needs a realistic firearm for the purpose as a prop. Written evidence must be supplied before any purchase.

A Crown Servant who requires a RIF for the purpose of carrying out their duty. This would be for training or similar and again will require written documentation as proof of purpose.

A military re-enactment member who requires a RIF for demonstration, prop, show or vehicle mounting in order to present a realistic and believable weapons display whilst carrying out their duties as a member of the re-enactment group. Third-party liability insurance is a legal requirement. Proof of VALID membership and insurance must be provided.

In the event that you are not a registered player, you are still able to buy a two-tone / “2-tone” Airsoft / BB gun but THE BUYER (not necessarily the user) must legally be 18 years of age or older to purchase it.

In the event that you are unable to locate a particular Airsoft gun in either Two-Tone / “2-tone” or you require advice on the purchase of an Airsoft / BB gun, then please send us an email or call us on 0845 3700 433 and we’ll be pleased to help you.

Two tone airsoft guns

Airsoft World Ltd. is a long standing reputable supplier of Airsoft guns for the UK and Europe and we offer high quality Airsoft / BB guns to purchase at reasonable prices. All the guns that are available at Airsoft World Ltd. are legal to own in the UK as long as you are either a bearer of a VALID UKARA number for RIF’s and 18 years of age for the two-tone / “2-tone” range. Our two-tone / “2-tone” range comply with the VCRA – an Airsoft gun who's principle colour is significantly different to that of a real firearm – i. e. bright green, bright blue etc and thus does not resemble the look of a real gun. Just because a gun is two-tone / “2-tone” does not mean it will not look exceptionally good. A Two-Tone gun is exactly the same build and quality as a normally coloured one.

Two tone BB guns

The world of Airsoft is becoming increasingly popular and many people are starting to play at the weekends. Airsoft World Ltd. is keen to promote safety and responsible use of Airsoft guns at all times and condemns inappropriate use.

2 tone BB guns

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BlackBerry 10 OS review

For years now, the BlackBerry OS has occupied something of a special state, almost feeling as if it were thrown down into a pit and locked into a bar of carbonite, preserved in stasis for future generations to see. Want to show your kids what using a smartphone was like in 2006? You just needed to find a Bold on display at the local electronics store and let your little ones gaze wide-eyed at a sea of menus and tiny buttons.

BB7, then, was a disappointment for many, feeling like a bare-minimum update to those versions that came before rather than the complete QNX-based retooling we'd all been waiting for. The PlayBook showed us what was possible with a clean-sheet approach to a BlackBerry OS, and we wanted that on a phone. Now, two years after the release of that tablet, here we have it. It's BlackBerry 10. It's a wholly new experience, very different even than the PlayBook, and in general it's quite good. But is it good enough to thrive in a world dominated by iOS and Android? Let's find out.

Engadget Score

General layout and gestures

The input-free BlackBerry Z10 drives home the need to use gestures to interact with this new OS, because there's a complete lack of buttons on the face -- only the volume controls and a power / lock toggle on top remain. Even the touch-heavy 9850 Torch made room for a suite of discrete inputs, but not here. So, it'll be gestures, then, which means there's a bit of a learning curve. Thankfully, it's a slight one.

So, it'll be gestures, then, which means there's a bit of a learning curve. Thankfully, it's a slight one.

The most important gesture is swiping up from the bottom bezel, which always brings you back to a tiled view of all the running apps. This will be the gesture most familiar to PlayBook users, and is one of the few that survived. (Swiping from the left or right bezels to switch apps, for example, isn't possible here.) Up to eight apps can be kept running in the background on this screen and bringing one back to life just requires a tap. Or, to properly kill a running app, hit the X in the lower right, an action that feels a bit ornery compared to the fun of flinging an app that you no longer needed off the top of the PlayBook's display.

From here you can swipe your way left or right. To the right lies a grid of icons, on the Z10 arranged in a 4 x 4 matrix of rectangular tiles, each holding an app icon and a name. Repositioning is performed by tapping and dragging, while dropping one on another creates a folder. Folders are represented by a smaller grid of icons within a single app icon space, with no other identifying characteristic, which makes them a bit hard to pick out amidst the sea of apps.

App icon and folder pages extend off to the right as more apps are installed and there's no attempt at categorizing them, again unlike the PlayBook, which had pages for "Favorites" and "Media" apps. Widgets and other desktop-like controls are not supported here. Just icons. But, a bit of room was carved out to create a static area holding three special controls: a phone, a search glass and a camera.

Tap the phone and the dialer interface shows up. This is split into three sections, with the leftmost giving you a look at your previous incoming and outgoing calls. In the middle is a long list of contacts (sucked in from BBM, Facebook, Twitter and Google Contacts, among others) that is searchable and, in the right tab is a simple dial pad in case you're one of the lucky few who can actually remember a phone number.

The search icon takes you into a universal search that, with one form, enables the querying of apps, contacts, messages, calendar appointments and even web history. The results, then, tend to be a bit long, but thankfully you can filter them by category. If that weren't enough, third-party apps can also hook into the search interface, represented at the bottom of the search results. Tap an app icon and your search text is handed off to the app in question.

Finally, the camera icon predictably brings up the photography interface, which we'll explore in more detail later.

Again, swiping up from the bottom bezel is the gesture that takes you to this interface, but if you extend that gesture you begin what BlackBerry calls the "Peek." Swiping up and holding causes a row of icons to arrive from the left, representing unread emails, calendar reminders and the like. A red asterisk by any of these means you have something new to look at. To see what that is, just continue that gesture off to the right, which brings you to the BlackBerry Hub, a section of the OS best covered in its own section.

BlackBerry Hub

This is the place that BlackBerry thinks will be so vital to your BlackBerry 10 experience that it's made available from anywhere, in any app, with just a single gesture.

The name "Hub" is apt. This is the place that BlackBerry thinks will be so vital to your BlackBerry 10 experience that it's made available from anywhere, in any app, with just a single gesture. Swipe up and to the right and you're immediately hit in the face with an aggregated list of emails, Twitter replies and DMs. Also, text messages, BBMs, Facebook messages, voicemails and missed calls. Also, system updates and, yes, even LinkedIn messages will be listed here. It can be a little overwhelming for sure -- especially if you have multiples of each type of account to manage.

In theory this could make it a great way to keep up with all your connected options, but we found it a bit cumbersome to use when quickly managing masses of messages. For example, if you want to select a bunch of emails and file them all away, it's two taps just to enable multiple-select mode. If you want to simply delete a single email, it's three taps: one tap to open it, a second to bring up a menu and then, finally, a third on the "delete" button. Or, you can perform a long tap and wait for a context menu, which takes a few seconds to pop up.

By comparison, in the latest Gmail app you can delete an email right from the list with just a quick, single swipe. Overall, as a communication tool, BlackBerry Hub is powerful if you get relatively few messages scattered across multiple platforms, but if you spend a good portion of your day fending off a mountain of email, it can begin to feel unwieldy.

But, when it comes to jumping into calendar invites, that's made very easy. Just scroll down in Hub and those appear up top, ready for your tapping. And, as ever, if those meetings take place on a conference bridge, just tap the number to dial in. This sort of navigation has always been a trademark of BlackBerry, and it's great to see it live on here.

But, if that mega-list of all your messaging gets overwhelming, you can filter it by an individual account, perhaps showing only Twitter messages and replies for your work account or only your BBMs. This is done by grabbing the lower-left icon, which has three notches drawn on the side, and dragging it right to expose all the accounts you've added to the phone. This is a gesture and control common on many of the stock apps. You then tap the content that you want or, for more control, you can dive into the settings and individually pop them on or off.

From here you can compose messages in any of these aggregated accounts, including sending Twitter direct messages, BBMs, text messages and, yes, emails. To do that, you'll need something to type on.


The virtual keyboard in BlackBerry 10 is good. Really good. It's the best stock keyboard of any mobile OS at the moment.

Much has been made of the relatively pain-free method of text entry on BlackBerry's traditional, QWERTY keyboard-having devices -- and much has been said of the agony of entering text on any of Blackberry's previous keyboard-free devices. Each one, we were told, would deliver a typing experience as good as a physical keyboard without the compromise in screen size and each one failed to deliver. Until now.

The virtual keyboard in BlackBerry 10 is good. Really good. It's the best stock keyboard of any mobile OS at the moment -- a good thing, because there's no way to replace it. It starts with a comfortable layout, which includes rows of generously sized keys separated by gray bars meant to evoke the chrome ones found on many a BlackBerry QWERTY handset in the past. This gives even meaty thumbs plenty of space for hunting and pecking, but that's only the beginning.

It's a four-row layout to begin, with no dedicated buttons for numbers or characters other than letters, comma, period and, of course, a space. But, to get to numbers and other special characters you just swipe downward, which kindly cycles through two pages of special characters. A swipe from right to left, meanwhile, deletes whatever word was just entered, à la SwiftKey .

Finally, the most talked-about point here is the predictive nature of the thing. The keyboard snoops through your email and social history to get an idea of what phrases you commonly type and files those away. As you type, it's helpfully suggesting what you might want to type next, and it does so in an interesting way: presenting whole words hovering above keys. To type that word, you simply swipe up from the key and the keyboard enters it for you -- plus a space.

For example, if you want to type "Good morning," you'd start by hitting the "G" key. And, immediately, the BB10 keyboard superimposes the word "Good" above the "O" key. Swipe up on that and you can immediately move on to the next word, "morning," which is now conveniently floating above the "M" key. Swipe up and you're done with just three presses of the screen.

Mind you, it doesn't always work this way, and in practice it can actually be a bit distracting and befuddling at times. In SwiftKey, for example, the predicted next word is always in the same place and, to select it, you hit the space bar. You very quickly get used to looking in that spot, which means you don't need to look at the keyboard itself. In BB10, the predicted words are scattered all over the letters, forcing you to follow your thumbs as you type. If you've learned to touch-type on your smartphones, this can take a bit of adjustment.

But is it truly better than a physical keyboard? We still hold the Bold 9900 at the pinnacle of smartphone typing experiences and, from a tactility sense, a touch experience isn't going to win. But, from a typing speed perspective, we have to give the nod to the BlackBerry 10 keyboard. We were able to blurt out emails and texts in record time.

Voice recognition

If typing isn't your thing, BlackBerry 10 offers full voice recognition -- handled via network, as on most mobile devices, meaning you'll need to stay actively connected if you want to take this for a spin. There's a dictation feature, accessed by holding down the period key. We found the voice recognition to be quite impressive, nailing easy phrases like "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," and even perfectly parsing more complex ones, like "I live in Schenectady, New York and I'm looking for a Mexican restaurant."

Then there's also the Voice Control feature, which allows you to give your phone some simple commands -- much like Siri. it must be said. Hold down the play / pause button on the phone (which is nestled between the volume up and down buttons) and a feminine voice asks you what you'd like to do. From here you can say things like "call Amanda" or "send a text message" or even "BBM Alex: Hey I just saved you 10 cents by not sending a text message."

We found phrases like "note to self" to set a reminder or "schedule a meeting" most powerful, but couldn't help but wish there were more available commands. When saying, "call my wife," the phone reacted by trying to find a contact named "wife," rather than asking which of your existing contacts is your wife. Any attempt to get directions or navigation to a location or contact was rebuffed, and the service is unfortunately unable to deliver answers to simple questions, like: "How many ounces are in a pound?" It simply hands all those off to Bing.


The camera has a dedicated icon on the bottom of the main interface, though you can also bring it up from the lock screen by performing a long press on a camera icon there, too. The interface is simple, with a focus reticle in the center that changes to green and contracts slightly when focus is achieved. The typical ellipsis in the lower-right corner brings up a quick menu that lets you switch between front and rear cameras, toggle shooting modes, select from one of four pre-defined scenes (like Action or Whiteboard), enable / disable the flash and, finally, select between 16:9 and 4:3 images.

When it comes to the business of taking photos, there's no discrete shutter button here, either physical or virtual. You just tap anywhere on the screen to take the picture. To select a different focus point other than dead-center you have to manually drag the reticle around before snapping the picture, something that we found cumbersome. We'd much prefer tap-to-focus with an on-screen shutter release.

BlackBerry has also bundled in a feature called Time Shift that, when taking a shot of a group of people, actually takes a burst of photos and then lets you selectively choose the best frame for each individual in the photo. This works well when it identifies all the faces, but in our trials it had a difficult time identifying bearded faces, which are quite common this time of year -- especially among the Engadget staff.

Once images are taken, you can review them and, should you like, open them up in a reasonably comprehensive editor to crop, rotate, color adjust -- or get more funky with a series of Instagram-like filters. No, there's no official Instagram app here, but you can put a predefined sepia hue on anything you like. What better way to add a little mystique to that blurry shot you took of the whiteboard before the mortal remains of your last brainstorming session were swept aside?

BlackBerry Protect

BlackBerry Protect returns in BB10, BlackBerry giving you an integrated way to find your handset should you and it part company. Enable the service on your device and you're enabling the means for it to phone home when lost. That's done via a BlackBerry-hosted website, which offers the ability to view your phone's current location, make it play a sound or make it display a message. You can also lock it remotely and, if things should go completely pear-shaped, remotely wipe it with the click of a button.

All this is accessed via your BlackBerry ID, so we'll go ahead and remind you to make sure you chose a secure password for that service. Once logged in, you'll need to create a separate password via the website, and then you can start making the phone blurt out horrible sounds, so that you can find it in the sofa cushion. Frustratingly, there's no way to stop those annoying sounds once they start -- they'll play for 60 seconds no matter what.

In our testing, these control signals took about five minutes to actually get to our Z10, only happening after the website had indicated a failure to communicate before putting on its mirrored glasses and walking away. But, those commands were indeed delivered.

BlackBerry World

BlackBerry World is the all-conquering portal for spending money on BlackBerry 10. Here you can get apps, music and movies -- the vast majority of which are all available at a premium. Yes, there are plenty of free apps, but you'll find a disappointingly low ratio of free to paid distractions in here compared to Google's Play Store and even Apple's App Store. And, being a new OS, there's a general shortage of apps overall.

There are a lot of heavy-hitters, like Dropbox, Angry Birds Star Wars . Box, Foursquare and, uh, Hockey Night in Canada. But, there are also a lot of missing players, like Netflix and Hulu, media apps that many smartphone users on other platforms use daily. (Kindle isn't there, but it's coming, says Amazon.) And, while many PlayBook apps are available for download here, those that we sampled almost universally looked terrible. Controls were often stuffed together to fit into the phone's display, stacking on top of each other and often making the apps unusable. In one app, a Pandora client called Apollo, the Terms of Service was formatted such that the "Accept" button was somewhere off the bottom of the screen.

Plenty of premium music is on offer, though we found pricing here to be consistently higher than elsewhere.

That shortage of apps does not extend to the multimedia aspects of BlackBerry World, thankfully. Plenty of premium music is on offer, though we found pricing here to be often higher than elsewhere. Unorthodox Jukebox from Bruno Mars is $11.99 here, or $1.49 per track, versus just $5.99 on the Amazon MP3 Store (where it's $0.99 per track). Likewise, it's $10.99 in iTunes ($1.29 per track). Similarly, Babel from Mumford & Sons is $12.99, compared to $9.99 on Amazon and $11.99 at iTunes.

Video content, thankfully, has more competitive pricing. Taken 2 is $4.99 to rent here ($4.98 on Amazon, $5.99 on iTunes) or $16.99 to buy ($12.99 on Amazon and $14.99 on iTunes), while an episode of Modern Family is $1.99 to buy here, which matches both Amazon and iTunes. But, it must be pointed out that this content can only be downloaded to up to five devices, an unfortunate and seemingly dated restriction in these halcyon days of cloud-based, download-whenever-you-want media.

Stock apps

While a world of apps awaits in BlackBerry World, there are quite a few pre-installed, some more useful than others. Here are some highlights.


We'd rather have Flash with the option to disable it than not have it at all, and it is indeed here.

A new mobile platform will set off on a rocky start without a solid web browser, and thankfully the one built into BlackBerry 10 is quite good indeed, and we'll get what may be its hallmark out of the way early: it supports Flash. Yes, this is one mobile browser that's happy to serve up every annoying, flashing and bouncing banner ad it can find, plus the thousands of obnoxious restaurant websites that were sadly made into overcomplicated "experiences." That Flash is disabled by default says a lot.

Also, it's worth noting that sites like Hulu and Netflix have predictably blocked access to their content, which drastically reduces the usefulness of this once-great mobile technology. Still, we'd rather have Flash with the option to disable it than not have it at all, and it is indeed here.

Otherwise the browser is a fairly traditional experience, with a URL bar at the bottom doubling as a search field for Bing. A button to the left of that gives quick access to bookmarks and history, while the vertical ellipsis on the right pops up a context menu offering buttons for things like accessing settings and bookmarking the current page. It also allows access to the Reader mode, which strips out all the pictures and ads and gives you a single, lean look at the text on the page. Unfortunately, there's no way to save that view for later offline reading.


BBM lives on, and gets the very useful (and, these days, necessary) addition of video chat. That adds on to the voice chat feature that was included with BlackBerry 7. To start a voice or video chat, just go to the messaging interface with that person and tap the icon in the upper-right corner. Video chats are only possible with people also using BB10, but you can do a voice chat with folks on older versions. It's unclear at this point which (if any) carriers will allow this on a cellular connection.

Also new is a screen-sharing function, which could make mobile enterprise support a far easier thing. While in a video chat, users can opt to share what's currently on their own display, making collaboration or troubleshooting much easier -- even when you're just stuck trying to fill out a digital crossword puzzle.

And, as we mentioned above, BBM is integrated into the BlackBerry Hub, so you can send and receive messages directly in there, too.


The funky calculator on the PlayBook, an obvious product of The Astonishing Tribe. was one of our favorite pre-loaded apps on that tablet. The calc app in BlackBerry 10 is much the same, offering the same playful color scheme and quirky skeuomorphism. Punch away and your figures are tallied on a virtual paper tape, which can be virtually torn off and thrown into the virtual trash bin. There's also an integrated unit converter and a handy tip calculator, if you really want to make sure your cheap friends are doing their part.


Compass is another simple but visually striking (and fun-to-use) app. This is just a floating compass that always points north (thanks to the integrated magnetometer), but it has a very clean, simple look that makes it a pleasant thing to look at and, as the compass disk is floating freely, it's interesting to turn the phone around and see that disk from the sides and even the bottom. Granted, not the most useful app here, but you might be more inclined to use this to find your way about than the default maps application.


The app only works when you're online, not even caching routes once you get going, so you'd best restrict your expeditions to areas with good signal coverage.

In an era when mapping and navigation are increasingly important pieces of a mobile platform's pie, the Maps app in BlackBerry 10 is functional at best. The features on offer here pale in comparison to even Apple's oft-derided option in iOS 6. It's instead best compared to the bare-bones carrier-installed options like VZ Navigator -- especially since they were both developed by the same company.

You can search for POIs and look at a map to see where a given contact is located and then get barebones navigation to that destination. By "barebones" we mean no re-routing for traffic, no satellite overview, no POI displays, no gestures to look around the map while navigating and, should you ever lose your connection, a complete loss of functionality. The app only works when you're online, not even caching routes once you get going, so you'd best restrict your expeditions to areas with good signal coverage.


It's challenging to put down a final verdict on an operating system that's just emerging after such a long period of incubation. Like Microsoft with Windows Phone 7 back in the day, BlackBerry is basically starting from scratch here, and that's a difficult thing to do when the two biggest competing platforms, iOS and Android, each have millions of users deeply entrenched within their respective ecosystems, users happily sated by the hundreds of thousands of apps from all the major players.

As a company, BlackBerry has been doing a ton of legwork to ensure that app partners are lined up and ready to deploy their wares here, and indeed there's a lot of potential for BlackBerry, but at this point it's hard to imagine that potential outshining the established goods offered by the competition.

As a replacement for older versions of BlackBerry OS, BB 10 is a huge step out of the dark ages of mobile OS design. It's something that finally feels intended for a modern, full-touch device, yet still offers the core productivity focus we think BBID-holders will like. Does it have mainstream appeal? Yes, it does, but we're not sure a great stock keyboard and some trick gestures are enough to unseat the current kings of mobile devices.

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10 Things BlackBerry Z10 Does That iPhone Can't

The first BlackBerry 10 smartphone, the BlackBerry Z10 is now available in the United States, and overall, it has been relatively well-received - in North American and overseas. The device just went on sale last week, and U. S. wireless carriers have not yet released any official sales numbers. But if non-U. S. shipments during the first couple of months following the Z10's release are any indication, BlackBerry may see even more Z10 shipments than the million devices it moved it in the company's fiscal fourth quarter.

One solid sign that the Z10 is getting some attention in the United States is the number of inquiries I'm currently receiving from readers, colleagues, coworkers, friends and family about the Z10. The inquiries usually go something like this: "You have the new BlackBerry, right? [Insert name of somebody they know here; Joe Schmo, for example] has one too, and he really likes it. But I don't know if I can switch from my iPhone. I'm due for an upgrade, but the new iPhone is coming out soon, and I might just play it safe. What can the new BlackBerry do that my iPhone can't?"

I hear from a lot of Android users, too, but more people I've spoken with use iPhones. So for the purpose of this article, I'm going to stick with a BlackBerry Z10 v. iPhone comparison. Instead of repeating the same ol' spiel to everybody who asks about why they should buy the Z10 instead of a new iPhone, here's a quick list of things the Z10 can do that the iPhone can't.

Before I get started, I'll state that this post is in no way saying the BlackBerry Z10 is "better" than the iPhone. You should do a lot more research before buying a new phone than just reading one article.

With that said, here's a list of 10 BlackBerry Z10 features that you will not find in any iPhone.

(For more on the first BlackBerry 10 smartphone, read my Z10 guide. which includes a review, tips, tricks, best apps and more.)

1) BlackBerry Z10's Micro HDMI Out, Standard Charging Ports

One of my single favorite features found in the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display. HDMI-out support is not an exclusive BlackBerry Z10 feature; a number of Android phones from Motorola have micro HDMI ports. But you won't see any such port on any Apple gadget.

Unlike any of Apple's products, the BlackBerry Z10 has standard charging ports. That means you can use any microUSB power cord or sync cable you may have on hand. And you get access to a larger number of third-party accessories that aren't necessary built just for the Z10 and, therefore, are often cheaper than Apple-specific cords and accessories.

2) BlackBerry 10 and TimeShift Camera

An awesome new camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still. TimeShift takes a rapid series of images and lets you isolate the faces of the subjects in your photos. You can then tap the faces in the picture and "fast forward" or "rewind" them to find the best facial expressions. TimeShift is unique to BlackBerry 10 - you won't find anything like it built into iOS or Android - and it works very well.

3) Expandable Storage up to 64GB

The BlackBerry Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. (The Z10 only comes in one 16GB model.) I use one 64GB memory card in my device, and I carry around another pair of 64GB cards for a total of more than 200GB of storage at any given time. I have a massive music collection, and I can fit almost all of it on these three media cards. I could also carry additional memory cards if I wanted more storage space. The iPhone doesn't support expandable storage, and the largest storage capacity for iPhone is 64GB.

4) BlackBerry Z10 Removable Battery

Even more valuable than support for microSD media cards is the fact that you can swap out the BlackBerry Z10's 1800-mAh battery. I have yet to find a single smartphone that will last a full day of travel, with heavy use, without charging multiple times. That's why support for removable batteries is an absolutely necessity for meanyone who travels frequently. Spare Z10 batteries can be purchased for less than $25 each on Amazon. com. And BlackBerry offers a cool Battery Charger Bundle that comes with a spare battery and a charging dock for simultaneously powering up your Z10 and an extra battery.

5) BlackBerry Z10 Runs Android Apps

The BlackBerry Z10 and its BlackBerry 10 OS may have only a fraction of the applications as iOS, but the Z10 can run not only native BlackBerry apps, but also repackaged or "ported" Android apps. Some official versions of ported Android apps are available in the BlackBerry World app store, but many more can be found online and then manually sideloaded onto your device. You can even repackage your own Android apps if you're willing to put in time and effort - though not all apps will work the way they do on Android.

The quality of Android apps on BlackBerry 10 varies widely. depending on the complexity of the apps and how much effort the developers put into making them BlackBerry 10 compatible. But support for Android apps provides BlackBerry 10 users with a wider base of applications while BlackBerry improves developer support and builds its catalogue of quality native BlackBerry apps.

6) BlackBerry Z10 Screen Share during BBM Video Chat

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) app got a significant upgrade in BlackBerry 10. You can now use BBM in BlackBerry 10 for video calls, in addition to voice and text chats, over Wi-Fi and 4G cellular networks. BBM in BlackBerry 10 also lets you share your device's screen with video-chat participants, so you could initiate a video chat with a colleague to show them a presentation or chat with a long-distance loved one while showing them pictures of your recent travels. (Note: BlackBerry 10 is required for video chats; you cannot chat with users of older BlackBerrys or non-BlackBerry devices.)

I know of some screen sharing software for iOS, but BBM screen sharing lets you quickly switch back and forth between sharing and a video chat, and you can continue your voice chat while sharing your device's display.

7) The BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry 10 Virtual Keyboard

My single favorite feature in BlackBerry 10, and on the Z10, is the virtual keyboard. It's the best touch-screen, virtual keyboard I have ever used, hands down. When it comes to accuracy, ease of use and predictive-text features, it puts the stock iOS keyboard to shame.

The on-screen keys are large, and the keyboard's rows are separated by virtual "frets," which add some space and provide more touchable area per key. The keyboard literally "learns" your typing behavior and adjusts accordingly. For example, if you have large hands and you constantly hit the "P" key when you're trying to tap the letter "O," the keyboard learns your pattern and adjusts itself.

The BlackBerry 10 keyboard's predictive-text features are what truly set it apart from other touch-screen keypads. When you start typing, the software predicts what it thinks you'll type next. But unlike other keyboards, the predicted words appear directly above the next letter in the word you're typing. To finish the word you just slide your finger upward from above the letter you're on.

The Z10 virtual keypad also takes predictive text a step further. In the past week, I've send a lot emails to PR people and sources, and I closed many of these messages with a standard: "Thanks very much for your assistance." Now, when I start typing "Thanks," on my Z10, it not only predicts that word, but "very" automatically appears above the "V" key. And if I slide my finger up to type "very," the word "much" appears above the "M" key and so on.

8) The BlackBerry Hub

The heart and soul of BlackBerry 10 is the BlackBerry Hub, and it's a standout feature. The BlackBerry Hub shows all of your messages and notifications in a single place. And you can easily access it, when you're using a specific application or while you're navigating home screens, by sliding your thumb up from the bottom of the display and then to the right, to pull the active page to the side and "peek" at your Hub. If you want to open a message or notification you just continue your thumb's leftward motion until the Hub takes up your entire display and click on the message or notification of your choice. If there are no pressing messages, you can slide your thumb back to the right and return to whatever you were doing.

BlackBerry Hub also lets you filter messages and notifications so you see only the items you want. For example, when you're in the Hub you can pick Email to see only email messages, or you could choose Facebook to see only messages and notifications from Facebook Friends. Developers can build applications that integrate with the Hub, and the more Hub-compatible apps you use the richer the information you find there. BlackBerry Hub is unlike anything in iOS, and though it takes some getting used to, it works very well.

9) BlackBerry 10 and Active Frames

BlackBerry 10 can keep up to 8 applications running at one time, and each app is represented with its own Active Frame that appears on your main home-screen pane. Active Frames are dynamic windows that update themselves periodically with new information. Different apps provide different levels of information via Active Frame, depending on the software's integration with BlackBerry 10. But a deeply integrated app can provide a wealth of information just by viewing its Active Frame.

A couple of examples: The Active Frame for the BlackBerry World store rotates through popular and spotlighted apps, noteworthy films and music to show you what's hot at a given time without actually opening up the app store; and the BeWeather 10 app shows rotating weather information and graphics for your pre-set locations in its Active Frame.

10) BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry Balance

BlackBerry Balance is a technology built into the BlackBerry 10 OS that lets IT administrators create two separate personas on your smartphone: one for work; and one for personal. While Balance sounds like a feature designed specifically for IT, it also benefits users because it keeps all personal information separate from corporate data, so IT never has to access personal files - or delete them in case of a security scare. Balance couldn't be more unobtrusive for the user, so it doesn't affect the overall experience. And it provides piece of mind for both IT and Z10 users.

BlackBerry recently announced Secure Work Space features that will bring Balance-like dual personas to iOS and Android, but the security features won't match those available via BlackBerry 10 and BES 10. And the user experience will likely be less smooth.

Al Sacco — Managing Editor

Al Sacco is a journalist, blogger and editor who covers the fast paced mobile beat for CIO. com and IDG Enterprise, with a focus on wearable tech, smartphones and tablet PCs. Al manages CIO. com writers and contributors, covers news, and shares insightful expert analysis of key industry happenings. He also writes a wide variety of tutorials and how-tos to help readers get the most out of their gadgets, and regularly offers up recommendations on software for a number of mobile platforms. Al resides in Boston and is a passionate reader, traveler, beer lover, film buff and Red Sox fan.

BB&T Customer Reviews

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Research In Motion: A Good Stock For Writing Put Options

I have written several articles in the past few months about Research In Motion (RIMM) and one thing remains clear: Put options are overpriced. Here is a list of RIM articles I have written .

Looking at the December monthly series, I see pricing across the board in a large move downward. All things being equal, puts should trade at a slight discount to calls due to the limited earnings potential. In the case of RIMM, not only are the puts trading at a premium to the theoretical pricing I would expect, but are trading at a premium to the calls. I have not examined the numbers along with the tape to see how much arbitrating is going on, but it appears on a preliminary view, the put and call options are right on the edge, increasing my belief an opportunity is available.

Before I would jump into selling (or buying) options for time premium, I have to be comfortable holding the position in case of exercise. There is no reason to get excited to sell volatility for $0.50 only to get hit with a loss of $3 due to a stop out. If a stock is worth holding even after getting exercised, it makes for a much better investment.

RIM has been hit from all sides this year. After several product disappointments and investor frustration over management, RIM shares are trading near multi year lows. For a profitable technology company, RIM is likely to be the most discounted enterprise anywhere near its value. With a market cap of over $9 billion, and a cash treasure chest of over $1 billion, you could be forgiven for believing RIM is bleeding money. The opposite is true. RIM is relative to the stock price making lots of money. The big fear of course is the direction the company is headed. The forward PE is under 4.5 and the trailing is under 4. The yearly revenue and profit charts look pretty horrible, however. Both revenue and bottom line charts are moving from the upper right to the lower left, and taking the stock price chart with them.

While it is true RIM is facing these challenges, it is only part of the equation. Regardless of the situation, every stock has a value (removing bankruptcies of course), and our job as investors is to determine if other investors are under or over valuing any given company. The next step for option writers is to determine if other investors are under or over valuing the put and call options available to the stock at hand.

I submit to you RIM puts are overpriced relative to the risk. Given the bad news that has recently pounded investors endlessly, RIM is demonstrating what appears to be a stock in very strong hands. After bouncing off of $16 a share a few trading days ago, RIM is once again trading over $18 a share. At the same time puts are trading above the theoretical value.

This leads me to believe one or more likely both of two likely major price influencers are occurring. First, investors who are not about to sell their shares are protecting against downside moves, and secondly, retail put buyers are buying up puts looking for more downside in RIM. Both groups are bullish for the stock and more importantly to us, are creating an opportunity.

I am willing to buy RIM for $15 a share and currently the premium I can collect is about $0.30 for a December 16 $15 put option (RIM also trades weekly’s). If exercised, I would have a cost basis of about $14.70 per share and could then turn around and sell the $15 call options. As long as RIM stays above $15 at the close of December the 16, I pocket about 2% relative to my risk. I could also buy the $10 puts for $0.02 and limit my loss to $4.72 if RIM would happen to implode in the next three weeks.

RIM also appears to be a value based on recent rumors of talks with Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT ). Flyonthewall. com posted takeover chatter today that may or may not have validity but the concept remains the same. At some point, RIM is a takeover target, and the some point appears to be drawing near. Microsoft has demonstrated a recent willingness to purchase large companies such as Skype and it would not be a stretch to imagine Microsoft wanting to add the intellectual property rights along with the operation. As long as Microsoft remains aggressive in market share competition with Google (NASDAQ:GOOG ), RIM is certainly in play at or near the current valuation.

If Google decides to buy RIM, it would help seal a market dominant position for the foreseeable future. Google has bought other intellectual property from companies like Motorola (NYSE:MMI ) and others. There is no reason to believe RIM investors will have to worry about the stock moving to zero anytime soon. If you looking to buy RIM anyway, take a look at selling volatility as your portfolio will likely thank you for it.

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, but may initiate a long position in RIMM over the next 72 hours.

Additional disclosure: I may initiate a short position in RIMM Dec put options within the next 72 hours.

BlackBerry: How to Reboot or Reset

“How do I reboot or reset my BlackBerry?” is one of the first questions that new BlackBerry owners ask me. This tutorial documents how to do both the soft and hard resets.

If your BlackBerry device locks up, the first thing always to do is to reboot or reset the phone.

Press and Hold the alt key, right shift/caps lock key, and del key. Pay attention that it is the shift key on the right. Hold the key combo until the LED light turns red and the screen locks. The reboot process will begin.

If the phone is locked so hard that the soft reset does not work, a hard reset is your only option. Open the phone back and remove the battery. Wait a few seconds for the phone to completely go dark and reinsert the battery.

David Kirk is one of the original founders of tech-recipes and is currently serving as editor-in-chief. Not only has he been crafting tutorials for over ten years, but in his other life he also enjoys taking care of critically ill patients as an ICU physician. View more articles by David Kirk

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hola… mi problema con mi bb es diferente, quiero configurar una cuenta de hotmail, pero no he podido cuando le doy por configuracion y luego por cuentas de correo electronic ome sale un reloj es decir como pensando, y solo puedo salir con le boton rojo porque si undo el de atras se celular se congela y toca esperar por ahi 3 minutos podrian por favor enviarme un correo a iporras128 arroba hotmail. com llevo un mes intentando solucionarlo pero no he sido capaz, les agradeceria demasiado

bb torch showing everything hidden, my cam pic my multimedia, my data everything and moreover they are not shown when i connect my memory card on pc (with or without mobile). can some one help me on this.

do you have a password set on your blackberry? if so, you need to leave memory card in phone, enter password when it goes to mass storage mode and then should be able to see contents.

hope that helps!

do you have a password set on your blackberry? if so, you need to leave memory card in phone, enter password when it goes to mass storage mode and then should be able to see contents.

hope that helps!

i recommend once a week, but if you setup the memory cleaning options, you can prob just wait to go until some app freezes it or you notice lag.

memory cleaner = months of being on w/a problems

My BB torch is not at all starting. It is not showing any kind of blinking light or boot up screen. I checked battery, but that is not issue. So what will be the possible cause and how to solve it? before this happen it keeps on restarting again and again after couple of hours.? plz help me out…

i recommend once a week, but if you setup the memory cleaning options, you can prob just wait to go until some app freezes it or you notice lag.

memory cleaner = months of being on w/a problems

Update Desktop Software yesterday and now having a problem with all of the buttons across the bottom not working properly. Scroll bar works intermittently as well. I’ve pulled battery numerous times, done the Alt/Shift/Del key thing and it didn’t even go black. The Alt key is part of the problem as it will only do one number at a time when I try to type. Today I went back to the previous version of Desktop Software and that worked for a few minutes but then things locked up again. I’ve only had it a year and I’m desperate to get it fixed. Would appreciate any suggestions you have to offer. Thanks!

Hi I just changed the touch screen on my blackberry 9800 and all the sadden my speak isn’t working does anyone have any idea of what might the problem be and how can I fix. I have even bought new flexes for every parts on the phone but still the speaker isn’t working I even bought a new speaker and still its not working I’m just wondering if I have to load a new os after changing a part on a torch

Hi, I cannot delete some pictures I took on my phone jst because I sent it to a contact and A̶̲̥̅♏‎​​ still getting a notification of a ping I have already read.

Hi, my bb rebooted after i updated my facebook, but now the loading bar is stuck at about 75% for a few hours already? i have a bb curve 8520

My bb Torch has been stuck in a reboot cycle for 24 hours. It goes about 75% complete and reboots again. I’ve tried soft & hard starts to no avail. Any thoughts?

when i hold the alt key and press the cap plusdel boting start but it couldnt complete and stop

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An air gun or airgun (also called pellet gun) is any one of a variety of guns that propel projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, in contrast to firearms which use a propellant charge. Both the rifle and pistol forms (air rifle and air pistol) normally fire metallic projectiles, either pellets or spherical balls and are totally harmless providing safety information is observed. Airguns today are seen as a safe, less threatening alternative to firearms, and typically treated differently by legal systems. Please view our safety documentation in the footer before purchase.


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3 Big Stock Charts for Friday: Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM), Goldcorp Inc. (USA) (GG) and Newmont Mining Corp (NEM)

No raise in interest rates has meant positive things for XOM, GG and NEM

Mar 18, 2017, 7:53 am EDT | By Anthony Mirhaydari. InvestorPlace Market Strategist

Stocks continued their post-Fed rally on Thursday in the wake of that dovish “no hike” policy decision from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday that also saw policymakers cut their rate hike forecast for 2017 in half. Now, officials only expect two quarter-point hikes this year.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is rapidly moving towards two-year resistance near the 18,000 level. A breakout would get the seven-year bull market — which hasn’t made a new high since early last year — back on track.

If that’s going to happen, watch for fresh strength in energy stocks and precious metals, as the Fed’s actions have weakened the dollar and put a bid under commodities on higher inflation expectations. Here are three charts to keep an eye on: Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM ), Goldcorp Inc. (USA) (NYSE: GG ), and Newmont Mining Corp (NYSE: NEM ).

Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)

With crude oil topping the $40-a-barrel level on Thursday to return to levels not seen since December, energy stocks like XOM are getting a nice lift here. XOM has been setting higher lows since last August but has yet to break over resistance near $86 last tested in May. With the Fed promising lower interest rates for longer, now could be the time.

The company will next report results on April 29 before the bell. Analysts are looking for earnings of 25 cents per share on revenues of $52.7 billion.

Goldcorp Inc. (USA) (GG)

Gold and silver have been on the move again this week as the dollar has weakened, sending shares of GG up to test levels not seen since last June. That’s worth a near-80% move from the January low. But with precious metals looking to end a long downtrend that started in 2011, this could just be the start of a period of sustained gains.

The company will next report earnings on April 28 before the bell. Analysts are looking for the company to break even on revenues of $941 million.

Newmont Mining Corp (NEM)

Another precious metals play, NEM, is showing just how significant the recent strength in the sector has been. Shares are on the verge of breaking up and out of consolidation resistance going all the way back to 2017 — a move that would put early 2017 levels near $40 back in play, a move of near 50% from current levels.

The company will next release results on April 20 after the bell. Analysts are looking for earnings of 14 cents per share on revenues of $1.86 billion.

Anthony Mirhaydari is founder of the Edge and Edge Pro investment advisory newsletters. A two-week and four-week free trial offer has been extended to InvestorPlace readers.

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Dummies Guide to Earnings Per Share (EPS)

When you analyze a company’s financial health, the very first measure that you may want to check is profitability. The portion of a company’s profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock is known as Earnings Per Share or EPS. Though the interpretation of Earnings Per Share is relatively easy, however, the EPS calculation is not this simple. For example, let us have a look at the Colgate Palmolive Earnings Per Share Schedule.

We note that there are two variations of EPS – Basic EPS and Diluted EPS in Colgate . Also note that stock options and restricted stock units are affecting the total number of shares outstanding. If this is slightly confusing at this stage, then worry not, the primer on EPS cover the basics and then take you to the advanced level of Earnings Per Share. Topics covered are as per below –

What is Earnings Per Share or EPS?

Most commonly used corporate profitability measure for publicly traded firms. Earnings per share (EPS) tells common shareholders how much of the available income is associated with the shares they own (their share of the pie).

Important points to note about EPS

EPS is only reported for shares of common stock

Non publicly traded firms are not required to disclose EPS numbers

EPS provides insight to common shareholders about:

Future dividend payout

The value of their shareholdings

Simple versus Complex Capital Structure

A company’s capital structure is simple if it consists of only common stock or includes no potential common stock that upon conversion or exercise could dilute earnings per common share. Companies with simple capital structures only need to report basic EPS.

A complex capital structure has securities that could have a dilutive effect on earnings per common share. As of now, think of dilutive effect as those securities that lower the Earnings Per Share.

Complex capital structure has potentially dilutive securities like options, warrants or convertible securities.

Companies with complex capital structures must report both basic EPS and diluted EPS.

Calculation of diluted EPS under a complex capital structure allows the investors to see the adverse impact on EPS if all diluted securities convert into common stock.

Let us look at the Colgate example again in this context. Colgate has a complex capital structure – ¿Por qué? Reason is that their capital structure contains stock options and restrictive stock units that may increase the number of shares outstanding (denominator). If the number of shares outstanding increases, then the EPS will decrease. Please note in case of Colgate, the number of shares that increase due to stock options and restricted stock units is 9.1 million for the year of 2017.

source – Colgate 10K filings

Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) Definition

Basic EPS does not consider the effect of any dilutive securities. Here we use the actual earnings and actual number of issued common shares issued

Basic EPS Formula in a simple capital structure:

The current year’s preferred dividends is subtracted from net income because EPS refers to earnings available to the common shareholder. Common stock dividends are not subtracted from net income.

Let us take the example of Colgate from above example, the Net Income (2017) attributable to Common Shareholders is $2,241 million and common shares outstanding is 930.8 million. EPS of Colgate for 2017 is $2,241 / 930.8 = $2.41

source – Colgate 10K filings

Weighted Average Number of Common Shares

Since the number of common shares outstanding may change over the year, the weighted average is used to compute EPS. The weighted average number of common shares is the number of shares outstanding during the year weighted by the portion of the year they were outstanding. Analysts need to find the equivalent number of whole shares outstanding for the year.

Three steps to compute the weighted average number of common shares outstanding:

Identify the beginning balance of common shares and changes in the common shares during the year.

For each change in the common shares:

Step 1 – Compute the number of shares outstanding after each change in the common shares. Issuance of new shares increases the number of shares outstanding. Repurchase of shares reduces the number of shares outstanding.

Step 2 – Weight the shares outstanding by the portion of the year between this change and next change: weight = days outstanding / 365 = months outstanding / 12

Step 3 – Sum up to compute the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.

Calculate Basic EPS

Albatross Inc 2007 Net Income – $1,000,000. Additional data provided below

100,000 Class A shares preferred cumulative shares, dividend amount $2.00/share

50,000 Class B shares preferred non cumulative shares, dividend amount $1.50/share

No Dividend declared or paid in the current year

What will be the numerator of basic EPS for Albatross Inc?

Numerator of EPS = Net Income – Preferred Dividends

Weighted average number of shares calculation

Weighted average number of shares are calculated as per below –

Stock Dividends & Stock Splits

In computing weighted average number of shares, stock dividends and stock splits are only changes in the units of measurement, not changes in the ownership of earnings. A stock dividend or split shareholders).

When a stock dividend or split occurs, computation of the weighted average number of shares requires restatement of the shares outstanding before the stock dividend or split. It is not weighted by the portion of the year after the stock dividend or split occurred.

Specifically, before starting the three steps of computing the weighted average, the following numbers is restated to reflect the effects of the stock dividend/split:

The beginning balance of shares outstanding;

All share issuance or purchase prior to the stock dividend or split;

No restatement is made for shares issued or purchased after the date of the stock dividend or split.

If a stock dividend or split occurs after the end of the year, but before the financial statements are issued, the weighted average number of shares outstanding for the year (and any other years presented in comparative form) must be restated.

Calculate the effect of Stock Splits & Stock Dividends

Calculate the weighted average number of shares for the following –

Weighted average number of shares are calculated as per below –

Colgate’s Stock Dividends –

As a result of the 2017 Stock Split all historical per share data and numbers of shares outstanding were retroactively adjusted. In 2012, the shares outstanding were 476.1 million and they almost doubled up to 930.8 million due to two-for-one stock split.

source – Colgate 10K filings

Diluted EPS

If a company has a complex capital structure, it must report two EPS figures: basic EPS and diluted EPS.

The securities could be either dilutive or anti-dilutive. Anti-dilutive securities are those which upon conversion or exercise increase earnings per share or reduce loss per share. The likelihood of conversion or exercise of anti-dilutive securities is considered remote.

Diluted EPS shows the maximum potential adverse effect on EPS if dilutive securities convert to common stock. The purpose is to show the “worst case” scenario. Therefore, the computation of diluted EPS does not consider anti-dilutive securities, which increase EPS. In computing diluted EPS, analysts need to check each potentially dilutive security individually to see whether it is dilutive or anti-dilutive. All anti-dilutive securities are excluded and cannot be used to offset dilutive securities.

To compute diluted EPS, start from basic EPS and then remove the adverse effect of all dilutive securities outstanding during the period.

In computing diluted EPS, the adverse effects of dilutive securities are removed by adjusting the numerator and the denominator of the basic EPS formula.

Identify all potentially dilutive securities: convertible bond, options, convertible preferred stock, warrants, etc.

Compute the basic EPS. The effect of potentially dilutive securities is not included in the computation.

Determine the effect of each potentially dilutive security on EPS to see whether it is dilutive or anti-dilutive. How? Compute the adjusted EPS assuming the conversion occurs. If adjusted EPS (>) basic EPS, the security is dilutive (anti-dilutive).

Exclude all anti-dilutive securities from the computation of diluted EPS.

Use basic and dilutive securities to compute diluted EPS.

Effect of Convertible Debt on EPS

Effect on Numerator

Upon conversion, the numerator (net income) of the basic EPS formula increases by the amount of interest expense net of tax associated with those increased by the amount of interest expense, net of tax associated with those potential common shares. ¿Por qué? If converted, there would be no interest for the bond, so income available to common shares will increase accordingly. After-tax interest is used because bond interest is tax deductible while net income is computed on an after-tax basis.

Effect on Denominator

Upon conversion, the denominator (weighted average number of shares outstanding) of the basic EPS formula increases by the number of shares created from the conversion, weighted by the time that these shares would be outstanding: number of shares due to conversion = par value of the convertible bond / conversion price.

Before calculating diluted EPS, one needs to check if this security is anti-dilutive. To check whether the convertible debt is anti-dilutive, calculate

If this number is less than basic EPS, convertible debt is dilutive and should be included in calculation of diluted EPS

EPS Example – Effect of convertible debt

Calculate the weighted average number of shares for the following –

During 2006, KK Enterprise reported net income of $250,000 and had 100,000 shares of common stock. During 2006, KK Enterprise issued 1,000 shares of 10%, par $100 preferred stock outstanding. In 2006 KK Enterprise issued, at par, 600, $1,000, 8% bonds, each convertible into 100 shares of common stock. Compute the diluted EPS. Assume tax rate – 40%

Calculation of Diluted EPS

Effect of Convertible Preferred Stock

Effect on the Numerator

Upon conversion, the numerator of the basic EPS formula would increase by the amount of the preferred dividends. If converted, there would be no dividends for the convertible preferred stock so income available to common shares will increase accordingly. Different from bond interests, preferred dividends are not tax-deductible.

Effect on the Denominator

Upon conversion, the denominator of the basic EPS formula would increase by the number of shares created from the conversion, weighted by the time that these shares would be outstanding: number of shares due to conversion = number of convertible preferred shares outstanding x conversion rate. The time outstanding would be the entire year if the preferred stock was issued in a previous year, or a fraction of the year if the preferred stock is issued in the current year.

Before calculating diluted EPS, one needs to check if this security is anti-dilutive

To check whether the convertible preferred stock is anti-dilutive, calculate

If this number is less than basic EPS, convertible preferred stock is dilutive and should be included in calculation of diluted EPS

Example – Effect of convertible preferred stock on EPS

During 2006, KK Enterprise reported net income of $250,000 and had 100,000 shares of common stock. During 2006, KK Enterprise issued 1,000 shares of 10%, par $100 preferred stock outstanding, each convertible into 40 shares. Computed the diluted EPS. Assume tax rate – 40%

Calculation of Diluted EPS

Treasury Stock Method – Options and Warrants

This method assumes that the options and warrants are exercised at the beginning of the year (or date of issue if later) and the proceeds from the exercise of options and warrants are used to purchase common stock for the treasury. There is no adjustment to net income in the numerator.

Upon exercise of the options or warrants, the company receives the following amount of proceeds: exercise price of the option x number of shares issued to holders of the options or warrants.

The company will then use the proceeds from the exercise of options and warrants to buy back common shares at the average market price for the year.

The net change in the number of shares outstanding is number of shares issued to holders of the options or warrants less the number of shares acquired from the market.

If the exercise price of the option or warrants is lower than the market price of the stock, dilution occurs. If higher, the number of common shares is reduced and anti-dilutive effect occurs. In the latter case, exercise is not assumed.

Example – Effect of Stock Options

During 2006, KK Enterprise reported net income of $250,000 and had 100,000 shares of common stock. During 2006, KK Enterprise issued 1,000 shares of 10%, par $100 preferred stock outstanding. In addition, the company has 10,000 options with strike price (X) of $2 and the current market price (CMP) of $2.5. Computed the diluted EPS.

Assume tax rate – 40%

Basic EPS

Diluted EPS

Denominator = 100,000 (basic shares) + 10,000 (in the money options) – 8,000 (buy back) = 102,000 shares

Colgate’s Earnings Per Share Analysis

We note the following in Colgate’s Earnings Per Share schedule

source – Colgate 10K filings

Basic EPS Calculation Methodology – Basic earnings per common share is computed by dividing net income available for common stockholders by the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding for the period.

Diluted EPS Calculation Methodology – Diluted earnings per common share is computed using the treasury stock method on the basis of the weighted-average number of shares of common stock plus the dilutive effect of potential common shares outstanding during the period.

Dilutive potential common shares include outstanding stock options and restricted stock units.

Anti-dilutive securities – As of December 31, 2017. 2012 and 2011. the average number of stock options that were anti-dilutive and not included in diluted earnings per share calculations were 1,785,032. 3,504,608 and 3,063,536. respectively

Stock Split Adjustment – As a result of the 2017 Stock Split all historical per share data and numbers of shares outstanding were retroactively adjusted.

How Earnings Per Share is related to the Stock Markets

Earning represents profitability of the company and is considered to be the most important indicator of financial health of the company. Earnings are reported four times a year by the publicly listed companies and we note that research analysts and investors closely follow this earnings season. Growing earnings or EPS is a measure of company’s great performance and in a way a measure of returns for the investor. Infact, EPS is directly to the stock markets by way wide tracked wallstreet PE Muliple or Price/EPS ratio. Lower the PE multiple compared to the Industry average PE, better it is from the point of view of investments and valuations. Stock prices react sharply to quarterly earnings due to the very same connection. For example, below is the share price movement of Blackberry Ltd after quarterly earnings report. Note the sharp movements in the stock prices. Learn more about Enterprise Value and Equity Value here

Other Resources that you may like

What next?

If you learned something new or enjoyed the post, please leave a comment below. Let me know what you think. Many thanks and take care. Happy Learning!


About Dheeraj?

>> worked as JPMorgan Equity Analyst, ex-CLSA India Analyst >>edu qualification - CFA Charterholder, FRM Charterholder, IIT Delhi, IIML >>This is my personal blog that aims to help students and professionals become awesome in Financial Analysis. Here, I share secrets about the best ways to analyze Stocks, buzzing IPOs, M&As, Private Equity, Startups, Valuations and Entrepreneurship.



TVIN » Topics » Forbearance Agreement with BB&T.

This excerpt taken from the TVIN 10-Q filed Nov 26, 2008.

Forbearance Agreement with BB&T. In connection with certain events of default under the Credit Facility alleged by BB&T, related to the Company’s failure to pay when due the October 2008 term loan principal payment, required by the Credit Facility, and the Company’s failure to pay borrowing base deficiencies, the Company initiated discussions with BB&T regarding the entry into a forbearance agreement (or other arrangement) to avoid acceleration by BB&T of its obligations under the Credit Facility. The Company contemplated that entry into the forbearance agreement would resolve, among other things, the Company’s potential default of certain covenants of the Credit Facility, based on its results for the period ended September 30, 2008, with respect to a funded debt to EBITDA ratio and the tangible net worth covenants.  As of November 24, 2008, the balance under the Revolving Facility was $8.4 million and the balance under the Term Facility was $19.4 million.

As a result of these discussions, on November 20, 2008 the Company and certain of its subsidiaries entered into a Forbearance Agreement with BB&T (the “Forbearance Agreement”).  Under the Forbearance Agreement, BB&T agreed, among other things, to temporarily refrain and forbear from exercising and enforcing the remedies available to it with regard to the Credit Facility during the forbearance period which ends January 30, 2009.  The forbearance period may be extended through April 30, 2009 if certain conditions set forth in the Forbearance Agreement are satisfied, including, among other things: (i) the Company’s budget for the period from January 30, 2009 through April 30, 2009 is satisfactory to BB&T; (ii) the Company is current on all interest payments and other payment obligations as required by the Forbearance Agreement; and (iii) no Forbearance Default (as defined below) exists.

The Company’s borrowing base is calculated by taking (i) 85% of the amount of eligible receivables plus (ii) the lesser of (A) 50% of the amount of eligible inventory, or (B) $4,000,000 (the “Borrowing Base”).  If the aggregate outstanding principal balance of

the revolving portion of the Credit Facility, including the aggregate face amount of any outstanding letters of credit from BB&T, is greater than the Borrowing Base, then a “Borrowing Base Deficiency” exists under the Credit Agreement.  The Forbearance Agreement provides that the Company may carry a Borrowing Base Deficiency not to exceed $3,543,000 (the “Borrowing Base Deficiency Cap”) if the weekly amount that the Company has borrowed beyond the Borrowing Base Deficiency Cap (the “Aggregate Net Negative Variance”) at no time exceeds $177,150 (the “Negative Variance Cap”).  The Company may request additional advances from BB&T during the forbearance period provided that (a) BB&T may not terminate, limit or suspend the advances unless a Forbearance Default occurs, (b) after giving effect to the Company’s request, the aggregate amount of the revolving loans under the Credit Facility would not exceed the lesser of (i) $7,000,000, or (ii) the Borrowing Base plus the Borrowing Base Deficiency Cap, and (c) after giving effect to the Company’s request, the aggregate amount of the revolving loans under the Credit Facility would not exceed the Borrowing Base plus the Company’s weekly projected maximum Borrowing Base Deficiency plus the Negative Variance Cap.

Under the Forbearance Agreement, principal installment payments on the term loan under the Credit Facility for October, November and December 2008 and January 2009 (and, if the Forbearance Period is extended as provided in the Forbearance Agreement, for February, March and April 2009) are deferred until the maturity of the term on February 22, 2017.  The Company must make mandatory prepayments on the term loan under the Credit Facility.  Any mandatory prepayments otherwise coming due during the forbearance period (including, without limitation, any extensions) will be deferred and will become due and payable at the end of the forbearance period.  During the forbearance period, interest will accrue on the unpaid principal balance of revolving loans under the Credit Facility at BB&T’s prime rate plus 1.5% per annum and the term loan under the Credit Facility at BB&T’s prime rate plus 2.0% per annum.  During the forbearance period, any net proceeds from sales of assets outside of the ordinary course of business will be applied to the Company’s obligations under the Credit Facility and the Forbearance Agreement as determined in BB&T’s reasonable discretion.

Under the Forbearance Agreement, the Company must hire a consultant by November 25, 2008 to assist it in the preparation of a cash budget and cash flow projections for the period through April 30, 2009, to evaluate its operations and procedures, to provide recommendations for improvement.  The consultant’s engagement will terminate on or before December 31, 2008. The Company must provide BB&T with certain updated and additional information including, weekly cash budgets, cash flow and Borrowing Base projections for each week.  By December 20, 2008, the Company must provide BB&T with a revised weekly cash budget, cash flow, Borrowing Base and the weekly maximum Borrowing Base Deficiency projections for the Company for the period from January 30, 2009 through the week of April 30, 2009.  By December 31, 2008, the Company must provide BB&T with a final report from the consultant validating the Company’s strategic plan and budgets, and the final report of the consultant must be acceptable to BB&T in its reasonable discretion.  In addition, the Company must have weekly meetings with BB&T to provide it with a cash flow report and variances from the budget.

The Forbearance Agreement provides for customary events of default that constitute “Forbearance Defaults” and include, but are not limited to, (a) the Borrowing Base Deficiency exceeds the Borrowing Base Deficiency Cap and continues for a period of two days, (b) the Aggregate Net Variance exceeds the Negative Variance Cap without BB&T’s written consent, (c) failure to perform or comply with any of the terms, conditions or provisions of the Forbearance Agreement (and not cured within any applicable grace or cure period), and (d) the occurrence of an event of default under the Credit Facility other than the events of default existing as of November 20, 2008.  Upon the occurrence of any Forbearance Default, without notice or consent of the Company, BB&T may limit, suspend or terminate advances, terminate the Forbearance Period, and may enforce any and all rights and remedies available to it under the Forbearance Agreement, Credit Facility and any documents executed and delivered in connection with the Forbearance Agreement.  The Forbearance Period will terminate automatically upon the occurrence of an event of default resulting in the Company or any of its subsidiaries (i) applying for a receiver, trustee or liquidator of itself or any of its property; admitting in writing its inability to pay its debts as they mature; making a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; being declared bankrupt or insolvent; filing a voluntary petition for bankruptcy or reorganization; consenting to, approving of or acquiescence to any such proceeding or appointment of a receiver of or trustee for any of its property; or by permitting any jurisdiction or governmental authority to enjoin or otherwise prohibit the operation of any of the Company’s or its subsidiary’s business or assets; or (ii) entry of an order for relief in any involuntary case brought against the Company or its subsidiaries under the U. S. bankruptcy code, or any such bankruptcy case is brought against the Company or its subsidiaries and is not dismissed after 60 days.

Kotak Stock Trader - Trading Software for Mobile

So you want to trade on the go? Here’s our Kotak Stock Trader application, a mobile trading software that brings the stock market to your palm through your smartphone.

The Kotak Stock Trader allows you to trade in equities. derivatives and currency derivatives. track your portfolio, get live streaming market updates and stock quotes, and loads more.

The full version of Kotak Stock Trader is available absolutely free to all Kotak Securities online trading customers.

The mobile share trading software is also available for offline trading customers of Kotak Securities and for non-customers. They can download and use the mobile trading application by signing in as guest users. Offline customers can track the markets, check stock prices, create watchlists and view intraday charts for scripts listed on the BSE and the NSE.

Open an Account and use Our Stock Trader App

Trade on the go

Mobile trading


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Download Kotak Stock Trader

Key Features

Buy and sell securities, cancel and modify orders on the BSE and the NSE while on the go. You can also set your stop loss price and trigger price through the mobile trading application.

Track your portfolio in real time

You can check your current holdings and positions right from the application.

Get live streaming stock market data

Get live quotes, tips and intraday charts, track market movements by the minute, get updates on Indices right on your mobile phone screen. Through the mobile trading application, you can view intraday and end of the day movements for any scripts on different exchanges in the form of candlestick charts, line charts or OHLC Charts.

Track the scripts of your choice by creating personalized watchlists. You can also access the default watchlists as well as watch ‘My Investments’ and ‘My Positions’ on the mobile share trading software.

Move funds between your bank account and online trading account easily. You can even transfer funds from your bank account into your mutual fund account via Stock Trader.

Check available funds in your account and total margin on your account by clicking on ‘Available Funds’. This section of the mobile trading application also gives you the limits you have available against shares in your account.

Enjoy multi-level security for your data

Customer authentication is done using your User ID and 2 levels of passwords – website password and the security key code. Whenever you need to use the mobile trading software, you will be required to sign in each time, for your own security. Your mobile device does not store details of your sessions on the Stock Trader application. A session gets terminated, and you are logged out if the application remains idle for 30 minutes. The Stock Trader uses the existing order routing system of Kotak Securities and is secured using HTTPS. The highest level of encryption i. e. AES 128 bit encryption is used by the mobile share trading software.

New version notifications

Once you’ve downloaded the application, we shall send you instant notifications each time a newer, updated version of the Stock Trader is released.

Benefits of KST

All the benefits of a full-fledged online trading platform, right inside your mobile phone

High level of security for all your account and trading data

Never miss an opportunity to buy or sell, with real time stock market updates on the go.

Up to date information on all your investments at a glance, without logging into your computer or digging through physical statements.

Ability to rectify or cancel trades even when you are not near a trading terminal.

+ Expand All Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q Which Operating Systems are supported by the Kotak Stock Trader application and is it available on app store?

Yes, KST is available on all the major App stores in the world. KST is available on iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows & Java Operating systems. It can be downloaded through almost all the app stores.

Q How do I download Kotak Stock Trader on my phone?

A You can download KST on your phone by sending an SMS ST to 5676788. A link will be sent to your mobile phone, you will need to click on it to download the application. You can also visit http://m. kotaksecurities. com from your mobile phone browser to download the app.

Q How secure is it to trade on Kotak Stock Trader?

A It's completely secure to trade on Kotak Stock Trader. The application works on the existing order routing system of Kotak Securities. Customer authentication is done through Client ID & 2 levels of passwords, namely website password & security key code. The mobile device doesn't store the session's details. So, each time the user wants to log on to the application, he has to enter his User ID & password. This enhances the security rigidity in case of loss of your mobile phone. Each session lasts for 30 minutes if no activity is done.

The data transfer between the application & the Kotak Securities Order routing system is secured using industry standard security protocol HTTPS which is HTTP over SSL/TLS. The highest level of encryption supported is AES-128 bit encryption. The existing backend support systems are used here, the risk management and other customer related concerns are taken care of.

Have more questions? Click here to find answers.

I would highly recommend not going above 30" unless you like doing a lot of trimming. I have a 2"BB and 29.5", at full turn they BARELY avoid rubbing, and offroad, they're about as big as I can go.

ive got 265/70/16s on a 2" bb with sagged springs. ive got maybe 1-1.5" lift over where stock should be. my tires do not rub at full lock. i also have not done any trimming

fyi 265/70/16s are a 30.6" tire

'99 stroked 4.5L WJ 2" BDS lift 2008 Fire Red F150 XLT 4X4 3V 5.4LV8

Closed minds should go hand in hand with closed mouths

Scibbyz99WJ is offline

Join Date: Nov 2010

i'm running 265/75/16s (31.6" tire) on a 2" bb and stock springs and shocks. i had to do minor trimming and rub occasionally going forward and ALOT when going reverse. i'd go with a smaller tire.

ive got 265/70/16s on a 2" bb with sagged springs. ive got maybe 1-1.5" lift over where stock should be. my tires do not rub at full lock. i also have not done any trimming

fyi 265/70/16s are a 30.6" tire

This is what I was planning on adding with my OME HD coils. Sitting at 20.5" in the front which is about 2.5 over stock. Hopefully the 265/70R16s work out well for me too.

No rubbing in reverse either?

2003 4.0L, OME HD Springs, OME Nitro Shocks, Rancho SS, 265/70R16 General Grabber AT2s

Transfer Case: NP242

Front Axle: Dana 30

Rear Axle: Dana 35

Axle Gear Ratio: 3.73

Suspension: 4" Zone lift, 3/4" spacers.

Tires: 265/75/16 Trailcutter Radial R/T

Wheels: stockers painted black

Accessories: 8000k HIDS, Blacked out tails, bull bar, home made intake, tbs, yellow fogs, bike rack, Superchips

Future Mods: 4.10 gears, in the process of building a stroker motor

Join Date: Dec 2009

Location: Central/Northern WV

When I had my BB a while back I ran 255/70/16 with no rubbing at all. If i had to do it again though I would have either got 265/70/16 or 245/75/16. I just like a little wider tire and the 245 is a little skinny. Just my $0.02.

2004 Grand Cherokee 2000 Mustang GT 2002 F-250 Powerstroke My Jeep build: http://www. jeepforum. com/forum/f22/2004-wj-build-1142017/

I'm installing a 2" BB with upcountry springs this weekend and have 265/70/17's going on. (about 31.5"x10.5") I am pretty confident I will have to do some trimming up front, but I don't mind. My XJ is all hacked up to hell. A little interior plastic fender trimming is nothing. I will post up if trimming was needed and if so, how much and where. Is there any fender trimming right ups with pics on this forum. We should attach them to this for others considering going with bigger tires.

____________________________________________ Past - SOLD 2000 TJ, 4.0, 231HD,4.5" long armed lift, 4.56's, detroits, 35" KM1's Past - SOLD 2000 XJ auto 242 4.0 6" Full traction long arm, Dana 44's, MTR Kevlar 35's, 4.88s, Detroits Present - 2002 WJ Overland, 242HD(going in soon) 4.5" Teraflex/JKS lift, JCR Sliders, TAG bumpers, 33" Muds, 17" JK Moabs ( Future - 2012 JK Rubicon )

bhicks is offline

I'm installing a 2" BB with upcountry springs this weekend and have 265/70/17's going on. (about 31.5"x10.5") I am pretty confident I will have to do some trimming up front, but I don't mind. My XJ is all hacked up to hell. A little interior plastic fender trimming is nothing. I will post up if trimming was needed and if so, how much and where. Is there any fender trimming right ups with pics on this forum. We should attach them to this for others considering going with bigger tires.

im running 2 1/2 " springs and 3/4 " spacers up front and still get rub when turning with 265/70/17's on stock wheels

02WJ Rough Country 4" Long Arm,3/4 spacers added to front,265x70x17C BFG All-Terrain T/A KO 31.8x10.7,super 44 flowmaster, K&N air filter, JKS adj track bar, JKS HD tie rod, JKS HD draglink, RCX dual stabilzer, Mickey Thompson Sidebiter wheels 17x9 4.5"BS, Saguaro4x D-Ring Mounts

06tj RC 4" X-series, RC Dual Steering Stabilizer, 32x11.50x15 BFG All-Terrain T/A KO, 15x8 Ultra Motorsports Rogue Model:175 Wheels, K&N CAI & Filter, super 44 flowmaster

Dan Nathan

Dan Nathan is the Co-Founder and Editor of RiskReversal, a service dedicated to helping equity traders/investors understand the alternative ways they can express their views in the equity markets.

Dan is also the co-founder of and contributor to The Ticker District, a website and social network dedicated to daily trading commentary covering markets across multiple asset classes and geographies.

Dan has spent the better part of the last 18 years as a proprietary equity & options trader at hedge funds (SAC, Exis & Cheyne Capital) and within the equity derivatives group of Merrill Lynch.

Since 2009, Dan has served as a broker to investment banks for large equity option block trades while also offering trade structure and fundamental trade ideas to investment managers. Dan is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, originally from Syracuse he now lives in New York City with his wife and two daughters.

Follow Dan Nathan on Twitter @RiskReversal.


Thursday, 10 Mar 2017 | 11:49 AM ET

Within the beaten-down space of solar stocks, First Solar has survived the past year's sell-off. Are there more gains to come?

Friday, 4 Mar 2017 | 3:07 PM ET

Talk about the tech titan Elon Musk seems to have set off a flurry of bullish activity in SolarCity options.

Friday, 26 Feb 2017 | 10:56 AM ET

One trader is trying to capitalize on the recent strength in oil with an options strategy that could pay more than $1 million.

Friday, 12 Feb 2017 | 12:18 PM ET

When it comes to gold, traders including billionaire investor Mark Cuban are turning to the options market.

Tuesday, 9 Feb 2017 | 2:05 PM ET

With Disney scheduled to report earnings after the bell, some options traders seem to be bracing for bad news.

Monday, 25 Jan 2017 | 1:08 PM ET

Apple is set to report earnings Tuesday after the close. And for those worried the stock could fall, Dan Nathan offers a free protection play.

Friday, 22 Jan 2017 | 1:26 PM ET

Shares of the media giant jumped 3 percent this week, but one trader says the stock isn't looking so magical.

Tuesday, 19 Jan 2017 | 1:35 PM ET

As we get into the heart of earnings season, the options market is implying some big moves out of many stocks.

Thursday, 14 Jan 2017 | 12:18 PM ET

The options market is implying a larger-than-average move for Intel's stock once the tech giant reports Thursday.

Tuesday, 12 Jan 2017 | 12:55 PM ET

The consumer discretionary sector, which was the best performer in 2017, is down over 4 percent this year. One trader's big bet the pain will continue.

A 100% stock dividend this option would double the

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A 100% STOCK DIVIDEND This option would double the number of $10 par value common stock currently issued and outstanding. Because this type of dividend is considered, in substance, a stock split, the shares do not have to be accounted for at market value. Instead, Retained Earnings is reduced only by the par value of the additional shares, while Common Stock Dividend Distributable and, later, Common Stock are increased for that same amount. However, when 4,000,000 shares are already issued and outstanding, the reduction in Retained Earnings reflecting the stock dividend is still great: $40,000,000. In addition, no increase in any Paid-in Capital account occurs. The following journal entry would be made to record the declaration of this dividend: Retained Earnings ($10 X 4,000,000). 40,000,000 Common Stock Dividend Distributable. 40,000,000 A 2-FOR-1 STOCK SPLIT This option doubles the number of shares issued and outstanding; however, it also cuts the par value per share in half. No accounting treatment beyond a memorandum entry is required for the split

because the effect of splitting the par value cancels out the effect of doubling the number of shares. Therefore, Retained Earnings remains unchanged as does the Common Stock and Paid-in Capital Accounts. In addition, the decreased market value will encourage investors who might otherwise consider the stock too expensive. CONCLUSION To generate the greatest interest in Oregon stock while maintaining the present balances in the stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet, you should opt for the 2-for-1 stock split.

CA 15-6 (a) Mask Company should account for the purchase of the treasury stock on August 15, 2010, by debiting Treasury Stock and crediting Cash for the cost of the purchase (1,000 shares X $18 per share). Mask should account for the sale of the treasury stock on September 14, 2010, by debiting Cash for the selling price (500 shares X $20 per share), crediting Treasury Stock for cost (500

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BlackBerry Z10 (Charcoal Black)

BlackBerry Z10 (Charcoal Black)

The all new BlackBerry Z10 is a class apart from other mobiles. It has an Exclusive built with updated features and technology. The BlackBerry Z10 Price is pocket friendly and gives you a new experience all together.

Beautiful and Eye-catching Display

See the world coming alive in stunning details on the all-touch BlackBerry Z10 features a 4.2 Touch Screen . This new thin screen design gives a resolution of 768x1280 pixels and 365 ppi display . So no matter what you are viewing, you will enjoy a highly responsive and better display quality all the time.

Experience BlackBerry Flow

This time BlackBerry has initiated a new way to use this new and smart phone. It allows the features and apps to run at the same time without any interruption. The new BlackBerry Z10 is a BlackBerry OS 10 based phone . It is designed to keep you ahead of the crowd. Here you can find that features and apps work together and you can share your thoughts to complete tasks without any hassles. It is powered by Dual Core 1.5 GHz Krait Processor . With the Qualcomm MSM8960 Snapdragon chipset you can enhance all the functionalities.

You just need to peep into the BlackBerry Hub while you are busy with another app and keep track of the messages and alerts that are coming up. Stay in constant touch with your friends on Facebook, twitter or the BBM. It does not require you to turn off any of the work you are doing, neither your app nor your hub on the new BlackBerry Z10.

BlackBerry Keyboard The all new Blackberry Z10 comes with an awesome keyboard that makes typing effortless for you. It keeps in mind your style of typing and keeps suggesting words while you are typing to make you put in less effort and more output.

BBM Video with Screen Share

Instead of having a simple BBM chat, now you can have a BBM video chat face-to-face with your friends and family with as BlackBerry Z10 features a 2MP front camera . Screen Share feature allows you to share your pictures, business documents or an important mail with the another person by sharing your phone’s screen with them.

Get picture perfect pics by pinpointing and adjusting the elements in your picture. The Time Shift Mode will capture images milliseconds before and after your pictures to get images with different emotions and expressions within seconds and then you can combine all to make a perfect picture. Experience the Joy of clicking with a high quality 8MP rear camera with an LED Flash on BlackBerry Z10.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Our BlackBerry balance allows you to have both personal and professional information separate so that you can work whenever you want and play with your personal info during your leisure time.

Super Fast Browsing

Browse the internet with super fast speed . simplicity and powerful page rendering with BlackBerry browser . Blackbery Z10 remembers how you like to share after you use the sharing option for a couple of times. So next time, you can browse and share your likes snappily.

The voice control feature recognizes the natural speech patterns and gives you the freedom to raise your voice always! The all new BlackBerry Z10 allows you to send a BBM message, Facebook update, or schedule a meeting with a simple voice command from you. You can easily open up an app when your hands are busy so keep on doing all that you are doing with hands without interruption.

Memory and Battery This mobile sports an internal memory capacity of 16GB which you can expand upto 64GB. No stack all your favourite songs, movies, videos and pictures in the mobile. This mobile runs on a powerful 1800 mAh Li-Ion Battery that keeps you on as long as 10 hours. You can now buy the new BlacBerry Z10 online and avail great discounts.

Check out other mobile phones with excellent features & technology.

Related Video of BlackBerry Z10

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-07-28 19:16:41.0

Fantastic User Interface with loads of features & a decent battery backup. The delivery was prompt too.

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-07-21 14:03:28.0

Good mobile at 16k. User friendly applications, speed, touch, data storage space and state of art software are pros while battery life is con.

A complete smartphone By Guest . 2017-07-20 22:42:25.0

Damm cool smartphone. Its above almost every smartphone. You must buy this if want to have in this range. Camera is just awesome. Loaded with features. Must buy

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-07-17 01:00:08.0

very good service timely delivery and great discounting offers

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-06-26 09:48:35.0

Prompt delivery + good quality product + helpful customer service = happy customer

flabbergasting By Guest . 2017-06-11 23:39:38.0

first of all a big thanks to infibeam for their fastest delivery..i ripped out the best deal here. i could say its a steal for the price. my smart fone experience evoluted from symbion-s40-ios-android-win8 & finally bb..out of all these smart fone's im insatiable except iphone & its service..and now bb 10 is absolutely amazing..i could say its an underrated fone. it performs the task swept off the feet. overall performance is mind blowing..impressive and stylish aesthetics adds the charm. if u r app hungry u can rip apk files more barriers. for ppl seeking completely entire smart fone experience.,then its ur cup of tea. buy this and you wont regrets the bucks spent upon. i swear

BlackBerry Z10 (White) By Guest . 2017-06-01 12:54:29.0

Phone is awesome Working is very attractive. Courier service is very nice. Customer service is good

BlackBerry Z10 By Sarendra . 2017-05-31 14:06:42.0

The phone's top and bottom border are senseless, instead they should provide full screen. Phone is thick, i prefer thin. Biggest disadvantage BB world have some basic apps missing, like facebook messanger which is effective disappointment for me. Good things are: Phones display and camera are epic, also Memory(RAM)is sufficient for gaming and all. Sounds are pretty good, you can feel small beats in the music, which you normally not feel in other cells. If you are an app lover and wants latest apps, also wants screen size enough large so that you can type easily in your phone then don't buy! If apps are not an issue for you and you want a phone for music and better connectivity, crisp display, camera then go for it.

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-05-03 14:08:52.0

Great job by Infibeam team, and specially thanks to customer care, fully satisfied with product and impressive job by customer team

Typicall business phone and also an awesome change By Guest . 2017-05-03 13:16:20.0

The blackberry z10 is a very good phone with awesome features for a very affordable price! This phone guarantees to get your everyday work like messaging, emails, phone calls, etc done. Apps are pretty much ok in the blackberry world and the android app support is pretty decent (many android apps is still not supported!). Phone's os is very decent and a good change from ios. android and windows. Battery life is good and gets me through a day (9

10) hours with quite frequent texting, Facebook, listening music and phone calls. Phone's does not hang as of now now and SD card doesn't clog up the phone's performance. Camera clarity is very good and takes some very good snaps! Phone's build is sturdy and fits your hands (and pocket) perfectly! This phone is a must buy for this price range (17k!) I would recommend this phone to anyone! Infibeam's delivery was prompt and packing was good! keep up the good work infibeam!

BlackBerry Z10 (White) By Guest . 2017-05-02 13:14:29.0

Hi All Ordered The phone in black (as not available) got the white one which is equally good look and feel wise. Packaging :- Infibeam packaging was good and up to standard's. (though got the white one, the usb and wall charger were in black color "Strange"). Delivery :- Delivery of the item was with in 29 hrs from the confirmation of color from my end, hence happy with delivery time. Product Cons: 1) 10.2.1 update (290mb) was over in about 1 hr or so & the OS is very much fluid. 2) Blackberry world has lot of apps well charged apps are good & free to some extend are ok. 3) Gesture control are easy & once use to it you will do same in all other phone :) 4) Quick setting customization ( huge list of options, sure you can't remember everything). 5) Picture Password. Cons:- 1. Missing radio though alternative is to download online radio app (req data package). 2. Camera focus is bit annoying as mostly it appears shady if not clicked on time. Note: The model given is stl100-1 so no 4G. So far no issue faced. Verdict:- Overall the phone is good for browsing, music and if you are open to a whole new gesture exp.

BlackBerry Z10 (White) By Manish Singh . 2017-05-01 13:02:29.0

I orderd it on 11 Apr 2017 and I go it on 26th Apr 2017. Phone was in gud condition and working nice. No problem till date. I first time shoped from infibeam and i approve this for purchasing. I rated 4 star because at the time of purchasing it says available but it was backorder.

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-05-01 11:35:46.0

the best from blackberry.

BlackBerry Z10 By Guest . 2017-04-30 23:14:27.0

Amazing service. Happy with the service and turn around time. Even customer support is very responsive. Gracias.

BlackBerry Z10 (White) By Guest . 2017-04-28 23:04:36.0

5 star for service and 4.5 star for product. pros. innovative UI, product design and style,

5 Best CDMA phones

5 Best CDMA phones

By Naina Khedekar / 21 Jan 2012, 12:39

There has always been a slight tussle between the GSM and CDMA technologies. Although CDMA gives out better speed, GSM is more flexible, especially in a developing nation, like ours where feature phones are predominant (yet). Though CDMA took off well in India, there have been only a few CDMA players and users opting for CDMA have been few, too. Although, initially, players were seen dishing out low end handsets in the CDMA range, the scenario has been changing. Now this doesn’t mean there’s an array of high-end CDMA phones to choose from. Well, pushing aside these worries for later, we’ve managed to list out 5 options (high to mid) that you could pick out to indulge into a CDMA phone.

A good option for CDMA users

iPhone 4S – Airtel and Aircel The iPhone 4S. equipped with both GPS and CDMA slots, could make for a great buy for those looking for a CDMA phone, and obviously willing to pay up a hefty price. Although the 4S misses on a external makeover (compared to the iPhone 4), it has come with some decent changes on the specs sheet like an 8 megapixel camera, A5 chip and the popular Siri voice assistant that sits proudly on the features sheet. The iPhone 4S is available in India through Aircel and Airtel at a starting price of Rs.44,500 for the 16GB version. Airtel and Aircel have even put forth some alluring tariff plans and packs to lure Apple loyalists.

BlackBerry Curve 9350 – Reliance and Tata Indicom The Curve 9350 was released with a slew of handsets, noticing that it could have been a tad difficult amidst its big, stylish brothers Bold and Torch. Nevertheless, the Bold Curve 9350 managed to make a mark with some cool upgrades. The Curve could be an option for BlackBerry fans (who haven’t yet decided on moving onto other platforms) looking for a CDMA device. Running on the BlackBerry 7 OS, it embeds a 2.44-inch screen along with 5 megapixel camera, support for Wi-Fi, expandable 32GB memory and is powered by 800 MHz processor. The BlackBerry Curve 9350 would leave you with the option to pick from Reliance or Tata Indicom networks after shelling out a sum of Rs.20,990. It is available at Flipkart for both Tata Indicom and Reliance users for Rs.20,850.

BlackBerry Style 9670 – Reliance and Tata Indicom Yet another CDMA handset from BlackBerry is the Style 9670. This one flips open to reveal a display and the popular BlackBerry QWERTY keypad. Priced at Rs. 18,500, this BlackBerry handset can be picked with a Reliance or Tata Indicom network connection, just like the Curve 9350. At Rs.19,500, the 9670 is based on BlackBerry OS 6 with a feature set that includes 5 megapixel camera, support for Wi-Fi, 3G and music player and expandable memory up to 32GB. It is also available online at Flipkart.

The affordable lot

Samsung Galaxy Pop i559 – All leading carriers For Android fans in India, looking for a CDMA handset, Samsung had the CDMA version of the Galaxy Pop (i559) last year. This Android Froyo flavour based phone is capable of fast data speed up to 3.1 Mbps. The device is integrated with a 3.14-inch touchscreen, alongside Wi-Fi, 3G and Bluetooth connectivity options and expandable memory up to 32GB. The device can be used across all CDMA operators like Airtel, Reliance, Idea and Vodafone, to name a few, all they need is an OHM card. Moreover, the number can be retained with MNP. Samsung Galaxy Pop CDMA i559 is priced around Rs.9,000.

Motorola Milestone XT800 – MTS, Reliance and Tata Indicom The Motorola Milestone XT800. the first Android with CDMA+GSM functionality for India, and seems to be yet another decent option for those wanting an Android CDMA phone. The XT 800 runs on an Android 2.1 operating system and is powered by a 550MHz processor. The Wi-Fi enabled device has an expandable memory up to 32GB. With a classic candy bar form factor, it has a 5 megapixel rear camera and a secondary front camera, too. The camera allows to record and playback videos in 720p HD quality. At Flipkart, the Milestone XT 800 can be picked at around Rs.17,000.

It is disappointing to see that not many options prevail for CDMA users. What do think about the dearth of good CDMA options in India? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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BB&T Bank Virginia

BB&T in Virginia is expanding its branches day by day after the acquisition of some small financial institutes in the state. The company also offers a wide array of products and services, ranging from mortgages, loans, insurance, savings, deposit, and checking accounts to credit cards and many more. Other than the products and services being offered to the customers, the company also provides jobs and employments to the qualified candidates to lessen the unemployment problems in the country. The job seekers and students who are interested to be part of BB&T team and its career programs can get detailed information from the local branch or by logging in to their official website. Jobs opening are also available at most of the bank branches.

Branch Banking and Trust Company in Virginia also provides online banking services to the customers. These services bring lot of changes to the customers and help them maintain their accounts and remain free from any hassle of banking activities. Moreover, to enjoy this service the customers should have logon user ID and password issued by the bank.

BB&T Virginia Locations

BB&T locations in Virginia can be found out with the help of online Branch/ATM Locator available on the homepage of their official website. This location finder can also locate the bank's business hours, map, driving directions, ATMs, mortgage and loans office, and other financial center near the customers. Moreover, the clients should provide the ZIP Code or name of a city/state to obtain the relevant information. The following are some of the important BB&T branches in Virginia along with their customer service phone numbers and addresses.

BBandT, Arlington 2200 Wilson Blvd Ste 200 Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 284-0515

BB&T, Beach VA 2141 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (757) 563-1647

BB & T Bank, Stafford 289 Garrisonville Road Stafford, VA 22554-1527 (540) 659-3454

BB&T, Fairfax 12220 Fairfax Towne Center Fairfax, VA 22033 (703) 359-7556

BB & T, Chester 12840 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester, VA 23831 (804) 748-5163

BB&T, Manassas 8780 Centreville Road Manassas, VA 20110 1-800-226-5228

BB&T, Newport News 397 Denbigh Blvd Newport News, VA 23608 757-833-2130

BB and T, Winchester 1855 Senseny Rd Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 723-4717

BB & T 43365 Junction Plaza Ashburn, VA 20177 1-800-226-5228

BB&T, Alexandria 300 South Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314 1-800-226-5228

The customers can find out more information about Branch Banking and Trust Company branch locations for Fredericksburg, Roanoke, Chesapeake, Herndon and Vienna in Virginia by visiting the official site or a nearby financial center. This company also has its Capital Market headquarters and regional offices along with insurance company in Virginia that carry out certain financial activities such as research, investment banking, sales trading, sales, structured finance, insurance service and fixed income sales trading. Given below are some of the addresses and the contact numbers for capital market and insurance company offices.

BB&T Capital Markets Headquarters, Richmond 909 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 1-800-552-7757

Richmond 2 South Ninth Street Richmond, VA 23219 804-649-3900

Reston Windsor Group One Discovery Square 12010 Sunset Hills Road Suite 700 Reston, VA 20190 703-471-8500

McLean, VA 8200 Greensboro Drive Suite 825 McLean, VA 22102 703-761-2800

James River Title 2108 Laburnum Ave. Suite 110 Richmond, VA 23227 Office Phone Number: 804-643-0005 Toll-free: 1-800-296-0006 Fax: 804-643-7327

Pioneer Title One Columbus Center, Suite 400 Virginia Beach, VA 23462-6722 Office Phone Number: 757-671-7413 Toll-free: 1-800-526-3329 Fax: 757-671-7540

BB&T Routing Number

Like most of the banks in the US, BB&T Bank also has its domestic wire transfer routing number for different states. The routing/ABA number for Virginia (VA) is 0514-0426-0. Find more information about other BB&T branches routing transit number from their official website or visit at the nearest banking center.

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